One Sword Reigns Supreme

2523 Swords in the first two thousand five hundred and nine chapters: Do you?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When Ye Xuan and his words were spoken, the previous one hundred super power returned to the field, and everyone went to the heart.

The depths of the stars, "Three uncle, you can!"

I heard the words, the middle-aged man in the distance suddenly stopped. He looked at the king of the distance, and his mouth disdain, "Yu Wang, this is the price of your unrequited reputation!

It is clear that the treaty is a thousand years, but you suddenly regret, if so, then everyone will die!

, ignorant.

The middle-aged man didn\'t smile, turned to disappear in the original place, when he appeared again, he was in front of the class, "Go!

The head is from the nod, and the one is going to leave. It seems to be what, the ruins suddenly look at Ye Xuan, slight smile, "Ye Gongzi, Fang tai my proposal, do you want to think about it again?"

Ye Xuan is slight, then smiled: "Thank you, the girl\'s kindness, but I really like freedom!

Laughing: "Okay!

The Ye Gong, you will go first!

Ye Xuan nod, ", have the opportunity to see Xuan Academy for guests!

Watching the book!

Others, "Okay!

Ye Xuan laughed: "There is a period!

After finishing, he turned to the royal sword, directly disappearing in the original place, once again appeared, has returned to the parallel universe!

Seeing Ye Xuan, I left the secondary universe, and myself is waiting for it!

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly said: "Shantou, the teenager is it?"

The classmates smile, "I just met!

Middle-aged man nodded, "This person is extraordinary, some is not simple!

Laughing: "It\'s really, I hope there is a day!

After finishing, she turned away, "Let\'s go!

Soon, a person disappeared in the distance.

After the body, the king\'s face is boundless, I don\'t know what I am thinking.


Ye Xuan returned to the city wall of Xuancheng, just came back, Qin Guan is in front of him.

Qin watched the empty, then said; "You go to the Yuanyuan Universe?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Qin Guan smiled: "What is found?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "The universe is not the same as our universe!

Qin Guan Head, "is not the same, there is much more advanced in the space structure!

In addition, the practice of the practice there is nothing more than us. Of course, the road to practice is different, but the final result is the same!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, then said: "Do you know the clan?"

Qin Guanwei looked to Ye Xuan, "Of course, they are one of the top ten super forces!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I met a clan in the sublimation, I found that they actually attacked a king of the Yuanyuan!

Qin Guan shook his head smile, "very normal!

It can really let the top ten will be jealous, in fact, only the universe between the seven yuan.

Speaking of this, she suddenly taught, and then said: "In fact, this is not a good thing!"

Because the reason why the universe is now tolerant, the main reason is due to the Treaty signed by the ancient Tiandi and the nine Yuancos, if it is not the treaty limit, the secondary universe is afraid that it will have a pair of parallel universe!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "But that treatment will not limit people for a lifetime, right?"

Qin Guan Head, "People in Parallel The Universe are more and more unscrupulous for the universe, if the ancient sky is still alive, it is okay, the ancient Tiandi has fallen.

Ye Xuan nod, "indeed!

Said, he shook his head and smiled: "No matter what this!

Anyway, it has nothing to do with us.

Qin said that he nodded, just talk, at this time, there is a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the distance!

Seeing this middle-aged man, Qin Guan\'s brow wrinkled.

Ye Xuan asked, "Do you know?"

Qin Guan Head, "This person has been in the city this morning, I don\'t know my purpose!

Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man in the distance, and at this time, the middle-aged man suddenly had a large group of strong people, and there were many hundreds of people!

Qin Guan\'s brow, "they want to attack the city!


Ye Xuan Shenwang; "They want to seize our site?"

Qin Guanji, "Look this floor, it should be!"

However, I think they may be related to the woman before!

Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, "the woman of the universe?"

Qin Guanpin, smiled: "It seems that I am in the beginning, now I will enroll crisis!

Ye Xuan looked to the sky, the middle-aged man suddenly laughed: "Do you have Qin Guan?"

Qin Guanzhi Head.

The middle-aged man laughed: "Someone let us take your life, ten on the waiting Yuan Jing!

You live, you can really value money, haha.

Qin Guan is going to talk, just at this time, Ye Xuan thum suddenly turned.


Sword comes!

In the distance sky, the middle-aged man has not responded to each other with a sword.


A blood shot hundreds of feet!

Everyone stunned!

