One Sword Reigns Supreme

2845 Chapter 2829: Don't talk about Wu De!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Praying, looking at everyone, full face, "What do you do? I didn\'t betray the road, I said, just one of them!

As for doing, you can\'t see Ye Gongzi!

Several people:".

Ye Xuan listened to speechless!

Oh shit!

This woman knows the plot!

At this time, I prayed to Ye Xuan, "Are you helping?"

Ye Xuan silence.

Is it still helping? Praying and laughing: "This can be unpacked in the world, I think you can help!"

Ye Xuan looks to the pray, "How do you say?"

Pray, "Although this is a tube, how do you? Are you a new order? What happened to the pipeline? And, this is not an idle thing, this is not flat!

What is your people\'s swords used to do? It is definitely used to be unpacked!

Since it is not seen, since it has been seen, if you don\'t care, are you doing? "

Ye Xuan smiled: "You are the door!"

Pray, "I am the door!"

However, I am chasing the owner of the avenue, and the way to do now is in violation of the owner of the Avenue, so what I am doing, how can I say a betrayal? Not only don\'t betray, I still maintain justice!

If the avenue owner is in place, he will not punish me. On the contrary, he will reward me, do you believe it? "

Ye Xuan silence.

This mother is not a good person!

Praying, there is also a way: "Zuojie, Ground University of Expo, people, people, if you can incorporate this order into the map of Xuan universe, have a huge benefit of your college!

Moreover, your own place is also in the skyline, legal and reasonable!

Furthermore, you are not going to have a deck. Do you want to give the Dow? If the Dao owner is punished, the road is still saved, so, the road can live.

If he does not punish, then prove that the left door has no medicine, destroying, but it is the sky!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "With you this analysis, I found it, it is true!

Said, he looked at the pray, "I am very curious, if I don\'t care?"

Pray, silence.

Ye Xuan smiled: "There is also a result I don\'t care?"

Pray, "If you don\'t care, you will slowly find that your people\'s sword will have a big problem!

Ye Xuan brows, "What do you mean?"

Praying and laughing: "Now you, there is a contradictory psychology, first point, you don\'t think things, high height hang, others hurt you, so you have no reason to deal!"

Second, you are a new order building, whether you feel not very good!

It can be said that one is Ye Xuan, and the other is the sword owner of the world, and the two will have contradictions!

Ye Xuan silence.

Praying under the Hall, "Look at yourself, you want to be yourself, still want to be a sword owner!

If the former, your sword will change, for example, it will become like your father, it is another extreme, and it is also in the heart!

If you want to be a sword owner, then another direction!

Ye Xuan is still silent.

Praying slightly smile, "In fact, I am personal suggestion is tube!

Ye Xuan looks to the pray, prayed to the Hall: "Ye Gongzi, do you know what you are the most missing?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Pray, look down on Ye Xuan, "Domineering!

Ye Xuan stunned.

Looking at Ye Xuan, watching Ye Xuan, "You lack a sword, the domineering!"

You are the dean of Xuan Institute, you have to build a new order, but you don\'t have the domineering that pushing all old order to rebuild the new order!

Ye Xuan silence.

Praying and said: "You call the world sword owner, and you also have to build a new order, if so, don\'t work, why do you know why people are not shameful? Is it that Do it.

Son, people who have to make a fortune!

Idle? Do not!

Under the sword of the world, no idle!

Do you dare to do things? Why don\'t you dare to manage? This is not a prospective heart, but your world of swords!

I am a sword owner, I will manage, you don\'t accept it, then hit you!

overbearing? Do you have a sister? Do you not overbear? People who do bad things, what do you tell him? A sword is over!

The small tower suddenly said: "In the reason!

The little pen also said: "Yes!

Ye Xuan double eyes slowly.

Have to say, there is a little right, that is, he is very contradictory!

Two contradictions in Ye Xuan and the Sword of Human Sword!

But I have to say that I am very right.

I have encountered uncomfortable things, why? Why don\'t you care? busy body? Laozi is to take a lot of things!

He is not Ye Xuan, he is a sword owner of the world, such as the prayer, the future of the whole universe must respect the human order, he doesn\'t care, who is tube? I watched Ye Xuan and didn\'t speak.

In fact, she also has a selfishness.

Dao door, she also can\'t see it, but she has no ability to change!

She is very clear, the Lord will never punish the cliff, the opposite, will also clean up all people!

And this ability, only Ye Xuan!

