One Sword Reigns Supreme

2597 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,583 Chapter: High School!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Have to say, Qin Guan really is really a headache at this moment!

She naturally knows the little girls and little monsters in Xue Yili!

Isn\'t it just two and Xiaobai? Who is these two guys? That is the sword sword sword!

Go to kill two and Xiaobai? That is, Yang\'s father\'s law!

If these two guys have something to lose, Yang Father is afraid that it is necessary to directly hit the silver river!

Official official, this is not the most terrible!

The most terrible thing is that the Milky Walking Wanted Skirt Woman!

Can this world walking, can you provoke? Can? Can\'t!

Qin Guan is already desperate!

When this big is coming, what direction is in the Milky Way.

Can the Avenue pen owner caught the sword of this big? Qin Guan headache!

At this time, Xue Yili suddenly looked at Qin Guan. "Qin Qi Lord seems to know these three people?"

Qin Guan wants to think, then said: "Can you call your people back now?"

Xue Yili\'s brow, "Why?"

Qin Guan said seriously; "All are old towns, I will remind you that don\'t provoke these three, they are absolutely can\'t provoke!

Xue Yi Shen Sheng said: "Qin Que is the three people?"

Qin Guantuan, "know!

Xue Yi looked at Qin Guan, then said: "Qin Qi, whoever commit my Galaxy, this sin is not available!"

Qin Guan shook his head slightly, "Your strength to their strength!

Xue Yili smiled: "Qin Qi, you didn\'t join our Galang, the strength of our strength may be a bit less than knowing!

Said, he smiled slightly, "Anyone who crossed, who doesn\'t hang?"

Qin Guan speechless.

hang? Is that woman hangs? What else Qin Guan said, then Xue Yisheng suddenly said: "Qin Qi, soon, our Galang will be in all years, this time, you are all veteran, and this view of Xuanchuan, We can also let you keep, of course, you have to return to us, of course, the premise is to join now, you can consider!

After finishing, he got up!

In front of Qin Guan, Danchen Shen Sheng said: "What big moves they may have!

Qin Guan slightly shook his head, "died!

Danchen looks to Qin Guan, Qin Guan smiled: "You don\'t worry!"

You can develop your career well!

As for the outside thing, I will deal with Xiaoxuanzi!

Danchen nodded.

She really doesn\'t want to manage these things, she only wants to refine Dan now!

Qin Guan suddenly said: "After you alder, you will stay, or will you sell?"

Danchen thought, then said: "I am also the people of the college, the construction of the college, I also have a responsibility, so I think the medicinal medicine, I think some of the students in the book, some of the students who cultivate the college, some can Take it to sell, change into money, used to build an entry!

Qin Guan said: "With you with your support, our fiscal revenue will greatly improve!

And if you have any needs, you can say it with me or Xiao Xuanzi!

Danchen nodded, "Good!

Qin Guan said: "Is there anything, do you know who is the first of our college entities?"

Danchen shook his head.

Qin Guan said: "It is a young girl. She is a very good person, and it is also a very good person. If you have any problems, you can ask her, she is a very particularly powerful person!

Especially in practice, I see you are also cultivating, and this, you can really ask her!

Danchen nodded, "Okay!

Qin Guan smiled and said: "Then you are busy!

I am also busy!

After finishing, she got up!

Danchen looked at the back of the distance from Qin, whispered: "Is this a heroine?"


Van Zong.

On this day, the Lords of Zhuzhong and Zone will gather together.

Where Zong Zong is the main name, it is closed, but today I don\'t know what is going on because it is, and I will immediately call the old age!

I don\'t think of everyone in the field, then; "recalls all the disciples of the outside!

I heard the words, and the people in the field were surprised. One of the people asked, "the primary, this is this?"

Mo Gently said: "The Milky Wilder is recently afraid to have a big action!

Wen said, all the faces in the field have become difficult to look.

Don\'t get up, "I am going to a big Wei!

After finishing, others have disappeared.

Dafa, the palace.

There are three people in the temple, the just shown, the princess Wei Wei and the emperor of the Dawei State today!

Wei Yuan looked very old, heated, his face was full of wrinkles.

I didn\'t read the Wei Wei on the side, then laughed: "The old guy, are you ready to let this hoe take up?"

Wen said, Wei Wei is calm, but the hands in the sleeves are trembled!

Wei Yuan looks calm, "Da Wei, has the ability to inherit!

Ability to inherit!

Mo n\'t laugh, transfer the topic, "The old guy should feel the mysterious breath!

Wei Yuan nodded.

Mo didn\'t smile: "Then I will open the door directly!"

We suddenly record a few ancient giants suddenly, this is naturally not a normal thing!

As far as I know, the ancient giants are from the Milky Way!

Milky Way!

On the one side, Wei Yuan silently didn\'t speak.

Don\'t smile: "Non-my class, his heart will be different!

The purpose of the Milky Way is very obvious, that is, weighing our universe.

And we must dominate our universe, we are in our martial arts!

So, old guys, don\'t you join hands, you.

After finishing, he looked at Weiyuan.

Wei Yuan silently took a long time, said: "Are you sure they are going to do?"

Don\'t nod, "it is already very sure!

Wei Yuanbow wrinkled, "Ancient giants can\'t take out outside, even if you come to ten ancient giants, it is useless!

Mo n\'t smiled: "I certainly know, but these ancient giants bring some people, they are the realm of Know, and they can\'t shoot, but they can stop our old guys from shooting.

Not only that, the purpose of this time, it should be to stop us from entering the virtue, this is to kill!

