One Sword Reigns Supreme

2617 Chapter 266: !

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


Xing Ling\'s words let Ye Xuan understand, these local forces have colluded each other with the rules of these representative avenue owners, and both parties have interest.

Because of this, this law is so resistant to you!

Ye Xuan looks to the avenue pen, then said: "This matter, you need to report to your hostess?"

"Report a hair!

The avenue pen suddenly angered: "What do you think? The owner gives me to you, do you think that it is to accompany you? I am a big road, the pen in the hands of the owner, he handed it to you, It is already letting you!

In the face of these laws, there is still a heaven, if they don\'t follow you, if you kill, do you understand? "

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Are you sure?"

The avenue pen is sigh, "Big Brother, I am a big road pen, my strength, it is indeed a little gap than three swords, but do you know what I symbolizes? Identity!

The owner let me follow you, in fact, I have shown that he has selected you, let you maintain the order of this universe, or create a new order, not let me follow you, know? "

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I understand!

The avenue pen continued: "The owner has not come for a long time!

Therefore, these laws and the heavens have begun to float!

Under normal circumstances, it see me, it shouldn\'t be this attitude, but it doesn\'t give me a face at all, which means that they have not taken the master!

Ye Xuan looked up to see the law in the distance, "I have to take over this inverse place!

The rules are slightly smashed, "" Rely on the mountain king, you don\'t have this right, you.

Ye Xuan suddenly sword!

This sword is smashed, the whole star river is directly dimmed!

Xing Ling face instantly changed, this moment, her heart was awkward!

At this moment, she found that this Ye Gongzi in front of him was more than a hundred times more than her imagined!

And the law is also the color of the face. However, it doesn\'t sit still, if it is a front, a boxing, a boxing, a moment, countless rules, come to the sky!

Star River boiling!


As a torn sound, a sword directly pulverizes those rules, followed by, the sword is drifting, instantly caughting the law!


The law is trembled, and the whole body is broken!

Ye Xuan looked at the unbelievable rules of his face. "Do I ask for your consent?"

The law is shocked: "You.

How can you easily break my rule!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "because I hang, understand?"

Said, he is the palm of your hand, and Qing Xuanjian returns to him!

At this time, the law came angry: "It\'s a sword!

This is the sword!

It is naturally not stupid, knowing that the reason why Ye Xuan can easily break his rules, because the sword!

Ye Xuan looked at the Qing Xuan sword in his hand, smiled, with his strength, naturally it was able to defeat this rule, but if there is no Qing Xuanjian, it must not be so easy!

Qing Xuanjian!

By everything, everything!

Of course, in advance is his own strength, it can\'t be too weak. If it is too much than others, it is useless to give him a sword!

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "I received his card!

Ye Xuan brows micro-wrinkle, "FCP?"

The avenue is: "Yes!

This is the owner\'s left, a legal key containing the power, has this legal, he can be considered the rules of this world!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "If I have this letter, I don\'t count the rules of this place?"

The avenue pentagon: "Calculate!

Ye Xuan light channel: "That is to say, there is a law, it can be considered a law!

Avenue pen: "Nor, you have to be a person personally admit, can be counted, otherwise, others get a proceedings, that belongs to illegal robbery, not to recognize the owner, it will be chased!

And if you have a letter, I am around you, look at the world, who is the mother dare to move you? "

Ye Xuan Mas face black line!

In this way, I feel like you have an invincible!

Not thinking, Ye Xuan looked at that law, he was very open, a force directly shrouded the law, very fast, the law suddenly appeared a small print!

Seeing this scene, the law is instantly changed, and I am busy: "Please leave your hand, I will surrender you!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "no need!

I heard the words, the law was so angry, "I am the owner to rest in the world, the slam of the order, except for the owner, no one can take me, no one!" No one can!

Ye Xuan has no law, continue to capture the card!

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "You are a mental disappearance!

When I saw me, you still don\'t low.

what are you thinking? "

The law anger: "Avenue pen, how can you join outsiders for yours? You.

"To shut up!

The avenue pen suddenly angered: "Laozi has already said with you at the beginning, he is the owner\'s choice, you just don\'t listen!

