One Sword Reigns Supreme

2492 Swords in the second thousand four hundred and forty-nine chapters: you will die!

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The clouds at this moment can be described as very bad, the flesh of the whole body has completely crackled, and blood is constantly overflowing, like a blood!

The most important thing is his people!

After that, after the war, the people he brought to death was nearly 90%!


The only thing to live, is the strongman of the million knocked, and these strong people can live, not because of strong, but because of the fetch!

Although it is alive, it is all seriously injured!

This battle, the god monsters are exciting!

No side silence.

He also didn\'t think of something will become like this, because he has highly estpended Qin Guan, in his survey, Qin Guan is no particularly powerful army, but just those messy stuffs.

Is that military? At this time, Yunxiao suddenly said: "No side, shouldn\'t you give me a confession?"

The boundless look of the cloud, "What I want to give you?"

Yunxiao roar, "It is that you let me gain a letter to see Xuanzi, and now, my gods have come to this.

No side suddenly suddenly said: "You are calm!

Yunxiang\'s anger will depend both the owner. "I got a monsters have been this, you still have to pay me calm? No side, are you with the existing universe? Yes, you must be a group, deliberately pit me God monsters and the , you.

Yunxiao suddenly wandered.


Yunxiao is directly exiled outside!

However, he is not dead!

The boundless look at the cloud, "If I want to kill you, do you need to join hands or join hands?"

Yunxiao became calm at this time.

The boundless main tone has become a peaceful, "I know your mood, understand your anger at this moment, but anger can not solve the problem!

Before you came, I have already hope with you, don\'t look at this woman!

But you still have enough attention to her, hehe.

Yunxiao looks calm, "What do you think now?"

The neighborhood looked at the sky behind the cloud, the starry sky is now dark.

Directly fry!

After the silence of the silence, I said: "After you trim, I will send you yourself to the existing universe!

Yunxiao looks to the boundless master, "Go?"

Hey, the main scene: "You want to quit now, you can!

However, are you willing? "

Yunxiao is silent.

No side suddenly said: "God!

The sound is falling, and the white-haired god appears in the field.

There is no side of the owner: " !

The sound falls, an old monk appears in the field.

The main point of view of the two people, "You have escorted God of monsters!

Shen Ming Shen said: "The woman has a sword!

Boundless Lord said: "I know!

Gods looked boundless Lord, "you do not say!

Gods look calm, "she did not dare to use, it is relying on her last, if used Nalv Jianguang, she lost the final life-saving character!

So, not a last resort, she will not use the ray Jianguang!

Gods asked, "What if use is it?"

Boundless main look to the gods, "I will tell you a method of life insurance, do not kill her, kill her side of those high-tech gadgets, understand?"

Gods asked, "What is high tech stuff?"

Sky and no monk also look to the gods, in fact, they are very curious Guan those high-tech gadgets!

Especially the sky, just because he was almost genocide and stuff!

Boundless main look calm, "is a weapon, similar to our artifact, however, her method for helping us build an artifact of the method is not the same.

Then he paused, then said: "? Do you know what it is science and technology."

Three shook his head.

Light boundless main channel: "Now you know it?"

Three:. "

Main boundless: "The gods, no monk, from this moment, the two of you staring at her, she\'s those high-tech, powerful gang warfare, individual combat is weak, with the two of you strength, can easily destroy the thing !

Gods suddenly asked, "if she Jianguang do with that?"

Boundless main look to the gods, "I buried!

Gods silence.

Boundless primary and said: "Give me two of you ten Guards!

Sound down and ten men in black appeared behind the two!

The boundless main road: "The main task of your current is to hit this Qin!

Yunxiao suddenly said: "Can I ask a request?"

The boundless look, "you said!

Yunxiao looks at the owner. "I don\'t want to play the woman, I am going to play the king!

After the silence of the owner, I said: "Are you sure?"

Nodded in the clouds.

The boundless nodded, "can!

After that, he looked at the gods and , "" Send Yun Yunnan to the existing universe!

Two people nod.

The owner is directly turned to disappear.

Yunxiao looked at the gods, "I wish you good luck!

After finishing, he disappeared with the gods of the gods that lived in the stars.

Originally, there is no double hand, "Amitabha!

God\'s donor, is the sword light? "

God is shrugging, "is not very strong!

Said, he looked at the shackles, "Master, your Buddha\'s Golden Bell God is unparalleled, the sword light is in front of you, what is it? Even if you come to a hundred swords, can\'t break Your defense!

