One Sword Reigns Supreme

2636 Chapter 2622: Master!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Add money!

I have to say that Ye Xuan is still very persistent!

Of course, there is reason to!

First of all, cultivation is very spent. At this point, he is deeply experienced. Secondly, he wants to build a new order, to cultivate a large number of strong people, and this is very very spent!

There is another point, that is, he wants to make enough money to Qin Guan, Qin Guanru has money, it is really too big!

For the technical way of Qin Guan, he is also very supportive and recognized!

And the way of this technology is simply burning!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, I was hesitating, and then I took out a quarter to give Ye Xuan, "more than 5 million ancient crystal, all of my savings!

Ye Xuan governed two quenches, then looked at the mirror in the hands of the burial emperor, the latter hesitated, then handed it to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan governed the mirror, then said: "Seniors, how do I save you?"

Funeral Emperor is busy with your eyebrows, "I have a seal here, helping me to release this seal, I can leave!

Said, there is a mysterious rune between his eyebrows!

Ye Xuan looked at the rune, then said: "What is the realm of the seniors?"

Funeral emperor, then said: "Ancient Road!

Ancient prostitute!

Ye Xuan\'s wrinkled, he turned to look at the ancient, the ancient smile, then said: "Ancient Daogou is the realm of ancient times, this realm is not the owner of the avenue, so it is not in the avenue owner. Inside the system.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound; "Two Realms System?"

Old head, "can say this!

Said, she smiled slightly, "Of course, the avenue is the same!

What is the realm of cultivation, the final purpose is the same!

Ye Xuan slightly, "I understand!

Said, he looked at the funeral emperor, and the latter suddenly became nervous, of course, more expectations!

He is actually gamble!

Gambler Xuanneng saved him!

As for the reason, there is no reason, Ye Xuan can appear in this, as representative, Ye Xuan is his only opportunity now!

He has to bet!

Ye Xuan looked to the mysterious rune between the burial emperor, his palm became open, and Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hand. "I know, my face is not enough, then, give me a face!

I heard the words, and the funeral emperor suddenly sinked down!



This is the idea of ​​this moment!

At this moment, the mysterious rune between his eyebrows suddenly trembled, followed by, the mysterious rune disappeared!

Funeral Emperor!

I looked at the ancient leaves, I didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Seniors, you can!

The burial emperor deeply looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Ye Gongzi, you are very uncommon!

Ye Xuan smiled: "The predecessors will not regret it?"

Funeral Emperor shook his head, "You can let the seal left by the avenue, I will disappear."

Said, he hugged boxing, "Ye Gongzi, will be a period!

After finishing, he disappeared directly.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the ancient, ancient smile: "Congratulations, you earn a pen!

Ye Xuan smiled: "This ancient building, a total of a few people?"

Gu thought, then said: "Plus me, there are four!


Ye Xuan slightly, "Let\'s go upstairs!

Two people go upstairs!

After coming to the upstairs, Ye Xuan saw a old man, the old man must be sent, sitting on the ground, like the old man to enter!

Ye Xuan looks ancient, ancient laughs: "Dragon, the founder of Zen of the ancient times!

At this time, it was slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell directly on Ye Xuan.

When I saw Ye Xuan, he frowned and wrinkled!

Ye Xuan slightly smile, did not speak!

There is no talk!

Ye Xuan suddenly turned to look at the ancient, "Let\'s go!

He will not open first!

Anyway, it is closed and not his Ye Xuan!

Seeing Ye Xuan and the ancient leave, the way is first, and then quickly; "Xiao brothers stay!"

Ye Xuan fidelized to see the road, smiled: "Is there?"

The road is unsonoked: "The little brother has just saved the burial emperor?"

Ye Xuan said: "The seniors know!

The road is absolutely sigh, then said: "Know!

Just, I don\'t have money.

No money!

Ye Xuan silence.

Road to Ye Xuan, "Little Brothers, I don\'t know if my people don\'t value!

Ye Xuan looked at the road, "My enemy may be the owner of the avenue, after you go out, I am doing with the avenue owner, do you dare to help?"

The road is the expression.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Obviously, you don\'t dare!"

So, you give some affordable things!

After the silence of the silence, he was open, and an unrealistic little Ding appeared in his hands. He looked at Ye Xuan, "This is a Ding Ding, there is no power!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the ancient, he knew that ancient comparative goods, you have to ask her opinion!

The ancient looked at the Ding, then said: "This is fake!

Wrecked, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

That is a little bit, he looks ancient, "Who are you!

