One Sword Reigns Supreme

2831 Chapter 288: The chicken dog does not stay!

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Chicken dogs do not stay!

Have to say, Ye Xuan stayed!

Is this little or a bandit? Ye Qingqing also looked at Xiaoyan, she didn\'t think that this is not even a bandit!

No wonder the gang!

Xiao Yan is a face, "how it is possible.

In the distance, God is dead and staring at Xiao Yan. "You are eyeing my god!

Ye Xuan is also a bit speechless!

This gimmick is not forgetting to remember the people of others!

Xiao Yan hesitated, then said: "My master said that I am a good person, don\'t believe you ask me!

Ye Xuan Mas face black line!

Your master is dead, and ask your master? In the distance, the God is looking to Ye Xuan and Ye Qingqing, "Two, if you don\'t believe me, you can go to the funeral domain!"

She is really notorious, people do, she is not done!


She still has a bandit soldier under her hand.

Ye Xuan looked at Xiao Yan, did not speak.

Xiao Yu hesitated, then said: "Brother, do you believe that I am a bad person?"

Ye Xuan said: "I believe that you used to be a bad person, as for now.

Xiao Yan is somewhat innocent. "What is the relationship between what I did to do with now?"

Ye Xuan speechless.

He is also a headache at this moment!

He has received this gimmick from Xuan Academy, and this gimmick is not a good kind, if this girl recovers memory.

He is still a little afraid of the wolf to enter the room!

He is not afraid that the other party has threatened the sorrows of the school, after all, there is Qingqiu!

He is afraid, this is a bad way to watch the spirit of muanchuan!

Robbery this matter.

Although he has also done it before.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuantili is a bit awkward!

I didn\'t seem to have a good person before you!

At this moment, the meditation from the distance suddenly said: "Two can take her to the funeral domain, where she should be able to recover memories!

He now only ask the two fools to take this bandit!

At this time, Xiao Yan suddenly refers to the god tree, then said: "Brother, this tree is very worthless!

The main expression is stiff.

Ye Xuanzheng color: "People!

Xiao Yan hesitated, then said: "Grab, then kill them!"

That is our!

Of course, I am just a suggestion.

God: ".

Ye Xuan Mas face black line, mother, this gimmick is really a good person!

On the side, Ye Qingqing suddenly looks to Ye Xuan, "You make a decision!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Young, do you know why she will lose memory?"

Ye Qingqing looked at Xiaoyan, "she is cultivating a very strange way!

In the distance, the God is very busy: "To your right!

She cultivated is definitely the legendary no God, forgetting itself, and breaks the future of the past.

This is a kind of strangeness, very horrible!

Two, she is really a scourge!

If you don\'t kill her now, wait for her to recover memories, you will regret it!

Ye Xuan looked to Xiaoyu, Xiao Wei: "I have already believed you to do your brother!"

A brother, a brother!

elder brother.

Ye Xuan: ".

What God wants to say, Xiao Hao suddenly saw him, she didn\'t talk, even looked at it!

God\'s face is instantly changed, only feels cold.

Ye Xi wants to think, then: "Let\'s go to the funeral domain!

Xiao Yan nodded, "Okay!

On the side, God is hesitating, then it is still courage, "Two, she is resumed, then the consequences are unimaginable!


Ye Qingqing suddenly said: "What happened?"

God looks to Ye Qingqing, Ye Qingqing Road: "Who stipulates that there can be only good people in this world, do not allow bad people? Robbery?"

God is silent!

Oh shit!

This woman is not a good person!

have to!

Laozi doesn\'t talk!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let\'s go to a mess!

After finishing, he looked at God, "How to go in the funeral domain?"

God is very busy: "We have a transmission array here, you can send you free!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Then thank you!"

God looked at the Ye Xuan, this is still laughing, waiting for this little girl to recover memory, you have to cry!

Under the arrangement of God, the three entered a transfer array!

At this time, Xiao Yan suddenly dropped a small stone.

Everyone stunned!

Xiao Yan looked at the God, "I am here!"

I have to come back in the future!

The sound falls, and the three people disappear directly in the transmission array!

God is waiting for someone!

In the transfer array, Xiao Yan is slightly down, don\'t talk, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

Ye Xuan looked at Xiaoyu and smiled: "What is it?"

Xiao Wei: "Is there a bad guy before?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "If so, will you change it later?"

Xiao Yu hesitated, then said: "If I don\'t change it?"

Ye Xuan referred to the Ye Qingqing, "Then I will let you talk to you!"

Xiao Yan is silent!

This means it is obvious!

Talking, on the civil talk, I can\'t talk, then I will talk!

