One Sword Reigns Supreme

419 Sword Immortal Chapter 419: Practice in Adversity!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Ye Xuan stood quietly, and stood for three full hours after such a stand.


From the beginning to the present, he has been thinking quietly.

Thinking about the past, thinking about the present, thinking about the future.


He started to learn swords at the age of eighteen, and the one who taught him swords was a woman in a plain skirt, a peerless and powerful man who was so powerful and boundless.The cultivator was also the invincible sword body given to him by the woman in the plain skirt.

The woman in the plain skirt is his guide!

It can be said that his starting point is very high, very very high.

Not only that, the woman in the plain skirt also gave him a clear path to kendo so that he would not lose his way in the way of kendo.



Along the way, the core of his kendo can be said to be these two points.

However, ask yourself, do you really understand kendo?

Is Kendo really that simple?

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan furrowed his brows deeply, and after about three hours passed, his brows gradually unfolded...

At this moment, he wants to understand one thing!

Kendo Kendo!

For a long time, the way he walked on his own was the kendo paved for him by women in plain skirts.This road is easy to walk, but this is not his own way.

To put it simply, he himself has never really gone out of his own way!

Thinking of this, a smile gradually appeared on Ye Xuan\'s face...

Outside of Infernal Purgatory, Jian Zi put her hands behind her back, looking up at the stars.

Not far from her, there was Du Guxuan and the little monster beast lying prone.

After an unknown period of time, Jian Zizai suddenly chuckled, "This world is no longer the world I know."

Duguxuan looked at Jian Zizai, and said softly, "The strength of the predecessors is that there are few opponents in this world, right?"

Jane shook her head freely, "I used to think so, but now, I never think so again."

Duguxuan wondered, "Why?"

Jane Zizai gently pulled both hands, and then swiped to draw a circle, "The universe, the universe we are now in, is called four-dimensional, and in this vast four-dimensional universe, there is infinitely large. As far as I know, among four-dimensional , There are countless star regions, and these star regions are also divided into sizes, namely, first-level civilization, second-level civilization, and third-level civilization. This Weiyang star area should belong to the third-level civilization. No, it can only be barely counted as three. Level civilization."

Dugu Xuan was stunned, then said: "The first level civilization is the largest?"

Jane freely nodded and said softly: "Above, there are super civilizations, special civilizations, and..."

Speaking of this, she shook her head, "It\'s useless. Once, how powerful the Protoss was, and the heavens and all realms were surrendered... and the former Hades, the peerless Hades, used her own power to create Underworld, build reincarnation, collect the soul of all things and all souls in the world... These abilities are equivalent to the legendary creators. Both races are first-class civilizations, but how? ....."

Speaking of this, she looked up at the depths of the starry sky, "In addition, there is the special civilization of the restricted area of ​​life back then...No one can enter this restricted area, however, the restricted area of ​​life is now also Has disappeared in the long river of history."

As she said, she shook her head and smiled, "There is also the ancient tribe belonging to the legend. It is said that the source of our 4D martial arts civilization was created by this tribe... and if it is really created by this tribe, then this tribe has gone Where? Was it destroyed? Or went to the legendary five dimensions?"

After speaking, she looked up again into the starry sky, with a trace of confusion in her eyes.

Aside, Du Guxuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "Can\'t the strength of the predecessors go to the legendary five dimensions?"

I was looking back, and smiled: "I want to go, but unfortunately, I was blocked by the tower. And if it weren\'t for the appearance of those three people, I would never be able to get out of the tower forever."

Duguxuan frowned slightly, "Three?"

He nodded and said softly: "Three very powerful guys...the vast four-dimensional universe, there are always people who are so powerful that they are unreasonable."

Duguxuan suddenly asked, "Senior, what exactly is that tower?"

Jane was silent for a moment, and then said: "I don\'t know, but it is certain that it is a five-dimensional thing!"

Five dimensions!

Dugu Xuan said solemnly: "There are five dimensions, does that mean there are six, seven, eight, and nine dimensions?"

Jane smiled comfortably, and then said: "An ant can only walk on the ground forever. It cannot touch the ocean, the starry sky, or the universe... In the vast universe, we Isn\'t a human being an ant?"

Speaking of this, she paused slightly, and said: "Humans are actually very small."


Tenth floor of Infernal Purgatory.

Ye Xuan was still standing quietly.

Good and evil!

At this moment, he thought of a sentence once said by a woman in a skirt,\'Everything in the world has positives and negatives, yin and yang, good and evil...\'.

And Jane Zizai just said that there is rigidity and softness...

