One Sword Reigns Supreme

2844 Chapter 288: Remember me!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I heard the old man, Ye Xuanlun was speechless.

However, more is also pleased with your pleasure!

Because the people who see on the school have been extended here.

The old man did not govern the boy, but turned to look at the black armor, and the black armor woman looked at him like watching my idiot. He also took a pity in his eyes!

This look, let the old people are hurt!

The old man turned to look at Ye Xuan and pray, soon, he frowned!

Because these two are very calm!

At this moment, the old man rose a disturbance.

I suddenly asked under the pray, "What is the place where Tianyuan Ruins?"

The old man looked at the pray, didn\'t talk!

Ye Xuan smiled, "Let\'s go to the left!


When I heard Ye Xuan, the old man and the woman\'s face were all changing!

The old man is incredibly looking at Ye Xuan, "Do you want to go to the left?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Is there any problem?"

The old man Shen Sheng said: "The left world has a strong space barrier, how can you have to go!

Ye Xuan turned his head to pray, prayed slightly, "it is true!

But it doesn\'t matter, I have a pass!

At this moment, the Woman suddenly shocked: "You are the left door!

I looked at the Woman in the Hall, I am a little surprised. "Do you know the left door?"

The Wat A woman has deeply looked at the treasure, and there is a slap in the eyes!

The old man suddenly asked, "Is the left door be very powerful?"

Pray, laugh: "Do you think?"

The old man hesitated, then said: "Just a thing, just a misunderstanding!

At this moment, he finally found that these two people are not simple!

This may be two big!

Pray, laugh, then look to Ye Xuan, "Kill?"

Wen said, the old face is instantly changed.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You have to kill, ask me what I do?"

I word into the eyes, "I don\'t have to fight for your opinion!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "He is harmful to the heart, so, let\'s kill!

I don\'t do it!

Ye Xuan looked at a bit of panic, "Is this old head to say?"

Pray, "He has two destiny, first, die here, second, the future here help the construction of Xuanxuan construction, becoming a place!

Wrecked, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, "Help View Xuanchuan Construction?"

I nod to pray, "Yes!

At this time, the old man is busy; "I am willing to help the Xuanxuan construction!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What do I believe in you?"

The old trembling said: "I.

Ye Xuan suddenly was chopped on the right.


The whole star field is instantly one minute!

Seeing this scene, the old man is surprised by the woman.

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, "Do you know who I am?"

The old man hesitated, then said: "You are the leaf dean?"

Ye Xuan nod, "smart!

The old man looked at the Ye Xuan, did not talk!

But in the eyes, there is more taboo!

Rumor, this Ye\'s president is a lot!

Even the kind of parents dare to kill!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Your life will stay, wait for me to come back this place, if you don\'t help me build an alias, I will take you life!

The old man nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan said: "What is the treasure of Tianyuan Rethers?"

The old man hesitated and then said: "Yes!

And, a lot!

a lot of!

Ye Xuan nod, "take us to see!

The old man suddenly hesitated, "Ye Dean, Tianyuan Ruins are very dangerous!

Ye Xuan\'s brow, "I have just shown the performance of the sword, I am not enough to let you understand that I am a peerless master?"

Old man: ".

Pray, laugh: "Take us!

Although the old man does not want, but still nod, but very fast, he also looked at the black armor!

The black A woman looked at the two people, then said: "I have no opinion!

So, several people went to Tianyuan Ruins.

When coming to Tianyuan\'s remains, Ye Xuan finally understood why it was named Tianyuan!

The Tianyuan Rush is in the starry sky, is a huge starry abyss, can\'t see it, very seepage!

The old man Shen said: "In this day, there is a very very strong Zongmen, Tianyuanzong!

This parava is the super hegemony of the Tianyuan Star Field. However, I don\'t know why, the whole is destroyed!

And, I don\'t know if it is tradition!

In these years, people in Tianyuan Star are looking for this parade!

Ye Xuan looked at the bottom of the abyss, then turned to look at the pray, prayed to laugh: "This world, can threaten Ye Gongzi, less!

It can be said that Ye Gongzi can walk through!

Ye Xuan shook his head, I believe in you!

This woman will give him a soul soup, but what she said is there is no problem!

Ye Xuan said: "Go in!"

After finishing, he walked directly to the abyss!

Pray, followed by it!

The old man is a little hesitant, but the black A woman has no hesitation, directly following the past.

Seeing, the old man is also busy with the past.

Tianyuan Rush!

He still wants to go!

Soon, everyone entered the inside of the abyss, I don\'t know how long it took, a white light suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

Garbate to extreme!

Seeing this scene, the black armor is suddenly changed with the old face.

Before they found here, it was because this white light blocked them.

At this time, Ye Xuan also slept, the white light scattered, soon, the three appeared in a huge bluestone square!

Not far from the three people, standing hundreds of brilliant halls!

Tianyuan Zong!

And the bones everywhere, all over the place!


