One Sword Reigns Supreme

2493 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and eighty chapters: How come?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I heard the cloud, I\'m sinking when I was over.



This is the god demon, she is touched to the god monsters, these monsters are in their own strong flesh, extremely somewhat, often in the past.

Miss Miss did not give up this cloud, because from a certain extent, now the different gods and God monsters are on the same boat!

Miss Sad, Shen Sheng: "You, the owner has a retrieval, don\'t talk nonsense with this person, but also to induce his sword!

No side!

Yunxiao looked at the Qing Xuanjian in front of him, then looked at Ye Xuan, "Your Sister?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Yunxiao looked at Ye Xuan, "Is Qin Guan be your mountain?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then nod, "is!

Yunxiao double eyes, "What is your sister than Qin?"

Ye Xi Xi, then said: "More than Qin Guan girl should be a bit!

Yunxiao immediately smiled, "I don\'t believe it!"

After finishing, he grasped the Qing Xuanjian sword of Ye Xuan, he did not believe in the world more than the Qin Guanguan!

Without any hesitation, he directly motion.


The sky is suddenly cracking, the next moment, the sword is broken, and the clouds have not reacted, and the sideways will not enter their heads.


Yunxiao is directly in the same place. After a while, he is full of face, "I.

What\'s wrong? "

Ye Xuan looked at the clouds, "You guess!

Yunxiao: ".

Below, the three lady looks at Ye Xuan, and she is curious and fearful for Ye Xuan\'s sister.

Another sword!

This cloud is the gods of the gods!

Can this be a sword? Have you made a mistake? In the field, those gods of the monk were also shocked at this moment.

The college is second? At this moment, their brains are also awkward!

In front of Ye Xuan, Yunxiao is still a face, he can\'t accept this fact now, just talk, the sidewalk sword suddenly rushed to the sky, directly disappearing in the deep place!

And the clouds are directly erased from this world, completely erase those kinds!

A good person, saying that it is gone!

In the field, the inner heart of the monk is collapsed.

Ye Xuan looked at the deep place of the star, smiled slightly.

At this time, there was sudden trembling on the side: "Is that your sister?"

Ye Xuan looks to Tianmang, nod, "Is it?"

Tianmuvo sound: "She.

She gave my family for a second? "

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes, you didn\'t see it!

Say, just my proposal, do you want to think about it again? "

The natural throat rolls, he looked at the monster of the same sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

fight? This family has been seconds!

How do you play? Surrender? It seems that it is not too good!

Just then, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Tianmang, in the beginning, your gods will win, I am afraid that there is no capital to compete with the !"

Even will be swallowed and!

It is silent.

At this time, a monster strong suddenly said: "Let\'s go!

The people who talk, they are the god demon, and they will be young, and the people are growing, and now he is the biggest one of the gods!

If you hear it, the gods of the monk did not hesitate, and they nodded.

After the previous Qin Guan\'s bombing, the strength of the monsters today is weaker, and now, the Yunxiao is killed again. Now the godsman, there is no capital and the ods, continue to play, even if you win, Will be like Ye Xuan, becoming the attraction of others!

Now withdraw, you can still keep a bit of strength for the gods!

Soon, a monster strongman returned!

Tiantang looked at the Ye Xuan, then turned and left!

Ye Xuan also did not block!

God demon retired, for him, nature is a good thing.

After a while, the monk of the monk people retired, and there were only the strong people who had no side of the world in the field.

And the three lady face is also very ugly, and the god demon is so embarrassing!

Simply leaving!

After the monster of the gods left, the battlefield in the field was reversed in an instant!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the Anzhen show in the distance. At this moment, the Anzhen Xiu is already able to be equated with the flag of the gods!

Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, far, the color of the gods turned into the color, he turned his head, at this time, a sword is getting wet.

Without me!

This sudden sword will directly let the gods of the gods, and the arms are slammed.


Gu Shen Jun\'s double arm has directly burst into a sword light, which follows, Gu Shen Jun has retired, and his arms have been smashed. When he stopped, a long gun suddenly worn from him. !

At the same time, a sword is also worn in his eyebrows!

Gu Shen Jun is in place!

Ye Xuan\'s heart spread, Qing Xuanjian flew back to him, the Gu Shenjun wants to say anything, at this time, a sword is from his throat, his head flies out!

He can not listen to people\'s habits!

