One Sword Reigns Supreme

2813 Chapter 267: South Fourth!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

What? Sword!

And this sword is not someone else, it is old!

Green shirt men\'s swords!

Ye Xuan is shocked to look at the woman in front of you, "you.

Are you my sister? "

The woman blinked, "Not!

Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

The woman said: "I am his apprentice!"

He said, I can come to you, you will take care of me!

Ye Xuan silence.

At this moment, he wants to swear!

Oh shit!

He wants to be taken care!

This old, all don\'t have people!

The woman looked at Ye Xuan, "What should I call you?"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he looked at the woman, then said: "You are admitted to my apprentice, there should be extraordinary!

Little girl nodded, "Of course!

Ye Xuan asked, "Where is the extraordinary?"

The little girl looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan stared at the little girl, "What do you think?"

The little girl got up and respect the Ye Xuangong, "Dishi!

Ye Xuan silence.

The woman also said: "If you think this is not good, I can change one!"

Ye Xuan asked, "Why is it to extort me?"

The woman whispered sigh, "I didn\'t extort you, I am indeed a god!

Wen said, Ye Xuan lived, he turned to look at the town of Zhenyuan, and nodded quickly.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Are you a god?"

The woman nodded, "My name is the South is secluded, my ancestors have met Yang Boyue!

Nan surname!

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

He is naturally not known, because he is not very understanding about his father\'s generation!

He is pitiful, and he is born, it is stocked!

The South is also said: "I really came to find you trouble, but I feel the blood of your body, so I can only tell you how it is true!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I didn\'t mean with the enemy of God!

The South is watching Ye Xuan, "But you saved the enemy of God!"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "You can\'t see it, you go back to tell them, sub-debt father is repaid!

You let them go to me, I am called Yang Ye, I like to wear a blue shirt, if necessary, I can give you a portrait!

The South is blinking, "Are you not afraid?"

Ye Xuan said: "Our father is deep, he will not hit me!

Nanjing quiet whisper sighs, "Texas, we speak is right!

I am ordered to catch you, and now I am very difficult!

If you don\'t catch you back, I will be punished!

If you catch you, you are my brother, can I get my brother? so.

I am very difficult!

Ye Xuan said: "You mix with me!"

Nanyou nodded, "Okay!

Ye Xuan stunned, "Do you not consider?"

In the south, please shake your head, "Don\'t consider!

Ye Xuan speechless.

On the one side, the town\'s face has become ugly.


Oh shit!

This god comes people actually rebellious? This is still playing a hammer!

The South is hidden and looked at the town, and the color of the town yuan became pale!

He knows that the other party must kill people!

Sure enough, the South is fourth, and a horrible force is swept, and the calm is not reacted, it is directly erased!

The south is clapping, then laughing: "Brother, troubleshooting!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Are you not afraid of them to come to you?"

Nanjing is a serious way: "The brother will cover me!

Ye Xuan looked at the south and then said: "You are not a goddess?"

Nanjing nodded, "Yes!

I am just a small dedication!

It belongs to the periphery!

Ye Xuan drank a small wine, then said: "I gave you a sword!

Nanjing quiet nodded, "Let me live at the moment!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Don\'t he give you another one more?"

South Sword: "A sword!

Ye Xuan said: "Can I have a look?"

South faint palm is spread, a fencing appears in front of Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan opened a look, after a moment, he closed the sword, then said: "Suitable for you!

This fençian is naturally good, but it is not suitable for him!

The south looked at Ye Xuan, "We have to leave this place, otherwise, waiting for God to find, we all have big.


Ye Xuan said: "Help me find someone!

South Soup: "Who?"

Ye Xuan said: "Qingqiu!

She took one hundred people in this place!

Nanjing quietly said: "Then she should be in the wasteland, that place lives in a strong demon, is a very good place!

Ye Xuanqi, "Go!

The south looked at Ye Xuan, "Good!

After that, the two disappeared directly in the same place.


After a while, Ye Xuan and South are coming to the wasteland. I just entered the wasteland. Ye Xuanbow was frowned, because he felt countless powerful atmosphere.

Ye Xuan looked up in the distance, at the end of the line, it was a hills of the past.

Nanwei Gentou: "They should be deep in this mountain range, those deductive strength and strong, the gogi wanted to take them several times, they have not succeeded!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "Can their strength compare with God?"

