One Sword Reigns Supreme

2552 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and forty-eight chapters: mountain cave!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Play with yourself!

Ye Xuan looked at the sun, this woman wanted to pick the soft persimmommon!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan couldn\'t help but laughed, this woman, I thought I was a good bullied sword repair? Seeing Ye Xuan cold laughed, Lu Chao Xi did not have, "Do you play?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Playing!

After finishing, he walked towards Lu Chao!

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly pulled the blade in the arm, she looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao: "Don\'t worry, I can!"

Qin Guan blinked, "I mean, don\'t kill!

Remit to your mouth, let them redeem!

Ye Xiuned, and then laughed: "Good!

After finishing, he turned to look at Lu Chao Xi, smiled slightly, and the left thumb was gently pick.


Qing Xuanjian suddenly turned into a sword light!

In the distance, the land is calm, she is forwarded forward and said.


This finger, point directly to Ye Xuan\'s Qing Xuanjian!


Strong force is swept from the Qing Xuanjian and Lu Chao, and the time, the whole endless void is directly into the ashes!

And Ye Xuan\'s Qing Xuan Jian and Lu Xuan are half a walk!

At this time, Ye Xuan\'s eyes suddenly slowly closed!


A sip of the sword has no signs appeared in the land of the sun!

The sword of the world\'s swords!

The left hand suddenly swayed!


This sword is directly forced!

At this time, the ten hands appeared around her away.

These swords, there are no signs, it is like a ghost, it is very strange.

Lu Chao Xiang is slightly, and she stepped back, the left hand suddenly spread, and then slammed.


A terrible force suddenly broke out from its in the body, in a moment, more than ten hands swords and Qing Xuan swords were shocked directly!

In the distance, Ye Xuan also refers to, then gently, the ten handles suddenly suddenly make a sword to return to his side.

Ye Xuan looked at the sun, his heart, suddenly, the ten handles and Qing Xuan swords directly became a blood!

Blood pulse!

Ye Xuan also refers to the email to the Lu Chao Xiang!

Ethletary sword suddenly broke!

Under the blessing of the blood, the ten sorts of swords actually burned directly, and their power is at least ten times before the power!

In the distance, the land is flashing in the end of Lu, and she suddenly jumped, and the front is a punch!


A horrible secondary power is like a wave, usually swept in her fist!

At this moment, the whole endless star is blown directly!

The entire subtle universe is shocked!

Although the two are both a young generation, but the strength of the two is not better than some strong people in the older generation!


Suddenly, the land is coming over and retreat, this will be a thousand miles!

However, she just stopped, ten shank swords again!

On the end of Lu, I flashed in the eye. She suddenly slammed his right hand. Suddenly, countless white light came out from her palm. In an instant, there were countless white lights directly to the whole endless Yuan universe!

Nine metabolies!

This is the power from nine times!

Distance, Qin Guan looks at Ye Xuan, there is no worry in her eyes!

Seeing the endless nine yuan, Ye Xuan god is very calm, he suddenly slowed down, and Qing Xuan sword suddenly returned to him. At the same time, even the sword suddenly turned into a sword. Qing Xuanjian!


A swager suddenly resounded throughout the nine yuan!

Human swords are unyielding madness!

Ye Xuan suddenly reached out to hold Qing Xuan Jian, step forward, a sword!


This sword turned down, and a sword was flying out.


In an instant, countless nine times the power is broken, this kind of void is torn into a smash!

And that day, in the moment of nine yuan, it flew directly to 100,000 miles!

After stopping, the land of the land is directly cracking, blood sputtering, followed by, a sword suddenly broke out from her, time, her flesh is directly broken, only soul!

Some of Lu Chao!

Have you lost? How can it be? There is an incredible look at the Yu Xuan in the distance, "No."


You just have a border, and I am higher than you so much.

The distance, Ye Xuan smiles, "The realm? It is just a rule of the rest of the weak!

Real strong, who will be in the realm? "

Lu Yard suddenly stared at Ye Xuan, the next moment, she suddenly disappeared in the same place!


In an instant, a terrible soul force is like a storm in a storm in the field.

In the distance, Ye Xuan raises his hand is a sword.


The horrible soul force instantly collapsed, and Lu Yard returned to more than ten thousand miles!

And when she stopped, the blood red Qing Xuanjian has arrived in her eyebrow!


In the distance, Qin watched a photo of Ye Xuan, silence.

She found that after the rules of the human swords in Ye Xuan, it is already very different!

