One Sword Reigns Supreme

2814 Chapter 269: Speaking!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The middle-aged man looked at Zhang, and then saw the South!

At this moment, he felt that things were not so simple!

Is this what secret task is doing? Thinking of this, the middle-aged man is busy with respect: "Zhang is old, disturbed!"

After finishing, he turned directly to the people.

Zhang Yao snorted, then looked at Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, let\'s go!"

Ye Xuan mini nodded.

Three people continue to advance!

On the road, Zhang Lao said: "Ye Gongzi, as far as I know, Gobei seems to have been negotiating with the ancient nibs.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is Zhang Lao doubting my identity?"

Zhang Lao shook his head, "no!

I am just a little curious, only time!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, waiting for Ye Xuan to answer!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Zhang Lao, Goy.

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped.

And Zhang Lao is stunning!

Go sister? Ye Xuan smiled, "Zhang Lao, the things under Goron, we don\'t ask, how do she told, what do we do!

If you doubt my identity, you can ask her directly!

Zhang is silent!

He is now full of Ye Xuan\'s sentence: Go sister!

What is the identity of these? Is this a long illegitimate child of the goddess? Think of this, Zhang Lao suddenly has some headache!

He is not sure, but he understands one thing, that is, this is not affordable!

On the road, Ye Xuan did not say anything.

In fact, he can kill this old, the nine-level strong, in fact, if there is no difference in ants!

Don\'t say that nine, even if it is a true fairy, he also has a grasp of killing!

His folding method, the power has been greatly improved, the real fairy is hard to resist!

However, he still did not kill each other, because of the other party, there will be a constant trouble!

At this moment, a horrible breath suddenly came from the jungle!

Ye Xuanbow wrinkled, next moment, a demon rushed out.

The monster is huge, this rushing, as if the collapse is general, the horrific!

Zhang\'s old face changed, when the sleeves, a horrible force is shocked!


As a fried sound, the demon is directly shocked, and Zhang Lao is also almost retreat, at this time, one hand pressed Zhang Lao\'s shoulder, Zhang Laorton stopped!

Ye Xuan\'s hand!

Zhang Hao went to Ye Xuan, the eyes were shocked!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Zhang Lao, okay?"

Zhang is shocked, he found that he seems to be the strength of this Ye Gongzi before his eyes!

At this time, the demon in the distance rushed over!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, the thumb is gently.

Qing Xuan Jianfei!


Only the sword light flashed, and the monster flew directly, and when it stopped, his full-length scales were instantaneous, leaving only flesh!

Zhang Lao looked at the scene!

That monster, at least eight!

The power of the monster is generally better than human beings. Therefore, the eight-border monsters can be played with the strong people of nine people, and human strong is not necessarily hit!

At this moment, this monster is directly lost by this Ye Gongzi\'s sword!

Moreover, such a cloud is light!

It is a person under the Gobi!

At this moment, Zhang Yuan is in doubt about Ye Xuan\'s identity!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let\'s go!

Three people continue to advance!

After a while, the three came out of the jungle, and in front of the triple, it was a plain, and he did not expect.

Zhang Lao Sangou: "Now, we will enter the core area of ​​the deceased!

This is a demon.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Nothing!

After finishing, he walked in the distance!

Zhang Lao took a photo of Ye Xuan, then said: "The faint girl, why did I never heard this Ye Gongzi?"

The South is laughing: "Normal, he is not our universe!

It is the top enchanting of the Cosmote in the Gobs!

Zhang Lao nodded, "no wonder!

The south of the South is old, then laughs: "Gong Hall is very trustworthy, just like the brother!

After that, she walked in the past.

Originally, Zhang old is silent!

Keywords: Issue!

Zhang Lao is thinking.

At this moment, he understood anything!

I haven\'t taken a long time, I\'m sighing the sound of fighting, Ye Xuan looks far away, at the end of the line, the two are talking to a monster battle.

A man with a woman!

When I saw this monster, Zhang Lao god suddenly became incomparable!

This is a short-term peak!

This kind of demon is not a general horror!

Ye Xuan looked at the demon, there had to be said that this demon is really powerful!

And the two human strong people are not weak, and the two people join hands, the demon has been suppressed!

The strength of the desert is very strong, but the speed is not fast, and the two human benches are flexible, escaping all the attacks of the demon!

After a while, the badm of the demon is directly hitting, the trend is not good, the demon does not fight again, and I will run directly!

And that two human benches did not chase!

After stopping, the two people\'s strong faces have a smile.

