One Sword Reigns Supreme

2847 Chapter 288: Avenue Pen Master!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


Have to say, Ye Xuan is anxious to be in the moment!

If there is no one, then two can be single-handed!

Have you played? It is definitely it!

One-on-one is OK, two all, that is equal to finding!

For a time, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became awkward!

The Lord looked at the two. Is these two guys frightened themselves? Thinking of this, the main heart of the Taoist dispelling suddenly disappeared, he glanced at the Ye Xuan, "I have seen the bragging, but you have a blow to blow, or see it!

Have to say, you are brave!

Ye Xuan: ".

Praying to suddenly said: "The Lord, you only say what you let him talk to Dao cliffs.

I think we can talk again!

The main voice: "Sorry, I don\'t want to give you this opportunity now!"

Pray, seriously: "Dao Cliffs have violated the order and road law!

The Lord whispered, "Prayer, you are a smart person!

Since it is a smart person, why do you want to say this kind of childish? "

Pray, look at the Lord, don\'t talk.

The main road: "The things do it in Daewei, it really violates the order, but he is a Tianfa, which is the medium-sized pillar of our door. I can kill him because he made a little mistake."

Pray, "He massacped a parade!

The Lord looks at the pray, "What is it? As long as he is loyal to me, then I will not move him!

Praying soon, "Dao Wang, do you know? Before this, I also hope that I am wrong!

I hope there is a miracle!

But the facts prove that I have this idea really stupid!

Your place will be buried to the entire left world!

Said, she suddenly stood up and whispered: "Ye Gongzi, you want to see the sword!"

Your call, you are already here!

Ye Xuan stunned!

It\'s already here? Pray, look up and look at a corner of the distance, "Girl!

Ye Xuan turned his head, not far away, there is a woman in a white dress!

See the woman, the main face is instantly changed!

Because he didn\'t find when to stand at the temple!

Ye Xuan is stunning!

This white dress, he looked very familiar, very fast, he remembered!

It\'s too like a small seven!

But there is another difference!

The white skirt woman was slowly walked to Ye Xuan, she looked at the pray, smiled slightly, "the girl found me for a long time!

Pray, laugh: "When you laugh!"

The white dress laughed, then looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan hesitated, then: "I should call you Xiaoqi, or youth!

White dress woman said: "Qingren!


Ye Xuan blinked, "Are you a white dress?"

The white dress is nodded and laughs: "Yes!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "When did it come?"

White dress woman said: "She is gone!"

Ye Xuan stunned!

Ye Qingqing is behind!

The white dress suddenly turned around to look at the distance, "I don\'t like killing, so can you commit suicide?"

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan face suddenly black!

You leave this!

You don\'t like to kill, let people commit suicide? The Lord stared at the white dress, and his eyes were very cold. He felt that the other party was insulted his IQ!

Without any nonsense, the main hand suddenly spread, in an instant, the scene in the field, the next moment, everyone has appeared in a unknown starry sky.

The main hand is slowly smoked, and a horrible force gathered from his palm, and at this time, the white dress woman suddenly came out!


There is no sign, and the main eyebrows are directly worn by a sword!


The main petrochemical is in place!

A face!

I watched a white dress in a white dress under the pray, how is this Ye Xuan\'s sister?

The white dress woman looked at the main, "I don\'t like fight, but don\'t have a few people to play me, as for you.

I said that if you are not very nice, you are weak.

Dao Lord: ".

The white dress is turned to the Ye Xuan face, laughing: "We change place?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

The white dress is nod, then directly with Ye Xuan disappeared in the original place.

In the field, I looked at the heart of the flesh and the soul gradually disappeared. "Regret?"

The Lord is somewhat awkward, "the woman.

Pray, "Is it good?"

The main looks to the prayer, "she is not a heaven!

Pray, laugh: "She is not in the realm!"

After the main silence of the road, he said: "Is the door finished?"

I nodded, "The door of the left world should be ignorant!

The main road: "those people in the door are innocent!

Pray, shook your head, "no innocent!

After that, she turned and left.

After the body, the Lord gradually dissipates.


Dow City.

The white skirt woman took Ye Xuan slowly walked on the street, and her face with a faint smile, different from Ye Qingqing, her feeling is amiable, there is no sense of distance!

