One Sword Reigns Supreme

2530 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,16: No evidence!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan Yu!

Where is this problem? Are you weak? Not weak!

This goods, as far as it is, I am afraid that only three swords can kill!

But why, what do this people think this is weak? Is it too low in the side? In fact, he guess is right!

The unbearable master has always been very low, his goal, never a second universe, nor a hegemony of the ancient shortage, his goal is to kill him Ye Xuan, ending everything, all the fruit!

Therefore, there is no longer whoever takes less hands in the ancient land!

I have seen him, it is basically a top-level big, such as Ye Emperor and ancient Tiandi\'s terrorist!

At this time, the old people in the black robe said: "Is your relying on the mixer?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then: "Is there any misunderstanding for the owner?"

The old man is ridiculous: "Misunderstorm? Of course, in your kind of antity, he is still countless!

However, in front of the top ten super forces, he even a fart is not counted!

do you know? "


Just then, a voice suddenly came from one side.


When the time and space, a man slowly came out, behind this man, followed by a middle-aged man with a monk.

See this man, Ye Xuan directly stunned!

No side!

This guy is coming!

Ye Xuan god color became an old!

The wall is the old man who said that the old man said that he is boundless!

When I arrived at the level of the neighborhood, others said that he bad, he was able to be able to induce!

Such as Ye Xuan\'s guess, the owner is indeed inductive to someone say he!

And when he heard the old man\'s old man, he lung was frying!

Mixt Is it a mixer? damn it!

Can this endure? He rushed to six yuan in the universe!

After the boundless main body, there is no match with the god, because the boundless owner is very angry, especially very angry!

Seeing the owner, the old man is slightly squint, "is you!

The owner suddenly raised his hand is a slap!


Among the eyes of everyone, the elder of the black robe have not reacted, it is directly to be fragmented by this slap, and it is more terrible. The soul of the black robe is not dissipated, and it still stays in place!

Black robe old people are in the same place!

That is Xiao Che.

The never looks at the old people, "Do you know that I am not a slap fan?"

The old troops tremble: "You.

At this moment, he panicked!

He didn\'t think this mixture was so hanging!

There is no side of the owner. "Don\'t kill you, you have to see, Laozi is not a mixer!

On the one side, that Xiao Exparted respectfully, "the end of the owner.

The owner suddenly raised his hand, it is a slap.


The desert is directly hitting the soul!

Ye Xuan; "

The boundless main surface is free, "Schönima\'s head!

After that, he looked to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan blinked, then said: "I didn\'t say you bad!

The boundless look at Ye Xuan, "What do you do with my name?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then to open, no side suddenly said: "You\'d better don\'t fool the child, Laozi.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I just want to be over!"

I just want to get you!

You have a kind of hit me!

When I heard Ye Xuan, the boundless main expression was stiff!

The gods behind the boundless main body becomes an arms.

The boundless look at Ye Xuan, "Can you not mention my name next time?"

He naturally wants to kill Ye Xuan, but think about it, still count!

This hang is now not talking about Wude now!

It\'s not moving, just call your sister!

Don\'t force your face!

Ye Xuan is not too much, nodded, "Okay!

The never looks at the Ye Xuan, and then grabbed the soul of the old people. "You look at Laozi\'s good life, look at Laozi is not a mixer!

The sound fell, he turned his head, angry, "the current ethnic minister gave it out to Laozi!

The sound fell, and his right foot was slammed.


In the event of a moment, hundreds of tens of thousands of miles, the Xiaojie, a horrible force suddenly started from the bottom of the Xiao family!


In an instant, the whole of the HIK is trembled, the whole of the gratian is completely turtle!

The owner of the Xiao family is shocked!

At this time, an extremely terrible breath suddenly rushed to the sky, next moment, a middle-aged man in a long-haired shawl appeared in the Xiao family, he looked at the distance, this eye, the hole wore numerous time and space, Directly come to see Xuancheng!

Xiao Yuan Chang Xiao Yuan!

When you see is a boundless main, Xiao Yuan\'s brow wrinkles, "It\'s you!

There is no expression in the endless side.

The sound fell, he suddenly turned his right hand, and it was a pressure on the bottom!


One moment, the gods over the depression, a horrible huge golden rune swept down.

See this scene, Xiao Yuan\'s eyes suddenly shrink, "the force of nine yuan!


I don\'t dare to talk nonsense, he rushed to the sky, directly slamming!

This fist, Zhen Tianli!

Power is unmatched!

