One Sword Reigns Supreme

2820 Chapter 2884 chapter: I have to add money!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s human sword has reached a very horrible level!


Because the big and small universe that is in the palm of the school is now too much!

Therefore, Ye Xuan\'s human sword is also a very horrible improvement!

The sword is full of the world, directly suppressed the breath of the black robes!

Seeing the swords of Ye Xuan, a surprise showed a surprise when he was born.

The sky, the black robe person looked at Ye Xuan, and there was no nonsense. He turned his right hand.


In an instant, the whole day is directly dark!

Unborn black!

Ye Xuan double eyes are slightly smashed, do not dare to have a reservation, right hand turned, and the spatial space is directly folded by him, next moment, sword!


A sword light is over here!


Suddenly, in this boundless dark time and space, a deafening fried snorned sound, followed by countless swords and light, moving out of four weeks!

After a long time, the field will return to normal!

The two are far away!

Ye Xuan looked at the black robes, and there was a touch of dignity!


He is folded, it is still unable to kill one to the context!

Of course, when he fought this sword, the other party was completely ignorant!

The black robe looked at Ye Xuan, hoarsess: "Jian Xiu!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

Black Robe Human: "Come!

The sound fell, he stepped forward in front of him, and his body became illusively!

In the distance, Ye Xuan double eyes, folding time and space again, at the same time, he directly activates its blood!


A red man suddenly rushed to the sky!

Ye Xuan Dynasty stepped out, a sword!

Qing Xuan, a sword!


Sword light is over!


As a bloody sword light broke out, the black robe was directly retired to hundreds of thousands of feet, and the dark time and space was directly broken at this moment, and the field was completely restored.

In the distance, after the black robe stopped, his flesh is directly illusory!

The power of the sword is too strong, and his flesh is unbearable!

In this way, his flesh will lose a little bit!

When the black robe is only the soul, Ye Xuan double eyes are slightly, and at this time, the black robe disappeared directly!

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, he felt that no one of the other person!

At this time, the side of the blessings said: "He ran!"

Ye Xuan silence.

When the other party turns into soul, it is actually the best time to kill each other!

I smiled from Ge: "He must run, a little late, he will die!

Ye Xuan looks to the Ge, "Is it the strongest in the gorgeous girl, in the ancient legacy, is it stronger?"

Shake your head, "Uncertain!

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

I said to the Ge: "But I think they are sure that there is no power on the Saint.

Otherwise, they don\'t have to talk to my gods!

Ye Xi wants to think, then nod, "it is true!

Look at the entrance, "Next, it should be full of attack!

Ye Xuan said: "Bridal, I am resisting one to the sacredness, the rest, I can\'t do it!"

, "Of course, we are saying!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Yes!

Playing a holy border, he is there is no problem, but if the other party, he can not have any way!

He now, it is impossible to do it!

Suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, I want to enter your small tower first!

Ye Xuan said: "Yes!

Close to Ge: "There is still something, I need you to help!

Ye Xuan looked at the Ge, "What?"

Looking at Ye Xuan, "Help me to fight for time, and strive for a month.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I will drag the ancient legacy for a month?"

Pinger, "Yes!

Ye Xuan is shaking his head, "I can\'t do it, they will obviously have to do it.

Gorset: "Five billion God"!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Give the girl, this is not a matter of money, this ancient legacy is obviously going to work, how do I.

Gorset: "Billion God Gogi!

Ye Xuan silently.

A billion!

Now he has reached an agreement with Hui Ge, will establish an entry throughout the goddom, you can say that it takes a lot of money!

In addition, he cultivates this folding method, which is very cost-effective!

Not only that, but he has to give Qin Guan to get a goddery.

God Gogi is so good, how can I not give Fu Po? You must know that people are very generous to themselves!

At this time, it suddenly said: "More than 15 billion!

One month, dragging me for a month!

Ye Xuan is no longer hesitating, when you are: "Yes!

Zi Ge, I am going to talk, Ye Xuan also said: "However, I want God\'s commanding, at this moment, the whole gossk must listen to me!"

If he wants him to resist the ancient legacy, he will not be so stupid!

Learned to the Ge: "You can rest assured, even if you don\'t mention this requirement, I will also let the gods temporarily listened to you!

Ye Xuan looked at the Ge, "Do you make sure they will listen to me?"

