One Sword Reigns Supreme

2531 Swords in the second thousand and five hundred and eleven chapters: touch bones!

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Xiao War looked at Ye Xuan, look quite quite!

Is this unilateral owner and this guy really not? He is of course doubts!

Of course, this is not important now!

It is important to solve the crisis of the Xiao family now.

Xiao War recovered his thoughts, then looked at the boundless owner, slightly, "" Hey, thank you!

I am widely waved, "Take the tutorial people!

This time I shocked your Xiao family, I was not a bad thing for your Xiao family!

After that, others have disappeared in the distance.

In the original place, Xiao Wan Shen Si\'s moment, he turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Little Friends, I mean in the words?"

Ye Xuan looked at Xiao Wan, "Is there a four-time order? Give me a few, I tell you!

Secondary order? Xiao Wan stunned, and then turned to see the Direct direction, "come to a few four yuan order!

The sound came down, a Xiao family was directly taking the time and space, came to see Xuancheng, this HK strongman took a black box to the Ye Xuan face, then handed it to Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan opened the box and saw three times in the box!

Xiao Wang looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Little Friends!

Ye Xuan gains the box, then looks to Xiao Wan, "he means that if he doesn\'t shot, your Xiao may not be!

He is very clear, with his strength, now it is certainly unable to compete for this horror!

Oh shit!

He doesn\'t work hard!

The strength is too disappeared!

Moreover, the Xiao family will definitely fight with him, and the other party is sure to come to a more horrible power. If so, he will call the sister!

A young man appeared, the Xiao family must have a whole national crematorium!

This is the meaning of the owner!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, Xiao Wan brows wrinkled slightly, and it seems to think of what, he deeply looked at Ye Xuan.

At this moment, he thought of two things!

The first one, if this little guy did not say a fake, the person who wanted to kill the owner was really this little guy, why didn\'t you kill the strength of the owner? Very simple, there is a more horrible power after this small family!

More stronger than the unrelians!

At this point, Xiao Wan Shen did not know that it was dignified, he suddenly turned to look at the black robe old, "What is the highest level in the family?"

The old man in the black robe hesitated, then said: "Five yuan!

Xiao Wan is calm, "it takes!

The old tall is incense, thinking that it is wrong.

Xiao Wan looked at the old man, "brought!

The old man is smirk, did not dare to refuse, when he turned away, after a while, he appeared in the field, he took a box to the Ye Xuan face, then opened the box, there were two five yuan in the box.

Ye Xuan contact the box, then look at the Xiao Wan, Zhengqi: "Seniors, what do you mean? My Yaxi is not the kind of greed!

You don\'t want this.

I would be embarrassed!

I heard the words, the old man\'s old man was suddenly black!

This is a typical, cheap, still sell!

These five consecutive orders can be very and very precious, even if the Dynasty is a big family!

Because it has five yuan, it is equivalent to the power of the five yuan universe!

And now, the only two give this guy!

Xiao Yu, Haha smiled, "Little Friends, these are outside the body!

Said, he suddenly said, "In fact, there is no deep hatred between the Xiao family and the little friend, and the reason happened between us, mainly misunderstood!

What are you talking about? "

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Seniors, what are you talking about!

Xiao Wan stunned, then said: "Then our grievances will be saved, can you?"

Ye Xuan looked at the chest box, then positive color: "Seniors, I Ye Xuan is not the kind of person, as long as the money is in place.

Oh, not, I mean, the family should not never end, this is to this!

Wen said, Xiao Wan nodded, "That\'s good!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Seniors, you are just a god soul, if you are not there!

Will your Chi people will continue to work? "

Xiao Yu smiled: "No!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I hope it!"

After that, he also turned and left.

In the field, Xiao Wan looked at Ye Xuan in a long time. After a while, he looked at the four weeks, then hugged boxes, "Let you see jokes!

After finishing, he turned to disappear.


No side!

Soon, this name quickly spread throughout the ancient place!

The remaining nine majors will quickly give the family to die, do not provoke the owner, and do not need to provoke Xuancheng!

Although Ye Xuan and the boundless owner statement have no relationship with the other party, they don\'t believe it!

If there is no relationship, the boundless main will be angry, directly suppress the entire Xiao family? So, Xuancheng now has become a special place!

Lord of mountains!


Xiao family.

After the Xiao Wan returned to the Hi, the Qian people gathered together, the first member, is now the Chi Chi Yuan, who is long, at this moment, only the soul is left!

