One Sword Reigns Supreme

2724 2nd chapter: Eternal motion!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Avenue nerve!

"The way of the sky, the remaining and repaired; the way of people, the loss is not enough."

Gradually, Ye Xuan\'s god color became lifted, and the shock in his heart was not added.

At this moment, he had to admit that this avenue owner actually had two brush, and he is with the other party, or there is a little gap!

The avenue nerve, this can be said to be the most detailed part of this universe to talk to the road, but also expounded the heaven, but also explains the humanity.


Soon, Ye Xuan is immersed in the nerve of this avenue.

The first part is a heart method.

During this, it can condense the avenue of the avenue. This is the most horrible gas of the universe.

The reason why the shakhop woman\'s gas is so horrible, the main reason is because the other person has a road to the avenue, and all!

That\'s in January!

Ye Xuan began to run the avenue, slowly, and there was a mysterious airflow in his weeks.


The most horrible place in the avenue is to convert the aura between the heavens and the earth to the avenue, not only that, use this method to practice, this practice speed is at least dozens of times!

Have to say, this is very exaggerated!

Ye Xuan is now knowing that the woman is so horrible!

This avenue nerve is too metamorphosis!

Moreover, this is just the first one!

Ye Xi Jing is here to start cultivating, soon, there is more and more avenues he weigh.

Decorated without years, turning in a past ten years!

Of course, for the outside world, only the day!

On this day, Ye Xuan on the spot suddenly slowly opened his eyes, his palm became open, and countless white air flow slowly overflow.


Ye Xuan Shen took a breath, and then, the mouth was slightly.

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "Congratulations!

Ye Xuan laughed: "It is worth congiving!

Don\'t look at his realm, however, he has a wideness of the avenue and Qing Xuan Jian and his strength of the blood!

Moreover, with the avenue of the avenue, it is really not difficult to enhance the realm.

Of course, just a big problem aspects!

This avenue is accompanied by his swords, there is no help!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Little pen, my sword road, how to recover?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "This is going to see yourself!

Ye Xuan brows, "see myself?"

The avenue is: "Yes!

You are because of your self-sufficiency, self-denial, so the heart is broken with the sword, this is the foundation of the problem.

To restore the heart and sword, you must solve this problem!

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue pen also said: "IMHO, this is not a bad thing!

Ye Xuantun came to be interested, "How do you say?"

The avenue pen silently said: "You can calm down, seize, then fix the heart and sword.

After the Xuan Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "It is true!

After finishing, he left the small tower.

At this moment, it is late in the middle of the night, and Ye Xuan looked at the sky, the star river, silent and far-reaching.

At this time, the God appeared next to Ye Xuan, she looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Do you want to leave?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "no!

The gods live.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t leave forever!

Said, he looked at the gods. "I have to operate the door to re-establish a legal order.

Taoist God hesitated, then said: "I know your thoughts, it is also in favor, but the problem in the Taoist is not so easy.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Don\'t you understand? Now they don\'t want to change, but they must change, die and change, do you think they will choose?"

The God is silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Also, today, some people will come to the door!

The God is stunned, "Who?"


At this time, a sound suddenly came from the body!

The Taoist turned, not far away, a woman was slow!

Come, is Qingqiu!

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "I will take over the door!

Everything in the door, I will be responsible.

Taoist looks at Qingqiu, and it is full of jealous!

This is also the sister of Ye Xuan!

There is no pipe god in Qingqiu. She went to Ye Xuan\'s face and whispered: "Taoism is broken with swords?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Qingqiu smiled: "Small problem!

Because your people are still!

Ye Xuan stunned.

At this moment, he suddenly woke up, the heart was broken, the sword has broken, but the swords between the world have no problems!

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "Do you know why?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Qingqiu smiled: "This, I can\'t tell you, you need you to understand, as long as you know yourself, you will have a surprise!"

Have aware of yourself!

Ye Xuan silence.

Qingqiu lightly hugged the white, then turned to look at the gods, "Calling the door, let them come here to see me in an hour.

Taoist God hesitated, then said: "For a quarter?"

Qingqiu smiled: "Yes!