Ye Qingqing gives a feeling that what is it? See you again!

Ye Xuan said: "Small seven.

The white dress is laughing: "My life!"

Now, her memories have been integrated with me!

I am her, she is me!

Ye Xuan is slightly nod, no more.

The white dress laughed: "I want to come to you early, but because some things have been delayed!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am very happy to see you!"

Several young men, he finally saw it!

The white dress woman looked at Ye Xuan, "I have waited for this day, I have been waiting for many years!

Ye Xuan silence.

The white skirt woman suddenly smiled: "I have to say, I thank her!" I thank her!

Several of us is fighting her, but have to say that only she is thinking about you.

If there is no her, we should have you can\'t see you again!

Ye Xuan knows that this young man is saying the vegetarian skirt.

The strongest life!

The white dress is also said: "Brother, I heard that you like money, is it?"

Ye Xuan: ".

The white dress laughed: "I will take you to a place, there are many money!"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Good!

White skirt woman: "Let\'s eat something first!

Said, she pulled Ye Xuan to sit in front of a face, she looked at the panel, "two bowls!

The boss looked at the white dress woman, and suddenly there was some god!

Old days, he has never seen such a beautiful woman!

Have to say, the white dress is very beautiful, and her beauty is very soft, giving people very close feelings.

In the field, many people\'s eyes are on the white dress.

For these eyes, the white dress is not angry.

See this scene, Ye Xi Xin sighed, this green temper is really good, if it is Ye Qingqing, the field is afraid to have blood into the river!

Soon, the two bowls of face came up.

The white dress is looking at Ye Xuan, "Brother, you eat!

Ye Xuan smiled and then opened it directly.

The white dress is not eaten, she looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What do you do?"

The white dress is whisper: "These years, you have suffered!"

Tower: ".

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "In addition to bitter, the rest of the time, I am not particularly suffering!

The white dress is laughing; "you will not suffer again later!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

At this moment, a young man dressed in a robe came over, and the Jacua man looked at the white dress woman, smiled: "This girl is so beautiful!"

The white skirt woman looked at the young man, the young man smiled again: "When I am Huang Jin, I want to know the girl!"

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "She doesn\'t want to know you!"

Wen Yan, Huang Jin looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "I just listened to this girl called your brother!"

This brother, can I do your brother? "

Ye Xuan looked at Huang Jin, "Do you think you are very handsome?"

Huang Bi has been incense, then laughed: "In this city, my yellow family\'s industry is halfway!"

Even if you are a door, you have to give me a three-point side!

During speaking, six black olders suddenly appeared around.

Seeing, everyone has retired!

Huang Jin looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Your mousse, done!

Ye Xuan also refers to a cut.


In an instant, the six black robes suddenly flew out!

Direct spike!

Seeing this scene, Huang Jin face moment became pale, "you.

Ye Xuan glanced at the Huang Jin, "disturbing others to eat, it is really impolite!

After finishing, he wandered, Huang Jin flew out, and in the process of flying out, the body inch was blown!

The white dress is laughing: "Brother, your strength is a bit weak!"

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

White skirt woman said: "Do you want to become strong?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Of course!

The white dress laughed: "Your belief is to fold the law, it is OK, but your soul sword skill is weak, you can strengthen!

Ye Xuan brows, "soul sword skills?"

White skirt woman nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan said: "How to learn?"

The white dress laughed: "I teach you!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

At this time, I walked over, she sat in front of the brothers and sisters, and then looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you want to take a dection?"

Ye Xuan nod, "can!

Pray, "There are three people to kill, the cliff and the two care, solve these three people, you can take the door smoothly!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, the white dress is suddenly said: "Brother, do you need help?"

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Need!

The white skirt woman refers to a heart, she suddenly rushed to the sky, the next moment, the city suddenly broke out three horrible breath!

It is the cliff three!

The three people are the strongest in the entire town, while the white skirt is targeting the strongest three people in the city!

In the air, the cliff looked at the white skirts in the distance in the distance, "arguing the ancestors!


Suddenly, in the city, a horrible white light rushed.


Ye Xiu Xiu, then looked at the pray, he hesitated, then: "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuan looked at the white light column, whispered; "the avenue pen owner.

Who will give him courage? Not afraid of me to kill him? "

Pray, look at Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.
