One Sword Reigns Supreme

2661 Chapter 264: Do you have inheritance?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuanlun had some speechless, discuss, he must fight this woman before, this woman knows that she can fight her, and put forward this condition!

It\'s really not to talk about!

Ye Xuan said: "Cloud prayer, if there is a god and inheritance, it is attributed to you, I don\'t want!

The cloud is like blinking, "Really?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Really!

Cloud prayed: "Okay!

After that, she walked over the top, at this time, the black cloud suddenly surged, the next moment, a huge black rain column pen straight down!

The powerful power is directly to get four weeks!

Seeing this horror power, Ye Xuanqi color has become dignified!

At this time, the cloud pray suddenly supported the umbrella, and then served in the top of the umbrella!


The whole handle is suddenly trembled, then in Ye Xuan thrive, the black rain column disappeared directly!

Very to be blocked!

Ye Xuan stunned!

He looked at the umbrella in the hand, then said: "Cloud prayers, what umbrella is you?"

Cloud prayed: "Avenue umbrella!

Is it very powerful? "

Ye Xuan nod, "is really very powerful!

Cloud prayed in Ye Xuan, "Do you have a powerful God?"

Ye Xiu Xiu, then laughed: "No!

Cloud prayed for an eye, "Don\'t be afraid, I am a principled person. Under normal circumstances, I don\'t want to rob.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is it not normal?"

Cloud prayer: "The poor will not open the pot!"

Ye Xuan speechless.

Cloud prayed suddenly: "Let\'s go!

Said, she walked toward the black cloud in front of her!

Ye Xuan looked at the cloud pray, then followed the past, very fast, the two came to the black cloud, the black cloud, there is a raging dark flow!

Cloud prayed to look into the Ye Xuan, "It seems that there is no!"

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, then said: "You wait!

Said, he is the palm of your hand, the avenue pen appears in him!


The luck suddenly shocked: "Are you this legendary avenue pen?"

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "Yes!

When the cloud walked to Ye Xuan, she watched a big road pen carefully, and then some shock: "Is real goods!

You have a big road pen, amazing!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It\'s just a pen, there is nothing!

Avenue pen: ".

Cloud prayed for a eye, "You still say that you have no treasures!"

Ye Xuan smiled: "What is a treasure?"

Avenue pen: ".

Yunqi is a bit excited, "Do you have a better baby?"

Ye Xuan laughed: "I have the opportunity to see you again!

Said, he looked at the avenue pen in his hand, then said: "Do you have a treasure here?"

The avenue pen sink: "Do you think I am a treasure hunt?"

Ye Xuan said: "You are a big road pen, will there be no such function?"

The avenue pen is a bit anger: "You also know that I am a pen!"

Ye Xuan speechless!

The avenue pen suddenly said: "You can go in and see, there is a concealed fate, it should be a soul!


Ye Xuan looks to the black cloud, then said: "Go in!

Go in!

Cloud prayed to Ye Xuan, "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan nod, "go!

After that, he walked toward the black cloud with the cloud.

When it is close to the black cloud, Ye Xuan saw that the black clouds, countless mysterious strange power is surging, see these strength, his look is incomparably lighter.

His ancient trust is absolutely can\'t hold these power!

Ye Xuan looked to the cloud, and clouds prayed to open an umbrella. At this time, the umbrella suddenly broke out a horrible force. As the power appeared, the black cloud in front of the two suddenly swayed.

See this scene, Ye Xuan couldn\'t help but watched the handle of the unpackle!

This umbrella is really fierce!

Cloud prayed to Ye Xuan, "Go!

Ye Xuan nod, two people walked toward the thick black cloud, after entering the black cloud, Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, after entering the inside of this black cloud, he found that this black feather\'s internal strength is more terrible This black cloud floating countless fine black spots, those deaths are these black spots, but here, this kind of black dot is endless!

Ye Xuan couldn\'t help but read a big road umbrella in the hand, "Are you secure?"

If this umbrella is not strong, these black dots are coming, he is afraid that it will violently!

Cloud prayed, "Reassured, the power here can\'t break this big umbrella!

The voice just fell, and the black spots surrounded suddenly, and then the same as the tide is generally coming towards the two!


In an instant, the avenue umbrella suddenly belred!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan face silen down because he found that this anchel bug is actually corroded at a little bit!

Cloud praying is also slightly.

Ye Xuan pulled the sleeves of the Pray, then said: "Is it lived?"

