One Sword Reigns Supreme

2751 Chapter 2635: You are honest!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan walked toward the wilderness, just entered the city, felt a horrible cold breath!

Ye Xuan looked at the street, at the end of the street, there was a woman in the street, the woman drew the dress, long hair shawl, the eyes were cold, and the whole body was spidding.

On both sides of the street is a room that has been raised.

At this moment, the end of the street at the end of the street suddenly spread, and then slammed.


In the event, the scene of the Ye Xi\'s eyes changed, and the moment, others have appeared in a starry sky!

Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, his eyes slowly closed, at this moment, he was still in the city.


At this time, he suddenly broke out in front of him, and a white light swept!

Ye Xuan Z. The thumb is gently.


Along with a sword, the sword is flying.


The whole starry sky in the field is like a piece of paper is generally torn!

The entire illusion directly smoke!

On the street, Ye Xuan looked at the dress in the distance, the dress woman watched him coldly, "Let?"

Ye Xuan speechless.

When you have, you will play, just talk? The dress is suddenly turned around.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then followed, he walked to the dress woman, the dress woman didn\'t shoot!

Ye Xuan\'s sword has proved his strength.

And she, there is no victory!

Ye Xuan said: "What is the girl call?"

Dress skirt women have no expression, don\'t talk.

Ye Xuan looked at the dress woman, then smiled: "My name is Ye Xuan!"

Dress skirt still doesn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, he looked at the four weeks, the heart: "Do you feel this treasure?"

Small silence: "I don\'t have a good function!

Ye Xuan speechless, eat guy with dry rice!

The small tower suddenly passed: "Little Lord, what do you think this woman?"

Ye Xuan looked at the woman in a long time, he got an eye, then smiled: "It is very good!

After the small tower is silent, he said: "Is I asked?"

Ye Xuan face suddenly black, "What do you ask?"

Xiao Tower said: "I asked her strength!

Ye Xuan turned over the eye, "You don\'t ask you clearly!

The small tower is deep: "Where do I know that you are full of brains?"

Ye Xuan: ".

The small tower also said again; "Little Lord, you want to figure out if there is any baby here, ask that woman can not?"

Ye Xuan looked at the long dress woman, "I think this woman is not interested in men!

The small tower is unexplained, "How do you say?"

Ye Xuan Tao: "You can still be so calm when you face me, only one explanation, she is not interested in men!

After the small tower is silent, he said: "You are happy!"

Ye Xuan: ".

At this moment, the woman in the distance suddenly stopped, she turned to see Ye Xuan, "You cultivate the avenue nerve!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, does not speak.

Dress skirt woman brows, "Why don\'t you talk?"

Ye Xuan looks at the dress woman, just don\'t talk!

Dress woman stares in Ye Xuan, "What do you mean?"

Ye Xuan smiled, "Don\'t I learn you?"

After finishing, he turned to go alongside!

Oh shit!

who do you think You Are? Will Laozi usually? He has always thought that respect is mutual, you respect me, I am very low-key, you don\'t respect me, Laozi is more proud of you!

When I saw Ye Xuan away, the dress woman\'s face was turned down!

But she didn\'t have fun!

In the distance, Ye Xuan also did not re-skirt, he went to a circle, and finally, he came to an ancient temple, and the temple was very desolate, and he heard ancient times in the temple. Vocal.


Ye Xuan walked toward the temple, when entering the temple, in front of him, sitting in front of the Buddha, sitting in the Buddha, the monks took back to him, he was eating!

At this time, the dress also came to the field.

Dress skirt woman looks at Ye Xuan, ordered: "Go!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the woman. "Don\'t talk to me, otherwise, the consequences are at your own risk!

I heard the words, the dress woman was slightly smashed, and the eyes flashed a murder. At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Friend warning!

If you dare to do it, God can\'t save you!

The dress is hand grasp right hand, at this time, the monk suddenly stopped, "said the words!

The dress is looking at the monks, and the monks slowly got up, he turned to look at Ye Xuan, smiled: "This donor, how to call?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Ye Xuan!

The monks are all hand of ten, "Ye Gongzi, the good life is not simple!

Ye Xuan looked at the monks, "Master, this place is?"

The monks laughed: "Gu Pu Temple!

Ye Xuan brows, "Gu Pu Temple?"

The monk nodded, "Ye Gongzi must not know, this place is very prosperous, but later gradually fell!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Master, is there a treasure here?"