Ancient smile: "Who are you taking me?"

The Tao is dead, staring at the ancient, but the ancient but not carefully, she looks to Ye Xuan, "This person is constant, let\'s go!

Ye Xuan nod.

The two will go upstairs!

See the shape, the face of the face change, he quickly said: "Wait!

Ye Xuan has not stopped!

Soon, Ye Xuan and ancient disappeared at the stairs!

See this scene, it has become difficult to look!

He just wanted to fool the leaves, but he didn\'t think that the little girl around Ye Xuan had a look at his duality is a fake!


The only chance of going out is!

At this moment, it is more regret!

Dao Ding is very precious, but, it is a hair!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine!


Ye Xuan and ancient came upstairs, at the top floor, sitting on the plate, the woman dressed in white, at this moment is reading.

When I saw Ye Xuan and ancient, she put down the ancient books in his hand, then slowly walked to Ye Xuan\'s face, her mouth slightly, this laugh, it is inversely, Ye Xuanlun is somewhat embarrassing!

Next moment, Ye Xuan\'s face is instantly changed, and a powerful sword is swept in his body!

Human swords!

After the world\'s swords appeared, his head suddenly woke up!

Ye Xuan coldly looked at the woman, "illusion!

The white dress is laughing: "No!

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, the ancient suddenly said; "Not a illusion!

Is her physique!

Her physique is the legendary mighty body, and he is naturally fascinating. If she is interested in charming you, with your current strength, even if you are sword repair, you can\'t resist!

Mei spirit!

When I heard ancient, the white dress woman couldn\'t help but read her. "The original is the high!

Laughing, don\'t talk!

The white skirt woman recovered his attention, then looked at Ye Xuan, "If the son is willing to save, I will give gifts!

Ye Xuan looked at the eyes of a white dress, this, his heart suddenly jumped, this pair is like the vast starry sky, as if the soul can succeed!

It\'s a matter!

Ye Xuanlian is busy collecting attention, calm!

Seeing Ye Xuan actually able to resist his own mighty body, the white dress was suddenly flashing, she got an eye of Ye Xuan, then laughed: "The son is good!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said; "Of course!

I am not chaotic!

The white skirt woman was stunned, then shook his head smiled, "Ye Gongzi, I want to go out, so I want to talk to you!

Ye Xuan directly arrive: "What can you give me?"

The white dress is thinking about thinking, then the palm is spread, a thick ancient book continues in her hands, "Yin Yang!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan Shen Zou: "Double Trial Law?"

The white dress is nodded and laughs: "Yes!

This method is cultivated, and it has great benefits to men and women.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the ancient, ancient nodded, "This method is indeed, only I will give you an ancient road!

Gude Road!

I heard the words, the white skirt woman suddenly shrunk, she looked at ancient, "you.

You are.

The ancient laughs laughed, did not speak.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see an ancient, "Are you very famous in ancient times?"

Ancient nod, "is it!

At this time, the white skirt woman retreated two steps, then respectfully said: "It turned out to be a predecessor.

The ancient laughs, then look to Ye Xuan, "This method is OK, if you have a favorite woman, you can cultivate it, once the power of the yin and yang, the mystery is endless!

Said, her smile has become a bit mean!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see a white dress woman, "Is there anything else?"

The white dress is smirk, "the son, I have no money!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Okay!

Said, he collapsed the yin and yang, then said: "Can you help you break the seal?"

The white dress is nodded, saying, there is a mysterious rune between her eyebrows!

Ye Xuan took a Qing Xuan sword, and he just took a voicardian sword, the mysterious rune between the white dress woman\'s eyebrows did not disappear!

See this scene, Ye Xuan directly stunned, this guy is so sensible? After the white dress is still, she deeply looked at the Ye Xuan, and then greeted, "Thank you, the son saves the love!

Ye Xuan looked into a white dress woman, smiled: "After you go out, can you go?"

White skirt woman nod, "there is!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan speechless!

Can\'t attract it!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and laughed: "Girl, there will be period!

After finishing, he is moving away from the ancient!

At this time, the white dress woman suddenly laughed: "The son, after I finished the matter, I will go everywhere, I don\'t know if the son can give the road?"

Ye Xuanzhao\'s mouth smiles, "Watching Xuan College!

The white dress is laughing: "Thank you!

After that, she turned and disappeared in the same place!

Ye Xuan laughed, then with ancient came to the last floor!

And just arrived at the last floor, a voice suddenly came from, "Do you know who you have to save?"

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan stunned!

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly trembled: "The master.

Avenue pen owner!
