One Sword Reigns Supreme

2819 Chapter 288: OK!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


When Ye Xuan and Hui entered the source, I had to say that Ye Xuan was shocked.

This place\'s aura is really horrible!

This place\'s aura is more than ten times more aura than other places!

Have to say, this moment, Ye Xi Xin moved!

In this place, it is a pig, you can practice into top-level strong!

At this time, the next side suddenly laughed: "When I just stepped here, I was shocked as Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "this place, indeed reversible!

I looked at the Ya Xuan, smiled, didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Hui Gi girl, own this place, Shen Gui will definitely be more powerful!"

Leave the head, "Prerequisites We can stay here!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It must be able to hold it!

Looking forward to Ye Xuan, "Why?"

Ye Xuan said: "Because I am here!"


Ye Xuan did not say more, walked in the distance.

Looking at the back of Ye Xuan, a smile in his mouth.

Very confident man!

The teenage that she had seen, how many will be restrained, but the teenagers in front of you will not only rest, but they are more confident!

It\'s not humble, confident and calm!

After a while, the two came to a canyon, and an old man appeared in front of the Geo, he slightly, "the minor!

Pinger, "still can\'t break?"

The old man smiles, "can\'t break!

This seal comes from the ancient, we have never been exposed, so.

I noddi, "Let you return!

The old man hesitated and then said: "Yes!

After finishing, he looked at Ye Xuan and then turned around.

Brings Ye Xuan toward the canyon, after entering the canyon, the strong people of the gossors have all been withdrawn.

Brown Gexuan came to a mountain gate, after the mountain gate, you can see more about the ancient palace.

Refers to the mountain door, "This place was sealed by a powerful array, Ye Gongzi, if you can break this seal, all everything in the secret, I am flat with you!


promises, "Good!

I have a smile: "What do you need to prepare?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "No!

After finishing, he walked out in front of him, and a sword was chopped.

Natural use is Qing Xuanjian!

The sword is flashed, but it is very fast, it is blocked by an invisible barrier!

However, the next moment, Qing Xuanjian dacted the invisible barrier.

Sealing and printing!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the Ge, "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he walked towards the mountain.

I looked at the Gexuan, laughing, "Good sword!

After that, she has followed.

Before the two came to the mountain, the two came to a palace, the palace was very old, exuded with a desolateness, but it was very complete.

I saw it for four weeks, then said: "There is no life!

Ye Xuan nod, two people walked into the main hall, in the central center of the main hall, standing with a man statue, the statue of the statue, his hands behind him.

In front of the man, a quite a thick ancient book is placed!

The two eyes have fallen in the quench and ancient books!

At this time, I suddenly laughed from Ge: "Ye Gongzi, do you want to play a game?"

Ye Xuan went to the Ge, Zi Ge Xiao: "We don\'t look at the quench, do not look at the content of the ancient books, the same thing!"

Blind choice!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Who first chooses?"

I smiled from the Ge: "I can enter this place, all because Ye Gongzi, so Ye Gongzi first choice!

Ye Xuan looked at the quince and ancient, there was no hesitation, "I chose to ring!


Xiao Xiao; "Ye Gongzi still chose money!

In fact, she wants to see Ye Xuan is choosing money or inheriting!

The quite is definitely a money property, ancient books must be inherited!

Ye Xuan chose to quite!

what does that mean? It means that Ye Xuan does not need to be inherited.

Under normal circumstances, people will definitely choose to inherit, because inheritance can improve personal strength, good inheritance, not money can be measured, and Ye Xuan did not choose to inherit, very clear, people can\'t see it.

Can\'t see!

That is very interesting!

After Ye Xuan got, he swept his eyes, and there were more than 200 million gods in the quince.

200 million!

Plus him originally, he has 400 million gods now!

In addition, there are countless medicinal medicines, skills, and magical surgery, and array.


And the side, picking up the ancient book, she just opened, a nine-color gods suddenly did not enter the Gobei!


This moment, the whole body is directly covered by nine-color gods.

Ye Xuan looked at the gods, and it was full of curiosity!

After a while, I turned around with my favorite. The nine-color god suddenly poured into her body and disappeared.

I got slightly from the goy mouth, "I am really interesting!

Ye Xuan blinked, "Can I see your ancient book?"

Looking forward to Ye Xuan, stunned.

This Ye Gongzi\'s face.

It seems a bit thick!