Seeing this scene, a few people in the field becomes dignified!

Ye Xuan sweared his eyes for four weeks, the next moment, he walked toward the temple in the distance.

Just entered the main hall, they saw a statue!

The Watman was suddenly auspeted: "This is the first year of Tianyuan Mainland!"

Lu Xing River!

The old man silently said: "This is a legendary person!

Tianshouyuan mainland!

At this moment, the statue suddenly trembled, the next moment, a middle-aged man came out!

Seeing this scene, the old man changed to the black A woman\'s face.

Lu Xing River!

Lu Xinghe looked at Ye Xuan and Prayer, in the end, his eyes fell on the prayer, "Duanmen!

I nod to pray, "Yes!

Lu Xinghe laughed, "I have never thought of, you can\'t die, waiting for so many years here!

Praying to the brow, "What do you say?"

Ye Xuan is also a little confused.

Lu Xinghe smiled: "Are you not coming to kill?"

Pray, "I want to you.

When I said this, she suddenly wrinkled. "Is the people of the door destroy your Tianyuan Zong?"

Lu Xinghe smiled: "Are you not a door?"

I shake my head under the Hall. "I didn\'t have a door for some time!

Lu Xinghe brows, "Are you from the left world?"

I nod to pray, "Yes!

However, I have a long time is not in the door!

Lu Xinghe is silent.

Pray, "What is your law?"

Lu Xinghe haha ​​smiled, "Is it broken?"

Pray for the Hall: "Taoism destroys you, it should be what the law you have made!

Lu Xinghe smiled: "If I say it just they want to rob, do you believe?"

Pray, silence.


Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Taoist wash Tianyuan?"

Lu Xinghe nod, "Yes!

All the wealth of Tianyuanzong, and the day of the gods, they were taken away by the door!

Praying suddenly: "Do you have a god of heaven?"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is the Tiandao Diagram?"

Praying: "One of the gods made by the avenue pen owner, there is a very horrible array in this picture, this array is different from other array, this array can draw it on the body, as a strand , Bombing the town destroyed!

Said, she suddenly said, and said: "It is said that this Tiandao is still using the avenue stroke!

Therefore, this array is the ability to extract fate causal, which is terrible!

Avenue pen!

Ye Xuan asked, "Is the little pen, is it true?"

The avenue is: "Yes!

This Tiandao is really painted by the master, which contains a very powerful array, killing some special people!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "What is a special person?"

The avenue is in the road: "It is the kind of person with powerful causal, and there will be big.

That kind, there are some kinds of special air transport!

Ye Xuan brows, "I am this?"

The avenue is: "Can say this!"

However, this place can not kill you!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "You have been playing too much!"

Are you satisfied? "

Ye Xuan Master face black line, "I am not this!

The avenue pen is silent.

Lu Xinghe smiled; "Don\'t do things, but it is not a general!

Pray, "Do you know who is the lead?"

Lu Xinghe looked at the pray, "He wears a mask, I can\'t see his true look, but when I am playing with him, he underestimated my strength, at a critical moment, he used two points to draw The picture draws very horrible mystery!

Praying to the brow, "" It turned out to be him!

Ye Xuan looked at the prayer, prayed to the temper: "It is the second hand of the road, a heavenly force!

Ye Xuan said: "His position is higher than you?"

Pray, "I am more special, in the door, I only be responsible for the Lord, he can\'t manage me, of course, I can\'t manage him!

Ye Xuan asked, "Is the Lord are good or bad?"

After a moment of praying, after a moment, he said: "I don\'t know if there is any participation in this way!

However, I don\'t think it should be, because if he is also involved, the cliff will not deliberately conceal the identity!

But it is possible to get the law to destroy Tianyuanzong!

Ye Xuan looked at the pray, "Do you tell the Lord?"

Praying, "no use!

Even if you tell the Lord, this is so much!

The Lord should not go to the weird cliff. For a person who has been destroyed, it is not worth it!

After finishing, she looked to Ye Xuan, and kicked the ball to Ye Xuan. "If you want to hold it, I have a way, that is, I will go to the door, that time, the Lord will face two problems. Still, if it is a tube, this is enough to let him die ten times!

If he doesn\'t care, then he is equal to the law of the law. At that time, you will make things big, turn your way!

And you destroy the door, the avenue owner also takes you no way, you can also be unhealthful, after all, you are doing a good job!

Trip gate!

In the field, since the two talks, the look is quorbine!

Is it easy to demonstrate? Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Why don\'t you find a big road master?"

Praying under the scene: "If you directly find the avenue pen master, the avenue pen owner cleaned up them, do you still have a reason to demonstrate the door? To know, the door is running the left world for so many years, wealth is you can\'t imagine, if you Overhaul them, do you know how much you can make? I can\'t imagine!


I remember me, there is, there is a large road library in the gate. I have to take some books. In addition, there are still a few gods, I have to take two, this is not division? "

Everyone: ".
