One Sword Reigns Supreme

2832 Chapter 288: understand!

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Ye Xuan speechless!

Have to say, Xiao Wei\'s famous name is a bit of his expectation!

No, it should be said that the deterrence of this girl is too horrible!

The people of the whole city ran!

What horror is this? Ye Xuan helpless!

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Xuan, "My brother, what should I do now?"

Ye Xuan said: "What can I do?"

After finishing, he looked at the four weeks, then said: "Find a place to take a break!

Xiao Yan nodded, well in love: "Okay!

Ye Xuan found a small pub in the city. There is no one in the in-room in-room, and several wine bowls are placed on a few tables. Obviously, these guests are just running!

Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Ye Qingqing, "Shantou, my soul has become very powerful, I want to practice folding!"

Ye Qingqing nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan is slightly nodd, "it\'s still solving this gimmick!

Said, he looked at the four weeks, the next moment, he reached a hand, suddenly broken, followed by a man outside the city, was directly captured!

Men\'s face!

Ye Xuanzheng is to ask, the man suddenly saw Xiaoyu, the next moment, he was like seeing the ghost, and he fell softly, trembling: "Butcher.

Xiao Yan brows, "Don\'t talk, I am a reasonable person!

The man is afraid to the ultimate, the whole person is shaking!

Ye Xuan Shen voice: "You speak!

The man quickly climbed to the Xixiang, stay away from Xiao Yan.

Ye Xuan asked, "Talk about her things!

For this little, he is still very curious!

The man hesitated, then said: "She is a Qiankun commission team, people call the butcher, like to kill, once she sang a city, there are millions of people, one of her, one person, kill the foot Three days and three nights, not only this, she also puts the millions of skulls together, then lying lying in the middle.

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at Xiaoyu. Xiao Yan had some guilty, slightly down, dare not talk.

The man said again: "This is nothing!

Ye Xuan stunned!

Is this still nothing? Men also said: "Wherever she lives, she must be slaughtered!

Even the ant kernel does not let go!

The city that was being tuned was a Tiancheng, if you want to know how much she has.


You can go to the sky, just don\'t have hundreds of miles away, there is now.

Speaking of this, he seems to think of what, the face is changing!

Ye Xuan silence.

The man suddenly trembled: "Can I go?"

Ye Xuan slightly, "You go!

The man is so busy to escape!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Go to the wilderness!

After that, he disappeared directly!

After a while, the three came to Tiancheng, and it was not close to the sky. Ye Xuan is a feeling of pungent blood!

Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking!

And when I walked into the city gate, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, the whole city is blood red, from the wall to the earth, all blood, this city is like being planted in blood!

And in the city, it is really terrible!

At this time, the small tower suddenly passed: "This girl is a man!

Ye Qingqing is a quiet like a water!

What is the city of the Tug, it is a little meaning!

Ye Xuan did not enter the city, he whispered!

He underestimated this little girl\'s blood!

This is not a general murderer, this is a butcher!

Xiao Yan quietly looked at Ye Xuan, then whispered: "I.

Ye Xuan low sigh.

If this girl recovers memory, it is certainly not he three words to change character!

At this moment, he suddenly regretted!

However, just put this gimmick, he also felt improper, followed him, he can also constrain it, if you let go, once she resumes memory, I don\'t know how many people have to be suffered!

At this time, Ye Qingqing suddenly said: "Brother, let her stay in the book!"

Ye Xuan looked at Ye Qingqing, Ye Qingqing looks calm, "Brother, I am telling the truth, there is not a few good people around you!"

For example, I am not a good person, people I have killed, more than this gimmick!

Not only me, that woman is not a good person, she is for you, don\'t say Tucheng, turning off the entire universe, she will not blink!

And you, people who have killed before, I am afraid that it is a star field!

So, if you really want to do something, then accept this gimmick, change her, or constrain her!

Xiao Yi nodded, "Yes Yes!

I am willing to be changed, I am willing to be constrained!

She is not particularly afraid of Ye Xuan, she is most afraid of Ye Qingqing!

Because I intuken tells her, this woman is able to kill her!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then smiled: "You are right!

After that, he looked at Xiaoyu.

Can? "

Xiao Yi is busy, "can be!

Ye Xuan nod, "This is you promised, if you recover memory, you want to repent, I can\'t care!

Xiao Yan nod, "Okay!

Ye Xuan shook his head, this gimmick is a bit perfunctory!

But there is no relationship, there is a problem in the future, let the Qingqiu or Qingqing talk to her!

