One Sword Reigns Supreme

2637 Chapter 2623: Time is not much!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Avenue pen owner!

Ye Xuanshi is in place!

Not only Ye Xuan, the ancient eyes of the one side suddenly squatted, and the look is unprecedented!

Ye Xuan looked up and looked not far, then you floated a vain!

Avenue pen owner!

Ye Xuan looked at the owner of the avenue, and his face was also extremely lighter. In front of him, the avenue of this avenue gave him, just as the vast endless universe, deeply unspeakable.

How did this guy suddenly appeared? Ye Xixiang is shocked!

At this time, the avenue owner suddenly said: "Talk!


Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "What?"

The avenue owner laughed: "I can talk!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Good!

Said, he walked to the big man in front of the avenue, and the face of this avenue pen owner is still to give!

Looking at the Ye Xuan, didn\'t talk.

The avenue owner suddenly looked at the ancient, "You don\'t be nervous, I want to kill you, then kill you!"

Ancient smile: "I am not tight!

Said, she also sat next to Ye Xuan, very close!

The owner of the avenue laughed: "Do you know who your side is?"

Ye Xuan looked at an ancient and shook his head.

The owner of the avenue smiled, "You don\'t know who she is, but she gives you good, so you will save her?"

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue pen owner shook his head smile, "You have to build a new order, to change this universe, I believe you are not a bloody wave, but you make me feel that you are somewhat immature, wrong, strict, is it, too childish!

Wen said, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly!

The avenue pen owner suddenly laughed: "You are this, she is really called ancient, and you don\'t know, she is the order of ancient times, and you know what the order of the ancient times? I come to tell you !

The order of the ancient times is the true powerful, the order, the order of the jungle, the order of the era is the order of this ancient girl, she ruled everything, exploits everything, not only this, she once almost sacrificed All the creatures of the entire ancient times.

Said, he shook his head smiled, "She certainly didn\'t tell you!

Almost sacrifice the whole era!

Ye Xuantili is a little shocked. He turned his head to see an ancient, this guy is so horrible? The ancient look is calm, it looks like a prostitute!

The avenue pen owner continued: "Do you know why I didn\'t kill her? Because I killed her, it was too cheaper!

I am off, I am punishing her!

The ancient suddenly laughed: "If you are not you have to kill me, will I do this? I am self-policy, can you have a wrong?"

The avenue owner laughed: "Why do I want to kill you? In the ancient times, I was called the most dark era of history, under your rule, what is the whole ancient era? I want to describe you?"

The owner of the ancient direct view, "" Ancient and modern comes, strong people are respect, the adaptive survival, this is the universe rule, isn\'t it? "

The avenue pen man said: "For the fault, there is no need to discuss!

Because you and my right, this is not the same, so, there will be no results in the discussion!

The ancient shrugs, "You are right!

In my opinion, the winner is the king, the loser is a heart, you won!

So, what you said is right!

Said, she looked at the owner of the avenue, "But I will see it, and when you build a new order, where is it?"

Ye Xuan looks to the avenue master, this is also what he wants!

The avenue pen owner looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Do you think this order is not good now, is it?"

Ye Xuan nod.

The owner of the avenue smiled, "You don\'t think it is good, that is because you look at your current eyes, and you only have seen a bad side, didn\'t see a good side!

You feel that you have suffered some unfair, so you feel that everything is not good!

Said, he shook his head, "This universe, it is impossible to all everything is good.

Have good, naturally there is a bad side.

However, I still want to listen to how you talk about this world!

Ye Xuan Dang said: "The strong person is in the world, the weak people are committed to, everything is everything, all the fist theory, the fist, reasonable, the fist is small, there is reasonable!

Moreover, your road is seriously corrupted, and the order of the order is corrupt, and it will bully the people.

The owner of the avenue suddenly sighed and interrupted the words of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked to the owner of the avenue, the avenue pen owner smiled: "The strong is respect!

I know, you want to build a jurisprus world!

Everything in the world, there is a law, it is true!

However, what you think is too far, because the best manages in the world is the heart, not only humanity, everything is very spiritual, there are greedy hearts!