Xiao Yuan, Xiao Yuan, the temptation, "one is wrong, the enemy!

Xiao Yuan smiled bitter, "I have never thought of that there is so horrible.

Of course, this is my fault. Since the teenager dares to kill the people of my Xiao family, there is no detailed investigation.

Xiao Wong shook his head, "You are wrong!

Xiao Yuan stunned.

Xiao Wan looked at Xiao Yuan, "You never face the owner from the beginning!

Xiao Yuan is silent.

Xiao Wan continued: "Of course, this can\'t completely blame you!"

Because there is no side of our people.

No, he should be an early era, this person is quite mysterious, no one knows that he has a specific origin, I only have a few faces with him!

I only know that he has an ancient Tenthole with Ye Emperor.

However, he is not interested in the universe of the Ministry of Universe. When he said, he said he wants to kill a person.

Said, he shaken his head slightly, "even I have never seen him, his strength.

A lot more than I expected!

Xiao Yuan suddenly said: "Why don\'t he do not Feng Di?"

Xiao Wong shook his head, "this also makes me doubts!

Xiao Yuan et al. Silent.

Xiao Wan suddenly said: "Don\'t hold on Xuancheng\'s teenager!

The teenager is not simple, and it is absolutely average, and there is a gift to send our apologies again!

I heard the words, Xiao Yuan was a little hesitant, "the old ancestors, we have given him a number of monitors and five yuan.

Xiao War looked at Xiao Yuan and his eyes were cold.

Xiao Yuan is busy: "Good!

I am going to arrange!

Xiao Wong shook his head and sighed, "In our era, strength is important, but it is also very important!

It is a job, you have to ponder!

Xiao Yuanzong is a respect, "understand!

Xiao Wan looked up and looked at the horizon in the distance. He looked at the universe.

When his eyes saw the nine yuan in the universe, a mysterious force suddenly passed directly into his eyebrows directly!


This mission left in Xiao Wan instantly dissipated!

Inside the temple, Xiao Yuan and others are awkward!


View Xuancheng.

When Ye Xuan returned to the city, he sat on the city wall, watching Xuancheng, hiding mysterious breath everywhere!

These are all to explore the news!

Of course, there are some curiosity!

Ye Xuanqi color is some heavy!

When he saw the strength of the owner, he also saw the strength of the Xiao family!

With his current strength, it is completely not enough in front of this unilateral and the ancestors of the Xiao family!

The gap is still very big!

Think here, Ye Xuan low sighs, but also has to continue working!

At this moment, a woman suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan opened his eyes to see women, slightly, "is you!

The coming is the clan!

The classmates have a lot of Ye Xuan, then smile, "no heart!

It has achieved no heart in such a short time, you are amazing!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "Swings from the girl, why have you come to me to see Xuancheng?"

, "I miss you!

Turn yourself? Ye Xuan slightly, then laughed: "Swings from the girl, I am not interested in you!"

The smile has gradually disappeared, and the smile is also said: "Like the girl from the girl, the fairy people, strong strength, unparalleled, and the heir of the class" superherman.

Said, he shakes his head. "I still have some kind of understanding, like this kind of people who have no power, how can I match the girl? So, I don\'t have any interest to the girl, not the girl is not Ok, but I don\'t match!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, I was once again stunned, and then shook my head smiled. "Ye Gongzi, you are modest!

You are not a general person, the necklace.

When she said, she did not continue.

Ye Xuan low sigh, "" There is no relationship with me, there is no relationship.

Said, he shakes his head, and the typology is turned.

The mouth is slightly smiling, and it is smile, "it has not yet!

Why, do you want to introduce me? "

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Square is from the girl.

I have previously followed the number of strategies, need me to calculate it? Very accurate!

As a marriage, fortune telling, I will!

The brow is microstruck, "the number of stars?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Let\'s think about it, then: "You count!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Swings from the girl, please use the hand!

After that, he reached the right hand and his face was angry.

His a little hesitation.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "My heart is pure, such as the Snow Mountain Lotus, the girl, do you do it in doubting my character?"

The head is shot, "No.

Said, she hesitated, or reached out of the right hand in the hand.

After Ye Xuan grabbed his hand, he began to slowly stroked, "the girl from the girl, don\'t be nervous, this is the bones of the boundless bishop me.

No side: "???"
