One Sword Reigns Supreme

2616 Chapter 262: I haven't been hit!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Lao Guo was cold and glanced at Ye Xuan, "However, you can block me, prove that you still have a bit strength!"

But that\'s just like!

Said, he is empty to Ye Xuan is a punch!


A boxing is printed from the sky!

At the moment of this boxing, a horrible pressure directly couldn\'t breathe in the field!

Everyone in the field has become incomparable!

This is an ancient giant!

Moreover, this ancient giant also presses his strength, otherwise, this fist is, afraid it is enough to destroy the earth!

On the side, the Xuanzhi has no expression, it is moving!

When the horrible boxing printed came to him, a sword suddenly flew out!


Among the eyes of everyone, the boxing is directly divided into two, and then disappears!

The cloud is light!

Everyone stunned!

The sky, the old man is also in the original place!

He did not think that this punch was broken by a teenager!

Moreover, it is still so easy!

Not easy!

Lao Guo looked at Ye Xuan, and there were some despise in the eyes. "Who are you!

Ye Xuan Xiao: "Who isn\'t of important, I now tell you a real, I will take over the city, you are now convinced me, and I am willing to change the evil, I will protect you. Taiping!

Lao Guo smiled: "If I am not?"

Ye Xuan Dynasty and Lao Guo, "the original violent!

"Ha ha!

Lao Guo suddenly laughed, "Just you? Just? Haha.

Ye Xuan suddenly cut out!

Light-write one sword!

However, this sword, the old Guo\'s face is in an instant change, he is right-handed, and a heil-rich momentum is out of his body!

At this moment, he felt danger!

At this moment, he did not dare to hide the strength!

However, it is already too late!



Among the eyes of everyone, the sword directly took the old eyebrows.


Lao Guo is nailed in the same place!

All people in the field are petrified!

Killed by spike? An ancient giant is so second? In the field, the student looks like Ye Xuan is like a monster!

Xing Ling looked at Ye Xuan and his eyes flashed in the same light.

Ye Xuan looked at the sky of the sky, "I tell you truth, you just don\'t listen!"

Old Guo Tudo: "You.

who are you!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am a person who is the owner of the avenue!"

Said, he looked at him.


Old Guo instilled!

Ye Xuan turned his head and saw a look at the four weeks. "Do you have three, you can come with him?"

The sound is falling, and the three old people appear not far from Ye Xuan!

Three people are ancient giant!

Three people are all guards!

Ye Xuan saw three people, "surrender, or die!

Three faces have become difficult to look!

Ye Xuanzhu smiled, "Do you think you?"

Said, he whispered, the avenue pen is in front of the three!

See the avenue pen, the three faces are instantly changed!

Ye Xuan gains a big road pen, swallow: "Do you know who I am?"

One of the old people trembled: "Lord.

Is it a person who is the owner of the avenue? "

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "I am the owner of the avenue!"

Wen said, three people are stunned!

Ye Xuan also said: "Now, you will follow me, have any questions?"

Three old people are busy with respecting!

Of course there is no problem!

Avenue pen owner? Three people are excited at this moment!

This thigh is too fucking!

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at the Silver Way pediatrician, "Now, you are safe!"

Everyone looked at Ye Xuan, the look is still quirky!

Ye Xuan turned his head for four weeks, then said: "Come with me!

After finishing, he walked towards!

Three people quickly followed the past!

Xing Ling is also busy with the past!

In the field, a student was a face.

On the other hand, Ye Xuan went to a stone step, he looked to three old people, then said: "What is it?"

The old man headed quickly: "My name is Li Fu, the more old and Gu Lao!"

Ye Xuanmoo nodded, "Tell me about this inverse city!

Li Fu was busy introducing Ye Xuan, which has three super forces. One is a dark temple, but the dark temple is not the strongest. In addition to the dark temple, there is Yinzong and Zone, which. The best power is the most powerful, because the dark temple and Yinzong want to join hands to fight the zone!

Basically, as long as these three forces are given, it is equal to getting the entire inverting city!

Ye Xuan also got a secret, that is, there is a shadow of super-class forces behind several forces. This is why Lao Guo did not dare to kill those people who have more advanced forces!

The strength of super-class forces, deeply unspeakable!

At this time, then Li Fu suddenly asked, "Hello, do you want to change this inverting city?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Li Fu hesitated, then said: "Everyone is in this inverse city, in fact, mainly because it is profitable here.