Xiao Yan low sigh!

Ye Xuan took a small head of Xiaoyu, laughed: "You have already joined you to watch the book, then I have to be responsible for you. If you recover memory, you want to leave, I also respect your decision!

You can rest assured, I will not trial you, those who don\'t return me!

He Ye Xuan is not a god, everything we must manage!

Good people? Bad guys? He is not a good person!

Moreover, your old man is not a good person, if you want to manage, let\'s go to the madness!

After all, you can don\'t have a lot of Tachips!

But this is obviously can\'t manage!

Of course, if Xiao Yan wants to stay in the alleged, he must have to manage!

Xiao Yan looked at the Ye Xuan, nodded, "Brother, you are a good person, just like the master!

Ye Xuan smiled, did not say anything.

On the side, Ye Qingqing looked at Xiaoyu, then said: "It is really going to make money, there is no future, you have to learn the Qin Guan girl, she is very rich!

Qin Guan!

Ye Xuan thought Qin Guan, suddenly laughed!

Now Qin Guan, must be a super rich!

You must know that the Xuan Academy and Xianbaoge, now have started profit!

As long as you start profit, it is definitely a daily gold!

Xiao Yu hesitated, then said: "Sister, why are you so strong?"

Ye Qingqing calmly said: "Born!

Ye Xuan: ".

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Qingqing, didn\'t talk again!

This sister is very temper, saying is good, saying that it is not good to listen!

After a while, a spot in front of the three people suddenly appeared.

About to arrive!

Soon, the three passed through the light, appeared in a starry sky!

Just entering this starry sky, Ye Xuanbow is frowned, because he found that there is a bloody flavor around!

This is not a good place!

At this moment, a horrible breath suddenly swept away from the distance!

Go straight to Ye Xuan three!

Ye Xuan looked at that breath, is a middle-aged man, middle-aged man is staring at them in the truth.

Ye Xuan brows, what is the brother? At this moment, Ye Qingqing suddenly took a step forward and pointed out!


A sword is like a thunderstorm, and the blink of an eye, the middle-aged man\'s head is flying out!

Blood shot!

Ye Xuan silence.

The other party is not good!

Ye Qingqing glanced at the head of the middle-aged man flying out, "What is the stuff!

And at this time, there were many murdable atmospheres around the world!

Ye Xuan looked at it for four weeks, frowning!

Ye Qingqing suddenly raised his hand is a sword cut!


The surrounding time and space is directly torn, followed by dozens of tragic sounds in their own field!


Ye Qingqing face has no expression, the palm is spread, and the black sword returns to her!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Leave a living port!

Ye Qingqing nodded, "I try my best!

Ye Xuan: ".

The three people walked in the distance. After a while, the three people came to a shabby old city, and when the three people wanted to enter the city, a ragged old man suddenly appeared in front of the three people, the old man smiled slightly, "Trinity is it?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

The old man laughed: "Three, this city can not enter!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

The old man laughed: "People in this city are not good people!"

If the triple is entered, it is afraid that it is big.


Ye Xuan suddenly pulled up the hands of Xiaoyu, when the old man saw the quite ring on the fingers, his face was in an instant, as if he saw the ghost, and the last one did not stand firm, directly Fall down!

See this scene, Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at Xiaoyu. "You look at you, your reputation is so bad!

Xiao Yu face innocent.

In the distance, the old man looked at Xiao Yan, "you.



After that, he turned his head and didn\'t return to the distance!

Ye Xuan speechless!

How much bad things have been done in this gimmick!

Xiao Yu hesitated, then said: "I used to be very bad before!

Ye Xuan said: "It seems to go!

Xiao Wei; "

Ye Xuan said: "Let\'s go!

Go to inquire before listening to your previous!

The three people entered the city, just entered the city, the number of unhealthy eyes were voted over!

Ye Qingqing is going to shoot, and Ye Xuan suddenly pulled up the hand of Xiaoyu, and Yang said: "Not afraid of death!"

In an instant, those eyes were unlining, not only that, Ye Xuan also found that the whole city countless breath suddenly fled towards the city, not, the whole city is empty!

Really empty!

See this scene, Ye Xuan has petrified!

This Ni.

Major is it simple to be as simple as it is? When this gimmick is really a sterile, even the ant kernel will use boiling water? On the street, Ye Xuan three stood quietly!

The whole city is very quiet!

Ye Xuan looked at Xiaoyu, "How many bad things have you been to the end?"

Xiao Yan is slightly down, whispered: "What is the relationship with now, what is the relationship with the present!

This year, who has never done a little bad thing? "

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Brother, what do you say?"

Ye Xuan: ".