One Sword Reigns Supreme

2745 Chapter 2631: Low-key!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan speechless.

He didn\'t think that his old man actually appeared!

It\'s rare!

He has already forgotten that this old is missing!

Of course, he is curious at this moment, how can this old man suddenly appear here!

On the other side, the middle-aged man turned to the green shirt man, he looked at the green shirt man, then laughed: "You are him?"

The green shirt nodded, "I am him, haha.

Ye Xuan: ".

The middle-aged man got an eye on the green shirt, then said: "Are you a sword?"

The green shirt is nod, "Yes!

Middle-aged man laughed, "Don\'t say that I am bullying, I will let you three swords!

After that, after his right hand is behind, the clothes are swearing without wind, and they will show up!

Let the three swords!

Ye Xuan looked at the man, "Do you want to think about it?"

Middle-aged man refers to himself, "Sand!

Xiaowa, have you seen three knows? "

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "You continue, I don\'t talk!

Middle-aged man haha ​​smiles, then looks to the green shirt man, just talk, a sword suddenly arrived in his eyebrows!

Middle-aged man shows it!

The green shirts looked at the middle-aged man and smiled: "You lose!

Middle-aged man is dead staring at the green shirt, "you.

You sneak!

Ye Xuan speechless.

The green shirt is open, and the sword between the middle-aged man is disappearing. He smiled: "I want to be sword!"

The middle-aged man suddenly erected the right hand, "I enroll!"

Green shirts are stunned!

Middle-aged man hugged boxing, "bother!

After finishing, he turned directly to disappearing in the deep situation.


The green shirt man looked at the middle-aged man in a long time, shaking his head smile, then turned to look at Ye Xuan, smiled: "I see my old man, I don\'t surprise, it is not surprised?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Old, you have something to explain, you can talk directly, how can you come?"

The green shirt is blinking, "How, I don\'t want to see me?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Nor!

If you really can\'t say it, after all, this old man is sometimes improper!

The green shirt is a smile, then said: "Walk!

Ye Xuan helpless!

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly said: "Yang Boyi is good!"

The green shirt man looked at Qin Guan and smiled: "Shantou, send you a little girl!

After finishing, he made a little, a paint black gadmilted in front of Qin Guan, Qin watched an eye, and the eyes suddenly lit, she quickly took the quite, and then slightly, "Thank you, Yongfather!

The green shirts laughed: "You walk with our father and son!"

Qin Guan Head, "Good!

Ye Xuan looked at a green shirt man, "Old, this is still a person!"

The green shirts gave a lot of Ye Xuan, then said: "The strength has grown a lot, good!

Ye Xuan looked at the green shirt, "Just like this?"

The green shirts laughed: "Dear is old and look at you, this friend is not as good as those who are outside?"

Ye Xi Xuan joked his mouth and disdain.

The green shirt haha ​​smiled, "Do you know why I suddenly look at you this time?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

The green shirts laughed: "We have to go to a very far!

So, I will take a look at you before leaving!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "is far from the place?"

The green shirt is nodd, "Yes!

It\'s a bit far away!

So, come and see you!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Where do you want to go?"

The green shirts laughed: "A virtual world!

Different world!

Ye Xuan has wanted to ask, the green shirts laughed: "Don\'t ask too!"

Anyway, after your strength is enough, you will naturally know!

Ye Xuan slightly, "Okay!

The green shirts read a look at the four weeks, then said: "This is another, I don\'t know when I can meet again!"

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Come, we will learn!"

Ye Xuan face suddenly turned black, "Do you want to hit me?"

The green shirts glared in Ye Xuan, "Is this kind of person in your heart?"

Ye Xuan looked at the green shirt man, did not talk, but that meaning is already very obvious!

The green shirt laughed: "Sword!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then the thumb is one, Qing Xuanjian suddenly flying out, sword light flash, straight green shirt man!

This sword is out, and the world is full of heavens.

At this time, the green shirt and the man mean.


Qing Xuanjian is directly by this point in the ground, the movement is not, the swords in the sword have disappeared directly!

Ye Xuan silence.

The green shirts laughed: "What do you think?"

Ye Xixiang calmly: "You are amazing!

On the other side, the purple skirt woman shakes his head.

The green shirts glared in Ye Xuan, "Don\'t give me a horses, you don\'t eat this set!"

Ye Xuan low sigh, "Old, you said what can I thank? Are you too strong? I am too weak? Of course, this is the truth!