On the wall, Ye Xuan also refers to a cut.


The middle-aged man who just want to talk directly fly out!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly made a sword and light, and the horizon of the horizon, the color of the strong, and the people headed suddenly angry: "Kill him!

Ten on the waiting Yuan Jing!

The sound is falling, and the hundreds of people will drive directly toward Ye Xuan!

Sky, Ye Xuanzhi has no expression, a sword cuts out!


This sword cuts out, a sword is broken, straight up millions!


In an instant, the Ye Xuan face, the hundreds of people were directly erased, while the Ye Xuan face, there was a huge sword mark for a long million miles!

This sword is out, the square is shocked, and I look at the direction of Xuancheng!

who is it? Everyone is full of shocking!

View Xuancheng over, Ye Xuancheng sword, then turn it back to the wall.

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "It\'s amazing!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "basic operation!

Qin Guanha smiled.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the distance sky, whispered: "We must shock these forces, otherwise, this trouble will continue!

Qin Guanzhi Head.

Ye Xuan looks to Qin Guan, "Are your weapons ready?"

Qin Guan smiled: "It is ready!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "How far is your weapon?"

Qin Guan wants to think, then: "You can hit this here, but it is not enough. The universe here doesn\'t have the universe here. Therefore, I move the weapon to here, so, my weapon can be covered. One tenth of ancient times!

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "can only cover one tenth?"

Qin gods, some helpless, "this ancient, really too big!

I can\'t imagine it, we will watch Xuan universe in this place, the true face is not enough!

Ye Xuan silence.

Qin Guan smiled: "Don\'t worry!"

My technology will make a breakthrough again. At that time, my weapon will upgrade. At that time, I should cover half ancient wild!

Half ancient!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Qin Guan\'s weapon is still horrible, and others are all taboo himself!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Xiaowei, can you study a single-attack weapon? Group weapon, lethal, although the killing is very large, but it is easy to hurt innocent!

Qin Guan\'s weapon, as he said, the killing is too big, a bomb, not a million people, may be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people.

Some people damn, but some people, still don\'t die!

He creating a book, the purpose is to create prosperous, not killing!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, Qin said that I nodded. "I thought about this problem!"

Rest assured, I have begun to study the monobi attack weapon, resolutely not hurt innocent!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Qin Guan slightly shook his head, "This may be the shortcomings of my weapons, unable to control the distribution of strength, unlike your sister, a sword, the extinguishing family is the lyrics, the universe is the universe, she can control the power of what they want!

Really enviable!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am also envious, haha!

Qin Guan is going to talk, just at this time, she and Ye Xuan suddenly looked up to the sky, in the distant horizon, an old man is looking down on them.

See this scene, Ye Xuan brows.

Qin Guan suddenly said: "It is a thousand people!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see Qin Guan, "Millennium City?"

Qin Guan Head, "Almost there are many millions of miles away from us, but also from outside, it is hard to win the big city, get a stronghold.

Said, she shook his head smile, "Under normal circumstances, they just stood in the heel, it is impossible to come to the enemy with us, only one explanation, or the woman in the original universe!

That white dress woman!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled.

Qin Guan said again: "She saw that I have ten crystals, and I am sure I still have more time crystals, so I want to engage me!

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Is there a woman\'s information?"

Qin Guan shook his head, "did not investigate!

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "you.

And at this time, the horizon suddenly trembled, the next moment, a huge Sae slowly floated!

I\'m going to put the garbage!

Ye Xuan and Qin Guan looked up to the sky, with the Sava slowly drifted, not far from the old old people, when he was excited, and after him, he gradually appeared a group of strong people!

Have a hand!

Ye Xuan\'s brow, he wrinkled, he looked at the Sae, at this time, a woman slowly came out!

It was the woman in the beginning!

In the distance, the old man suddenly said: "I have seen the chapter!

The sound falls, and his people behind him will give gifts!

The white skirt woman looks down on the next Ye Xuan, the corner of the mouth is bruising, and at this time, Ye Xuan on the wall suddenly disappeared, the next moment, the white dress woman suddenly shrinks, just retreat - !

Qing Xuanjian Cave wear her eyebrow!

Ye Xuan looked at the blind-shocked white dress, "Do you like to do things? You don\'t even know, you dare to engage me? Who gives you the courage? The owner?"

Avenue pen owner: "???"

The white dress is a direct look of Ye Xuan, "kill me, destroy your tenth!
