One Sword Reigns Supreme

2545 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and forty-one chapters: those big emperors!

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Have to say, Ye Xuan is really shocking.

What kind of bombs in Qin Guan, the power is too horrible!

He is not confident to resist!

Qin Guan smiled slightly, "Let\'s go back!

Ye Xuan nod.

The two disappeared in the field.

Secondary universe.

In front of the temple of the second, Lu Chao stood quietly.

At this moment, her flesh has been recovered!

First failure!

Have to say, some of her defeated!

Because the Qin Guan did not shoot from the beginning to the end, they were standing there!

Array mage? She is naturally not believed, that is not what array!

At this time, a statue in the Shenyuan Temple suddenly opened his eyes, the next moment, this statue directly missed a old man to come out!

Landing at the Sun, I respect the gift, "Master!

The old man went to the front of the sun, smiled slightly, "" The taste of failure is the first time? "

Last Nod, "Yes!

The old man laughed; "How do you feel?"

After the silence of Lu Chao, he said: "It is very bad!

The old man nod, "understand!

On the eve of Lu, the old man laughed: "Don\'t be surprised, because the Master I have lost!"

The land is hesitant, then: "Ancient Tiandi?"

The old man nodded, "Yes!

Said, he looked down and whispered: "That time, all of our universe all the universe is shocked!"

Because we have never thought, we will lose to a monk from the parallel universe!

Lu Chao is silent.

The old man continued: "However, I also gave us a lesson in this time!"

Looking at the old people in Lu, "Class?"

The old man nodded, "Failure is not terrible, terrible is unable to recognize yourself, to bear this failure!

Lu Chao is silent.

The old man laughed: "Shantou, we are very optimistic, I hope you go farther!"

After all, this time the universe requires your guard!

Lu Chao Sheng Sudoku: "Master, this is the universe, what is the power to threaten the universe?"

The old man shakes his head, "Don\'t be so thinking about it, this world, there is too much unknown, even if our Holy King Temple is not falling, is it not false?"

The brow is browling, "Is there a higher level of civilized universe than our higher level?"

The old man laughed; "I mean, you want to get empty you, do you want you to think that you are already a peak!

Because of this, it is difficult for you to improve yourself.

Lu Yard is deeply a ceremony, "I understand!

The old man nodded, "was defeated, then he worked, then he called back!

Looking at Lu Chao: "I will!"

The old man smiled slightly, he looked at the horizon, very fast, it seems to see anything, his brow is slightly frowned, "no side.

What did he do it in that place?

Lu Chao turned his head and looked at it, then said: "Master, who is this no longer?"

The old man looked at the distance in the distance and whispered: "A very mysterious person, mysterious, mysterious, strength!

Lu Chao Sheng Sudoku: "Master does not know how strong him?"

The old man nodded, "I don\'t know!

Said, he shook his head smile, "In my impression, he is a mixer!

Here, there is a mix!

Lu Yard: "

The old man said again: "Many years ago, he said that he had to do a big event. After the completion, the parallel universe and the second universe or other universe will completely resurrect!

Oh, he said he wants to kill a person.

It seems that he seems to have no success!

Lu Chao Sheng Sudoku: "Do he is the enemy of our Yuanyuan universe?"

The old man laughed: "It should not!

As far as I know, he is not interested in parallel universe!

Lu Chao Taki nodded.

The old man returned to the eyes and said: "Go to the Hall of the Hall of the Hall!

I heard it, and I was so excited that I was so excited.

Shengwang Temple cultivation!

This means that she can go directly to the nine yuan universe!


Nine yuan entrance.

At the entrance of nine yuan, there is a desolate plain. The entire plain is boundless, unreserved smoke, and the world has a depression.

At this time, the plains came to three.

The first person is the owner, and after him, it is the god and no!

I didn\'t have a look at the four weeks, then said: "No side, are we going to nine a Yuan universe?"

Winterless main point.

I didn\'t see my side, "I think you are very awesome!

The boundless heart, then said: "Why do you say this?"

1, "All the way, we are unimpeded, there is no time to find you!

After the side of the silence, Tao: "Is this?"

I have no nod.

The boundless heart, "service!

: "

Just then, Shenming suddenly pointed to the distance, "That is?"

