One Sword Reigns Supreme

2662 Chapter 264: Mellow Shield!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


Ye Xuan pulled the sleeves of the clouds, then said: "It\'s too straight!

Cloud prayed to shake his head, "Directly, good!

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly said; "The girl is the northern part?"

Cloud prayed, "Yes!

Middle-aged men smiled slightly, "I used to have a one of your ancestors!

Yunqi suddenly laughed: "So, will you give me the inheritance, right?"

Ye Xuan: ".

The middle-aged man is silent!

The cloud is like blinking, "if you don\'t give it.

I can.

Middle-aged man laughed: "Grab?"

Cloud prayed to a middle-aged man, then said: "How many strengths are you now in the peak?"

Middle-aged man smiled: "You have a big head, do you want to make a decision according to my strength?"

Cloud prayed!

Middle-aged man laughed: "Honestly, I want to introduce my pass by this little brother!"

Cloud prayer: "He don\'t!"

Said, she turned around to see the Ye Xuan, "Is it?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "He is not to give, I still want it!"

Cloud prayed the sleeves of Lafi Xuan, reminded: "You can\'t play me!

Ye Xuan: ".

On the one side, middle-aged men suddenly said: "You have met here and meet me, it is a fate!

Said, he looked to the cloud, "Inherit, I can be divided into two, one of you!"

After finishing, he spreads his hands, two rolls of black reels slowly floating to Ye Xuan and Yunqi!

Cloud prayed to the scroll and then received it!

Ye Xuan also quickly collected the reel, then, the two quickly looked at the middle-aged man!

Finance is still not divided!

Seeing the eyes of the two, middle-aged men suddenly speechless!

How did the two guys are the same as a bandit? The middle-aged man is open, and the two quies are slow to fly to Ye Xuan and Yunqi. There are 10 million videos in the two quarters!

Ten million!

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

so little? And the cloud is like a smile, so much? Ye Xuan is not too small, but let him have some unexpected, this is the unwafforde!

Is Dow so few? Still, he underestimated the right of law gods? At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "Normal!

One day is unsatisfactory, although it is very strong, but he is a person, and the law of the law is the law of countless universe. She wants to be corrupt, that is not imaginable!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "God is definitely more money!

Avenue pen: ".

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly laughed: "Two, can you help me?"

Cloud prayed, "You said!

Middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "You said!

Middle-aged man laughed: "After the war, I should not be particularly good!"

I gave you two people inherit, but I still have a inheritance. I hope that you will bring me the people, if you can, please ask two photos!

Cloud, I have no problem!

Ye Xuan also nodded, "no problem!

Middle-aged men smiled slightly, "Thank you!

Said, his palm is booted, and a reel is slowly floating. "This volume is the inheritance of me for my people!

On the scroll, there is a jade!

Middle-aged man said: "Impressing this jade, you can contact my people!

Cloud prayed slightly, "we will do it!

Middle-aged man smiled: "Thank you!

After finishing, his body gradually became illusively!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Seniors, is there?"

After the middle-aged man is silent, he said: "It has been entered the place of returning!

Returned place!

Ye Xuan did not speak.

Middle-aged man said again: "Of course, this is not important for me!"

I am waiting for the year, when I am a heart, my life is thin!

Said, he shook his head smiled, "Wanfa is very empty!

Ye Xuan did not speak, whispered.

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly said: "The little friend cultivates ancient tang?"

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "The seniors know this ancient tang?"

Middle-aged man nodded, "know!

I used to have the ancient girl!

When I was invited to come here, she agreed!

But I don\'t know why it is not coming!

Ye Xuan said: "She told the avenue owner!"

Then transfer being suppressed!

I heard the words, the middle-aged man whispered: "It turns out!

Ye Xuan said: "It can be seen as it, the ancient girl seems to be just order!

Middle-aged man laughed: "She is not so simple, although she is just a order, but she can go to the sky, just, she is in the realm, she wants to repair the order, then water to the stream The anneadashi.

Very great!

I heard the words, and Ye Xuan, she understood that ancient is still hidden her strength!

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly said: "Xiaoyou cultivated is an ancient tang, which is like this, there is a gift to a small friend!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuanlian is busy: "What is the gift?"

