One Sword Reigns Supreme

2551 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and forty-seventh chapter: fight with you!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The owner is also thorough!

He found that this monk with Shen Ming even went to now, there is no strength!

Do you not have it? Is it? Is it? Seeing the boundless face color is not particularly good, there is no smile, and I am busy: "I understand!"

I know!

No side, sigh, "You know a hammer!

I really worked!

Said, he looked at the distance, "Don\'t worry about the universe and the parallel universe!

This time, take you to see the real world.

I wanted before, but I haven\'t had a chance. Now I\'m idle, I can go!

After finishing, he walked in the distance.

God is somewhat curious, ask, "Where?"

Be distant, no side, light channel: "God is banned!


Parallel universe.

The sudden blockade of the sub-universe, let the whole ancient rules are all guarded!

The top ten power directly gathered together, negotiating big things.

Ye Xuan also was invited!

Now Ye Xuan\'s view is just a small forion, but Ye Xuan has received the inheritance of the ancient Tiandi and Ye Emperor, they naturally don\'t dare to be underestimated!

Moreover, there is a boundless master after the Xixiang!

In the temple, the top ten forces of the top ten are all arrived.

Ye Xuan sat in the corner, he still listened quietly, and didn\'t say anything!

After about one hour, the top ten power has discussed a result!

Total return!

No matter what grunge, in the middle of the universe, the top ten forces choose a total of reward!

Because they are very clear, only unity can be confronted in the Yuanyuan!

You must know that there is no Ye Emperor in parallel in the universe, and there is no ancient Tiandi!

After the break, Ye Xuan came out of the hall. He looked up to the sky, and he flashed a worry!

There is no movement in the universe now!

But Ye Xuan knows that this is only quiet before the storm!

The subtle universe may be waiting, such as the peace treaty period!

Once the period is limited, the secondary universe may destroy the parallel universe, remove this big problem!

Therefore, the war is likely to start!

Unfortunately, I forgot to ask when the Tiandi\'s treaty period is time!

It is quite passive now!

At this time, the sudden appearance of , , laugh: "Is it worried?"

Ye Xuan looks away, laughs: "Is it not worried about the girl?"

Look at the sky, whispered: "What is the use of worrying? Is it always coming?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It is also!

,, "I heard that Chutian and Ye Chen are already closed, they should be inherited by the ancient Tiandi and Ye Emperor, what about you?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I want to take my own way!


Said, his mouth is slight, "I can learn their way!

Take your own way, you also need to learn!

For the inheritance of the ancient Tiandi and Ye Emperor, he naturally won\'t be small, this horrible enchanting, there must be its horror!

, "Come on!

After that, she turned to look at a middle-aged man in the distance, then said: "There are many things in the family, I have to return to the family!

Ye Gongzi, the speech!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

The smile is laughing, then turn around and the distant distant disappears in the end of the starry.

Originally, the Ye Xuan silently took a moment, turned away.

At this time, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and it is now the family of Ye people!

Ye people look at Ye Xuan, laughed: "Ye Xiaoyou, is it good?"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "I am not very familiar with him!

Ye EC smiled slightly, "I understand!

Ye Xuan speechless, you know a hammer!

Ye Ezang suddenly looked up to the void, whispered: "Ye Xiaoyou, what is your plan?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What do you want to say?"

Ye Ezang is seriously said: "Ye Yuxi, our parallel universe needs unity!

He is naturally wants to pull Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan not only got the inheritance of the ancient Tiandi, but also got the inheritance of Ye Emperor. From a certain extent, Ye Xuan and Ye Jia also have a certain relationship!

Moreover, the Ye Xuan founded the college, and there was no obvious conflict with Ye people!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Of course!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the Ye people had a smile, "Little Friends, if there is time to change the day, can come to Ye people!

Ye Xuan nod, "must!

Ye Ezang is holding a box, "say hello!

After finishing, he turned and disappeared in the distance.

Originally, the Ye Xuan silently took a moment, turned away.

After returning to the Xuan Academy, Ye Xuan began to cultivate.

He did not repair the realm, but to repair the sword!

Ye Xuan Station is above the cloud, he overlooks the viewing mysterious school below, silent.

I don\'t know, he found that he has already supported a lot of responsibility.


In the eyes of the world, Jian Xiu is generally unrestrained, one person holding a sword.

Big brother is so!