However, just in contact with the golden rune, the power of this fist is instant smoke and eliminating clouds. In the next moment, in the eyes of everyone, Xiao Yuan self-fall, and the golden rune also followed fall!


One falls into the Xiaojie, the whole of the Xiaojie is trembled, then directly fell!


In the Xiao Dynasty, a roar is constantly resounding. At the same time, a sharp sound continues!

For a time, the whole ancient trend is shocked!

Does anyone want to destroy the Xiao? I don\'t know how long it took, the Hi is suddenly an extremely horrible breath, and with the appearance of this breath, the entire ancient land is trembled!

Is the whole place!

Even the view of Ye Xuan\'s view has begun to arranging!

Feel this scene, Ye Xuan face instantly changed!

On the other hand, the one who came to the Xiao is the direction of the Xiao family, and the eyes are slightly smashed, "Xiao Wan!

Xiao Wan, the ancestors of the Xiao family, the half of the year!

She didn\'t think that this Xiao family calls ancestant!

But yes, no longer summon the ancestors, this Xiaojie is afraid that it is gone!

Thinking of this, the classics couldn\'t help but look at the owner of one side, and the heart is also shocking!

Originally, she thought that the boundless owner was mixed!

This is no monster, it is really because there is too few no longer in ancient land, and about his things, especially small, only know that he and Ye Emperor knows, for this reason, the ancient land Big strength is more or less will give him a face!

But everyone didn\'t think that this guy is actually so horrible!

That Xiao Yuan was still suppressed by one hand!

This is a bit away!

Everyone did not think of the power of the opposite, such a horror!

The Xiao is over, the Xiao Wong is shameful, and it will come to see Xuancheng. He slowly floated to the front of the never, smirk, "Hey, we have not thought that we will meet this way!

Hey, the lake: "I didn\'t think of it!"

After Xiao Wan silent, he said: "This matter is my wife\'s fault, please pay high!

Seeing your own ancestors, the owner is actually this kind of tone, that Xiao mad is directly forced!


This is the idea of ​​his moment!

No matter what the ending, he will die!

Thinking of this, Xiao Man couldn\'t help but look at Ye Xuan, which is the people in front of him!

Ye Xuan suddenly surrounded, "What do you do? You are still ready to go to the road!

Xiao Man: ".

Be distant, there is no expression in the endless side, don\'t talk.

Obviously it is not yet!

Xiao Wong smiled, "" Hey.

You can\'t you blame me!

The never looks at the Xiao Wan, "I will manage your people in the future, don\'t let them recruise the disaster as a silly.

Xiao Wong is going to nod. At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "No side, do you count this?"

Boundless Lord Looking for Ye Xuan, Ye Xuanzheng Tao: "Experiency!

Directly destroy his Xiao!

Dry them!

Crowd; "

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, Xiao Wan face pangled, he looked boundless, "Is this your back?"

There is no expression in the boundless main side, "Don\'t dare!

How do I dare to be his elder!

Xiao Wan: ".

Ye Xiki Tao: "No side, you don\'t dominate the family, no plazing!"

On the side, Xiao Wan hesitated, then said: "This little friend, in the mouth!

How do he not see this young person is not simple? Do you dare to talk to boundless people? Can you be an ordinary person? Ye Xuan said: "Your Xiao is today is going to destroy me to see Xuancheng!

Xiao War hesitated, then said: "This should be a misunderstanding!


Ye Xuan low sighs, "If it is not the owner, I will have been destroyed by you.


I am not guy with the boundless owner!

The never looks at the Ye Xuan, "I am not guy with him!

Xiao War saw two people and silent.

Oh shit!

Do you play me two? At this time, there is no side of the main scene: "Go!

After that, he turned and he was going, and the Xiao War on the side suddenly said: "Hey!

No side, turn around, Xiao Wan, "What!

He is still angry now!

However, he still didn\'t make things happen, the Xiao family is stupid, but this is still!

I can\'t really destroy people in this matter!

Xiao Wan Shen said: "Do you want to kill, is it still?"

At that year, they wanted to invite the owner to have a nine-year universe, however, the boundless decisive refused!

The reason for giving, he is going to kill a person!

For so many years, he really wants to know if there is any people who are mainly killed!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "It should be still!

Xiao Wan looks to Ye Xuan, "Who knows who he wants to kill?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Of course you know!

Because this queen is to kill, it is Laozi!

He and the avenue owner wolf is a rape, don\'t force your face.

Xiao Wan is full of horror, "The owner of the avenue must kill you?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes, just I have no evidence!

Xiao Wan: ".