I heard the words, Wei Yuan\'s brow wrinkled deeply.

Mo n\'t smiled: "Da Wei, can\'t be alone!

I am extinguished, and next will be your big Wei.

Wei Yuan looks still calm.

Seeing this scene, Mo didn\'t wrinkled deeply, suddenly, he felt something wrong!

What seems to be, his face is suddenly changed, it will get up, and at this time, Wei Yuan suddenly laughed: "Mo Zong is late!

The sound came down, one side, a man was slow into the main hall!

Seeing this man, Mo didn\'t make it difficult to look!

Galaxy League Lord Xiao Yu!

Xiao Wei smiled: "Mo Zong, you seem to be very surprised!

Mo did not express his expression, he turned to see Wei Yuan, "Why?"

Wei Yuan looks like water, "Mo Zong, forgetting to talk to you!"

The little girl has been with the Milky Legion League, the main forestry, January, they will be a relative!


Below, Wei Wei looks like water, there is no half of the waves!

I don\'t look at Wei Yuan, smiled: "With the tiger!

Wei Yuan is shaking his head, "Mo Zong Lord, does not with the tiger, is it worried about the wolf?"

Mo didn\'t smile: "I really didn\'t think that two of you have already colluded together!

It\'s really unexpected!

Said, he looked at the two and smiled: "Do you think that I really don\'t have a little ready?"

Wen said that Xiao Yu and Wei Yuan\'s brow were wrinkled.

Don\'t turn around and smile: "Mason, come out!"

I heard, one side, a long and old slowly came out!

Seeing this person, Xiao Yu frowned on the side wrinkled, "Star River Domain!

Star River Domain!

The hemp lectone went to the field, he looked at the two, then calmly: "My star rivers and Van Zong have all entered, and they will return!

Wen said, Xiao Yu suddenly laughed: "Mo Zong Lord, have to say, you make me really unexpectedly!

Didn\'t think of it, you have already hooked with the Xinghe Zong!

Mo why: "Take each other!

Xiao Yu looked at Mo, "Unfortunately, no use!

Unless the Standel River can adjust all of their strong people!

The hemp is suddenly laughing. "Is this not very simple?"

At this time, Wei Wei in the temple suddenly said: "Just got news, more than 10,000 top strong people suddenly entered Fan Zong!

I heard the words, Xiao Yu and Wei Yuan\'s eyebrows wrinkled!

Wei Yuan suddenly opened, "I am a little curious, the Xinghezong never blessed and all things, why should this be so help?"

Van Zong Zong Jing said: "Starting today, I will enter the star river!"


Wen said, Wei Yuanzhi suddenly squinted!


This means that Van Zong gives up the sovereignty, directly join the Star River Zong, becoming a member of the Star River!

Wei Yuan looked at Mo, "You are reluctant!"

Don\'t smile: "For a platform, maybe there is a better development!

Said, he looked at the two, then said: "If you want to fight, you will die.

On the one, I watched the two people and then said: "My star river is accompanying!

After finishing, the two left.

Inside the temple, Xiao Yu and Wei Yuan are silent.

The joining of the Xinghezong, let them have a little calendering, completely disrupted their layout!

At this time, Xiao Yu suddenly said: "This matter will come back!

After finishing, he turned and left!

Only Wei Wei and Wei Yuan left in the temple!

Wei Yuan looked at Wei Wei, "Shantou, let you marry Na Lin Tian, ​​you can compare in your heart?"

Wei Wei looks calm, "no complaint!

Wei Yuan looked at Wei Wei and did not speak.

Wei Wei said: "I am a big Wei, for the big Wei, Mo said that it is dead, it is also possible.

Wei Yuan sighed whisper, and there was a pity in the eyes of the eyes!

Unfortunately, this is a daughter!

After a while, Wei Wei left the main hall, the main hall, and the white coat came to Wei Wei, he looked at Wei Wei and did not speak.

Wei Wei did not speak, walked in the distance.

White suddenly said: "Marry Lin Tian, ​​is the meaning of your Majesty, or you mean yourself!"

Wei Wei stopped, "Is it important?"

White nod, "important!

After Wei Wei silent, he said: "I have a responsibility!

White walked to Wei Wei, he looked straight to Wei Wei. "Are you willing to throw everything with me?"

Wei Wei looked at white, after a moment of silence, she suddenly laughed: "White, do you know what a woman is mostly needed?"

White is silent.

Wei Wei light; "A woman, she needs a powerful man!

Love? That is a virtual!

Because people are volatile, men say love you today, maybe he really loves you this moment, but tomorrow, the future? I never believe in love, I only believe in the actual, you say that you love me, don\'t talk, please give me actual!

Said, she laughed, "In the world, those young women are going to die, and there are a few good results in the last few words. Ten eight nine are all wrong!

Women\'s most stupid thing is to gamble in men, I don\'t believe in men, and I will not believe in you.

White Direct View Wei Wei, "So, I am in your eyes these years, is it floating?"

Wei Wei shook his head, "your ability, can\'t afford my ambition.

Together with you, I have been able to see the future ending.

Said, she looked at the white clothes. "Don\'t say anything, it is my father and the relationship, you can\'t you have!

You have a bottom gas now in the temple in the temple. In my father, Lin Tian can\'t help me, you want to marry me.

You dare? "

White face is suddenly difficult to look.

Wei Wei shook his head again, "With you, all the difficulties, eventually, I have to come to myself.

Said, she took out a piece of quite to the white hand, "There is no strength, don\'t play high!

After that, she turned and left.
