One Sword Reigns Supreme

418 The fairy in the sword Chapter 418: Ye Xuan's previous life!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Below the ninth floor, there is another floor.

The tenth floor is extremely gloomy, and there is a biting cold wind around it. Not only that, but in the dark surroundings, there are also some complaints from time to time. At first glance, the hair is horrified.

At this moment, Jian Zizai, who was walking in the front, suddenly waved his right hand, "Quiet!"

The sound fell, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

But soon, a mourning sound came from the side again.

The little monster beast pityed his right side.

Jane waved her hand freely.

After a short while, there was a scream from the right.

Behind Jian Zi, Duguxuan held Ye Xuan tightly. Ye Xuan at this moment was as weak as a child. Duguxuan did not speak, but the tears in her eyes have never stopped since the beginning.

After a while, Jian Zizai stopped suddenly, and there was an altar not far in front of him. In the center of the stage, there was a black chair. Behind the chair, there was a sword with a length of about four feet. The palm is wide, the whole body is dark, and the tip of the sword is surrounded by black light.

Jane Zi walked to the altar. She glanced at the chair and smiled slightly, "Pluto, if you don\'t come out yet, won\'t you give me face?"

After a moment of silence, a voice suddenly sounded, "How dare you!"

The voice fell, and on the chair, a black shadow quietly condensed, and the black shadow was so dark that it could not be seen clearly.

Seeing this dark shadow, the little demon beast\'s face changed drastically, and he quickly backed away, and stopped until there was nowhere to go in the corner.

And its body couldn\'t help shaking.

Pluto whispered: "Jane Zizai, you have disappeared for tens of thousands of years."

Jane smiled happily, "Yes! For tens of thousands of years, it has been a matter of fact."

King Hades said: "Indeed, the Protoss and Hades are gone."

Jane walked slowly onto the altar, "Pluto, I\'m here this time to make an appointment with you!"


Hades said: "I wish to hear the details!"

Jian Zizai pointed her right finger to Ye Xuan not far away, "Let\'s take a look at him!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Pluto\'s eyes fell on Ye Xuan. After a while, he said: "Is this person your disciple?"

Jane shook her head comfortably.

Hades said: "Yes, how can you look at him with your eyes!"

Ye Xuan: "..."


Jian Zi laughed, "Ye Xuan, can you hear me?"

Ye Xuan faced Pluto and just about to speak, Pluto suddenly said, "Although the talent for kendo is good, it\'s nothing more."

Jane smiled freely: "You take a closer look!"

Pluto\'s eyes fell on Ye Xuan again. After a while, he said: "I really can\'t see anything extraordinary!"

Jane smiled comfortably, then looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you not convinced?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Jane smiled freely: "Then tell me what is extraordinary about you!"

Ye Xuan said solemnly, "Is it good to prove yourself?"

Jane nodded freely, "It\'s a great benefit, even changing your own destiny."

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said, "Ms. Jane was once a peerless character. Isn\'t it extraordinary to be seen by Ms. Jane?"

Jane was stunned, and then laughed loudly. After laughing for a while, she looked at Ye Xuan, "I am very satisfied with your answer!"

As she said, she turned to look at Pluto, "Pluto, if you are here, you can see his extraordinary."

Pluto looked at Ye Xuan again, and after a while, he shook his head, "Miss Jane, please!"

Jian Zi smiled slightly, "You and I know that everyone in the world has a definite number, and we call it destiny. Many people don\'t feel fate in their entire lives, and some slightly stronger people can faintly feel it. Destiny, through our own efforts to change destiny, even to a higher level, cut the past life, cut the future..."

Speaking of this, she looked at Ye Xuan again, and this time, she was a profound energy transmission, "His fate is not fixed. Under normal circumstances, he has not yet felt his fate, it is impossible to feel his fate, even more Don\'t talk about reversing fate. Pluto, can you understand what I mean?"

Pluto was silent for a moment, and then said: "You mean, his future has infinite possibilities?"

Jane shook her head freely, "If it\'s just like this, how can I appreciate it?"

Speaking of this, she whispered: "His last life was not easy, not only the last life, but maybe the last life..."

Hades said: "There are not many reincarnated people."

Jian Zi said softly: "What if he is not a member of the four-dimensional world?"

Hearing this, Hades stood up in the chair, "What do you mean!"

Jane smiled freely: "What do you mean?"

The court fell silent.

After a while, Hades said: "What do you mean by bringing him here."

Jane said with a smile: "Invest."


Pluto said solemnly: "To elaborate."

Jane said freely: "To be more specific, I want to ask the Pluto for that soul-suppression sword!"

Pluto shook his head, "No."

Jian Zi nodded slightly and turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Let\'s go!"

Ye Xuan nodded, turned and left.

At this moment, Pluto suddenly said: "Hold on."

Jian Zi stopped, and Ye Xuan stopped with it.

Jane turned around to look at Pluto, and smiled: "What?"

Pluto said solemnly: "Even if I give him this sword, he can\'t control his current situation, and it will even harm himself."