Blue Gorset: "My most elite strongman is the god Guqei, and the godgoes only have eight hundred and ninety people, but all are true and fairyland. They listen to you, it is enough!

As for other gods, I don\'t want to listen to you.

Ye Xuan mini nodded, "it is!

I stared at Ye Xuan, "For a month, get rid of it!"

After that, she directly entered the small tower!

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, at this time, a thin old man suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and the thin old man greeted with Ye Xuanmi, "Please ask Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan is silent, he looked at the Ge, at this moment, it is cultivating in the tower!

Three hundred and sixty years!

Is it necessary to break through the Holy State? Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

Remove his thoughts, Ye Xuan looks to the thin old people in front of the face, "Shen Ge Wei is here!

Nice old people nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "What is the movement of the ancient legacy?"

The thin old man Shen Sheng said: "They are calling the power, should be an attack right away!

Ye Xuan looked at the thin old man, did not speak.

The thin old man hesitated, then said: "Let\'s listen to you!

Ye Xuan low sigh!

Money is hard to earn!

Not thinking more, Ye Xuan said: "Go, go to the sea!"


Dirty old people stunned, "Go to the sea?"

Ye Xuan asked, "Is there any problem?"

Dirty old people hesitated, then said: "What to do?"

Ye Xuan stared at the old, "Next, what I said, what you do, otherwise, then you will let your family to resist the ancient nuts, understand?"

Wen said, the skinny face is changed, and when I am busy; "understand!

Ye Xuan directly royal the sword, disappearing in the field.

The thin old man quickly brought the gossic strength of the secret to the past!

Drag a month!

This is the command to give him to him with God, during which time, he must listen to the words of Legsu.


Bitter sea!

When Ye Xuan took a strong sea, a horrible breath directly locked the Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuanqi is calm!

After him, it is a ganggu.

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the gang Guo strong.

Everyone stunned.

The thin old man is busy: "What are you doing? Don\'t you do it?"

I heard the words, everyone quickly released the powerful momentum toward the bitter sea pressure!

So many strong people release the momentum, it is natural to be very horrible, and the time and space in the field will be twisted directly, and they can\'t help!

At this moment, the bitter sea also broke out a horrible momentum to resist the momentum of Ye Xuan\'s side!

The two sides can\'t stalemate!

Ye Xuan stands on a boulder, the look is quiet as water!

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly walked in the Haihai, and the middle-aged man is also wearing a black robes, wearing a half mask, and the right hand holds a stick.

Middle-aged man stared at Ye Xuan. "Do you want to fight?"

Ye Xuan shrugged and then said: "Is this not very obvious?"

He knows that passive defense, must not work, because it is always passive defense, will lose initiative, play with the no-hit, do not play, this is not!

Therefore, he gives up the defensive source!

Come to the sea!

Do you want to compete for the source? Can!

Then you go to occupy the source, I will give you your hometown!

Moreover, the battlefield is suffering from the sea, these people must be taboo!

Middle-aged man stared at Ye Xuan, "I have never heard you before!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You are going to play, or to talk about? If you are playing, let\'s start now!"

If you talk.

We can talk about it, I am a reasonable person!

Middle-aged man suddenly said: "Is it long for the Geo?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "She is in the family!"

Middle-aged man shook his head, "no!

She is not in the family!

Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man, did not speak.

Middle-aged man said: "If I have not guess wrong, she should now plan, and then let you come to represent her to drag my ancient race!

Am i right? "

Ye Xuan said: "No!

Middle-aged man brows, Ye Xuan also said: "Guess!

Middle-aged man stared at Ye Xuan. "Do you think you are humorous?"

Ye Xuan said: "If you have already sure, then you will immediately fight with me, not to ask me!

The reason why you ask me, obviously, you are not sure if you guess is right!

So, do you think I will tell you the truth of the truth? I am sure!

So I let you guess, is there any problem? "

Middle-aged man slowly walked to Ye Xuan face, he looked straight to Ye Xuan, "Do you know who you are talking to?"

Ye Xuan brows, "how, do you want to install a forced in front of me?"

Middle-aged man directly looks in Ye Xuan, "I hate you very much, so you will die, I said!"

Ye Xuan said: "Many people have said this, but I have never died!

Middle-aged man is right-handed slowly, "Reassured, there are the first time!

After finishing, there is a sudden appearance of countless big arms!

There are more than three thousand in foot, and all are true and fairyland!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan face silen down, "Mom!

I have to add money!
