One Sword Reigns Supreme

2546 Swords in the second chapter of the second thousand and five hundred and three chapters:!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The never had no nonsense with two people, he walked toward the next stone pillar.

This stone column is a woman!

The woman is also nailed!

The boundless lady looks at the woman on the stone column, whispered: "This is the first female emperor of the ancient shortage, no one knows her name, so she also called the unknown emperor!

I don\'t look at the woman, "she is also the universe of the battle?"

The owner shook his head. "She is not a battle of the universe, she is because she is a grievance with the Holy King, so she is coming to revenge!

However, what is grievance, I don\'t know.

There is no bit surprised, "You don\'t know?"

The boundless heart is full of eyes, "Do you think I know anything?"

I laughed and didn\'t talk.

There is no side of the owner to continue; "However, this woman is indeed very good!"

God suddenly said: "Is the Holy King Temple a group?"

No side shook his head, "no!

It\'s all one-on-one!

Of course, in addition to Ye Emperor and Ancient Tiandi!

Single pick!

The gods look extremely lighter, "the strength of the Holy King.

I was laughing, then walked to the next stone pillar, he looked at the middle-aged man on the stone column, whispered: "The ancient emperor, this is also very excellent, the year with a holy king battle is nearly a hundred years Don\'t win!

Said, he shook his head and sighed. "I think, if the battlefield is changed in parallel universe, he does not necessarily lose, because in the second universe, it is more beneficial to the Holy King.

Of course, he is to challenge people, in the home court of others, it is normal!

After finishing, he went to the next stone column.

This stone pillar is also a woman, the woman is dressed in red coat, such as blood.

The boundless look at the woman, whispered; "Red Girl!

Created the blood, it is a super master who played, she handed with people, and I can easily detonate the blood between the other people. If the Holy King, which is handed over with her, if it is not used to suppress her blood, It must not be her opponent!

Speaking of this, he shook his head, some disguses, "The Holy King is one of the most garbage in the nine holy king, not strength, but a character.


At this moment, the sky suddenly had a huge vortex, followed by a horrible holy king, swept!

Obviously, it is the owner who violates the holy king!

The never looks at it, and raising your hand is a wave.


That huge vortex is directly smoked.

There is no expression in boundless main, "" You are a victory, you are garbage!

You are a big garbage!

Do you think that Laozi said you behind you? Do not!

Laozi is in front of you!

You have a garbage!



There are two people: "

At this time, a virtual image suddenly appeared over this plain, and the virtual image overlooks the neutral owner, and the eyes were cold until the extreme.

No side does notady: "See Nima!

After finishing, he blew!


The huge virtual image is completely made!

At this time, a voice came from the distant place, "" No side, you don\'t want too much! "

"I bother!

No side, suddenly violent, "Overparagm

The sound of the Tuning King once again, "I am a life and death, I don\'t make external objects?"

There is no side: "You are right, it is a life and death war, but before you start, don\'t you use the outer object, it is more than the practice?"

After the silence of the Shengwang, he said: "The soldiers are not distilled, is this not what you said in parallel? What happened?"


The boundless angry is not revealed. "How do you don\'t think about the mountain king? By the mountain king does not take a big bulk, he still speaks Wu De, you fuck, you are a little one!

Sheng Wang calm said: "No side, the woman is dead, you now say this, what is meaningful?"

Headless: "Laozi wants to marry you two, don\'t you do? If you don\'t accept it, you come to play Laozi!

After the Sacred King silent, he said: "Then you will yell!

Despite it, I guarantee that I don\'t pay back!

After that, the breath completely disappeared.

"I bother!

The faceless face is red, "Mom, he or not hiding in the void temple, Laozi wants to make his face!

There is no hesitation, then: "Virtue Temple?"

I am boundless, "I don\'t mention the garbage!

Anyway, I will have a chance to make my face.

He has no relationship with God, and the two people are shocking!

They can feel that the holy king is very taboo!

The neighborhood looked at the red garde in front of him, whispered, "Mom, what is it used? Those who don\'t face hypocrisy, specially bullied people!

