One Sword Reigns Supreme

2744 Chapter 2633: Call you out!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Among the stars, Ye Xuan Yujian is on, next to him, is Qin Guan!

This time, the destination of the two is the small view of the universe.

Watching the book is getting bigger and bigger, and the internal problems, more and more, getting bigger, this time, they are to set up a new general hospital, then use this general hospital, govern the whole view Academy.

Qin Guan suddenly said: "Our current model is the universe and the world of all branch governing, and they are fully self-sufficient, this model is good, but there is also a bad place!

The advantage is that our general hospital is there, no need to pay too much energy and financial resources!

And the bad is, long-lasting, they will slowly leave a regulation of the general hospital, and once the general hospital is weak, these branch will definitely engage in things, they will be rushed to rush, even directly to rebel, get away from the college, to that time, us A unified view of the universe will split into countless small universities!

Ye Xuan said: "What do you mean?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Central collecting power!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "The right to weake the branch?"

Qin Guan Head, "Branch, no dean, the dean can only have one, that is the dean of the general hospital, in the branch, can set up a cultural education, the cultural education is the head of the branch, but this article must It is set up by the general hospital. In addition, the cultural education can set up two deputy dedicated teachers. These two deputy dedicated teachers must be used by the people developed by the general hospital!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "Your way is very good, so, the branch must have to comply with the club!

Qin Guan slightly, "In addition, there are some local branches that do not necessarily exist, such as some small local colleges, this place branch, you can remove it directly, a big horizen, just a book!

Wen said, Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled. "Will it be too little?"

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "a lot!

Because we must allow other forces to exist!

We will watch the school, not a feudal empire, can not be a single tyrant, we have to allow other forces, of course, the order of a world must be our college to formulate, and as long as it complies with the case order, it can exist!

Ye Xuan silence.

Qin Guan continued: "If a single tyrant, do not allow other forces to exist, then there is only one way, that is, all the forces except for the Western Academy!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "this is not good!

Qin Guan Head, "Our purpose, make this universe development better, hundreds of home, this will be better."

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

Qin Guan smiled and continued: "If the college is getting better and better, those who will take the initiative to join, even if they don\'t join, they will ask them to join!

Simply put, the college is a leader, there must be, but you have to have a benevolent, governing the universe, you have half, half of the benevolence!

Ye Xuan said: "I am more worried or the problem inside the book!


After seeing the corruption of the door, he is actually very afraid!

He knows, many times, human nature is very greedy, and greedy no bottom line!

Qin Guan shook his head, "this kind of thing, we can\'t completely put an end!

This is human nature, no one can destroy the greed of human humanity!

We can only restrict, that is the law!

Said, she suddenly said, continued: "The human body, the pursuit of survival and prosperity, greed, benefit, selfish.

These are all part of human nature, so there is morality in the world, the role of morality is to constrain the humanity of individuals, reach a group\'s harmony and prosperity.

However, not everyone has morality. At this time, we also need laws, the law is to maintain the moral bottom line of the group.

It is simple to say that the law is the low fidelity of human nature. It knows that everyone has some dirty in everyone.

If you dare to make it, you must be punished.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Therefore, we must formulate a complete set of law!

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

Ding girl is already working, waiting for a probably coming, we have gathered together, then discuss, final conclusion.

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Yes!

Qin Guan smiled: "However, I have to remind you that there is no perfection in the world, and the college will become a new order. In the future, there will be such problems such as the future, we can do it, just let these problems. !

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Nature!

Qin Guan said again: "We need more talents, all kinds, so I have begun to recruit talents to the whole universe in the name of the alleged, simply, as long as they are talented, no matter what they have, Can come to see Xuan Academy to apply.

Ye Xuan laughed: "Is anyone appointed?"

Qin Guanji, "there are a lot!

After all, we have given a lot!

Wen said, Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

Qin watched a look at the four weeks, whispered: "In fact, I don\'t know what we continue to go, what is the future universe!"

Ye Xuan laughed: "As long as it is not getting worse!

Qin Guan smiled: "It\'s true!

Ye Xuan suddenly smiled, "I suddenly found out that I have almost all don\'t do anything, I am too unknown!

