One Sword Reigns Supreme

2646 Chapter 2632: Hard!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Pure swords!

Have to say, Ye Xuan actually wants to try it!

The strength of the blood, the main force, from the blood of the old man, this blood is not a cultivation of himself, but it is natural!

What about the swords between people? This is the power of faith!

It is now the power of the belief of countless world cosmic students, although it is his strength, but it is not his own strength!

External force!

As for the power of the ancient god.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

Not too right!

Don\'t use the power of blood, don\'t need a sword in the world, don\'t need the power of the ancient god, what is left? Oh shit!

Ye Xuan face is black!

Ye Xuan fid enough to look at the ancient, the ancient smile, "I believe you, you can!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Have you really killed the order?"

The ancient smile: "I used to be the first person in ancient times, lying? It is impossible!"

Ye Xuan low sigh, "amazing!

However, if I don\'t have to use blood, don\'t use the swords of the world and the power of the ancient gods, then I am nothing!

I thought about it, then: "You still have an ancient trust!

This is the flesh of your own cultivation, not external.

Wen said, Ye Xuanlun smiled: "Yes!

I almost forgot my own flesh!

Ancient smile: "Go to fight!

I will come to you a few more!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Where are you going?"

The ancient looked at the four weeks, then said: "Go see some old friends who once!

I don\'t know if they are still alive!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

After that, he walked towards the martial art!

The ancient turn left.

At this time, the voice sounded in the ancient brain. "You are not afraid that he is killed?"

Ancient walking: "Alan, you have seen his life, don\'t you know how much he lived?"

Alan is silent.

The ancient low sigh, "this guy, in addition to suicide, I really can\'t think of what method can let him die!

Alan silent: "Are you really not ready to revenge?"

Gu Dao: "I haven\'t played people before, let alone now?"

Alan said: "This is not like your character!

The ancient roads; "I am not the blood of the year!

The corners of the past, still have to worry properly, otherwise, have to be a cruel realist to fight!

Alan silent: "Do you endure ancient ancient?"

Ancient smile: "Ancient Zong? Alan!

I think you have to look at some books!

Your brain, still not very spiritual!

Alan: ".

The ancient continued: "I will take him to see you, do you think it is to let you put it? I brought him to save you!

Let you give him a fortune telling, do you say something? You say good words, he is happy, I will tell you two words, you have a solution!

what about you? It\'s good to install, this is good!

Now he is angry!

You continue to break the building!

Alan silent: "I just said!"

Ancient shakes, "You have not been given enough!

You will be open for a while, you will be open!

Alan is silent.

The ancient continuation: "As for this ancient!

Alan, not I said you, your pattern is really small!

Is this Ye Gongzi in the ancient ride? I told you, I follow him, the owner of the Avenue does not dare to move me, understand? "

Alan silent: "Do you really endure this?"

Ancient smile: "What is angry!

In this life, in addition to life and death, others are small things!

As for the ancient Zong doesn\'t recognize my things, I am now I can\'t recognize me!

If I go back, I am their thighs, and I follow this Ye Gongzi, he is my thigh, is this? Moreover, the pattern is big!

The eyes cannot be placed in the Quartet universe, follow Ye Gongzi, out of the four-party universe, it is so late!

Alan whispered sigh, "Congratulations!

The ancient continuation: "Alan, I know that you are still angry, still not sweet, but I am free, these are useless!"

In addition to continuing to be closed, you can\'t do anything!

There is another point, you need to change your own mentality, don\'t take yourself as a master.

Especially in front of Ye Gongzi, because you don\'t say you, the avenue owner in front of his sister, the fart does not dare!

do you know? I saw a sword in my own eyes and kill the way, and the avenue owner did not dare to save.

Not only that, the avenue owner himself is directly by a sword.

Said, she couldn\'t help but laugh. "Although he said behind people, not morality, but have to say that it is really cool!

Alan silent: "Is that woman, is it really so strong?"

The ancient smile: "Do I know why I am so low?"

Said, she took a deep breath, then said: "After seeing the real power, you will find that you have proud, how is it!

Just like a small town of the rich, it is not a small town. He must think that he is a ceiling, and after the town, he will find that his wealth is so ridiculous!

Alan silence has been a long time, said: "I understand!

The ancient smiles, "Ye Gongzi is not bad, wait for a while, I will take him to you, at that time, you will say that you are willing to join Xuanyuan!

