One Sword Reigns Supreme

2522 Jian Zhongxian Chapter 2,500 chapters: can't bear it!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Seeing Ye Xuan again refused, the old man frowned and wanted to say anything, but was blocked by the class!

Oh, he looked at the Ye Xuan, smiled slightly, "Ye Gongzi, I am a little curious, how do you sneak to this place? Is it convenient? If it is inconvenient, you don\'t say it!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "This is nothing wrong with it!

Said, he is facing the palm, and the Qing Xuanjian appears in the hands.

Seeing Qing Xuan Jian, his eyes were slightly smashed, "Good Sword!

The old man is also flashing in the eyes!

They are not ordinary people, naturally, and have seen the extraordinary of Qing Xuan Jian!

Oh, he looked at the Ye Xuan. He shouted in his eyes, but quickly returned to normal, "Ye Gongzi, you are really not simple, it seems that Ye Gongzi is also non-ordinary people!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The girl is laughing!

I am a sword!

I laughed, didn\'t say anything.

And at this time, a secondary person suddenly blocked in front of the three.

Seeing this yuan, Ye Xixiang is a little surprised!


This is still his first time you see you!

At this time, the Yuan people suddenly said: "Come with me!

After finishing, he turned and left.

The other smiles, then followed!

Ye Xuan is also busy with the past, along all the way, and he is curious about four weeks.

Have to say, this world is indeed very special, because he found that the space structure here is more special than he imagined, the space here is varied, many places can be folded, but also bend, and many The space is still like a mirror, it is double-sided!


Soon, the voyage brought Ye Xuan three to a hall, the hall is air, no person!

At this time, the sorrow is suddenly laughed: "Here is the main hall of the three kings, this is one of the three kings of the universe.

Ye Xuanmi nodded, then asked, "Is there anything to talk to this king from the girl?"

Ten, "Yes!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said; "I am present, is it convenient?"

Laughing: "It is convenient!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "That\'s good!"

At this time, a one in the empty seat above the temple.

Yu Wang!

The classics of the smile, slightly, "" The clan world has seen the king!

Wang Wang looked at the , did not speak.

He smiled and said: "Yu Wang, the hundred years has arrived, this time, my representative of clan signed with the king.

Wang Wang suddenly said: "Nanshan Military Mine, this year, I will let the Chi people!

Wen Yan, the sorrow.

The old man frowned also wrinkled!

Ye Xuan looked at a eye, silent.

It seems that things have changed!

Will not fight? Ye Xuan has some speechless.

The sink; " , why?"

Yu Wang is getting up and disappeared directly.



See this scene, the face is cold and cold, and behind her, the old man is also ugly!

Ye Xuan looked at the two people and felt something!

At this time, the old man suddenly said; "Miss, the Xiao family is inserted!"


Swing, "Go!

After that, she turned and left.

The old man is also busy with the past, and Ye Xuan is thinking, but he still chooses to follow.

Now I am soaking, I encountered another second person, I have to play it!

After the three people left the throne of the king, the sorrows of the king of the king were looking forward to the distance, screaming, "destroyed!

really interesting!

The old man is deeply said: "Can\'t bear it!"

"Of course I can\'t bear it!" Of course I can\'t bear it! "

Without any reason, directly destroyed, really, my clan is a soft moon!

Said, her palm is booming, a token suddenly rushed to the sky, and then disappeared!

After a while, the space in front of her suddenly trembled, the next moment, the hundreds of people suddenly appeared in the field.

When you see these strong people, Ye Xuan\'s face has changed!

It\'s all unordered!

There are ten people, but they still are still in the borders, in addition to this, a middle-aged man headed, the breath is more unleaded, only the king of the next time!

Ye Xuan silence.

This clan is a little hanging!

Suddenly: "Nanshan minerals, it is ruined!"

The middle-aged man headed, "Go!

The sound fell, and the group of strong behind him rushed toward the south, and the speed was extremely fast, and the blink of blink was in the end of the starry.

The middle-aged man is shameful, directly rushed to the main hall of the previous Yu Wang.


In an instant, all spaces in the field became a twist!


At this moment, the voice of the king suddenly came from the hall, followed by a horrible breath, and greeted the middle-aged man!

Middle-aged man flashed in a touch, a boxing!


This boxing goes, the whole millions of miles of space becomes a huge concave vortex!

