One Sword Reigns Supreme

2683 Chapter 2669: Stepping on my shoulder, send you invincible!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


The old man glared at the young, "ignorance, arrogance!


Qingli sword!


The old man is directly divided by a sword, and the powerful power is instantly erased!

Everyone: ".

The green look is calm, "more!

After finishing, she looked at the distance, there, spoken, a middle-aged man came over!

Seeing this middle-aged man, the royal people in the field quickly respectfully, trembling: "See the ancestors!

I have seen the ancestors!

Come, is the ancestor!

Middle-aged men have no field of view, and his eyes fell directly on the green body. He looked at the green, and he was a whisper. "Why don\'t I see you?"

Do not see!

I heard the words, everyone in the field stunned.

Qingren looked at the middle-aged man, "I don\'t understand it. Because you are too weak!

Too weak!

At this point, the people of the royal family suddenly became anger!

Middle-aged man staring at Blue, "You are very strong!

I don\'t have a little bit: "Very strong? Invincible, it is modest!"

Understand? "

Said, she is sword!

This sword is out, the middle-aged man is suddenly shrinking. He is very open, in an instant, in his palm, countless avenue is generally gathered, at this moment, millions of horrible power Four sides come!

The light of this force is enough to make everyone in the field!

Next to Ye Xuan, the cloud is like never never before!

She also heard of this king\'s ancestor, did not know how terrible in the other party, and at this moment, she found that the strength of the other person was horrible to have a horror!


At this moment, the sidewalk sword directly broke all the power, and then in the eyes of everyone, the sidewalk sword dried into the middle-aged man\'s palm, and then did not enter his body in his body!


Under the gaze of everyone, the middle-aged man is directly nailing this sword!

All the strengths in the field are disappeared, just like there is no general!

In the field, those who were strong in the country, their heads were blank!

Ancestor is second? Is it second? All the power of all the people is desperate!

At this time, the middle-aged man looked at the young, "Who are you!

Among his voice, it is also incredible!

In this life, he has seen such a person has such a horrible strength, and that is the avenue owner!

In addition to the Master of the Avenue, there is a bit of strong in this world, but those who know him can\'t be so strong!

Qingli looked at the middle-aged man, "Do you know why you don\'t remove you directly? It is necessary to look at your king to die!

Said, her palm is booming, Qing Xuanjian suddenly flying into the king of the royal family, and a strong sword directly locked the entire royal family!

The middle-aged man looked at the young, "Why?"

Yue is going to talk, at this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I will say it!"

The priority of this thing should also let everyone know!

I don\'t say it before, because I want to tell you, but you want to tell me fists!

Now, since you want to know why, then I will say!

Said, he said that he will say a difference between the priority!

Wen said, some of the royal family\'s faces have become difficult to look!

Night market!

There, there is indeed a royal industry, and it is possible to bring a big income every year!

And they did not expect that this time the king is a big disaster, because the royal family wants to eat black!

Thinking of this, the face of the royal family of the scene is very difficult to look!

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly said: "This little brother, my king is willing to compensate for your losses, you can see if this is good!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "no!

Because you destroy your royal family, your king is everything, or mine!

Middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Because your king family wants to kill me from the beginning, when you want to kill me, you have to kill me, we come here, you still want to kill I!

If you are not my sister, I have no chance to talk to you here!


Said, he turned his head to look at you, "kill!

Qingyan right hand gently moves down!

The sidewalk sword falls!


In an instant, the whole of the royal family is directly eradicated!

All the Wang people in the field were also killed at this moment, only the middle-aged man!

The middle-aged man looked at the king family, but the look was calm. He shook his head, no more, his body became illusively.

The green palm is spread, suddenly, tens of thousands of swords from the bottom of the sky, very fast, this tens of thousands of swords fly before, every sword, there is a quite ring!

See this scene, the cloud is hot!

Ye Xuan is also stunned!

Still you know him!

Ye Xuan\'s mouth smile, then put away all the quenches!

Jindier: "Walk away!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Said, brothers and sisters walked in the distance!

At this time, the green sudden turned to look at the cloud, "Don\'t follow!

Cloud prayed black line: ".