Ye Xuan smiled: "Tell me!

Li Fu nod, "In this inverse city, there is a legendary law crystal, these laws, from the law of the rules between the heavens, the rigidity of these rules, and help us these ancient giants help Really too big!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "You said, this kind of legacy is from the power of the law?"

Li Fuwei nodded, "Yes!

That is, the avenue owner.

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "You don\'t know?"

I heard the words, the two of the two people also suddenly became an old!

The power of these rules can be all the avenue owners personally put down!

This guy doesn\'t know? What is joke? Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I don\'t know the power of the law, just don\'t know if my law will condense what kind of law, understand?"

Wen said, Li Ford thought, thinking about it, how can this be interested in the law? Thinking of this, Li Fuwei nodded, continued: "The power of the rules will condense the rule, and we absorb these legal crystals, it is equivalent to the force of the absorption method, so.

Said, he shakes his head, "This is too great to attract us!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "So, here I have left a law?"

Li Fu looked at Ye Xuan, "Don\'t you know?"

The rest of the two also look at Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I don\'t think about it, I have been sleeping for a long time!

Moreover, I have warned with the people, and some memories have been missing!


Li Fu three is shocked, who is it? Can you fight with the avenue? At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "It seems that I have to accept this law!"

Wen said, Li Fu three people look at it, all are a little worried, I don\'t know that Fu is still a disaster.

Suddenly in the Xixian heart: "Do you feel the law of this place?"

The avenue pentagon: "Can!

Ye Xuan has some intake, "Why don\'t you talk to me before?"

The avenue: "You didn\'t ask again!"

Ye Xuan speechless!

The avenue should continue to say: "It should be said that every universe will have a law, the owner left, some of the big world, the owner even leaves the way, to maintain the universe!

The law here, there is already nearly 100 million years, if you take it away, there is no effort to the rules, and the rule is in the town, some ancient giants will be unscrupulous, they will hit, maybe Will ruin this place directly!

Ye Xuan light channel: "It turns out!

The avenue pen continued: "So, I don\'t recommend you to take this law!"

Of course, we can see this law, let it help us!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Is it helpful?"

The avenue strokes said: "This is sure!

You don\'t look at who I am? Does it dare to give me face? "

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "That!

After finishing, he got up with Xing Ling disappeared in the distance!

Li Fu three people quickly followed!

In a short while, Ye Xuan came to the starry sky of the city.

Ye Xuan looked not far in front of him, then said: "In addition to Xing girl, you will take it!"

Li Fu three people look at it, then respect each other, quietly retreat!

Xing Ling looked at the Ye Xuan and a sweet smile.

Ye Xuan looks into the starry sky, said: "Little pen, let it come out!

The little pen is slightly nodded, then said: "This is the law, the speed is now!

No movement!

Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly, and the avenue pen also said: "This is the law, the speed is now!

Still no movement!

Ye Xuan looked at the avenue pen, "small pen.

The avenue pen silently said: "It doesn\'t give me a face!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "Do it?"

The avenue pen is sigh, "I have been closed these years, these guys think I lost!"

Really pen to take tea.


Ye Xuan: ".

Just then, a golden light suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan!

With this golden light, Ye Xuanlon felt a powerful power fluctuation!

The force of the law!

Inner, a vain appeared, the vain: "Avenue pen!

The avenue pen sink: "Next to this, Ye Gongzi!

The law looks to Ye Xuan, then said: "He is the king of the mountain?"

Ye Xuan face suddenly black!

The avenue pen silently said: "He came today, it is necessary to rectify the land!

After the law is silent, I said: "This place is not attributed to him, and then I only listen to the master order!

Wen said, Ye Xuan double eyes suddenly squatted!

At this time, Xing Lingli, the next side, the sleeves of La Ye, Ye Xuan Xing Ling, Xing Ling Shen Sheng: "I have listened to my grandfather, these rules have colluded with the local forces, they give local The force of the force law, and local forces will also give them many benefits.

Wen said, Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking!


He didn\'t expect that the owner of this avenue will also have a corruption!

At this time, the law suddenly said: "Rely on the mountain king, I have heard your name, don\'t want to be an enemy with you, this is my jurisdiction, you will do it more!

Ye Xuan\'s avenue pen in his hand, "Why is it so arrogant?"

After the avenue pen is silent, I said: "Because I have not been hit by your sister!"

Ye Xuan: ".


PS: Ticket!