See this scene, Ye Xuan double eyes suddenly squatted!

too horrible!

The previous Chuan is more than this person, really like the younger brother!

And the distance, the king of the king is also very powerful, directly carrying a horrible force to the sky, and the middle-aged man bombarded.


Suddenly, a shocking sound was resounded at the distance, followed by a piece of time and space, like a burning paper, a little gray into ashes, and at the same time, a terrible force directly moved towards four weeks!

This power is extremely fast, and the blink of an eye is coming to the three people in Ye Xuan.

The look is calm, and the right hand is expanded, then it is soft, and the terrorist power in front of her is directly erased!

However, she did not help the blasphemy!

At this time, Ye Xuan\'s thumb is gently, Qing Xuan sword out of the sheath, a sword, the terrorist power in front of him is directly torn.

See this scene, the classics look at the Ye Xuan, flashing in the eyes!

When she didn\'t help the blasphemy, she would like to see the strength of Ye Xuan.

Have to say, let her shocked!

On the other side, Ye Xuan\'s heart is spread, Qing Xuanjian returns to him, he looked at the distance, the middle-aged man in the distance is still fighting with the king, and it is getting more and more fierce!

Ye Xuan is hot!

This is the real super power!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan turned his head to see, "Swings from the girl, according to what I know, the second person can\'t do it in our parallel universe, and can we do it here?"

Ten, "Yes!

Ye Xuan stunned.

Laughing: "You know the treaty signed by the ancient Tiandi and the universe, but you should not know what treaty!

Ye Xuan nod, "please ask the girl to solve!

The ,

Because the treaty is the same, that is what they can\'t go to our parallel universe, but we can do the universe!

Ye Xi Xuan, then said: "They signed?"

Sir, smiled: "They don\'t dare not sign!"

In the past, ancient Tiandi was directly hitting the nine yuan universe. If he did not sign, he directly crusted the whole nine yuan universe, so that the universe of the entire secondary collapsed and fell into a chaotic.

Said, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, "In the ancient, the ancient sky is God!

It is he for the dignity for us, and peace and time!

Ye Xuan silence.

Out of the world: "After the ancient sky, our parallel universe started peace of development, during the universe, during the period, we will also cooperate with the minimum universe, because we need their second crystal, and they also need some of our parallel universe Things, so both sides take the required.

Of course, there is still hostile between the two sides.

They never like us, and we have never like them!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "The ancient Tiandi is dead, why are they still limited?"

Because that is that they swear by the soul of the sacred king of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Ye Xuan silence.


He suddenly remembered, he often swear.

Oh, he looked at the Ye Xuan, then laughed: "And, now the parallel universe is not so weak!

After that, after the battle, the parallel universe has begun to compete for the inheritance of the ancient Tiandi, but everyone also has an incumbent, that is, if the universe is committed, the ancient top ten super forces will have to join hands.

We can do so, but once there is a foreign enemy violation, we must join hands.

Ye Xuan nod, "it turned out!

When it comes to this, he is a little curious. "Do you know Yes, right?"

Oh, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Don\'t tell me, you are Ye!

After the borset, the old man also looked at the Ye Xuan, the look is slightly changed, this guy is not really Ye? Ye Xuan smiled, "Although I also surnamed Ye, I am not Ye people!

He naturally doesn\'t have to pretend to be Ye people!

, "Ye, I naturally know!

Nowadays, the first forces, of course, from ancient times.

And they are also the most taboo of the second universe.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "That is to say, now the parallel universe is resistant to the universe of the universe?"

The other is shook his head, "can\'t resist the nine yuan universe, if the Holy King Temple shot, us.

Speaking of this, she didn\'t say anymore!

In the same year, only ancient Tiandi was able to compete with it, and now, the ancient Tiandi is already falling.

Ye Xuan looked at the eye, did not speak.

Obviously, now in parallel universe is able to compete with the second universe, all the treaties signed by the ancient Tiandi and the subcomputer!

But intuition tells him that ancient Tiandi is dead, and the subsequent universe will never be restricted by a treaty!

Otherwise, isn\'t it? Thinking of this, Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking!

Oh shit!

I just came to the ancient, I won\'t meet the trees of the universe. The owner of the avenue will not arrange yourself? Do you want to be a young man to hack the grip? Avenue pen owner: ".