Any questions? "

Taoist Shenxi said: "Qingqiu girl, I am afraid that someone is yin!

People in the Taoist doctors who have no dare to have any discord of the avenue, but to Ye Xuan.

After all, Ye Xuan is now too low, I want to rely on a trush to press someone, or not realistic!

Qingqiu walked to the gods, she smiled slightly, "It doesn\'t matter, they dare not come, I will kill!

One is not coming, kills one, all don\'t come, I am taunt!

Taoist god looked at Qingqiu, "understand!

After finishing, she turned and left!

Qingqiu laughs and laughs, then turn around and looks to Ye Xuan, "Brother, you are here, I will deal with something!"

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Qingqiu laughed: "You don\'t easily correct the realm and the heart, I will always be by your side!

Wen said, Ye Xuan smiled, "Okay!

Qingqiu nodded and turned around.

Ye Xuan looked at the backs of the Qingqiu in the distance, smiled slightly.

The heart is warm!

After a while, Ye Xuan was turned to see the depths of the stars, he was very open, and Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hands, followed, countless people sword!

The heart is broken!

The sword is broken!

However, there is no problem with his swords!

why? Ye Xuan Shen, after a long time, his eyes suddenly shrink, "I understand!

Small pass: "What do you know?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why will I break the heart and sword? Because I have done myself in order to save this universe, I have deny myself, but my purpose is for this endless universe, so my people\'s swordsman And my human order is not affected!

Ask the little pen, "then?"

Then? Ye Xuan brows, "What then?"

Small sink: "There is no effect, but there is no breakthrough!

Ye Xuan silent!

This is a problem!


Ye Xuanbow is deeply frowned. "Why do I have to be tangled? Why do I care about this heart and swords? I should care is my own heart, not my heart and sword!

What is my mind? My heart is to do things well!

My things I did on the same day, is it? No!

My Yaxuan\'s day is done, and I don\'t know how to be consistent, why should I care about what is the heart and sword? Go to the mother\'s heart and sword!


Ye Xuan sounds, a horrible sword suddenly rushed to the sky, a moment, the whole starry sky!

Not only that, Ye Xuan\'s breath is also crazy on this moment!

The realm of Ye Xuan also rose at this moment, and the blink of an eye was returned to the order of order, but it did not improve again!

After a while, Ye Xuan took a breath!

The realm is restored!

Ye Xuan smiled!

In the past few years, he found that his road is a bit biased!

In fact, the most important thing is that my heart, my heart is constant, is the king.

He is the purpose of starting to do something for this universe, both for this universe, but why bother to care about this sword and heart? Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly smiled, "I am doing a good job!

Since it is doing a good job, it should have a good news!

Moreover, in order to do a good job, sacrifice your commitment, deny yourself, what is the relationship? It\'s completely no relationship!

What is my name? I.

I am called to get righteous!

Speaking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly relieved!

What is tangled? Why is you so stupid before yourself? Go to entangle what to do? There is no need!

I am born with this boy!

Thinking of this, the Qingxian sword in Ye Xuan suddenly trembled, followed by countless swords!

The sword is suddenly skyrocketing!

At this time, the little pen suddenly said: "Mom.

I lived for so many years, I have never seen such a shameless person.

You are really powerful, you can deceive themselves.

It\'s really refreshing my three views.

Ye Xuan said: "Do I have a problem?"

Small pen silence.

Ye Xuan said that there is no problem, but it feels that there is a problem, but it can\'t say a problem!

Such as Ye Xuan said, he is indeed a vow to have a vow to have a vow, thereby denying himself.


The small brain suddenly became a bit messy!

The small tower suddenly said: "There is a sentence: as long as I don\'t want my face, you can\'t beat me!

A truly inner heart, he can not only fool others, but also you can flicker.

The little master, my small tower is born, in addition to the sister of the sister, I basically didn\'t admire people, but now, I really admire you!

You are the same as a permanent motion, you can fart, but don\'t violate your mind, not only don\'t violate your mind, you can also break through.

You can do a few swearing, then it is contrary to your heart, then break through.

You are really cattle to Pras!

Ye Xuan: ".
