One Sword Reigns Supreme

2711 Chapter 2669: Don't sell teammates!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

If you have an investigation to Ye Xuan nature, it should be said that today\'s Taoism is aware of Yuxi!

After all, Ye Xuan has already had such a conflict with the door!

When I heard it, the old man couldn\'t help but read her. "When the girl said, what happened to the market?

Directly surrendered!

I watched the old man with a false old man and didn\'t talk.

Her purpose, just saving one person!

As long as people save, she will withdraw!

At that time, what did this past the past, it is the past.

Anyway, she will not go with the mountain king hard!

Soon, the two disappeared at the end of the time and space tunnel.


I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan is now in a dead star area, hundreds of thousands of feet in front of him, standing on a huge stone monument and a stone door.

On the stone monument, there are four big words: the place of return!

When Ye Xuan appeared in the field, he looked at the four weeks, surrounded by a dead.

After Ye Xuan silently walked toward the stone monument!

When he walked to the stone monument, after him, an old man was silently appeared!

The old man dressed in a black robes, hidden in a wide robe, in his left hand, holding a long knife with sheath.

The old man just appeared, Ye Xuan is like a stab, it is uncomfortable.

Ye Xuan\'s heart, the world\'s swords are eager, and the discomfort will disappear.

Ye Xuan fidelinescence to the old man, the old man is also playing Ye Xuan at this moment.

The two have no words!

Suddenly, the old man gently gently on the left hand.


The long knife came out of sheath, the knife was too strong, the whole starry sky under this knife, the straight layer of cracks, just like cut pork belly.

Ye Xuan brows smashed, slamming the sword!

In the face of this three-known strong, Ye Xuan did not dare to keep it, so he fell, and he directly picked up his own blood and the sword!


A knife and sword light suddenly broke out from the front of the rush, Ye Xuanlian continued, because the speed of retreat is too fast, the feet rubbed the spark.

In the distance, the old man looked at Ye Xuan, hoarsess: "You are the first in history, take the order to catch me!"

When Ye Xuan stopped, he looked at his right arm. At this moment, he has lost perception.

Have to say, this old man\'s knife is really overbearing.

In the distance, the old man is going to shoot, and at this time, he suddenly turned to see, not far from Shimen, a woman came out, the woman wore a white armor, and the long hair was bundled into a bunch of dried in the brain. She is hidden behind the waist.


Ye Xuan looked at the woman, and quickly asked, "How to call?"

The woman looked at the Ye Xuan, "Benjia!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "How many people in Baijia girl, now there are now?"

Betai looked at Ye Xuan, "I am one!"

Ye Xiu Xiang, then said: "Will there be less?"

At this moment, he just wants to swear!

Oh shit!

The place of returning to the market is such an important place, you will send a person to guard? Is the avenue owner drink more fake wine? Bena looks calm, "Is there less?"

Ye Xuan looked at Benjia, "Can you play a few?"

The white armor has a finger.

When the Ye Xuan face suddenly was black, "can only play one?"

Benjia looked at Ye Xuan, "Otherwise?"

Ye Xuan speechless.

In the distance, the old man is going to talk, just at this time, the white woman suddenly disappeared in the original place, the old man, the old man is slightly smashed, he sideways, holding the knife handle, the next moment, he slammed the knife cut.

At this time, the white-eyed woman suddenly squatted in front of the old man, she suddenly shot behind the left hand behind the waist!

The knife is flashed, and the field is suddenly quiet.

The old man\'s knife is only half, and he has a little staring at the white woman in front of him, "Okay.



The sound fell, his head flew out!

Benjia woman turned around!

Ye Xuan looked at the white woman who came around, did not speak.

Of course, at this moment, his heart is definitely shocked!

This woman killed a three-known situation!

This is true cow!

Benjia woman walked to Ye Xuan face, she looked at Ye Xuan, "said in your hands?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

After the white woman is silent, he said: "Are you helping?"

Ye Xuan nodded again.

Benli looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Do you think I am a little weak?"

Benjia is very honest.

Ye Xuan said: "Then I will go?"

The white armor shook his head, "said the order in your hands, you go to other places, more dangerous!

Come with me!

After that, she turned to the stone door!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then followed.

After entering Stone Gate, Ye Xuan and Benli came to a plain, Ye Xuan looked at the distance, the end of the line, is a growing mountain, the mountains, the mountains, I can\'t see the head.

Ye Xuan pointed to the mountain range, "Is that the place of return?"

Bena noodles, "Yes!

Ye Xuan said: "There is a life imprint there?"

Benjia Women said: "Yes!

The master seal is suppressed here everything, here, there is a order, reincarnation!

Everything is out of turn, when life goes to the end, their life imprint will return to the market, waiting for the next round!

Ye Xuan looks a white armor, "Next Return?"

Bena noodles, "is a reincarnation!

Not a resurrection!

If it is resurrected.

Once the gland will not die, then they will not be awesome, they will release the most dark side of their hearts!