But she saw that the world\'s sword owner is not ready to be a sword owner, now he, selfishness is very heavy, so she decided to make a speech!

Under the sword in the world, selfless!

If there is no domineering, how to finalize the whole universe? At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Lu Xinghe, "Tianyuanzong, I managed!

After the silence of Lu Xinghe, he said: "My Tianyuanzong has a hundred and thirteen people, and this hundreds of thousands of people have been tuned, I thank you for them!

Regardless of the incumbent, we all thank you for seeking a fair for us!

To be, he said, he said: "All the financial finances of Tianyuan Zong, are all taken away, so I don\'t have anything to give you!

Ye Xuan smiled: "No!

After that, he looked at the pray, "We go to the left!"

I nod to pray, "Good!

Ye Xuan also looked at Lu Xing River, "I want to establish a scholarous case in this day!

Lu Xinghe smiled: "Welcome!

Ye Xuan nod, then look at the old man, "Remember your words, go to contact the head of the mysterious school!"

Help him build a view of Xuanxin here!

The old man looked at the Ye Xuan, nod, "Good!

Ye Xuan looks to the pray, "Let\'s go!

The two leave!

Originally, Lu Xinghe looked at Ye Xuan and pray for the disappearance in the distance, whispered: "I am waiting for your news!

On the other side, the old man hesitated, then asked, "Lu Zong, are you still not dead?"

Lu Xinghe looked at the old man, "You can live now, it is a miracle!

Old man: ".

Lu Xinghe also said: "People are stupid!

Have help the Ye Gongzi to establish an entry, he is a new order building, you help him, there is a big machine that you can\'t imagine in the future!

The old man hesitated, then said: "I feel that he wants to find a free hardship.

Lu Xinghe was silent.


Not long after, Ye Xuan and Prayer came to the universe of the left world!

Ye Xuan looked at the space barriers in front of him, some curiosity, "This universe wall barrier is special!

This endless cosmic wall bar is like water waves, and the knowledge can not penetrate, and it is very strong!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Is this the avenue owner set?"

I nod to pray, "Yes!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why set this universe wall bar?"

Pray, smiled and laughed: "Because if this universe is not set, the people on the left world will bully the universe of the universe!

Wen said, Ye Xuanlun understood!

Obviously, the left world of martial arts civilization is far higher than this!

Ye Xuan said: "Can the people of the door come casually?"

I nod to pray, "people can come out, but not will come out!

This day, there is a treasure that year, it really hurts yourself!


Ye Xuanmi nodded, then said: "There is a curious, you don\'t seem to be too big for the door!

Pray, laugh: "Why do you say this?"

Ye Xuan looked at the pray, "You let me go to the door!

Pray, smile, "I am loyal to the owner of the avenue!"

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "Let\'s go in!"

I nodded, I walked to the universe\'s barrier, her palm became open, a mysterious mark appeared in her palm, very fast, the printing scattered a mysterious force, with this strength, the universe The barrier is slowly separated toward both sides!

Pray, look at Ye Xuan, smiled: "Let\'s go in!" Let\'s go in!

After finishing, the two walked toward the left world!

On the road, I suddenly swayed: "Ye Gongzi, the door has five unioneers, one is the main, no doubt, he is the strongest in the door, the second is the left and right guards, these two people only listen The life of the road, the strength is already the peak of the Tianfa!

Then there is the cliff, this person is also very powerful, and it is also the law enforcement firm of Dao, in the Taoist, his power, only the main mark!

Ye Xuan looks to the pray, "Is there five?"

Pray, laugh: "There is another one is me!

Ye Xuan said: "Don\'t you say that you can only ask half a day?"

Praying, "Dao door, there are only four days of law!

Ye Xuan speechless.

Praying and said: "They didn\'t dare to target me, I was brought to the door, but you.

They don\'t know you, and they will not care about you, so you have to prepare your psychological!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "What is the mental preparation?"

Looking at Ye Xuan under the pray, "Being the psychological preparation!

Ye Xuan smiled, "They only need to have a group, I will let them know what is desperate!

No one can live after I don\'t talk about Wu De, there is absolutely no!

I looked at Ye Xuan, I said: "How is it not to talk about?"

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "you will know when you come!

Praying, shocking, very fast, the two disappeared in the distance!

Shortly after the two disappeared, a woman in a white dress was in a white dress appeared in the field.

The woman looked at the back of Ye Xuan in the distance.