Who are you blame? "

The law is said: "You said that he is the master, how do you have a certificate?"

Avenue Pen: "With me with him!"

The law angered: "You are a few, you?"


The avenue pen suddenly became anger, "I am fucking.

He has already spent some words.

At this time, the law of the rule has appeared in the hands of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked at the card print in his hand, slight smile, have to say that this is really good, he can feel the power of the terrorist rule!

The power of these rules, I am afraid that it is difficult to be easy to resist!

Of course, do not include him!

Qing Xuan sword, can suppress this rule to death!


At this time, the law on the side suddenly roared in hysterical, "Rely on the Mountain King, you won me, the legal industry will not let you!"

Ye Xuan brows micro-wrinkled, "What is the legal?"

The avenue pen is deeply said: "A specializes in the rules, very special, that place is the owner to create!

Ye Xuan asked, "That place, sell your face?"

The avenue pen hesitated and then said: "Of course!

Ye Xuan low sigh, "Do you can tell me, you can do it in the Master of the Avenue? I mean your status.

Can you enter the first three? "

The avenue is: "My status, that is unique!"

Ye Xuan speechless!

He is now not too much to believe in the avenue!

This guy is not face!

At this moment, the law suddenly paused, and a horrible force was on the sky, straight into the depths of the cloud!

The avenue pen is sigh!

Ye Xuan brows, "What are it doing?"

The avenue is in the road: "It is called people!

Ye Xuanmaster face black line, "Avenue pen, I finally ask you a question, you follow me, is it really your master?"

Avenue pit: "Of course!

Otherwise, do you think I will take the initiative to follow you? Oh, I don\'t mean, I have no right to follow you, not I don\'t want to follow you!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Then your master let you follow me, really want me to take charge of the universe?"

The avenue pen: "I guess it should be!"

Ye Xuan face suddenly black, "should it be? So, your owner let me take over the universe order, are you guess?"

The avenue pen is sigh. "I still have someone to know some of his mind. Since he follows you, it is definitely what you want to be his successor!

Because, you must have the order of the universe, you must have me!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

The avenue pen sinks: "The life of the people is written by me!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "If your hostess is changed?"


The avenue pen suddenly said: "Can you don\'t chat with this?"

Ye Xuan low sigh!

He feels that the light is in the avenue pen, and it is afraid that the people around the avenue cannot have the law.

The avenue pen is mixed!

It seems that the back door is still to rely on yourself!


At this moment, the starry sky of Ye Xuan\'s top suddenly boiled, followed by a horrible breath!

Ye Xuan looks up and look at the deep side of the starry sky, brows, "Is it so fast?"

In the distance, the law suddenly said: "You are finished!"

You are over!

Ye Xuan looked at the law, then said: "I can\'t know, you must be over!

After finishing, he looked with a sleeve.


The sword tears, the law is directly erased on the spot!


At this moment, a sudden sound suddenly roared from the depths of the star, followed by gold, lightning and lightning!

Ye Xuanqi color is cold, he is full of sleeves.


A sword is shredded in an instant!

At this time, a man appeared in Ye Xuan not far away, the man was staring at Ye Xuan, "You dare to kill this world!"

Ye Xuan looked at the man, then said: "You are the firor!

The man is slightly squatting, "" You know the legal!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you want to talk to him?"

The avenue pen slowly floated!

See the avenue pen, the man brows, "the avenue pen.

The avenue: "He is the owner selected!"

The man is slightly smashed, "the avenue pen, you said that he is the owner selected?"

The avenue is: "Yes!

Men said: "Can you have a credential?"

The avenue lady angry: "I am a voucher!

The man smiled, "the avenue pen, according to I know, when you have made mistakes, you will be held in the Milky Way.

You won\'t you escape from yourself? "

I heard the words, Ye Xuan also looked at the avenue pen, he was also a little doubtful, mother, this guy would not really flee it, and then come to himself.

Ye Xuan wants to feel likely!

Because when today, this guy only follows himself, the owner doesn\'t seem to have it.

Do you have a pen? The avenue pen suddenly excited, "You don\'t talk, I will tell you!


Ye Xuan: ".