Middle-aged man smiled: "Before you come in, you can see the black dots outside the star door?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Middle-aged man said: "Those power, from Tiandao\'s Lei, this is left behind, and I was sealed here, but as I was more and more weak, my strength has been fast Can\'t live in these lots, and little friends can help me solve this problem!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Absorb these Torres?"

Middle-aged man nodded, "Xiaoyou is an ancient trust body. If you absorb these lots, your ancient trust will be able to improve again!

Ye Xuan said: "But I can\'t hold these lots!"

Middle-aged man laughed: "That\'s because you ignore your way of cultivation of your ancient war. When you go out, you can run your ancient battle, believe in me, you can make you Absorbed the lane.

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "I will try it later!"

The middle-aged man nodded. He looked at Ye Xuan, hesitated, then: "Little Friends, I will have disappeared from this world, can you answer me a question?"

Ye Xuan nod, "the seniors said!

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan. "Are you challenge the owner of the avenue?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then nod.

Seeing, middle-aged men laughed when she suddenly laughed. "Good!

very good!

After finishing, he completely disappeared in the world.

Ye Xuan Shen color is complex!

He knows that the reason why the other party helps him, it may be this reason!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly somewhat emotion, after the order of the order, if there is a problem inside the order in the order, is there countless people to resist ourselves? At this time, the cloud prayed next to: "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, nodded, and the two left this starry sky. After coming to the outside, Ye Xuan looked around the thunder, he turned to the cloud, "Can I help me protect the law?"

Cloud prayed, "Good!

Ye Xuan blinks, "Is it charged?"

Cloud prayed: "You can look at it!

Ye Xuan speechless, there is not much thought, he sits down, then runs the ancient trust of the body, soon, the thunders he surrounded began to tremble!

Ye Xuan Road; "Cloud prayed, put a little lane first!

He naturally didn\'t dare to absorb too many dense. Now his flesh is not enough to bear so many densers, so you can only come slowly, one more absorption!

When I heard Ye Xuan, the cloud prayed nodded, then put a little Lei came in. When these transes entered Ye Xuan body, Ye Xuan\'s body flick directly, and then was corroded at a little bit!

Ye Xuan is busy and crazy to run the heart, very fast, there are countless fine golden lights above the meat, and those of those transes are directly inhaled!


Ye Xuan\'s body suddenly paratriotic!

Ye Xixiang is very shocked, he still underestimated these lots, the power of this laser is too horrible!

Cloud prayed in Ye Xuan, "Are you okay?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Nothing!

I can support it!

Cloud prayed slightly, "You have to support, otherwise, your things are mine!

I heard the words, and the Ye Xuan is directly spit out of a bite!


This woman is actually playing this idea? Ye Xuan is busy and quiet!

Just now, I almost let him break!

He didn\'t have a cloud pray, continue to run the body, with the ancient war law, his flesh began to absorb those slides.

On the one side, the cloud prayed curiously with Ye Xuan, the eyes, just like a treasure!

After about one hour, Ye Xuan began to absorb more lots, and now he has slowly adapts those lots, which makes Ye Xuanxing!

If the middle-aged man said, if he really absorbs these lots, his ancient trust must be on the first floor!

In this way, when the time passed, the cloud prayed that the Ye Xuanfeng began to gradually deteriorate, and it couldn\'t help but unfortunately!

Just then, Yaxuan suddenly began to accelerate the absorption of those lots, surrounded, countless narrators, also rapidly move towards the Xuan Yong.

Now he, the flesh has completely adapts to these lots!

Have to say, he underestimated his own flesh and his own law!

This ancient warfare is really ahead!

In this way, three days later, at this moment, Ye Xuan has already absorbed a clean net!

Ye Xuanyi sat in the air, his flesh was gradually trembled, and he didn\'t know how long he was restored.

On the side, Yunqi is curious to show Ye Xuan, she can feel that the flesh of Ye Xuan has already changed the earth!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, in his eyes, the two black thunders suddenly condensed!


There was a horror at the horses in the hunter, once in an instant, the space is boiling directly, and countless lightning flashes!

Ye Xuan Shen took a breath, the palm is spread, and then grasped, once a moment, the whole horizon cracked into a spider mesh!

At this time, the cloud prayed next to suddenly nodded, "Your body, resistance!

Can be a meat shield!

Ye Xuan: ".


PS: Annual Meeting, I am undoubtedly the most handsome!