You should know that the world of the Milky Way and the Milky Way is different from our world. The world is the legal, can you? As unfair things happened, for example, your friends, the second girl, there is your sister, when they went to the Milky Way, all the law and the order, no matter what they used, they can drive everything!

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue owner continued to say: "Any place, there are unfair things, this kind of thing is impossible to completely eliminate!

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "So, after you build a new order, can you guarantee the absolute fairness under your order?"

Ye Xuan shed.

The owner of the avenue said: "Now, the person who follows you, they follow you because of the benefits, and one day, when you are not there, they will betray you because of the benefits, or they will seek their own profit!

If you don\'t believe, you look back at your college, you will find that there is also a strong power in your college, but you don\'t know!

Said, he smiled and then continued: "I am not negating you, I want to tell you, what you want to do, the starting point is not wrong, but you think too beautiful!"

You have established a book in a few universe, and it is really thinking that you have the ability to manage this endless universe.

this is not right!

Moreover, you have never used this universe from the eyes of the guest officer!

I have never learned the history of this universe, so you look at things, very sided.

Simply, you are very immature, even somewhat naive, now you, only a blood!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "You know, why don\'t you stop? Do you know that there are many unfair things in this world, why not stop?"

The avenue pen owner laughed: "What is your corruption? Is there a law to take advantage of the interest?"

Ye Xuan nod.

The owner of the avenue shook his head, "they are rules, not saints, they also need cultivation, also need resources!

They colluded some local forces, gaining benefits for themselves, this is not right, but do not mean that all laws will do this, and I can\'t stop all laws!

Said, he looked to Ye Xuan and smiled: "Do you dare to guarantee that your college is not corrupt? Is there anyone who protects?"

Ye Xuan silent!

He naturally dares to guarantee!

The owner of the avenue laughed: "Your own and tangled, all of these small questions, the universe is too big, if your eyes just pay attention to these small things, then I can tell you, you can\'t build A new order.

Said, he laughed and smiled. "Do you know what I am doing?"

Ye Xuan looked at the owner of the avenue, "I don\'t know!

The owner of the avenue laughed: "There is almost a hundred million years old, there is a magic of a magic, this person has a strong force to pay homage to all lives, and its strength is far super order, not you can imagine now!

If I pay attention to these little things a day, then, who is this kind of big matter? "

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue pen owner continued to say: "And, do you really treat this world seriously? You have not learned the history of this universe!

What you are now is, in my eyes, just like a child is at home.

Do you know why you are in the world? Because your order, the pattern is small, your gaze, never look far.

There is another point, that is, it is necessary to build a new order, need a powerful strength, your current strength, it is obviously not enough.

Everything in you now is built in the strength of your sister. If you have no sister, what you call, you are a joke, do you understand? "

Said, he smiled and said: "I know, you are doing this thing carefully!

However, you have to admit that if you don\'t have your sister, you can\'t do anything!

I am not laughing at you, I want you to understand, once your sister suddenly disappears, or not, everything you have, you will disappear, including your so-called order.

A person\'s self-confidence should not be built on others, do you understand what I mean? "

Ye Xuan nod, "I know!

The avenue pen owner laughed: "The last point, you have to change your own, I will say two points, one, you have to build a legal fair world, then you must take a relationship and do the honor.

Second, do anything, you must first think clearly!

Said, he looked at an ancient, "For example, if you help her, do you have to figure it out before she is, what kind of person is she? She is not worthy of help? Or, say, anyone gives you Benefits, you will help? You know, many times, you can help a wicked person to be a bad thing than yourself.

Don\'t say anything else, if you are not your sister to suppress the causal, when you promise to help the ancient girl, you have already knocked a big evil edge. At that time, you are targeted, you will come to accuse the heavens Unfair, the world is unfair, is this not a ridiculous? "

Just then, ancient suddenly said: "From now on, I follow Ye Gongzi, I am willing to change the evil!

The owner of the avenue looks to the ancient, the ancient smile: "So, is this evil battle becomes good?"

The avenue pen owner looks to Ye Xuan, "That is talking to you today, I think you become more mature!

Because your time is really not much!

I hope that one day in the future will remember this.

When you think of this era, you are not a second-generation label!


After finishing, he disappeared directly!