At this time, the two suddenly looked at the side of Ye Xuan.

See Ye Xuan three, two people slightly, the next moment, the two directly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, seeing this scene, the old face is one of them, it is going to shoot, but the two is To respect the Ye Xuan Gong, "I have seen the dean!

These two people are watching Xuan Academy!

Ye Xuan smiled, in fact, he knew the identity of the other party at first, because in the left chest, there were identity of Xuan Academy!

Fortunately, the other party recognizes him, no more buddy dogs!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What about Qingqiu?"

Men respect: "In front of the derangement!

Ye Xuan said: "Take me to see her!"

The man is busy: "Okay!

After that, the two people are busy with the road!

Zhang Hao went to the south, and his face was stunned.

The South is laughing: "You will know later!"

After that, she didn\'t say much, I have followed it, of course, she didn\'t know!

After Zhang Lao silent, it was also busy with the past!

On the road, the man said: "Dean, how come you?"

The woman is white, "Brother, you are really stupid, the dean is here, definitely coming to the hospital!"

The man laughed, "To!

They are naturally respected to Ye Xuan, because the Western Academy has changed their fate.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What is your name?"

The man is busy: "My name is Xiao Qin, this is my sister, Xiao Wei!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, smiled: "Your brothers and sisters join the college?"

Xiao Qi nod, "Yes!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, then smiled: "We have always been looking forward to seeing the dean, I didn\'t expect to see so soon!"

I didn\'t think that the dean was so young!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

During the speech, several people have come to the deception, Ye Xuan found, the wearer of the surroundings did not stop them.

Soon, Ye Xuan saw Qingqiu!

Qingqiu is waiting for him at the gate!

When I saw Qingqiu, I took a smile when I suddenly took a smile, he walked to the front of Qingqiu, "Shantou, I haven\'t seen you for a long time!

Qingqiu smiled: "Brother!

Ye Xuan gently smashed the brain of Qingqiu, then laughed: "Let\'s talk!

Qingqi nod.

The two turned to walk towards the distance!

Originally, Zhang Lao took a glance, browbowned.

He can\'t feel the woman\'s breath!

it\'s wired!

And the south of the south of the south became unprecedented!

She knows this person!


Her ancestors wrote a humanity, and this life is in it!

Therefore, she knows the deeds of this person in front of them!

An invincible woman!

At this time, Zhang Lao suddenly said: "Do we not come to find the end of the Empire?"

The south of the south looked at the old, then said: "Zhang is old, we can follow Ye Gongzi!

Wen said, Zhang Laoxin is shocked, he hesitated, then: "understand!


On the other hand, Ye Xuan is slowly moving towards the distance.

On the road, Ye Xuan smiled: "I have learned a trick, fold the law!

As he gently, he is in an instant, and the surrounding time and space is directly folded into a line!

Qingqiu smiled: "Is she taught you?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Is it good?"

Qingqiu laughed: "This folding method, you have not fully grasped now, of course, you can do this now, it is very contrary!

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Qingqiu also said: "You have slowly jumped out in this world!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "if you have to grow!

Qingqiu looked at Ye Xuan, laughing, did not speak.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Shantou, you feel that you feel that you know everything, but don\'t tell me, right?"

Qingqiu is silent.

Ye Xuan looked at Qingqiu and waited for an answer.

Qingqiu nodded, "We are waiting for you!

Waiting for you to go to us!

Ye Xuan looked at Qingqiu, "Do you know the end of my road, right?"

Qingqiu smiled: "You don\'t think so much, life is life, you have experienced life!

Enjoy your own life, it\'s as simple!

Ye Xuan smiled.

What seems to be, Ye Xuan has some curiosity, "I have listened to my father to say the true world, what kind of world is it?"

Qingqi said: "The Master Avenue is in that world, a world!

Just like, the world of painting and the world of paintings!

After Xuan Xuan silently, he said: "I understand!

Qingqiu smiled and said: "I want to take them back to the school!

Ye Xuan brows, "" Back? "

Qingqiu nod, "I have signed a cooperation agreement with the degenerative family. In the future, our people can experience the demon tribe, and they can also enter the college study, both parties and cooperation!

Ye Xuan slightly, then said: "The demon tribe is so good?"

Qingqiu blinked, "I didn\'t talk so much. However, after I took it again with the deceived king \'friendly\', he decided to cooperate with us!

Huh? What is this? Although my sword was only a few millimeters from his throat, I said it is reasonable!

Ye Xuan: ".
