One Sword Reigns Supreme

2750 Chapter 2636: This set!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


Ye Xuan is really poor at this moment!

Because the previous cary has been received by Qin Guan!

A billion!

He cultivated, it also needs Dow crystal. During this time, only hundreds of millions of crystals left, if you continue to cultivate, up to one month, his vast crystal will meet with the bottom, but also, Western Academy has recently expanded Soon, therefore, you need to spend money!

Especially those students cultivated swordsmanship, too much expatriary!

Although the college can also make money, just start, but also unable to make profits.

Qin Guan wants to think, then: "Go to archae!

Said, she refers to a little, and a white light is not into the bluff.

Ye Xuanzhun.

Qin Guan said: "This is the news from my advent team. They found an unknown star field, where they found a remains of the era, but they didn\'t dare to go deep into it, so, let\'s go!

Ye Xuan said: "Don\'t you go?"

Qin Guan shook his head, "I will not go!

There are still many troublesome things, I have to stay here to help Qingqiu girl!

Ye Xuan nod, "Okay!

Qin Guan smiled: "Be careful!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Now I want to kill me, I have to come to ten days!

Qin Guan shook his head smile, "Look at you!

Said, her palm is booming, a quite quench to the Ye Xuan face.

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "Is this?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Danchen refined medicinal medicine, treatment, the effect is very good!"

I heard the words, Ye Xuanlun was a bit surprised. "How did Danchen this time?"

He naturally remembers Danchen, this girl was in the Galaxy world a lot, and the other party also created a Dynasty in the book, it is the head of Danyuan!

Qin Guan said: "She will come here for a while, waiting for a while!

Ye Xuanmoo nodded, he took the quite ring, then said: "Then I am gone!"

Qin Guanzhi Head.

Ye Xuan fits the royal sword, and the blink is the end of the star.

Qin Guan looked at the end of the star River, whispered: "Make money, very good!"

After that, she turned and left.


Ye Xuan Gang left the small view universe, dozens of powerful breaths are hit from the distance.

Ye Xuan brows smashed, then a woman suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

See this woman, Ye Xuan stunned!

The woman is also slightly.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It turned out to be a beautiful girl!

From the people, it is the generous family.

Too late, I looked at Ye Xuan, smiled: "Ye Gongzi, how come you here?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "My Academy is here!"

I heard the words, I\'m sinking when I was sinking!

This time she came, it is for the universe of this recovery, knowing that the universe of the recovery can raise a lot of strong people!

But now, he heard the words of Ye Xuan, she suddenly speared!

Has been in the mountains of the mountain!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Why is there anything in this?"

Too late, I took back my thoughts and laughed: "I heard that Ye Gongzi has created a college here, express congratulations!

Ye Xuan blinked, "Is there a gift?"

The nunish expression is stiff.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I just opened a joke!

It\'s so late, "Ye Gongzi, my sister is still better?"

Ye Xuan nod, "she is okay, in the closed custom!

Turn off!

Too late: "That should have to break through!

Ye Xuan looked at it and smiled.

If you are interested, you can go to the book, my sister will entertain you!


After finishing, he directly rushed to the sky and disappeared in the end of the sky!

When I was afraid to look at the distance, I was silent for a long time, she turned her to see the direction of the school, "sister.

When I think of a skirt woman, she is a cold!

The woman, strong is desperate!

Even now, she thinks, there is a sense of rest!

After a while, Taiji disappeared in the same place.


Ye Xuan directly uses Qingxuan sword to shuttle time and space, have to say that this Qing Xuanjian is very fast, blinking room, he has been shuttle nearly million star fields!

Of course, he let the Qing Xuanjian shuttle with a sword.

Now the Qing Xuan sword can not be !

Ye Xuan suddenly appeared on a plain, he surrounded, time and space twisted!

After a while, he was stable around the space!

Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he looked at a long time, and it can be seen in an ancient city.

At this time, a woman suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan\'s face, the woman was slightly ceremony, "Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan looked at the woman and smiled: "I have seen you, you are the captain of the Xiaogan Exploration Team!

The woman smiled slightly, "Yes!

My name on the Milky Way is called Qiu Mirror, Ye Gongzi called my little mirror!

Ye Xuan nod, "Mirror girl, you said that you didn\'t find any remains of the era?"