Your sword has always been rigid. Since it can be rigid, why not be flexible?

I have always wanted to move forward...I can enter, so why not retreat?


Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly felt a little enlightened. He sat down, and soon, two completely different sword intents appeared around him...

And these sword intents began to weaken and become weaker and weaker... Soon, the sword intent disappeared. Not only that, but his breath also began to violently retreat, and in a short while, he changed from Despair He became the imperial realm, and then became ten thousand magic... Within a short while, he had changed from the air-breaking realm to the qi change realm!

Breaking the air realm, imperial law, ten thousand faculties, tongyou, supernatural harmony, volley, imperial Qi, Qi change...

In a short period of time, he fell from the Po Kong Realm to the Qi Transformation Realm, falling into a full eight realms!

Now he is a change of Qi!

Of course, although the realm has fallen, the experience and ability of each realm has not disappeared.

However, the sword intent is truly dissipated!

And his purpose is to cultivate!

Whether it is kendo or realm cultivation, he has to go through it again.

This time, he wants to go by himself!

Not only have to walk by yourself, but also walk steadily!

The most terrifying thing for a person is not failure, but the fear is that there is no courage to start all over again after failure!

The so-called qi change is the use of the qi in the body to achieve qualitative change, beyond the power of the flesh...

The so-called imperial qi state is the use of qi to achieve the power of imperial objects...

The so-called volley is the use of Qi to achieve the ability to fly in the air...

The so-called fusion of gods means contacting the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, allowing the body and spirit to merge...


The so-called breaking through the air is to break through the space and obtain dark matter energy...

An hour later, Ye Xuan discovered to his horror that he hadn\'t reached the extreme in every realm, just like the Qi change state. Before he fully grasped the Qi, he had already been promoted to the Imperial Qi state... ...It can be said that he has a little knowledge of every realm, and has not really understood it.

Not only that, but also extremely dependent on foreign objects!

He now understands Pluto and why he is just so ordinary.


Because he has gone so far now, too much water!

Practicing a journey is like building a building. The better the foundation, the higher the building and the more stable it can be!

Of course, compared to ordinary people, he is naturally a genius, but in the face of these peerless powers, he can\'t make it to the table!

At this moment, he also somewhat understood the meaning of what he was saying to him before.

People, many times not only have to look forward, but also look back, and there may be unexpected gains.People should know not only their own strengths, but also their shortcomings!

The same is true for spiritual practice!

In the tenth level, Ye Xuan\'s aura began to gradually become stronger and stronger...About half an hour later, his aura had returned to the air-breaking aura.

But after a while, this powerful breath began to weaken again...

In this way, Ye Xuan started over again and again.

Time passed bit by bit.

Outside the Infernal Purgatory, sitting on top of the palace, the little monster beast crouched in front of her, constantly rubbing her feet.


This fierce beast that once belonged to the Protoss is now docile like a puppy.

And Duguxuan, who was almost beside him, was full of worries, because Ye Xuan had been there for five days!

Jian Zi said suddenly: "Don\'t worry! He hasn\'t come out yet, it proves that he has realized it."

Du Guxuan looked at him, and the latter laughed: "His starting point is too high, because his guide is too strong. Although this is good, it also has infinite disadvantages. If he can realize this, he will get a new life. ."

Du Guxuan said softly: "What if he can\'t realize it?"

He just smiled slightly, "It\'s nothing, it\'s just that I was blinded by the guidance of the person."

Speaking of this, she suddenly turned her head and looked to the right. In the depths of the starry sky on the right, a figure was approaching here.

I have found the other party, but the other party has not found it.

She was about to make a move. Suddenly, she lowered her head and looked down at Infernal Purgatory. After a while, the corner of her mouth was slightly lifted, "Some meaning..."

In the tenth floor.

Ye Xuan at the moment is a Qi change state, however, his breath when his Qi change state is even stronger than the aura when he breaks the air state!

Eat thoroughly!

Because at this moment, he has already thoroughly eaten the state of Qi Transformation. Not only that, his sword speed at this moment is at least several times faster than before!

But Ye Xuan knew that this was far from enough!

Because he can feel that he himself has not reached the limit of the Qi Change Realm!


What he pursues now is the limit!

Don\'t give up until the limit!

Anything, even if it is small and small, if it reaches the limit, it is no small matter.

At this moment, Ye Xuan, he has found his own way of cultivation...


Practice in adversity!


PS: Thanks to the readers who are still voting for me during this period of time... I will update, and you will return my votes... Thanks, thank you very much!

Live up to your family and readers!