One Sword Reigns Supreme

2710 Chapter 2666: He is a summoner!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


When I heard Ye Xuan, the avenue pen sighed.

Have to say, it ignores a point!

That is the status of Yin children in Ye Xixin, and Ye Xuan is now doing something to do for this universe, but if this universe has a conflict with the vegetarian, he will not hesitate to select the semester!

He can desperately destroy this universe, but he can destroy this universe for yourself, or even, will not let the younger are wronged for this universe, can\'t!

Thinking of this, the avenue pen once again sigh again.

At this time, the distance in the distance suddenly laughed: "Ye Gongzi, have you want to pass?"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he looked at the curtain and smiled: "I want to pass!

Look at the blind, "Ye Gongzi still chooses to intervene, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "I think, your operation is still not very good, and I think I have no mediation between the past, because they break the market, what must be great, if they let them succeed, In the future, we must have a conflict again.

Smiled in the curtain: "Why?"

Ye Xuan looked at the curtain. "I want to build a new order, say good to listen, for the whole universe, say bad, let me live, reverse my death, understand?"

I heard the words, smiled haha, "Ye Gongzi, I have to say, I appreciate your character, not hypocritical.

Ye Xuan Xiao: "I remember that when I saw you first time, the god girl said to me, you seem to be the master of the avenue, but the avenue owner did not promise you!

I think, what should you want to let the avenue owner to resurrect, right? "

Will the curtain head, "Yes!

Ye Xuan glanced at the curtain, "Can you talk about it?"

The curtain is going to talk, suddenly, her brow is slightly wrinkled, the next moment, she gently smiled, "The original Ye Gongzi is delayed!

Ye Xuan silence.

I am broken!


Why are these women are so smart? At this moment, he thought that the Tiantu for a long time had been dead.

If the other party has this woman half the IQ, it is not in the long gravel!

Tian Wei: ".

Suddenly the curtain: "The animal husbandry is no longer!

Taoism is no longer too late!

Let me guess, who are you waiting?

"Don\'t guess!

At this time, the time and space in the distance suddenly broke, the next moment, a woman came out slowly!

From the people, the gods of the Shengu family are demon!

After the demon came out, she looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Ye Gongzi, I met!"

Ye Xuan smiled: "It\'s troubled to the demon girl!

The peestles laughed: "What is your own, what is you?


Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "Heichi girl, this will be a 3 koo!"


The other is a white eye, "I am very weak in your heart?"

Said, a horrible momentum suddenly swept from her body.


Ye Xuan looked at it, he still guess!

In the past, he guess the demon is a Sand!

Because he has always seen it, it is like seeing this will be the same!

Not thinking more, Ye Xuan said: "Take the deaf girl, I am going to return!"

Have it here!

Pei demon looks at Ye Xuan, "Do you send it?"

Ye Xuan stunned.

The demon is sigh, "Stupid, you go alone, don\'t bring people, definitely to be killed by others!

Said, she took her hand.


After the Xuanxiao, the time and space suddenly broke, the next moment, 36 were in the golden dragon armor, and the strong people holding a long gun came out Qi Qi!

Shen Gu Wei!

The peep laughed: "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "He is long, you.

Honestly, I am very moved!

I am so relieved, I am really touched!

The demon smiled slightly, "Don\'t ly!

go quickly!

Don\'t wait for the place of returning!

Otherwise, it is really trouble!

Ye Xuan nod, "Luni girl, talk!

After finishing, he took the thirty-six Shen Guqi disappeared in the end of the starry.

On the side, it doesn\'t stop the curtain!

Tong demon turned to look at the curtain, smiled: "What is this girl call?"

I got the curtain to my demon, "I know you!"

You are the gods of the ancient people!

Hi pemy, "Yes!

Smiled in the curtain: "You want to invest!

Take a slight smile, "Yes!

Shake your head smile, "There is a big risk, do you know? Because he will not die!

However, your god ancient is not necessarily!

For example, he went to the place of returning, if he did not appear behind him, the gods you sent, will die!

Not only they, the deaf girl will die!

The demon blinks, "Why do you really think that the people behind him do not shoot?"

I laughed with the curtain: "Because this time Ye Gong is said to be ourselves!"

The demon shook his head and sighed, "Ye Gongzi\'s words, listening is good, you are actually true.

Silence the curtain.

She suddenly found that she seems to have a bit of hermeality!

Taoism, "Girl, do you want to play?"

