One Sword Reigns Supreme

2684 Chapter 266: The bone is not available!

Penyo www.


SO, fastest update a sword alone!

200 million videos!

Have to say, Yunyu is very unexpected, because she didn\'t think that Ye Xuan actually gave her so many Diverties!

200 million!

This is not a small number!

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "Cloud prayer, what is your plan?"

Cloud prayed.

What is going on? After leaving Yunyuan, she hasn\'t thought about this problem!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "It is better to join my book!"

Cloud prayed to Ye Xuan, "Your Academy?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

My view of Xuanyuan!

I want to build a new order, outer order!

Are you interested? "

The cloud is like blinking, "Is there a?"

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "Of course!

Cloud prayed, "Good!

Ye Xuan nod, "After adding my college, you are completely free, you want to forge weapons, you can forge God forged God, and you forged those gods, if you want to sell, you can take it, I think, It should be sold for a lot of money!

This cloud praying the ability, it is really horrible!

If she is willing to sell, it is impossible to lack!

Cloud prayed slightly, "I understand!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "What is your plan?"

Ye Xuan fid enough to see the deep place of the starry sky, whispered: "I am planning now, but more!

After a moment, Ye Xuan and cloud pray!

Ye Xuan did not go back, but in this domain!

Although the royal family of the road disappeared, but the entire road domain did not disappear, because he had made you in your hands!

Good job!

In just a short time, Ye Xuan is a view of Xuanxuan in the Domain, including more than 10,000 in the hall, the scale is the biggest history!

The martial arts civilization in the Domain is far from the place, so he must recruit a group of top power to take the town!

The next time, Ye Xuan and Yun prayed to start busy!

Because the strength of the secret is too weak, if you let the secrets go find someone, those top-level strong are afraid to sell their accounts at all!

So he can only come!

The disappearance of the Queen is undoubtedly shocked throughout the domain!

This king can have always been a super hegemony in the Domain, but now, this super hegemony has disappeared!

And with the rise of the Xuan Academy, everyone suddenly understands!

For a time, countless forces are under secret investigation of Xuanxin!

Before the door of the book, Ye Xuan and cloud pray quietly.

Ye Xuan looks to the cloud, "this column, you come to the management, how?"

The cloud is like blinking, "I will take it?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

However, you have to listen to the command of the martial arts!

Cloud prayed.

Ye Xuan said: "The Dean of the Wushen is my sister!

Cloud prayed: "No problem!

Ye Xuan said: "This book is built, and now it is very lack of person. We are just a matter of finding a batch of unwounded people to sit!

In addition, the college has just been bungned, and many people have doubtful attitudes, they are still watching, so we have.

At this time, the cloud prayed suddenly: "These two are good!

Ye Xuan looked to the cloud, and the cloud prayed: "You got the finance and cultivation of the entire royal family, right?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Cloud prayed: "When you come, you will naturally come!"

Moreover, there will be many people!

After the Xuanxuan silent, laughed; "Yes!

Cloud prayed: "I will give you it!"

You give me money with things!

Rest assured, I am not corrupt!

Wen said, Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly turned black!

The method of cloud prayer is effective. After he takes out part of the practice of practice, some top-level strong people have been attracted, and after a month, more and more strong people come to the Xuan Academy, this, there are six There is unstruthful!

Welfare is very good!

As the unless of the sky, you only need to speak two lessons in the book every month, you can get a lot of Dow, which is natural to be a good thing!

After the addition of the ancestors of the day, the forces of the original wait and see have also begun to close to the Shuixuan Academy!

Because everyone already knows, it is the king family!

This is a mysterious and powerful horror!

Soon, more and more people come to join in the book!

And the Xuanxuan Academy also directly replaced the original royal family and became the biggest force of the road!

View in Xuan Temple.

Ye Xuan is sitting in the first place, below him, has 36 people, including nine people are unless!

These are all new tutors!

In the temple, everyone looked at Ye Xuan, and the look is very respectful!

Although the Ye Xuan realm is not high, this man is destroyed by the whole king!

Ye Xuan looked at everyone, then said: "All the books have begun to take shape, next, there will be more and more people join us!

More people, there will be such problems such as the book, I will give you three rules!