The woman nodded, she turned and pointed to the distance, "It is the city!

However, I don\'t dare to get close to the city, because it is too strange!


Ye Xuan looked to the city, and he learned directly, however, the gods just arrived in front of the city.

Seeing, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly!


At this time, the small mirror suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, since you are coming, then we will leave.

Ye Xuan looks to the small mirror, "Don\'t go in and see it?"

Small mirror shaking head, "No, our mission is to explore universe universe, if you feel the danger of ten levels, don\'t step into!

Ye Xuan brows, "Ten Hazards?"

Small mirror, "Yes!

Dangerous points, the lowest is one level, the highest is ten!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Is it very dangerous?"

Small mirror, "Yes!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "This is dangerous, how did you judge?"

Small mirror: "Feel, then estimate!

Ye Xuan asked, "No?"

Small mirror, "very accurate!

Ye Xuan silence.

Small mirrors slightly, "Ye Gongzi, we are very busy, you will not stay here!"


After that, she turned directly to disappearing in the deep situation.

Ye Xuan looked at the depth of the star, this small mirror is really gone!

Originally, Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he turned to the ancient city!

Come here, natural can\'t go back!

And, now he is still very confident for his own strength!

After a while, Ye Xuan went to the ancient city, he knew an eye gate, this is a wild city, the whole city is already slowly corrupted, the city gate has disappeared, the surround city wall is full of various various The weeds, look at it, like a ghost town!

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, the small pen is in his hand!

The small tower hesitated, then said: "Xiao Lord, what do you want?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Let you have a bit!

Said, he is directly moving towards the city.

Tower: "???"

Small pen: "???"

Ye Xuan looked at the city, waiting quietly.

After a long time, the sound of the small tower suddenly sounded in the city, "the little master, this is very safe, you come in!"

Ye Xuan blinked, "small tower, are you threatened?"

The small tower is silent.

At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded in the city, followed by a golden light, flying directly!

It is a small tower!

The small tower flew directly outside the billiard, and then hit the time and space.

Ye Xuan blinked, then turned to see to the city, at this time, a strike suddenly rushed from the city, but the next moment, the inquiry was broken directly, followed, a black light flew out!

It is the avenue pen!

The avenue pen is better than the small tower, flying, it is stopped, but when it stops, it is straightforward, it seems to be very painful!

Ye Xuan looked at a small tower and a road pen, he had to say that in terms of , or a small tower won, it is a young transformation!

What seems to be, Ye Xuanli is busy \'care\' said: "You are nothing?"

Little Tower Volume: "Little Lord, have you played with this?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "Tower, I am this good!"

You think about it for so long!

You are getting more and more feeling!

Intuition tells me that you are arranged by the avenue owner!

So, I think it is necessary to let you have a sense!

After the small tower silent, the small tower is silent, and the road: "Little Lord, I know that you are not easy to have a little, this makes you feel more or less, I tell you, you can\'t do this!

How much is we suffering, you are so hot, are you afraid of me? you.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Do you want you to transform you next time.

Hey, troubles!

Xiaoda wants to think, then said: "Xiao Lord, next thing, you can let the small pen to do!

The avenue pen is deep; "Tower, you are a true cow!

When the contradiction is unable to solve, you will transfer contradictions, say, how did I find you excellent? "

The small tower is calm: "Small pen, I have trouble with the little master!"

Once, I almost killed the little master, what about you? "

The avenue pen is silent.

The small tower continued: "No matter how the little Lord is for me, he is the little master of my little tower, the day is the main thing, the life is the main life, my small towel, I can go to the small horse, the fire sea, even Small main uses me, then my small tower is also willing, no regrets!

Ye Xuan looked at the small tower, this guy is now talking about yin and yang strange!

The avenue must speak, the small tower suddenly passed: "Little pen, ask you a question, if one day, the little master is dead, who is you?"

play off!

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, this small tower became more and more broken!

However, he still looks to the avenue pen.

The avenue pen did not speak.

The small tower suddenly said: "Oh.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you have a peerless person in the city? And, this peer is still a woman, particularly beautiful?"

After the small pen is silent, he said: "How do you know?"

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "I will!"

Ha ha.

Small pen: ".