No more, let the Skirt you talk to her!

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he turned and left!

Seeing, Xiao Yu suddenly loosened!

It is mixed over!

Ye Xuan came directly to a starry sky. He decided to put this little girl in the first place, we must practice first!

This folding method must be broken!

Among the stars, Ye Xuan is sitting on the ground, the right hand slowly grasped, very fast, surrounded by him to compress the wire!

He found that this time he is folded simply!

After the soul became strong, this folded method became relatively simple!

I found this scene, Ye Xuanlun laughed!

Ye Xuanan is still repairing, and Ye Qingqing takes him.

Millions of miles of miles, even a mosquito does not want to fly!

And Xiao Yan is somewhat bitter!

Because she doesn\'t want to be with Ye Qingqing!

She is a little afraid of Ye Qingqing!

Ye Qingqing suddenly said: "Go!

After that, I still have to answer, and she is directly with Xiao Yan to appear in the burial city.

At this moment, the city is still empty.

Obviously, I am afraid that the butcher is coming to Tug City!

Xiaoyu hesitated, then said: "Church, is we not walking around my brother?"

Ye Qingqing calmly: "You can rest assured, you will not die!"

Xiao Yan is silent!

This green sister is really not good!

Ye Qingqing looked at Xiao Yan, "Little Gang, you have not recovered memory yet, right?"

Xiao Yan nodded, "Yes!

Ye Qingqing looked at Xiao Yan, did not speak.

Xiao Yan cold sweat suddenly flowed down, "did not recover memory, but my intuition has been telling me what should be done!

Said, she hesitated, then smiled, "Qing Sister, I will definitely be a good man in the future!

Ye Qingqing brow is slightly wrinkled, "Why do you have a good person?"

Xiao Yan lived.

Ye Qingqing calm; "What person do you want to do!

Xiao Yu said: "But my brother.

Ye Qingqing calmly: "My brother strictly said that it is a good person, others don\'t provoke him, he will generally not hurt the killer!

Can rule a universe, how can I only have kindness? I have to have bloody means!

Can you do some things he is not convenient for him, understand? "

Xiao Yu blinked, "he will not be happy!

Ye Qingqing said: "Don\'t let him know if you don\'t know? Of course, don\'t do anything to Tug!

You do this, in addition to meeting the psychological metamorphosis, there is no meaning!

Sinone, don\'t make things, you have to kill, you can kill more, or you are almost like you, understand? "

Xiao Yan nodded, "understand!

Ye Qingqing also said: "Also, I advise you to don\'t think about leaving my brother, if you leave him, I will kill you!

Said, she took the wine on the table, "Don\'t ask me why I want to kill you, ask what I think, there is no reason, understand?"

Xiao Yan nod, "I understand!

Ye Qingqing nodded, "Remember, I didn\'t tell you anything. If you do what you do, I am not happy, don\'t say that I let you do this, if you dare to say, I must not Will recognize, and, I will do you, you will not know you!

Xiao Yan is silent.

This is not something that people can do!

Ye Qingqing brow is slightly wrinkled, "Do you hear me talk?"

Xiao Yi is busy, "I heard it!

You can rest assured that if you have been defeated in the future!

I just said that my own idea, there is no relationship with the sister!

Ye Qingqing nodded, "Remember what you said!

Xiao Yan is silent.

She suddenly felt some grievances!

I have never been bullied!

Ye Qingqing looked up at the starry sky, then said: "You don\'t think it is grievance, you follow my brother, the future is big!

Now you can\'t see this layer, you will know later!

Xiao Yan suddenly said: "My brother is a person who is destiny!

Ye Qingqing calmly: "Can you be so simple!

Xiaoyu brows wrinkled, "Isn\'t it simple?"

Ye Qingqing smiled, "You are too weak now, so much with you, you will not understand!

Xiao Yan: ".

Ye Qingqing said: "I follow him for a while, I have to go anywhere!"

At that time, my brother will give you a care!

Xiao Yan nod, "Okay!

Ye Qingqing did not say anything.

Xiao Yan looked to Ye Qingqing, "Are you going?"

Ye Qingqing nodded, "We have a few more business!

One person can only follow him for a while.

Xiao Yu hesitated, then said: "The rest of people can play like you?"

Ye Qingqing looked at Xiaoyan, "Don\'t worry, I am the best!"

I have encountered another person, that is, he called you, you don\'t have to give them a face, give me them to death, understand? "

Xiao Yan nodded, "understand!

I must give you a good you!