Said, he looked at the bottom and then said: "Laozi is now looking forward to the universe of the mountain!

People who don\'t want faces, only use people who don\'t want their faces than they!

: "

Shenming suddenly said: "No side, when the Holy King makes the fraud, why don\'t you stop?"

The boundless owner is sigh, "Not I didn\'t see it, but at that time, I didn\'t stay in the universe, but I am boundless!

Of course, I really didn\'t think that the Tuning King will be Yin people!

If this is a red dress, there is a preparation, maybe it will not die, but how can she think of the holy king of the world, actually playing a trick? "

Shen Ming Shen said: "It is somewhat shameful!

There is no side of the owner: "The rest of the holy king is okay, that is, this repair of the Holy King, the worst of the people.

There is no sudden way: "Do you want to bring this emperor\'s body back?"

No side silence.

Shen Ming and , ""

Both people are some unexplained.

The boundless main road: "She stay here, is a glory for the parallel universe!

Everyone who is parallel to see her, they will give birth to seven points.

And her people are proud of her, and fight for it, I want to save her.

She is one of the top ten families in the past ten families. Nowadays, the Nanzheng National Generation is in her, and she wants to work hard to recover her body.


No side, said: "It is the destination of fate!

, is some fate already demonstrated? "

Head, "Yes!

, then: "Don\'t you say that people will win?"

The never looks at it, "Do you believe?"

I have no nod, "I believe that as long as I work, I can change my destiny!

I thought I thought I thought, then said: "Two situations, first, if you said, after work, you can change your destiny!

However, this is a process, but the final ending is the same.

Just like the ordinary people in the Milky Way, they have changed better, but they will eventually die, of course, they also have a lot of kinds, many are life, death, and some are dead.

Said, he shakes his head, "no matter which kind, but will eventually die!

This is a destined ending. As for the process, it is nothing more than you can have more!

There is no deep voice: "That said, hard work and struggle, there is no significance?"

Boundless master: "Of course!

After a few decades, after you struggle, you can have more exciting!

Are you hoping that the mediocrity is a lifetime, or a speechless life? "

There is no deep voice: "Nature is vigorous!

Head, "Yes!

Many people have changed their destiny, in fact, not to change the final ending fate, but the fate of that process, this is very different.

If you want to change the final fate, there is only one way!

There is no success, "What is the way?"

Headless, calmness: "Dry the person who controls your fate!

, then: "The Master of the Avenue?"

Hey, the lord: "This is what you said, but I am talking!"

There is no expression.

Shenming suddenly said: "The owner of the avenue is not strong?"

The never looks at the god, "Not strong, in his world, the weak and chicken, a knife should solve him!

God is morally, then said: "Why do he dare to be so arrogant?"

The boundless main road: "Because the current can go to his world, a few people, and, even if you can go, you can\'t kill him, you kill him, is equal to yourself.

God is unpaken, "Why?"

The boundless owner is sigh, "he is everything, all the fruit.

never mind!

Don\'t mention him!

This fear of death guys!

At the beginning, if he is not so afraid of death, it will stop the skirt woman with a sword, and Laozi is successful!

Mom, it is him, I am afraid of being dead, I am going to wander everywhere.

God name: "

The owner did not want to continue this topic. He walked towards it, soon, he came to a stone pillar, he looked at the man on the front of the stone column, whispered: "This is the master of Chutian, the absurd, the year It is also a person, but it still has not been able to defeat the holy king, but this guy is relatively smart, no death, but after seeing the situation is not the same, let yourself sneak away.

, then: "Chu Tian is mixed with him?"

Head, "He cultivated Chutian, it should be to let Chutian to help him recapture the flesh!

: "Without the side, you will not come to the midth universe after the king of the mountain?"

No side silence.

There is no way: "If the King is coming to fight the universe, will it succeed?"

Hey, the lake: "That is to come alone, or come with his sister!

If it is a person.

Said, he pointed to the empty side, "Here will be more stone columns!

I have no sudden asked. "If you bring his sister?"

The unilateral light channel: "Nine guys in the Holy Hall should call him!

Two people: ".
