One Sword Reigns Supreme

2848 Chapter 2833: Send you a wife!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Among the white light, a vain is quietly condensed!

Seeing this scene, the road of Daowei, etc., is ecstatic!

Avenue pen owner!

When they face the white dress, they are desperate!

Because they already know how to die, it is killed by this woman in front of him!

A person who can kill a sword, it is by no means they can resist!

Therefore, they directly use the strongest bottom card!

The reason why the road is not used is because it is too late!

Under the gaze of everyone, the vain gradually condensed.

Soon, a man appeared in everyone\'s eyes!

Seeing this man, the strong people in the fields, they immediately went down!

Pray, loudly: "Really come!"

Ye Xuan looked at the owner of the avenue, and the heart is also a little confused. This mysterious guy actually appeared!

At this time, the small tower in the hunter of the hunter suddenly said: "Small pen, your master appears!"

Avenue pen: ".

After the avenue owner appeared, his eyes fell directly on Ye Xuan!

When I saw Ye Xuan, he frowned and wrinkled, and after the next moment, he directly appeared in front of Ye Xuan three!

The white skirt is young, I saw a big road owner and didn\'t talk.

The owner of the avenue looks at Ye Xuan, "I met again!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

Just I have never thought of this way!

The avenue pen owner looked at the prayer, "Talk about the matter before the consequences!

Praying, hesitating, then said: "You don\'t know?"

The owner of the avenue said: "I am a gods? I know anything?"

I looked at the owner of the avenue. "You won\'t be a fake?"

When the head of the avenue is suddenly black, "I don\'t have time to manage these sesame little things!

I have said that the predecessor of things will be said over again!

The owner of the avenue looks to the cliff in the distance, and the cliff face is instantly pale!

The avenue pen owner whispered, "Not not reported, it is not arrived!

When Dafford was done, it was squatted and trembled: "The owner.

The owner of the avenue shook his head, "I can\'t save you!

Wen said that Dao cliff is frightened to the extreme!

The avenue owner suddenly pointed to the pray, "from this moment, she is the Lord of the left world!

The owner of the door!

Wrecked, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, "no!

The avenue pen owner looks to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuanzheng color: "The left world is now attributed to me!

The head of the avenue is browed, "When will you manage it?"

Ye Xuan said: "Just just!

The owner of the avenue looked at Ye Xuan, "You don\'t want to be!"

Ye Xuan said: "Young, you talk to him!"

The white dress is blinking, then looks to the owner of the avenue, "" first? "

The owner of the avenue is full of black lines. "We are all cultural people, what do we do? Still reasoning!

Ye Xuan pulled the sleeve of the blue child, "Is it not a body?"

White skirts are nodded.

Not a body!

I heard the words, Ye Xuantun came to the bottom, "the left world is now mine!

You still go back!

The avenue pen owner looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Do you want to grab it?"

Ye Xuan said: "This is what you said!"

Avenue pen owner: ".

The white skirt woman looked at the owner of the avenue, "Your body is not in this world!

The avenue pen owner looked at the white dress woman, smiled: "You won\'t really try to kill me?"

The white dress woman shook her head, "I can\'t kill you!

The avenue owner laughed, then looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you really grab?"

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, at this time, the pray on the side suddenly said: "How, Ye Gongzi can open the book, the Taoist and the Western College compete, of course, is a conscience competition, final, who is the left world, who is the Lord Left world!

The owner of the avenue is silent.

After the Xuan Xuan silently, he said: "Yes!

The avenue pen owner looked at the Ye Xuan, then said: "You have a hair, you are waiting for you!"

You will be cleaned up sooner or later!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "In fact, I think we can talk!"

why? Because our intent is the same!

It\'s all hoping to build a good order!

Since we have a common goal, why not cooperate? "


The master of the avenue is slightly frown!

Now that it is hard, it is really not the time!

Ye Xuan also said: "I really feel that we can cooperate, jointly manage the universe!

He didn\'t think about the master of death.

The avenue owner looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "How do you want to cooperate?"

Ye Xuan said: "I think you are very busy, busy, there is no time to manage each universe, so how, you will give me the authority, I will help manage, if the tube is not good, you will take back, how?"