Alan has not spoken!

Ancient is not saying anymore!

She has tried their best!

Of course, she understands Alan, Alan is also an order, this level of strong, the whole four universe is not much, so this level of strong, it is a high arrogant!

In addition to the owner of the avenue, the four-party universe, the order is really a ceiling!

Let a ceiling go to a Tiandao people to say good words, if it is once, she can\'t do it!

Because Tiandao is in front of the order, it is not as good as the antity!

If Alan can\'t change your mindset, even if you come out, there will be no good results!

At this time, Alan suddenly said: "Where are you going to get?"

Looking forward, laughing: "Go see the emperor!

Alan silent: "He is also closed!

Moreover, the status is not particularly good!

The ancient is a little surprised, "How do you say?"

Alan whispered sigh, "This person is a violent temper, every day is closed, how do he bear it?"

The ancient look is a bit weird, "" Will it be blind? "

Alan Road: "Even if it is not crazy, it is estimated that it is almost almost!

Said, she suddenly said, "Are you going to be angry?"

Khaha smiled, "I am not that kind of person!

Ha ha.

Alan: ".


After Ye Xuan and the ancient, he came directly to the front of the wilderness list, Ye Xuan, to block the ridiculous list, the top ten names were blocked by mysterious power, and therefore, he could only see the back ninety people. name!

Ye Xuan watched a woman, the woman wore a flower skirt, and a twist, the whole person looked particularly delicious.

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Girl!


Wen said, the woman turned and looked to Ye Xuan, "Are you?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "In Yang Xuan, what is the girl call?"

The woman laughed: "Qiuyi!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Qiu Yan girl, why can\'t this the first ten names of this ancient list?"

Autumn, smile, "Are you new?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Qiuyi looked at the wild ancient list, "This is a long time ago!

The top ten in the wilderness list is also called the inner list, and only the top ten people can come into contact with this list.

Ye Xuan Shenwang; "The name is hidden, that is not to say, don\'t put it forced before the ten?"


Autumn, I blinked, "you.

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "I mean, if the name is hidden, then this is the top ten, others don\'t know!"

Is this not very boring? "

Autumn, shaking his head smile, "the top ten people are generally low-key!

They are not particularly valued for the name!

Ye Xuan silence.

This is not good!

Have the top ten, but also hide your name? Too boring!

Qiu Wei suddenly said: "In fact, I think this is quite good!"

Because you entered the wild ancient list, the top ten is mysterious, this means that you don\'t know what is your strength you have to face!

Is this not very interesting? "

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It is also!

Qiuyi looked at Ye Xuan, then laughed: "Yang Gongzi, do you also want to play?"

Ye Xuan nod, "I want to try!

Autumn and sorrow: "Can you only see you!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I want to try!

Autumn is slightly nodd, "It\'s ok!

However, challenge others, you have to give ancient crystal!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "the ancient crystal?"

Autumn, nod, "Yes!

Ancient crystal!

The higher the name, the more challenges!

Ye Xuan looked at the wild ancient list, then said; "I challenge this 100th, how much?"

Autumn and sorrow: "One thousand ancient crystals!

Ye Xuan said: "If the first?"

Autumn, slight smile, "This is more!

Get 10 million ancient crystals!

Ten million!

Ye Xuan smiled, "No money, I can\'t stand up!

Autumn and sorrow: "You can\'t say this!

If your strength is very strong, you play a list, it is very very very profitable!

Because if you win the first place, you can get 10 million ancient crystals!

Ye Xuan is nodd, "understand!

Autumn suddenly said: "Do you have no money?"

Ye Xuan looks to the autumn, autumn, slight smile, palm is boiled, a quite ring slowly floating into the Ye Xuan face, "there is a thousand ancient crystals, you can play 100!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why give me ancient crystal?"

Autumn and swearing, "I lost my, win!

I am more than half!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

Said, he collapsed the quilt, then appeared in front of the wilderness list, he directly said the last name.


A white light suddenly appeared in the middle of the weapon!

The rules of the ancient list cannot refuse challenges!

After seeing Ye Xuan, the roof of the autumn rose is slightly!

At this time, a vain appeared behind her, "Qiu Jun, where didn\'t know where!

Autumn, there is no expression, "no matter what she!

Said, she looked at the Ye Xuan, knew, "The information shows that this person is relying on the mountain.

I want to see if he is relying on the mountain!