Shake your head, "Forget it!

You and me, maybe you can win, but I will definitely can\'t die!

So, we don\'t waste your strength!

Head, "is indeed!

So, now we go to the market? "

Watching the curtains, "Don\'t you want to break away from the market, is there a reshuffle in the universe? Moreover, your god ancient people is so miserable, all because the avenue owner, isn\'t you? ? Don\'t blame? Don\'t you want to revenge? "

After the demon silence, he said: "In fact, I also want you to destroy the return of the market, let the universe reshuffle!

Furthermore, I really resentful, hate, and I really want to revenge, but.

Said, she whispered, "But your opponent is Ye Gongzi!

You choose him to do your opponent, what can I do? I have no way!

I can only choose the station team Ye Gongzi!


You have to change your opponent, I will mix with you!

After all, my people are actually quite real!

Principle this kind of thing.

I can actually change it at any time!

Will younitate in the demon, "You don\'t want to keep it here, I will cry, you should cry.

The sound fell, after her body, the time and space suddenly broke, the next moment, a white robe was slowly coming out.

This white robe has just emerged, and the Chinese star field has become illusively!


The demon is awkward: "Don\'t you say that you don\'t fight?"

Laughed with the curtain: "I didn\'t want to play!"

But you are too arrogant!

Said, she slowly walked towards the demon, "Take the deaf girl, you must understand one thing, that is, we don\'t dare to kill the king of the mountain, but are you leaning on the king? Do you have a girl? No? !

Since there is no, what are you arrogant in front of us? "

The sound falls, after he is the body, the time and space suddenly broke, and another old man slowly came out!


Triple Sand!

The demon suddenly said: "I am pregnant with Ye Gongzi!

I heard the words and lived in the curtain.

The demon booth is booth, and she is serious: "If you kill me, he will not give it!

Not only that, the children in my belly are strict, it is his sister\'s outer, pro.

Stare the curtain and stare at the demon, don\'t talk.

Ten people saw three people and then said: "I killed me.

This cause is big!

Will the curtain, if you are not afraid, you will kill me!

Shake the curtain slightly, thumbs up, "Tong Di girl, you can be very powerful, what is dared to say, I have to admire you!

Pei demon looked at the curtain, "I remind you, you are here to talk to me, there is no meaning!"

Ye Gongzi should now have to return to the market!

Of course, I know that you will definitely prepare!



Do you think that Ye Gongzi doesn\'t have any other hand? Moreover, do you really think that the door is so weak? It\'s not for you, there is no strength? The Dao Ling girl really is so unbearable? "

Said, she smiled slightly, "the variable is in the place of the market, not here!

After the curtain is silent, the road: "White is old, you look at her!"

After that, she disappeared directly with the old man.

I saw two people left, and I was calm, but my heart was relieved!

If you really play, she must not be able to fight three!

Therefore, there is no way, she can only transfer contradictions!

The forefish turned to the direction of the place of return, whispered: "Ye Gongzi.

You have to support it!

Ye Xuan: ".


Among time and space, the curtain with the old man crazy shuttle.

At this time, the old man suddenly said: "Why can\'t I kill the Ye Xuan?"

I looked at the old man, "kill him, let\'s try, understand?"

I heard the words, the old man frowned, "Are you joking?"

The curtain is calm: "You are strong, or the protector of the avenue is strong?"

The old man is silent.

The host is very strong and very strong, super strong!

However, he dares to say that it is strong than the avenue owner!

Avenue pen owner.

That is a horrible person who is desperate!

Suddenly the curtain; "You have passed the contrary, it has always been secretly touched, at least before the owner of the Avenue does not disappear, is it?"

The old man is silent.

Continue the curtain: "But do you know that Ye Gongzi? He rebellion, it has always been a clear!

He dared to say that he would establish a brand new order in the Master of the Avenue.

do you dare? Do you dare? "

The old man does not speak.

The curtain said again: "This is the second, the most important thing is that the avenue owner will tell him, what should you rebel.

Said, she shakes his head, "Faced with this king, you can only hit him, you can hurt, but you can\'t kill, as long as you don\'t kill, the problem is not very big!"

Of course, you can\'t bully too much, because you bully too much, he may not talk about Wu De, to show the summoning surgery of this day.

When she said, she once again shook his head again, "The world thought he was a sword, it was not, he is a summoner!

Moreover, this calling skill has a very poor passive, once called, ignores everything, a sword will kill.