In addition, do you think I can still thank? "

The green shirt man thought about it, then: "It is also!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Old, you have to go to the real universe, you will go!"

You can rest assured that I will take care of myself.

The green shirt man shakes his head, "no!

How can I have to give you a second, otherwise, they always say that I am not a qualified father!

In short, I have to give you a father\'s love today!

Father love? Ye Xuan speechless, is this old? The green shirts gave a lot of Ye Xuan, then said: "You are order, this road, I have passed, with the power of the people, I have to say, this road is indeed, but I think I think. You have a shortcoming!

Wen said, Ye Xuantili is a certain curious, "What is the shortcoming?"

The green shirt man thought for a while, then said: "I haven\'t thought about it, you wait!

Ye Xuan face suddenly black!

He can\'t help but hack!

But when I think of my eyes, I still count!

Kill the father, say it is not good!

The green shirt suddenly laughed: "The sword!

Sword field!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, it is going to talk, the green shirt man is open, and Jianling suddenly flying out of the ribbut body, and then steadily falling in his hands, he holds a sword, a moment, a mysterious power directly Crouch in the field.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Sword Area?"

The green shirt is nod, "Yes!

You now have a sword in the world, you can get an orderly sword field, in order to domain, you will have the same people\'s swords in the same year. Of course, your order sword is stronger than my people\'s sword. After all, you are now The power of faith is over the same year, but unfortunately, you didn\'t use the power of these beliefs!

Ye Xuan Shen Soupe: "How do you get?"

The green shirt is slightly smile, "Simple, with a strong domain with the power of faith, in your domain, you are the master, everything!

Of course, this is just the foundation domain, you want to become stronger, you have to take the borrow!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Looking for it?"

The green shirt is nod, "Yes!

The so-called borrowing, which is also a lot of kinds, for example, borrowing people, borrowing the trend of the world, borrowing the cosmic threshold!

Ye Xuan silent!

At this moment, he thought of the ancestors of the original town!

The other party is the potential of millions of universe, and the power is strong, it is definitely not he can resist now!

The green shirt laughed: "Do you know what is the strongest?"

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "The Spirit of the Universe!

The green shirt shook his head, "Wrong!

Ye Xuan brows, "What is the potential?"

The green shirts laughed: "People!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "The power of all kinds of beliefs?"

The green shirt shook his head.

Ye Xuan looked at the green shirt man, "Old, what can I chat with?"

The green shirt is a smile, then said: "Stupid you!

Said, he refers to himself.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Take you with you?"

The green shirt is nod, "I will take advantage of the strongest person to take advantage of the strongest person. After all, it is more stronger than the universe, your old man, isn\'t you?"

Wen said, Ye Xuanmai smiled, "Then I will fight in the future, take advantage of your old man?"

The green shirt man shakes his head, "no!

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

The green shirts laughed: "You have to come a little, now you, I will take advantage of me directly, even if I am willing to give you, it is not that you can bear now, not only you can endure, but also Not a universe can bear, you can say this, if I am willing to give you this sword, you are centered on you, and the round tens of thousands of universe are afraid to be removed directly.

Understand? "

After the Xuan Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "So, do you talk nonsense with me?"

The green shirts glared in Ye Xuan, then said: "You like this, you like to take shortcut!

I tell you, this is very bad!

Your old man, I am walking up in a footprint!

You have to learn, you, do you know? "

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "Old, this sword is really strong?"

The green shirt is smiled, "" Strong is not strong, you ask the small tower!

Ye Xuan brow, "ask the small tower?"

The green shirt is nod, "Yes!

Ye Xixiang asked, "Tower, you said!

The small tower is silent!

Ye Xuan looks to the green shirt man, the green shirt man is calm: "Tower, how is you silent now? This is not like your style!

The small tower hesitated, then said: "The master, I.

Can I not say? "

The green shirt is calm; "You can not say, anyway, you know, I have never revenge!"

Right? "

Ye Xuanqi quirky, how is it good, threatened? At this time, the small tower whispered sigh, "You don\'t know the little owner, the owner that the sword is the sword in the year, but it is quite a cow!

Because of the sword.

Directly crushed the flesh of his sister!

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned.

The green shirt suddenly said: "Tower is all in the past!

What do you mention? You don\'t know if your owner is a low-key person? Really are.

Ye Xuan: ".

The small tower is sighing, "I am a grass!

This pair of parents on the stall.