Said, her eyes flashed a cold man, "I have destroyed here, I want to reverse the order, for a self, let the whole universe caught in the endless darkness, I really damn!

Ye Xuan looks to Benjia, "Do you live?"

Bai A is no expression, "can\'t stand!

Ye Xuan is slightly nod, no more.

Benlica looked at the Ye Xuan, "I will help me!"

Ye Xuan said: "You said!

Benjia pointed to the ground, "There is a mailing here, but it is necessary to move a person, and operate the array, it is what I do, but now, I can only let you come.

Said, I don\'t wait for Ye Xuan to answer, she is a pointer to the bluff in the leaves.


Countless information poured into the Xuanxiang!

Baijia Road: "This is the method of operation!

Ye Xuan nod, is going to talk, Benjia suddenly said: "Remember, do not let them enter the place of returning!"

After saying, she suddenly turned, this turned, she and Ye Xuan actually appeared directly in the previous starry sky, at the same time, white hand suddenly dispatched!

The knife is flashed!


Benjia, a residual episode suddenly violently violent!

This residual shadow ended with hundreds of thousands of feet and stopped, and there was a crack with hundreds of thousands of feet long before.

Ye Xuan looked away, the cracks, there was a middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man wore a large white robe, long hair shawl, right hand, in his chest, where clothing has been Crack, you can see a blood mark!

Just now, I almost want him!

The middle-aged man looked at the white arml and whispered: "It was originally thought that the Taoist was except the avenue.

Benli looked at the middle-aged man, did notad: "Let\'s come?"

Middle-aged man whispered; "Natural is not!

The sound fell, and his time and space suddenly broke. Next, an extremely horrible breath swept!

The acknowledgment of this horrible breath, the Ye Xuan\'s face changed!

Oh shit!

This will not come to the strong on the three kings? Next to Ye Xuan, the white eyes are slightly smashed, after her, the left hand is slow, and a knife is flashing.

In the distance, the middle-aged man looked at the Ye Xuan, "You just rely on the king!"

Ye Xuan silence.

When is your own name? Middle-aged man is laughing, "I am very strong behind you, is it true?"

Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man, smiled: "How, are you very curious?"

Middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan, "I am not curious!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, at this time, the middle-aged man suddenly broke, and the next moment, a old man dressed in robes came out!

When this old man appeared in an instant, the whole star field in the field became dramatic at this moment, and then lost a little!

And this old man didn\'t do anything to the end!

Ye Xuan looked back to Bethy, Benjia silent after a moment, said: "He is not a Sand!

Not a Sand!

Wen said, Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking, "Are you playing?"

Benjia looked in Ye Xuan, "I have no relationship, the problem is you!"

Ye Xuan brows, "What do you mean?"

Benjia woman looked at Ye Xuan, did not speak.

Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly became difficult to look!

If Benjia is pressed, then who is the most dangerous? It is definitely he Ye Xuan!

Sure enough, that middle-aged man has already seen him!

Benjia suddenly said: "Start the array!

After that, she walked toward the old robe old.

The old people in the robes look at the white armor, "Please enlighten me!

The white lacquered corner of the white mouth, the next moment, she manually!


In the silent, the time and space in front of the old robes is directly cracking, followed by a knife and sweeps!

, quick!

See this knife, the middle-aged man in the distance is one of the Ye Xuan\'s face!

Especially Ye Xuan, he never seen the speed of such a fast!

If he is on this white armor, I am afraid that my head is flying out!

However, the old robe is a quiet like water, he suddenly reached out his right hand.


An invisible force is hard to block the knife!

And at this time, the white arml suddenly turned, then slammed down!


A knife is fried, and the old robe is instantly violently violent!

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man is suddenly sinking!

The old robe old people looked at their right hand, his right hand, there is a deep knife mark, blood DC!

The old robe old man looks to the white armor, "You go to deal with the teenager!

I heard the words, the middle-aged man in the side turned to look at the Ye Xuan in the distance, his right hand slowly grasped, a horrible force crazy condensed.

Ye Xuanqi is calm, he is in his right hand, the Qing Xuan Jian is dramatically shaking.

However, at this time, suddenly split, next time, a horrible breath swept!

In the blink of an eye, thirty-six terrorists appeared around, and the six people headed, they were all three kans!

Ye Xuan looked over the opposite side of the people, then said: "Tower, do you think I have a fortune?"

Xiao Tower said: "Don\'t you discomfort in your heart?"

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "I want to fight!"

Xiao Tower said: "Are you serious?"

Ye Xuan nod.

The small tower is silent for a long time, said: "Then I will accompany the little while!


The small tower suddenly turned into the mysterious body, and it was crazy, "It seems that my small tower can no longer be low!

Otherwise, the world is still thinking that I am a hill tower!

Ye Xuan looked at the small towers of the horizon, whispered: "Do you? What about you?

After the small pen is silent, he said: "If you don\'t sell a teammate, I can crazy with you!

Honestly, I also hide some strength.

Big brother, don\'t sell teammates, ok? "