Jane said with a smile: "That\'s his own business, whether you want to give it or not, that\'s your business."

Pluto was silent for a moment, and then said: "Miss Jane, you said that he is not a four-dimensional person, what proof do you have?"

Jian Zi turned her head to look at Ye Xuan, she pointed a little, and between Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows, a small illusory tower suddenly appeared, but quickly disappeared.

And that Pluto was completely stunned!

After a while, Pluto waved his right hand, and the sword behind him floated directly in front of Ye Xuan. In an instant, Ye Xuan felt an extremely gloomy breath.

If the Yin Lingqi sword is very weird, then this sword gives him the feeling that it is even more weird than the Yin Lingqi sword.

No, it\'s not a level at all.

Hard to control!

This was Ye Xuan\'s first thought when he saw this sword!

Ye Xuan faced Jian Zizai, and Jian Zizai said with a smile: "This sword is not only a sword, it is also a law. If you can control it, for you, it is equivalent to opening a new door."

Ye Xuan said solemnly, "Miss Jane, my situation now..."

Jane said freely: "So, are you giving up?"

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, "Miss Jane, can you come to subdue this sword after I get better?"

Jian Zizai walked to Ye Xuan, and she looked at Ye Xuan directly, "Now, you have only two choices, first, choose to have a sword, and second, choose to give up."

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then he stretched out his hand to hold the soul-suppressing sword, but for an instant, he felt as if his soul was about to be taken away.

Ye Xuan\'s face changed drastically, and he quickly let go of his hand, then he looked at Jian Zizai, "I give up!"

give up!

He never said these two words lightly.Because he is afraid that if he often gives up, it will become a habit.

But he knows better that people should do what they can.

If you can do something, then do it as hard as you can. If you can\'t do something, then don\'t do it yourself.

At this moment, he knew very well that with his current situation, he simply couldn\'t subdue this sword.Forcibly conquering is just a dead end.

As Ye Xuan\'s voice fell, the scene suddenly became quiet.

After a while, Ye Xuan whispered: "Did you disappoint Miss Jane?"

Jane smiled freely: "No!"

Ye Xuan was at ease with Jian, puzzled.

Jian Zi smiled slightly, "If you were desperate to subdue this sword...that would be stupid. People, do what you can. Do you know what this means?"

Ye Xuan bowed slightly, "Girl Jane, please enlighten me!"

Jane spread out her right hand and blasted out a punch.


The space in the field instantly shattered, and countless dark matter forces permeated from all around, but soon, as her jade hand released, all the surrounding space instantly returned to normal.

At this time, her jade hand flicked gently, and in an instant, the surrounding space was like rippling waves, with waves of ups and downs, very strange.

After a while, she put her hand away and looked at Ye Xuan, "Did you see it? Hard and soft, two strengths, two completely different effects. Being a human being is also like this, blindly rigid, easy to break, blindly soft , Too soft, only the combination of rigidity and softness, when it should be rigid, and when it should be soft, can you go further. The same is true for kendo. If you try to be soft, there will be unexpected results."

Speaking of this, she looked at Ye Xuan, "As you once said, we will fight if we can\'t fight, and we will run away. Of course, many times, we must fight if we can\'t fight. If people are too smooth, they will only It\'s counterproductive. Of course, you need to grasp the strength."

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said, "Why does Miss Jane help me like this?"

Jane Zizi raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "Because you are handsome, I look pleasing to the eye, can this reason work?"

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly.

Jane smiled freely, and then said: "I used to want to kill you and win the tower, but now, I have changed my mind."

Ye Xuan asked, "Why?"

Jane smiled comfortably, "Don\'t ask everything, for some things, it\'s better to keep a little suspense."

As she said, she pointed to Pluto who was on a chair not far away, "Ye Xuan, Hao Sheng remembers, Pluto is presenting a sword today, this love will be returned in the future, understand?"

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then slightly bowed to the Pluto who was not far away, "Thank you!"

The King of Hades said: "First Mo Xie, whether you can get this sword has to say otherwise."

As he said, he looked at Jane Zizai, "Girl Jane, I\'m leaving."

The voice fell, and the others disappeared out of thin air.

In the field, Jian Zi looked at Ye Xuan, "If you understand, there is still a way ahead. If you don\'t understand, Du Guxuan, "Let\'s go, the next thing is up to him."

Duguxuan hesitated, but Jian Zizai directly took her away, and the little monster beast had already disappeared without a trace.

Only Ye Xuan, a sword, and countless strange existences in the surroundings...


PS: Sorry, it’s been a watch during this period of time.....There is no way to arrange for the old man’s troubles, too many troubles, too many things...Because when the burial will take place, you need to say from Mr. Forget it.... There are also some rural customs, such as those who come to my house, I have to kneel... I have to watch the night every night. During this time, I have been really busy, I have never been so busy.Of course, no matter how busy I am, I have no complaints. I don\'t want to do anything else, so I want to make arrangements for my father\'s affairs.

Once the matter is over, I will resume the update, thank you for your tolerance, thank you!!