Ye Xuan fidelized to see the Anzhen Xiu, Anzhen is still a white dress like snow, beauty is suffocating!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "You have made a lot!

Anzhen looked at Ye Xuan, "You are also!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "We all become strong!

After that, he turned to look at the gods and sacred monks in the distance, and the eyes gradually became cold.

Before the Jian Xiu of Xuan Academy, when he was fighting with the power of the arrogant, it was a lot!

Just when Ye Xuan was going to shoot, the no side suddenly appeared in the field, he looked at the field and then looked at the three lady, "Yunxiao and God mad people?"

Three la s looked at the owner, then said: "He went to induce the sword of the mountain!

And the rest of the monster strong is gone away from the king!

After the silence of the silence, he said: "Mom!

Miss: "

The boundless main thing is really annoyed. He left for a while, and things turned this way!

What the hell? He thought that after being fried by Qin Guan, his brain would make a little better, but he didn\'t think that this carbrain not only became better, but it became more stupid!

Go to the sword!

Really not afraid of God as opponents, I am afraid of the same teammates like pigs!

The boundless owner is really wanting to swear!

Three Miss Sheng said: "You, play?"

The boundless main surface is free, "play!

After finishing, he turned and looked at Ye Xuan, then disappeared directly in the deep situation.

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled. At this time, the time and space in his head suddenly broke, the next moment, a huge light curtain was built into the split time and space.

Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, the Qing Xuan sword in his hand trembled, the next moment, he directly rushed to the sky, did not enter the split time and space!


A harsh swager suddenly sounded in the split time and space!

After a while, a residual shadow was flashing out, this person is Ye Xuan!

After Ye Xuan stopped, he once again looked up to the split time and space, and there was more dignified.

At this time, in the split time and space, a woman dressed in white came out!

After the white woman came out, she swept away from the four weeks, then the eyes were directly falling on the Qingqiu below.

See this scene, Ye Xuan face silen!

When the other party came out, he looked at Qingqiu. It is clear that the other party knows the strongest in the field!

Come on a super master!

Qingqiu does not show weakness with white women.

After the white woman came out, she stepped forward in front of her, which stepped out, and the time and space in the field didn\'t play a burst of ripple.

The white women\'s eyes have been in the Qingqi. At this time, the boundless main voice suddenly sounded in the white woman, "" One of the gods, this person is not your opponent, the following boy is!

I heard the words, the white woman was smashed, she looked down to Ye Xuan, when I saw it just a gods, her eyes were flashing, then said: "No side, you are sure?"

Headless master: "Yes!

One of the eyes once again got an eye, the eyes were full of curious colors.

At this time, the voice of the secret suddenly sounded in the Xuanxuan brain, "Ye Shaoye carefully, there is a new mysterious force, we can\'t learn this female information, Ye Ye is careful!

Also, the isothe people have a large number of strong people to come from here!

Wen said, Ye Xuan face silen down.

The isometric workers also have a large number of strong people to come from here. The most important thing is that there is an unknown mystery!

Obviously, this no side of the owner is shaking!

Ye Xuan is also a little headache, this unilateral person is really much, the more you do!

Just at this time, the changing protruded, the front of the front step, this step, the time and space of Ye Xuantou suddenly broke, the next moment, Ye Xuan and Anzhen show directly in a speed shuttle time and space middle!

The other party directly changed their position!

Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, "Be careful!

After finishing, his Qing Xuanjian suddenly rushed to the sky.


A sword is broken!

Qing Xuanjian directly tested in the field, and after being torn in the spot, the scene of Ye Xuan and Anzhen show suddenly changed, the next moment, the two appeared in a unknown dead stars!

And in front of them, it is that the monk!

One of the gods looked at Ye Xuan, "The never said that you can\'t kill you, you can rest you!"

When you go back, the existing universe should be no longer!

Ye Xuan looked at it, "Who are you!

One of the gods smiled: "They all call me a monk, but you should have not heard me!"

I am not the existing universe, nor is the boundless universe, I am from the distant side of the side.

Tie star!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I haven\'t heard it!"

One of the gods looked at Ye Xuan, "the average person can\'t get there!

I have helped the owner, I am coming to others this time, as long as you don\'t move, I will not hit you, how do you see? "

"What do you count?"

At this moment, a voice that made the familiarity familiarity of Ye Xuan suddenly came.

I heard this voice, Ye Xuan is completely ignorant!

how come? .