The avenue pen owner stared at Ye Xuan, "Your called cooperation? Are you called an empty gloves White Wolf?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why don\'t you try it? Anyway, we haven\'t killed the other party now, right? chant!

I suddenly said: "I think it can!"

Said, she looked at the owner of the avenue, "I can try it, otherwise, there are many places where the doors is too corrupt!

The owner of the avenue looks at Ye Xuan, "Yes!

However, in the way, there is no way to watch the school, but you can manage the door for me.

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue owner laughed: "How, I am very much?"

Ye Xuan looked at the owner of the avenue. "If I let you kill you, can you kill?"

The avenue owner laughed: "I am afraid!"

Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

The avenue owner laughed: "Do you know why?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

The avenue pen man said: "Not because of her, but because you!

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, "I?"

The owner of the avenue laughed: "Yes!

Now you, you can\'t jump out some circles, will be restricted, if I die, you will not exist!

Ye Xuan said: "If I die, will you accompany?"

The avenue pen owner brows slightly, "When do you have this idea?"

Ye Xi Xiao said: "I will ask!"

The leader of the avenue laughed: "Do you want to try?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Forget it!

Return to the topic!

You hand to the door to me, I promise you, where there is a door, I can temporarily collect the college!

The master of the avenue nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuanjiao is spread, "Give me a letter, a letter that can let all the people to sue, remember, all the doors, not a certain place!

The avenue owner looked at the Ye Xuan, then the palm was booted, and an ancient screen slowly floated in front of Ye Xuan!


On the one side, praying in the eyes and shocked in the eyes.

Ye Xuan glanced at the printed print, then said: "What is this?"

The main man said: "Use your sword to cut the cut!

I heard the words, Ye Xuan\'s brow wrinkled, he still did it, directly using Qing Xuanjun, just a cut.


The printed stuns are trembled, and a road suddenly swayed out, and the hard students will go out!

After stopping, Ye Xuan stunned, because he found that this printer did not lose!

Qing Xuan Jian can\'t hurt? The avenue pen man said: "This printed, there is a special function, that is, it is possible to suppress the practice of cultivating my creation, and people who repair me to create exercises will be a common person by this printing. People, basically practice my creation!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I used to cultivate your work in your creation!

The main man said: "Honestly, it does not suppress you, there is no meaning!"

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

The owner of the avenue said: "It is your sister, what is your relationship with you?"

Ye Xuan face suddenly black.

The avenue pen owner continued to say: "This person is printed by the people of the Tiansheng Ke, and this is printed with my breath. If you don\'t follow your life, then his life is not necessary to stay. !

Ye Xuan mini nodded, then said: "In addition to the print, can you give me something else?

The avenue owner stared at Ye Xuan, "I will give you a hammer, or?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Don\'t be so small!

You are so much, I will help you manage, how is it? How much do you give some benefits!

The owner of the avenue shook his head, "Although you are very shameful, there is a limit, and you are a little bit.

I hope that your Yang family will change, don\'t generate your father and son, don\'t have face, or.

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "said that my son is the next generation of people, is it true?"

The avenue owner looked at the Ye Xuan. "Do you think I will tell you?"

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "The avenue pen owner, the people who are destiny are you, say, you don\'t like our father and son, if you want to choose my son to do something people?"

The owner of the avenue said: "Is there a relationship with you?"

Ye Xuan silence.

It seems that there is no way to chat!

This guy is very big for yourself!

Ye Xuan said: "Don\'t talk about these unhappy!"

Give me some money again, then roll.

Let\'s go!

The avenue pen owner looked at the white dress, honestly said, if not this woman is here, he will not be able to do itself!

Ye Xuan also said: "Don\'t give money, give something else, I know, you have a lot of baby.

After the avenue pen owner is silent, suddenly the palm is open, and a blood red line suddenly floated to the Ye Xuan, "this gives you!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "What is this?"

Said, he just held, and next moment, there was no eyebrow between the blood red line, and then disappeared!

Ye Xuan stunned!

The owner of the avenue said: "Marriage line, send you a wife, um? What do you do this? It is what you said, just give anything!

Ye Xuan: ".