The view of Ye Xuan founded, and truly showed its horror at this moment!

Countless beliefs form an order!

Human order!

In the distance, Ye Xuan looked at the end of the face, then turned to the Qin Guan, "Let\'s go!

Qin Guanzhi Head.

The two have to leave, and at this time, a horrible pressure suddenly swept the top of the sky!

Ye Xuan looked up to the sky above the sky, browbowned.

At this moment, a secondary veteran suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan and Qinguan!

The elders look at Ye Xuan and don\'t talk.

Ye Xuan smiled, "I am a fair battle with her, and I didn\'t kill her!

The elders are staring at Ye Xuan, and the right hand is slowly grasped, and a horrible trend is directly changing the Ye Xuan!

Obviously, he wants to leave Ye Xuan!

In the distance, Lu Chao suddenly said: "Thermal care method, let him go!


In addition to the nine holy kings, the Holy King Temple has three major laws and regulations.

And this man is the strongest one in the three major laws in the Holy King Temple!

The guardian method is slightly shaking, "this person.



Ye Xuan is not only the swordsman, but also he has been inherited by the ancient Tiandi and Ye Tianmi. They have already wanted to kill Ye Xuan, but Ye Xuan is in parallel, and now, the Treaty signed by the universe and parallel universe has not ended. Therefore, They didn\'t dare to go parallel to the universe!

But now, Ye Xuan is in the universe!

When I heard the repairing method, I was difficult to look at the face of Lu, "" Guardian, I am fair to fight with him, if you do this, the world is not laughing, I don\'t talk about Wu De? "

The guardian method is silent, it seems to hesitate.

What else, I still want to say in Lu, and at this time, I suddenly said: "He will die!

After that, he suddenly disappeared in the same place, directly punched to Ye Xuan Qin and Ye Xuan!

The strength of Ye Xuanzhang is really terrible, continue to grow.

He dare not think.

What is the best way to solve danger? That is to kill danger!

Seeing this kid directly, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly, this time the Yuan Universe is going to talk about Wu De!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then the front, a sword!



A sword is broken, and Ye Xuan directly retracts more than ten thousand!

After stopping, the Ye Xuan\'s mouth directly overflows a blood!

Fully fight!

Ye Xuan looked at the guardian of him again, he recognized the reality.

Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, "Qingren!


Ye Xuan\'s voice suddenly fell, and she suddenly broke out in front of her, and a woman came out slowly!

Seeing people, Ye Xuan stunned, "Shantou, how is you.

Can\'t come to the sexy skirt, but Qingqiu!

Qingqiu looks at Ye Xuan, "Are you thinking about her?"

This is naturally a sexy skirt!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "How to have!

I am very happy to see you!

Qingqiu low down, "I know.

In your heart, she is the most important.


Ye Xuan has some headache!

This gimmick began to jeal!

And at this time, the Taishui method has been killed!

Qingqiu suddenly took the Qing Xuanjian in the Xuanxuan, and then turned to be a sword!


I flew out of the sword, and the horrible manual care method suddenly retired millions!

And when it stopped, his eyebrows inserted a sword. It is Qing Xuanjian!


There is no gas to protect the law in Qingqiu. She turned and looked at Ye Xuan. "Since you want to see it, then I will go.

Although I said, but I didn\'t think it!

Ye Xuanli quickly took the hands of Qingqiu, seriously said: "Shantou, in my heart, you are all blue!"

Qingqiu looked at Ye Xuan, after a moment, she smiled slightly, "Then I am with her, who do you prefer? Don\'t say the same!

Don\'t let me!

Ye Xuan has some headache plus egg hurt!

You are two, from a certain extent, is it all alone? On the side, Qin Guan looked at the embarrassment of Ye Xuan and smiled.

Just then, the afternoon is suddenly trembling: "You.

Who are you!

Qingqiu turned and looked to the man, "I am his sister!

The ,,,,

Qingqiu suddenly refers to a cut.


directly flying out!

Qingqiu turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Brother, you can answer my question now!"

Ye Xuan: ".

Qingqiu looks like Ye Xuan, waiting for his answer!

Ye Xi Xi thought, then gently hugged Qingqiu, "I don\'t know who you are more important, I only know, in my heart, you are the most important!"

It is important than I am!

If I have to die with you, I will definitely choose myself, just like the mountain cave.


I heard the words, the Qingqi Jiao is a fierce, the next moment, she kills the Ye Xuan, tears like the decider, "You live, I live, you die, I will not live alone."