I didn\'t look up, I went not far, they saw 13 huge iron columns, and on these thirteen huge iron columns, they tied a person, twelve men, two women!

Shen Ming Xiao said: "This is the parallel universe of the universe of the universe in the year?"

Winterless main point.

After a while, the three came to one of the iron columns, the iron column is a middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man\'s limbs are nail the four-handles and black swords. There is also a blood. Red sword nails.

The never looks to the middle-aged man, whispered: "Yuan Emperor!

The same year is also a generation of Tianjiao, homemade nine road avenue, in the era of his parallel universe, there is no failure!

After the emperor, one person alone in the universe, and finally crackled by a holy king of the Holy Hall, the avenue collapsed, and the soul died.

There is no sudden highway: "But why didn\'t he run?"

Wen Yan, the boundless main expression is stiff.

, "Can you run!

The boundless arms shrugged, "I didn\'t want to understand, or ask himself!


People are already there, how is it? The neighborhood looked at the emperor, shook his head and sighed. "If he has half his face, it is estimated that it will not be hanging here!

Anyway, the face, basically very miserable, don\'t make face, live good, such as the king!

Ye Xuan: "???"

The owner continues to go toward the next stone pillar, this stone column is also a middle-aged man, the man is a shawl, although it is nailed, but the head is high, but also, the eyes are always open!

There is no a little curious, "Is this?"

No side smiled: "Ao Emperor!

A proud bone, I was a bloody horse in the year.

Have to say, this guy\'s temper is really stinky. Of course, it is also very powerful. It is the character too just. If he can spend a lot of flowers like a mountain king, he is definitely higher, not being nailed here!

Said, he shakes his head, "You have a hair in the proud bones? It\'s not to fight, but you don\'t want to fight.

Speaking of this, he quickly stopped, then looked at the gods and no!

There is no pair of hands and ten, "said that we have not heard anything!

God is also busy: "Yes!


too big!

My ear is blown up!

The never looks at the two people, the swallow: "Do you think I am afraid of the skirt woman?"

There is no hesitation, then said: "This problem.

We don\'t make evaluation!

The boundless main thing: "I am a strategic retreat, strategic retreat, do you understand?"

: "

Shen Ming said: "understand!

We all understand!

The owner, you continue to say this proud, don\'t say this topic!

After the main point of view of the proud, after a moment of mind, he turned his head and looked to the god and the god, "I am a strategic retreat, not afraid, do you understand?"

The two faces stiff.

The boundless main shake, then look at the proud emperor, "This proud, is a person, but unfortunately, I don\'t know how to change!

Of course, it can also be understood that he is invincible in parallel universe!

Come to the Yuanyuan universe, I was hit, how can he? Hey, face is dead!

I have to say that this person is doing very well, he doesn\'t want his face, and it should not face, as long as it is good.

Have to say, this is a talent!

There is no way: "" Relying on the King King is really not a face!

God nodded, "It is very unpredictable!

The boundless main point is also nodded, "especially don\'t face!

This time, the three people reached a consensus.

Ye Xuan: ".

No side, then go to the next stone pillar, on the stone column, nailed a midnual man in a gray robber, under the stone column, there is a broken long knife.

The unilateral light channel: "The Emperor, a very pure knife, a trim, and repair the knife to almost extreme!

He was cut from a Yuanyuan universe from a Yuanyuan universe, really a cutting emperor!

Said, he shook his head and sighed. "This is a sad person. It will play a knife in a lifetime. I think that the knife is invincible. But he didn\'t think of it. He finally died under the knife!

There is no eyebrows, "Is there a trick in the Holy King Temple?"

Head, "that, is the real master of playing knife. He once opened the flesh of the ancient Tiandi, which was the first time the ancient Tiandi first injured!

I have to say, I have a little shock, I really can\'t afford it!

There is no deep voice: "Can I hurt in the emperor?"

The boundless is slightly nodd, "No matter what the way, cultivate to the ultimate, it is very hanging!

His knife, ancient Tiandi recognized.

Now his knife should have arrived in the extreme, in this life, I am afraid that there are no few people to resist him a knife!

I have no sudden to talk, I am looking at him, "Don\'t ask me, because this will make me seriously doubt your IQ, don\'t understand?"

: "