After the cloud piwrans, he said: "I am afraid that I can\'t live!"

Ye Xuan expression stiff!

Yunyou suddenly took out a handle, this umbrella and the umbrella were simply, but this handle should be big!

See this umbrella, Ye Xuan stunned, "Is this?"

Cloud prayed: "Avenue umbrella!

Ye Xuan looked at the cloud, "Do you have two way an umbrella?"

Cloud prayed, "You see this, there are a lot!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Is there a difference?"

Cloud prayed: "Of course there is a difference!

This big, is a big road umbrella father, small is the son, Dad is more than his son!

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Your father should be more than you?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Yunyou suddenly built an umbrella, and as this is open, an invisible force suddenly turned around for four weeks, a moment, around the black spots were swayed!

See this scene, Ye Xuanqi suddenly became an old!

This father is really harder than his son!

Cloud prayed to take the small big road umbrella, then said: "Let\'s go!

Said, the two will continue to walk towards the depth!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Do you have a wholesale umbrella?"

Cloud prayed: "My family not only wholesale umbrella, but also sells a lot!"

Said, her palm is booming, a pen appears in her hands, see this pen, Ye Xuantili stunned!

Avenue pen!

The brush in the cloud praying is like a lot of the pen!

Cloud prayed: "You see, is it like a pen in your hand? Including the breath!

Ye Xuanzi looked at your eyes, I have to say that this is true with the avenue, not only this, even the breath!

True and false is difficult!

Yunyou suddenly holds the avenue pen to sway around, a pen!


In an instant, the black dots were disrupted when the black dots were suddenly refined, but the pen is still, and those black sides can\'t be close to the stroke!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then a show!


A pen is out, however, that the pen is just near the black nodes, it is no trace that is disappearing!

See this scene, Ye Xuan expression stiff.

Yunyu is also blinking, and a face is not unknown.

Ye Xuan looked in a big road pen in his hand, "Don\'t explain it?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "It is too weak!

Ye Xuanfeng handed the pen to the cloud, "You try!

Cloud picked up, she waved.


A pen!

This pen is just taking into contact with those blacks, it is broken again!

Cloud praying is also stiff!

She curiously sets the freighter and fakes in her hands, and I have a little bit!

Ye Xuan has some embarrassment, he can\'t wait to find a place to diamond!

At this time, the cloud prayed suddenly: "Is this true goods?"

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "Avenue pen, you explain it yourself!"

Small pen and silend: "I don\'t know!"

Ye Xuan said: "Big Brother, you don\'t know? Are you joking? The fakes in the family have been so strong, and you are really goods.

You tell me, where is there any problem? "

The little pen is somewhat helpless: "I really don\'t know!"

Ye Xuan speechless.

At this time, the cloud prayed that the avenue will return to Ye Xuan. "Maybe it is imitated, it is too strong!

Ye Xuan: ".

Cloud prayed again: "You this.

Really real goods? "

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "In fact, I am also patterned!"

You should know how the avenue pen may be so weak, what do you say? "

Avenue pen: ".

Cloud prayed slightly, "it is true!

Said, she looked at the avenue pen in Ye Xuan, still some doubts!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Let\'s go!

Said, the two continue to advance!

On the road, Ye Xi Xin Middle Road: "Little pen, are you really true!"

The avenue pen sink: "Do you also doubt me?"

Ye Xuan low sighs, "I am doubtful now, you are not your master.

Avenue pen: ".

At this time, the cloud prayed suddenly: "You look!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, looked up and looked at the distance, not far away, there was a star door, outside the star door, is a stars!

Don\'t have holes!

Ye Xuan and Yunqi have seen an eye, so two people speed up!

Soon, the two passed through the star door and came to an endless starry sky!

And in front of people, there is a middle-aged man in front of it, and the middle-aged man is low, the breath is all!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Senior?"

At this time, the middle-aged man slowly looked up. When I saw Ye Xuan and Yun prayed, his eyes directly ignored the Ye Xuan, and then fell on the cloud, see cloud pray, he frowned slightly, but very Fast, his eyes moved to Ye Xuan, when he saw Ye Xuan, he suddenly stunned.

Ye Xuan was somewhat speech by middle-aged man. This middle-aged man\'s eyes are like swords, as if you can wear people!

Obviously, this person is at least the unique!

At this time, the clouds next to Ye Xuanchang suddenly said: "Hello!

Middle-aged man looks to the cloud, and the cloud prayers: "Do you have inheritance?"

Ye Xuan: ".
