One Sword Reigns Supreme

2645 Chapter 2631: Is it broken?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Speaking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped!

Make up? Still don\'t do this!



Ye Xuan did not find out that the ancient mouth of the mouth slightly, laughed like a small fox!

The ancient brought Ye Xuan came to the wilderness city gate, guarded the two people suddenly blocked them!

Ancient looks to Ye Xuan, "Ten ancient Crystal!


Ye Xuan slightly nodded, then the palm is spread, ten ancient crystals fly in front of guards!

Guard looked at Ye Xuan and ancient, then said; "20!


After the ancient eyebrow, after a while, she said: "For so many years, it may be price increase!"

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan also took out ten ancient crystals to guard!

Seeing Ye Xuan shouted so wide, the guard suddenly rose, "I am talking about 20!

One person twenty!

I heard the words, and the ancient eyebew frowned, she pointed to himself. "I look like a master?"

The guard is cold, "This is an ancient city, anyone has to obey the rules of the ancient city, otherwise, let the kill forever!

When the ancient eyes suddenly cooled down!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Forget it!

We give!

The ancient looks to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan directly took out twenty ancient crystals to guard.

Seeing, then guarding, then colluding ancient crystal, "I know, you are not ordinary people in your universe, but after coming to the wild city, I will give you an advice. It is a dragon, you have to get it. It\'s a tiger, you have to squat!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Being taught!

After finishing, he took the ancient towards far away.

After entering the city, I looked at Ye Xuan, "Why are you so low?"

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the distance, not far away, there are three people who are going to come!

It is boundless main three!

Ye Xuan looked at the three people who had no side, "Do you see them?"

I looked at the owner, then said: "I saw it!

Then what? "

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You will know!

Yuan, the gate of the city, the guards directly stopped the unilateral main three, guarded the owner, he couldn\'t see the realm of the owner, but he can see the realm of the god!


However, there is no tribute to this place, which is undoubtedly not enough!

I didn\'t have a road to seeing and god, I wrinkled when I guarded her brow. "Is it so weak?"

Very straightforward!

When I heard the guard, I was frowned to suddenly wrinkled. "How do you talk?"

Guard looked at an eye, "monk, there is no good thing!

Wen said that there is no face!

At this time, guarding suddenly said: "Don\'t talk nonsense!

One person thirty ancient crystal!

hurry up!

At this time, there is no side of the side suddenly; "I remember, I will get ten ancient crystals here, why do you want thirty?"

Guard looks to the boundless master, "I said 30 pieces for thirty!"

Do you have any questions? "

The boundless look is guarded, "Do you need such a arrogant?"

Guarded cold and watching the owner, "Now, one person is 60!"


Without the side, "What is going on?"

Guarding; "one person seventy!

The owner suddenly raised his hand is a slap!


This slap is out, the guard is directly turned into a virtual, only the soul!


Next moment, guarding the anger regards the owner, "You dare to do it in the wild city, you.

Said, he took out a sound in a hinder!

Soon, the powerful breath appeared above the gate!

There is no longer to play with the owner.


A horrible force swept, in a moment, the strong breath is directly erased!

The Guard is in the original place!

The never looks at the guard of only the soul, "I don\'t have you so arrogant!

After finishing, he walked towards the city!

, "Amitabha!

You go comfortable!

I am super!

Said, he is a punch!

Guard direct soul!

, "Amitabha!

Said, he walked towards the city!

Shen Ming quickly followed, then said: "Why do you kill people?"

I didn\'t see a god, "I am super, super, do you understand?"

God name: "

At this time, the owner also saw Ye Xuan and ancient!

The neverhere to go to Ye Xuan and the ancient, Ye Xuan Xiao: "Hey, meet again!"

Bless: "Is it to experience it by the mountain king, are you?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

I am boundless, "Don\'t face!

After finishing, he turned and walked towards the distance!

Ye Xuan face suddenly black.

Ye Xuan laughed: "Master is good!"

: "There is a period!

After finishing, he turned and left!

After watching the three people left, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly. He didn\'t think that this no longer came to the wilderness!

This guy is really like a mixer, every day is everywhere!

The ancient looked at the unilateral owner, then laughed: "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan nod.

The two leave!

And at this time, a woman suddenly appeared in the field!

Come, is the law of the law!

The law is cold and cold, looking at the Yu Xuan in the distance, at this time, a middle-aged man appeared next to the gods, the middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan and ancient, laughing: "French God , Is this that is the hill ? "

The god nodded!