Ye Xuan also said: "Can you see it?"

I hesitate to hesitate, then: "Then you will see it!"

After finishing, she paired, the thick ancient books drifted to Ye Xuan face Ye Xuan opened a look: True Xuan nerve!

A method of cultivation!

After a while, Ye Xuanmi nodded, "a very good way of cultivation!

Like the Ge: "It is true!

Ye Xuanjiaxia is spread, a nation slowly floating to the face.

In the quie, there is a god cornite!


Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You gave me, I naturally divide you half, this is fair.

Looking at Ye Xuan, after a moment, she laughed, "Good!

Said, she took up the quenteen.

The ritual is still coming, it can last long!

Ye Xuan said: "Hui Ghen, I want to open the college here!"

Looking forward to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan Xiao: "This parade, has been definitely what changes have happened, so that it will become this!

I want to open the book here, but they have been reserved as they are as good as they are!

Like the Ge: "Yes!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Then thank you of your girl!

Suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, can I see the sword in your hand?"

Ye Xuan nod, "of course!

After saying, he handed Qingxuan Sword to Heng, Huigao, Liu Xuanjun, gradually, her looks gain.

Ye Xuan smiled: "Can you?"

It\'s complicated from the noga, "You can, this sword is not a general!

Ye Xuan smiled: "I created.

Speaking of this, he quickly stopped!

Say what you can create, it seems to be a bit too much!

Looking at Ye Xuan, "Are you making it?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I mean, my sister is created!"

I am so curious about the Ge, "Is your girl a forging teacher?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Not countless!

I noddi, seeing Leaf Xuan, there is no more, so I don\'t ask, she will give Qingxuan sword to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan passed the Qing Xuanjian, then laughed: "Give the Game, I still have a baby, do you want to see?"

The small tower suddenly said: "Little Lord, you are currently!"


Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, what is it? I have some curiosity, "Ye Gongzi, what baby!

Ye Xuan did not manage inexplicable small towers, laughed: "I will take you!

After finishing, he took directly into the small tower!

When entering the small tower, it has changed in the moment!

The time and space in the small tower is different from the outside world!

Nothing to get rid of Geo!

Seeing the look of the Ge, Ye Xuan slightly smile, very satisfied!

He is brought into the small tower, nature is not to show off, but in order to get more benefits in the way!

The stronger the strength he is showing, the more you negotiate with the Geo.

Can you talk, really look!

At this time, it suddenly sprigifically: "Ye Gongzi, is this world, is your sister created for you?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Close to the Ge: "It\'s really great!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

Looking forward to Ye Xuan, "Is this place to rent?"

Ye Xuan looked at the Ge, "can talk!

Can talk about!

Like the Gob, "That\'s good!

Ye Xuanzi horns slightly.

He knows that they can cooperate very well!

After a while, the two left the small tower, and the god of the god is still unpaired, the world in the small tower shocked to her!

This is really ahead!

Ten years, the outside world!

This means, it is not enough to describe it!

I looked at the Goa Xuan, the look is complex!

She found that she still underestimated the mysterious Ye Gongzi in front of him!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "How many of these secret sites is there?"

Remove his thoughts, then: "At least 100!


Wen said, Ye Xuan double eyes suddenly squatted!

I have a smile: "I can share with Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan looks to the Ge, "What is your condition?"

Gorset: "That small tower rent me!

Outside time!

Change the time in the small tower, it is more than 3,000 years!

Ye Xuan silent, did not immediately promise!

Close to the Ge: "Ye Gongzi, as long as the wealth in the secret remains in this year, don\'t use me, you should also know!

Ye Xuan nod, "can, but can only be one year!

Like the Ge: "Yes!

One year!

She is enough to make the whole god\'s strength to improve!

So, the two reached a cooperation!

But very fast, I wrinkled from Gobei, because she is the most lacking now!


If you give her more time, she completely confidently destroyed the ancient nation, but now.

At this moment, a horrible breath suddenly comes from the sky!

Seeing, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, he turned to look at the sky, at the sky, time and space suddenly broke, followed, a black robe came out!

Seeing this scene, you will sink the Geki!

I really don\'t rush, the ancient legacy is started!

Looking forward to Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, this big priest is to the Holy Kiter, do you want to go to two strokes?"

Ye Xuan said, then smiled: "Y!

The sound falls, and a horrible sword will rise!

Human swords!