I heard the words, the monks were slightly embarrassing, then smiled: "The original Ye Gongzi is coming for the property of the ancient Temple!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I don\'t think about it, I am very poor now!

The monks hesitated, then: "Ye Gongzi, strictly, I am not ancient Temple, so I can\'t hand over the property of the Gu Pu Temple to Ye Gongzi!

Ye Xuan laughed: "It doesn\'t matter, you tell me where, I will take it!"

The monks are speechless.

On the other side, the dress woman looked at the Ye Xuan. "Do you understand people?"

Ye Xuan suddenly turned and slammed the sword.

A sword is like a water, swept below!

Dress skirt woman is suddenly shrinking, the cross arm is a stop, a black light is over from her arm!


A black light suddenly fell away, the dress is directly flying out of the temple, and then returned to thousands of feet!

After the dress is stopped, she left the right hand arm directly, blood sputter!

Dress skirt woman looks up to leave Xuan, full of horror, "You are an order!

She didn\'t have Ye Xuan before her, because Ye Xuan is hiding her breath and realm, and the average person found himself nothing!

Ye Xuan coldly looked at a dress woman, "Talk to me next time!

Remember, this is my last time to warn you!

When you hear Ye Xuan\'s words, the dress woman became incomparably ugly.

And this time, she didn\'t dare to say anything. After the Ye Xuan said, he turned to look at the monks, "Master, I came here, it is the property, if the master is the people of the ancient Temple, the property is nature is master , My Ye Xuan must have a pennant, after all, it is not my style, but Master Fang Tai also said that the masters of the masters, so.

Said, he is slight, "please ask the master!

The monks looked at the sword in the Xuanxun, then said: "The donor is too much!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Master teaches me to be a person?"

The monk shook his head, "Donar, you are too heavy, disadvantageous!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Master, when the woman is inappropriate, why didn\'t the master remind?"

The monk is silent.

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "In fact, the master is good, I also know, but the master forgets one thing, that is cause.

Why do I shoot? The master only saw me, only saw me, but didn\'t see why I am so!

No, the master saw it!

But it is selective and blind!

Speaking of this, he shook his head smile, "Master, is you repairing this? Or do you say that your cultivation is for double standard?"

The monks are silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Master, do you know what is kind? Do you know what is human? If you don\'t know, I can tell you!

First, when she showed a killing, I can kill her directly. She has a kill to me. What does this mean? It means that if she is strength, she will definitely kill me!

In this case, I killed her, excessive? I don\'t think it is too much.

However, I didn\'t kill her, just breaking her arms, in my opinion, I think this is very kind!

To be true, if she encounters this, I think that master, you may have to be done.

Green shirt man: "???"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Master, I still have a word, if you are a Guop Temple, I will go, I will like money, but the gentleman loves money, take it, strong, it is not I am a human style!

But you just said that you are not the ancient Temple, then, I take the property of the ancient Temple, it will not be related to you!

After finishing, he swept away from the four weeks, the palm is spread, "the little soul!

Qingxuanjian suddenly flew to the center with sword.

After a while, the little soul suddenly aligned the Buddha statue, "Xiao Lord, there is hidden soul in this!

Ye Xuan looked at the Buddha statue, he all handed together, "You come out?"

At this time, the Buddha statue suddenly opened his eyes, the next moment, a monk dressed slowly!

Seeing this martial art, the master of the mascor of Ye Xuan suddenly changed, and even the hands of the hands and ten, "I have seen the empty abbot!

I nodded, then looked at Ye Xuan, laughed: "Ye Gongzi has also practiced Dharma?"

Ye Xuan nod, "repaired for a while!

I laughed: "Why don\'t you repair it?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "There is no benefit, who is repaired?"

Wen Yan, the master stunned!

The empty is also slightly, then he shook his head smiled, "Ye Gongzi, the Buddha was to repair itself, this is the benefit of the big!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Abandon, we still talk about it!

I hackled: "Ye Gongzi, if you are willing to enter my Buddha, everything will be yours!" Everything will be yours!

Ye Xuan is looking at empty, "Really?"

I nodded, "Go out, don\'t fight"!

As long as you are willing to accept the inheritance of the ancient Temple, everything in the Guop Temple is yours, you.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I am willing!"

The empty stun!

Ye Xuan said: "I am really willing!

I hesitated, then said: "Don\'t you consider?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Don\'t consider!

I am willing to join the Gup Temple now!

After the empty silence, the road: "Ye Gongzi, you are honest, do you want to introduce the inheritance?"

Ye Xuan: ".