First, you come to the college, for finding money, I can understand, I will give you a fixed Dural crystal every year, so I don\'t want someone to use the college, which is corrupt, I don\'t want to see this!

If you appear in my college, I will not be in your hand.

Second, I have to establish a kind of order, I have already said to you, and this order, you need to help you, you can also build your own belief in this order, of course, you are not interested. It doesn\'t matter, then you can do this job!

Said, he suddenly took a meal, continued to say: "Third, the college is the first forces of the Domain, then we have a responsibility to guard this universe, and this universe has to be in my rules!

Wen Yan, the people in the temple looked at each other!

At this time, an old man hesitated, then said: "Dean, Taoist Door.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Reassure, start today, where I am watching in the case of Xuan Academy, the order order is useless.

Everyone once again looked at each other!

Ye Xuanqi, "If I don\'t have, the book is responsible for the Yunyu girl, and there is the first and martial arts courtyard, and the martial arts court will come here. At that time, everyone I have to listen to her order!

Inside the temple, everyone nodded.

Ye Xuan left the hall, he came to the temple, looking out, at this moment, tens of thousands of students have been recruited!

Welfare is very good!

Looking at this scene in front of you, Ye Xuanbow is deeply frightened!


He now understands the words of the avenue.

To build an order, it is actually not, it is difficult to maintain the entire order.


Mo said others, that is, he can\'t do real selflessness, because it is a person, there will be selfishness!

The world of the law!

After all, you still have to build on your fist!

That is to say, to establish a world of legislation, there must be invincible strength, only so, people will follow this legal order.

In other words, people abide by this order, not because this order is or wrong, just is simple because you are strong!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan is not sighing whisper!

He didn\'t think about giving up, only to say, everything has to come slowly, and you can\'t!

At this time, the clouds walked to the Xuanqiao, she looked at Ye Xuan, "What are you thinking?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It is a bit of difficult!

After the cloud prayed, he said: "Is your order, is it serious?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Cloud prayed slightly, then said: "So slowly!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

First of all, you have to change the hearts, and this generation is hard to change, so I can only try to change the next generation!

Or, constrain them with a law!

Cloud prayed slightly, "Are you leaving?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It\'s going back!

Cloud prayed in Ye Xuan, "Is it coming back?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Of course, I am the dean!

Cloud prayed: "Okay!

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, one is in front of the cloud, "there is 200 million cars inside, you stay, you need it!

If you still need, give me a credibility!

Cloud prayed for a eye, nodded, "Then I laughed!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Cloud prayed, we will be a period!

After finishing, he directly turned a sword light disappeared in the end of the starry.

Cloud prayed at the sky, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

This is another, I don\'t know if I can meet? .

After Ye Xuan left the road, he did not go to Qingqiu, he now has a new goal!

Just then, the little pen suddenly said: "What did you see before?"

The small tower is also a very curious, "Xiao Lord, you don\'t talk!

What is big? Ye Xuan double eyes slow down!

Qingmen let him see a horrible world!

Although it is just a horn of ice, this also makes him understand one thing, not to talk to you, is a great gap between the owner of the avenue!

Chasing the footsteps of you!

Because you wait for him in front!

At this time, the little pen suddenly said: "Talk about it!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Waiting for your strength!

Naturally, I will know!

Small pen: ".

Ye Xuan directization as a sword light disappeared at the end of the Star River!


After half a month, Ye Xuan came to a star field!

This way, he passed countless star farms, but there is no life!

He found that there is no life in this vast universe.

Just then, the Ye Xuan face suddenly changed, he suddenly broke out in front of him, the next moment, a huge star ship directly went straight to him!

Ye Xuan is immersed, and finally retreats!

At this time, a huge star ship appeared in front of him, this star ship has a long time, in the top of Narrow ship, there are three big words: future number!

Future number? Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

Just then, the Shiya suddenly stopped, the next moment, a woman who was dressed in tight-aged armor came out, and the woman held a long gun in his hand, and the woman looked at Ye Xuan, "What is it?"

Ye Xuan looked at the woman, said: "Ye Xuan!

The woman is smashed, she is palm, an ancient book appears in her hand, she swept her eyes, after a moment, she looked to Ye Xuan, "the world\'s sword is Ye Xuan, died in two thousandjobs after noon, No bones are not available!

Ye Xuan: ".


PS: Ticket!