The middle-aged man looked at the distance, "This person is very weak, but the woman around him is very strong, I can\'t see her deep shallow!

The law is calm, "she is the first people in the ancient times!


I heard the words, the middle-aged man suddenly turned suddenly, and the shock was shocked: "It is her!

Have she killed? Why can you come out? "

The law is calm: "This is not important, the important thing is that there is her care!"

Middle-aged man Shen Sheng said: "There is this person to protect, we are afraid that it is not good to kill this person!

God god looked at the middle-aged man, "This will be played by the mountain, there will be a list, and it will be fair. At that time, this is absolutely uninterrupted, she is inserted, there will be broken back Wang Daoxin, so that is our chance!

Middle-aged man is still some hesitant!

The gods are slightly smashed, "How, I don\'t dare?"

Middle-aged man Shen Sheng; "The ancient is here, this is too big, I can\'t do the master!

I have to go back and ask the charm!

The law is calm, "then go!"

I remember telling him that he owes me, now it is still!


Middle-aged man looked at the god, then turned and left!

Originally, the law of God is slow, "the owner.

This person is a person you have abandoned. Why don\'t you pull it directly to remove roots? Is it waiting for us to do? "

Avenue pen owner: ".


The ancient brought Ye Xuan came to the city center, in the center of the city, there is a huge competition than Wusi, which is more than Wu Taiwan, there is a mysterious juncture!

At this moment, this is a lot of people from the surrounded by the martial art!

And on the side of the martial art, there is a stone monument of a hundred feet!

The ancient pointers, then said: "This is the wilderness battle list!

A total of 100, and you can enter this list, it is a genius enchanting!

Ye Xuan looks ancient, "Get first, is there any reward?"

The ancient smile: "Famous!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "" Just angry? "

Gu Dao: "Do you want to add more genius enchanting your college?"

Ye Xuan nod, "of course!

Looking at Ye Xuan, smiled: "Get the first, not only yourself, your college will also spread throughout the four universe, then there will be many people to go to your college!

In addition, you may also get a mysterious recruitment!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "" Mysterious forces? "

Ancient smile: "Dao door!


Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "The power of the owner of the avenue!

The ancient nodded, "Now the door is in this four-party universe, is the strongest forces, the law you have seen before, nothing!

That\'s good and god, is the real power!

And this door will pick up the genius enchanting from this wilder list. Once you join the door, it is really a fishy door!

Ye Xuan looked at ancient, "Do I am rare to join the door?"

Ancient silence.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You also refused this year!

right? "

Old head.

Ye Xuan looked at that than the Warsai, whispered: "Are you leaving the Quartet universe?"

Ancient shakeheads, "no!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

The ancient smile: "I have no invincible in the four-party universe, what do you do? Go to abuse?"

Ye Xuan smiled.

The ancient times suddenly said; "There is an ancient practice method, do you want to try?"

Ye Xuan looks ancient, "What practice?"

Ancient smile: "Naked!

Ye Xuan stunned, "naked?"

The ancient nods, "naked repair, is a pure practice!

What is pure? It is not any foreign object, including your blood and artifacts.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "What do you mean, let me put all the external power bonus?"

The ancient nodded, "Your blood, your sword, there is the power of the ancient gods, these three, belong to the external force.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "The power of blood is also?"

Ancient smile: "It\'s not counted, but I suggest you don\'t use it!

Because it gives you the war, too much, including your current swords, your swords and blood power, the addition is too metamorphosis!

Ye Xuan silence.

The ancient smile: "You can try to do a pure sword!

This is my personal suggestion!

Because now you, not like a sword repair, like a hybrid, everything will be, but it is not particularly proficient, no limit.

When you encounter a general person, you will definitely be invincible, but I have encountered the real power, I said that you are worth it!

Said, she suddenly said: "There is another sentence, I said!

You may not love you!

Your way, there is too much to open, practice is too easy to repair, which makes you less yourself, you have a calm and heritage.

Moreover, IMHO, I think you are like a mixer, the strength is not awkward, but the flower is whistle.

Ye Xuan looked at ancient, "When you are in Tiandao, can you play too good?"

Ancient nod, "can!

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

The ancient continuation: "Not only do not hit the desert, the more the third order is, the more the order!"

After the Xuan Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "I understand!

After finishing, he turned and walked toward the far!

At this time, the ancient brain suddenly sounded a sound, "Ancient, I remember your Tiandou, don\'t do it, the more third-order killing order?"

The ancient look is calm, "Is it forced, is it?"

That sound is silent.