In this way, the clouds prayed that Ye Xuan and Qing were disappearing in the distance. She looked at the court and shook his head!


The rack of the nursing is that there is so gone!

And this time, the door did not come to help!


Thinking of this horrible forces, the clouds burst frowned, why didn\'t this door not appear? .


At this moment, the god looked at a reel in front of him, silent!

The royal family is gone!

This is what she has received!

The horrible super ethnic group, even disappeared from the world!

At this moment, her heart was trembling!

This time, it is not the sister of Ye Xuan, but another woman in a sexy skirt!

How many sisters have this Ye Xuan? The Dao god eyes slowly slowed down!

Being next to her, the dream of the dream has become incomparably lighter!

She is also shocked when she learned that the royal family was destroyed!

That\'s a royal family!

The heroes of hundreds of millions of years!

Strong strength, even if there is no way to compete with it!

However, now, by one of one sword!

And it is a monolry!

If the woman comes to the world.

Dreams don\'t dare to think about it!

At this time, the Taoist suddenly said: "Don\'t come to provoke it again!


Everyone in our junction, encounter him, give him very face!

Rely on the mountain!

At this moment, two of them understand that this is the meaning of the mountain!

Can\'t afford!


Among the stars, you will walk slowly with Ye Xuan!

Yue is still a skin dress, or so simple, so beautiful!

Qing sudden turned to look at Ye Xuan, smiled: "Brother, you become strong!"

Ye Xuan smiled, "In front of you, I don\'t match it!

Qing dynasty shook his head, "Don\'t say this, in my heart, you will always be the best!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, then said: "You, can you tell me, where are you now?"

The young people suddenly paused, and a sword!


The starry sky in front of Ye Xuan suddenly scored two, in the endless star crack, a paint black, he can\'t see anything!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked to your youth.

Said, she refers to a touch of Ye Xuanzhuang.

Sword light flashes!

Ye Xuan once again looked back to the starry sky, soon, I didn\'t know what to see, his look became unbeatable!

After a moment, Ye Xuan received his eyes. At this time, the young sleeves were paved, and hundreds of thousands of gentle spices were directly healed. Everything in the field returned to normal!

Ye Xuan looked into a young, "That is?"

Qingyue smiled: "This world is still a bit interesting!

Ye Xuan is silent, the heart is shocking!

The green is holding the hand of Ye Xuan, then walking towards the distance, "the universe is very big, but in me, it is that!

Brother, you don\'t think more, I know your thoughts, you want to rely on yourself a day, this is your choice, so I will wait!

Waiting for you!

Said, she pointed to the distance in the distance: "And you don\'t want to work!"

Say with me, this endless universe, I conquer you for you.

Speaking of this, she shook his head again, "Forget it!

Conquer this universe, there is no sense of accomplishment!

It\'s not interesting, the management of the universe is very tired, it is not as good as it!

Wen said, Ye Xuan smiled.

Have to say, some ideas of you are really extremely dangerous!

She really has the idea of ​​being killed!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I won\'t let you wait too long!

Young nod, "I know!

Ye Xuan looked at the youngers, laughing: "I believe you!"

Ye Xuan blinked, "If I can\'t do it?"

Qingmen refers to his shoulders, "I let you step on my shoulder, send you invincible!"

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he gently stopped the green in his arms and whispered: "Wait for me!

The green nodded slightly, whispered: "You are the only loved ones in this world, I don\'t wait, who can I wait?"

Ye Xuan slightly smile!

After a while, the brothers and sisters came together to move towards the deep depths of the stars, and the stars were silent.

After a time, there was a sword in the depths of the stars, followed by, it took the sky, and entered the crack!

Originally, Ye Xuan looked at the cracks in the starry sky, long time has not been said!

At this time, Yunyou suddenly appeared next to Ye Xuan, she looked deep in the stars and whispered: "She is gone?"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, nodded slightly, "Well!

Cloud prayed: "Your sister is really powerful!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "That is of course, haha.

At this time, the cloud prayed suddenly: "I will leave home!"


I have a little difficult now.

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, a quite quie is flying to the clouds!

Cloud prayed to look at it, directly stunned, there is 200 million videos in the quie!

Ye Xuan looked to the cloud, "I will let the Yun people understand how it is correct!