Qin Guan shook his head, "If there is no you, our college is afraid that it has already disappeared!

You really think that the road owner of the avenue, can you be bothered to our college? "

Ye Xuan silence.

Qin Guan continued: "Your existence is the foundation of the school.

Ye Xuan laughed: "No matter what, you will have the most.

He knows that if there is no Qin Guan and Qingqiu, his college can\'t build it!

Qin Guan smiled and said: "Right!

I am re-establishing a forion, this forces are Tianwang!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "Tianwang?"

Qin Guan Head, "Yes!

A intelligence department!

The previous intelligence department is not very enough, so I want to re-establish an intelligence department, just like a network, cover the full universe!

Ye Xuan said: "Who is the intelligence head?"

Qin Guan smiled: "I am with you!"

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "Yes!

Don\'t say, he really needs a such intelligence department, otherwise, there is a good management of the college in the future!

Of course, this intelligence department has to manage well, otherwise, it is definitely a very terrible existence!

Qin Guan suddenly said: "Of course, I need money now!"


Ye Xuan expression stiff!

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan is bitter, "I don\'t actually don\'t have much!

Qin Guanzheng said: "You pay money, we will force, do you think fair?"

Ye Xuan speechless.

Qin Guan directly extended his right hand. "I know, this time, you must have no harvest, you give me!"

Of course, I will not pay yours, you can stay in the body!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Can you stay a little?"

Qin Guan blinked, "You will give it to me!

Ye Xuan: ".

In the end, Ye Xuan still handed over the quench!

There is no way, the foundation of Xuan Academy is doing, but it does need a lot of money, and his money is left on, it doesn\'t have much role!

However, he did not pay all over, leaving him billion Dow!

Thinking of this, Ye Xixiang is still very happy.

After getting the quarter of Ye Xuan, Qin Guantun did not have fun!

She didn\'t think of it, I didn\'t see it for a while, and Ye Xuan did so much money.

Really a lot!

Thinking of this, Qin watched an eye on Ye Xuan, it seems that this guy is alone and puts out for a while.

After about one hour, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan came to the Xiaowu Universe!

When it comes to the Xiaowei Universe, Ye Xuan stunned because he found that this place is very strong!

Not only that, this universe is now nothing else, it is an original ecological universe!

Ye Xuan looked to Qin Guan, Qin Guan smiled: "This universe once was destroyed. After hundreds of millions of years, it began to recover here, and now, it belongs to Just Fu, so our luck is very good. Because this place is big enough, not only this, but also have many special spiritual veins!

Ye Xuan nod, "Then we have to move alive, otherwise, this place must have many people want!

Qin Guan said: "My people have already occupied here, now I have to do it, send some strong people to come here!

Ye Xuan nod, he is going to talk, just at this time, a laughter suddenly came from the sky, "Haha.

A new universe!

Wen said, Ye Xuan and Qin Guan looked up, not far away, a middle-aged man came!

Middle-aged men obviously also saw Ye Xuan and Qin Guan, he looked to two people, brows, "Who are you!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Watch Xuan Universe, Ye Xuan, Qin Guan!

Watch the universe!

The middle-aged man is calm, "I haven\'t heard!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then laugh: "This place, let us find it first!

I heard the words, the middle-aged man smiled, "I am really interesting, are you discovered by you? Don\'t you know that the world will be in the world?"

Ye Xuan looked at the man, "I am in the text, or come to Wu, you choose!

Middle-aged man wandered, a strong breath swept, he pointed to Ye Xuan, smiled: "Little order, dare to arrive in front of me, it is really ridiculous!"

The old man tells you, the old man kills you, that is to bully, drop!

Come, let you come out, I will learn my son for him!

"Do you want to teach your son for me?"

On the side, the time and space suddenly broke, the next moment, a man dressed in a blue shirts slowly came out, beside the man, and also followed by a woman in a long dress.

Ye Xuan: ".

... ps: After returning home, I am at home codeword every day, and people in the village say that I am engage in pyramidism, saying that I am walking off ... The people in the village said with my mother, let me don\'t do it!

I violated the law ... Who said every day, I was caught!

My mother was scared!

My mom is now very annoyed when I see my code.

I may have to be interrupted more brothers!