The South is smirk, "" naturally can\'t, if the gossic is to destroy them, it is easy, but they have people!

Ye Xuan is curious, "Who?"

Nanjing quietly said: "The King!

A very powerful practitioner, even the gods have to give him a face, therefore, the gods did not have a debril!

Ye Xuan slightly nodd, he looked at the mountains, very fast, his mouth was slightly smashed, because he felt the breath of Qingqiu!

Qingqiu this girl is in this mountain range.

Ye Xuan said: "Let\'s go!

After that, he took the South and faintly, and at this time, a horrible breath suddenly swept it from the sky!

Feel this scene, the natural scene of the South Saches is changed, "It is the strongman of the god!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Mohal!

At this time, a black old man appeared in front of Ye Xuan and South, seeing this black dress, and the sank of the sank suddenly sink.

The old man looked at the south and south. "I didn\'t think of it, you will be rebellious!

The South is laughing: "I have never thought that you will come personally!

The old man is cold and glanced at the south and then looks to Ye Xuan, "Where is the two people in the Empire?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I don\'t know!

The old man is slightly smashed.

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "Do you really think that I can break it?"

Black old man brows, "What do you mean?"

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, "put the long line, catch big fish, do you understand?"

Black old man is stunned.

On the side, the South is full of stunned, and then quickly smiled: "Big offer, if you don\'t know, then you can go back and ask us to high-rise!

Black old face has become a bit ugly!

Is this really a policy for the high-rise of the gods? Place long line, catch big fish!

He is still suspicious!

The reason why it is a bit letter, two reasons, first, he does not believe that Ye Xuan can break the seal of the Gomi, second, he doesn\'t believe in the south and dare to rebellious!

There is no reason to rebellious in the South.

Rebellion god? That is equal to death!

After the old man is silent, after a moment, there is a plan: "What plans in the family?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Let\'s release them, then take advantage of them to make a net of Yuen, the Empire, and use them to get the treasure of the Empire!

Black old man Shen Sheng: "Why didn\'t I get a message?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The big dedication, this kind of thing, isn\'t there a fewer people know the better? If you don\'t believe it, you can go back and ask!

The old man hesitated, then said: "What do you say, can be true?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you think it will betray God?"

Black old man said: "No!

Ye Xuan nod, smiled: "According to our income, then the treasure has entered this wasteland!"

Black old man said: "I will go with you!"

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned.

The south is blinking, don\'t talk.

Black old man said: "I am also a nine-level peak, will not drag you!"

This can be a big work, he is naturally thinking about a piece!

Ye Xuan did not refuse, smiled: "Good!

If he refuses, this old man will go back, then wear it directly!

In this case, let the other party follow!

The old man asked again, "Who are you responsible for?"

Ye Xuan has not spoken, and the South is suddenly a suddenly: "Gold Hall!


Wen said, the black old man has changed!


This is now the godgy minority!

This temple is not allowed, although it is a woman\'s body, but in the Prestige of the gossom, it is unbeatable!

In such a big country, a woman can become a long, which is enough to explain how horror!

Suddenly, the South is suddenly said: "Zhang is old, this Ye Gongzi is the belief in Golden!


Zhang Laozhen is moving. He looked at Ye Xuan and his eyes were suddenly respected. "It turned out to be a person under Golden.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Zhang is old, we will enter the wilderness!

Zhang Lao nod, "Good!

Originally, he still wants to dominate, but listening to Ye Xuan is a person under the Ge Hall, he decisively gave up this idea!


Isn\'t this the core of the next team? Once the top of the Gobians, this kind of person will follow up.

This is a new expensive future!

I have to pay!

When three people have to enter the wasteland, a group of strong people suddenly stopped in front of the three people!

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

South faint mystery sound, "God Gogi!

Ye Xuan speechless.

At this time, the old suddenly screamed. "Do you have this?"

The middle-aged man headed to see Zhang Lao, first is a stun, then said: "Zhang Lao, you.

Zhang Yao said: "What are you? Don\'t you roll your old man?"

Middle-aged man hesitated, then said: "Zhang Lao, we got news, he released the Yu Er of the Empire, he.

"To shut up!

Zhang is again angered: "This is Ye Gongzi!

You talk to the old man!

The middle-aged man is full of face.

Zhang has a little impatient, "Hurry and roll, more, ask, what is the matter, the old man is good!

Middle-aged man: ".