Thinking of this, Yixuan couldn\'t help but smile, and I don\'t know how today\'s big brother is.

I haven\'t seen it for a long time!

Remove his thoughts, the Xixiang\'s heart is spread, and a sword is condensed from his palm.

Human swords!

Nowadays, the swordsman, can be said to be a force that condenses the whole way of seeing the universe!

Now the time of seeing the Xuan universe, the monk of Xuan Academy is exclusive, and in the Shuixuan Universe, the Western Academy is also building a new order!

Human order!

Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, in his hand, the sword in the world suddenly switched slightly.


Suddenly, a terrible human sword is swept in the hunter of the housing!

In an instant, surrounding time and space directly boiling!

At this moment, Ye Xuan is suffering from endless beliefs!

At this moment, Qin Guan suddenly appeared in the near future, looked at the Ye Xuan in front of him, and her eyes flashed.

At this time, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he looked at Qin Guan in the distance, Qin Guan smiled: "Congratulations!

Your swords have had a qualitative change!

Ye Xuan nod, such as Qin Guan said that his swords have changed!

Qin Guan said again: "In this sword, in addition to faith, there is a mysterious force!

Ye Xuan looks to Qin Guan, "What mysterious power?"

Qin Guan smiled: "Order!


Ye Xuan brows, "a order?"

Qin Guan Head, "The Sword of Human is condensed by the strength of faith!

Now, you have gradually created a order, just called the human order!

Said, she suddenly said, and said: "With the belief of all beings!"

Ye Xuan silence.

Qin Guanwei looks to Ye Xuan, "The more faith, the greater the responsibility!"

do you understand me? "

Ye Xuan nod, "understand!

Qin Guan slightly, "Now we have a lot of responsibility, I have Xianbaoge, you have a view of Xuan.

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "You are wrong!"

Qin Guan slightly, Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am a super VIP, Xian Baoge, is my business!

And see Xuan Academy.

Although you are not working in Xuan Institute, it is your own, isn\'t it? "

Qin Guan smiled: "Yes!

Ye Xuan looked up to the void, "If I have not guess wrong, the sub-universe should be willing to do it!

They will definitely not give us too much time and opportunities!

Qin Guan Head, "The main goal of the sub-universe may be that you and Chutian also have Ye Chen!

You have got the inheritance of the two emperors, for them, the biggest threat!

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, and a terrible percentage suddenly swept from the sky.

Ye Xuan Hua rose, at this time, the sky space suddenly broke, and a woman was slowly coming out!

Come, it is that the land!

When I saw this, Ye Xuan\'s brow, and then, then, in front of Qin Guan, she looked at Qin Guan, "I have played again!

Have again!

Obviously, this is coming to find a venue!

Qin Guan blinked, "Yes!

Change a place!

Last Nod, "Yes!

Come with me!

After that, she turned and walked in the distance.

Ye Xuan and Qin Guan have followed it!

On the road, Ye Xuan asked, "Is it sure?"

Qin Guan blinked, "Of course!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Soon, the three came again to the universe!

Among the voids, Lu Yard turned to look at Ye Xuan, "I heard it, have you got the inheritance of ancient Tiandi and Ye Emperor?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Looking at Ye Xuan, I watched her, "I have already defeated her!"

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Do you want to fight two?"

Looking at Ye Xuan, I didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuanzhu smiled, "You are single!

After that, he retired.

Looking at Qin Guan, "The last time, I am not willing to be willing!

I don\'t know what monks you are, this time, I will not lose!

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "You cheer!

After finishing, she paid, "from!


In an instant, she appeared hundreds of transportation arrays behind her!


See this scene, Lu Yizhen showed the expression!

Ye Xuan in the side is also in the original place!

How is this going? How can I have more than one hundred? The last time still has only one transfer array!

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "I actually want to play with people!

Because my technology has just been breakth, I want to try my weapon\'s power.

Said, she looked at Lu Chao, laughed: "Come on!"

You first shot!

The sound fell, and her hundreds of passes were suddenly trembled. He immediately went out that a horrible breath spread out, in an instant, the time and space in Millions of Millions of Millions were twisted directly, just like boiling water General, horrific!

In the distance, after the sun, she suddenly said: "Wait!

Qin Guan stunned, "How?"

On the eve of Lu, I looked at Qin Guan, and then looked at Ye Xuan. "I decided to fight with you!

Ye Xuan face suddenly black.