After a moment of silence, he said: "Even the monks are cheated, do you conscience will not hurt?"

God name: "


Watch the universe.

At this moment, the battle of Xuan Zai is still very intense. It can be said that both parties have entered white heat.

Aerial, Ye Xuan Handhered Qingxuan Sword, he didn\'t work, because there is no meaning, his current task is to rest this day.

And that day didn\'t work, he was afraid of Ye Xuan\'s sword!

Most importantly, he is worried about the monsters.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Tianmang, or you have to surrender!

I heard the words, and that day, he thought that he was mistaken, and his face was stunned, "surrender?"

Ye Xuan nod, "You now take your God demon to surrender, I can spare you not to die!

Tiantang looks at Ye Xuan, "Are you stupid?"

Ye Xuan Xiao: "Do you think I am strong?"

After the sun, the silence is a moment, and the road: "Strong!

If it still doesn\'t say it, it is really strong, because Ye Xuan is indeed strong, and the Ye Xuan\'s realm is still much lower than him, but there is a capability of killing him.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I honestly tell you, I am in our home, I am the weakest.

Tiantang looks to Ye Xuan, "The weight?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Whether my big brother is still me, or my sister, they are much better than me.


Said, he whispered, "I don\'t think about it, I am still a brother now.

Tiantang is calm, "Do you want to tell me that your big brother, are you very strong?"

Ye Xuan nod, "I show up!

I am actually a king of the mountain. If I am not my sister, I don\'t know how many times you die!

Tiantians are staring at Ye Xuan, "You said that you are in front of them, is a brother?"

Leaf Xuan nod.

Tiantians ask, "How much gap?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Don\'t know!

He doesn\'t know!

Tianmang suddenly angered: "Ye Xuan, I came before, they said with me, you will spend this flower, full of lies, can\'t, you have to fool how to flicker!

The old man has been practiced for thousands of years, is your yellow mouth child? "

Ye Xuan silent.

Tiantang also said: "Also, you know how many people in this world blow themselves invincible? More!

And this kind of death is under the old man, there is no thousand eight hundred!

Invincible? "

Said, his mouth is full of sorrows, "but some cultivation refines the magic, I have lost my crazy idiots!"

What big brother is your sister and your big brother, is it true that you are invincible? "

Ye Xuan is silent, no words are right.

Tiantians continue to say: "How many monks have been in ancient and modern? Who dares to say that you are invincible?"

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, Tianmang suddenly waits, "Ye Xuan, you don\'t say these lies again!

You are a good Sword, which is also a respectable opponent, but if you continue to use this poor lie to fool me, then I will see you!

You can kill me, but can\'t insult my IQ, understand? "

Ye Xuan Shen was a moment, said: "I understand!

At this moment, the horizontal swirl suddenly broke, the next moment, the clouds came out with the rest of the gods!

See Yunxiao, etc., Ye Xuan face, sink!

Another super power, and that the monster after this gods are extremely powerful and horrible.

The more you do it, the more you!

How to do? Ye Xixiang is quite helpless!

After the clouds came out, he swept away from the four weeks, then said: "Who is the Mountain King?"

Everyone: ".

At this time, that day, he suddenly pointed out the Ye Xuan in the distance, respectd the road: "The family is long, this person is the king of the mysterious book!

Yunxiao looked down in Ye Xuan, "Are you just relying on the mountain Ye Xuan?"

Ye Xuan face is very dark.

Yunxiao looked at Ye Xuan, then smiled, "I heard that you are much backed by mountains, is it true?"

At this moment, the fire of him is not venting. When this is not just a vent, this is not a vent. Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, the three lady of the arrogant people in the distance: "The never said to you, let you don\'t talk too much nonsense?"

Yunxiao looks at the three lady, not too air: "Guan you fart?"

Three Miss looked at the clouds, then retired to the side, no more.

She looked up and looked at the depths of the star, some doubts, this is no longer? She knows that there is no boundless master!

Otherwise, the neutral owner will definitely not let this Yunxiao and Ye Xuan more nonsense!

Yunxiao looks to Ye Xuan, is going to talk, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Do you really want me?"

Yunxiao stared at Ye Xuan, "Call it!

I have to look at it, you have more than you call!

He is not believed in the mountains, and all of them are so metapamatic!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "If I call, you can your consequences!

Yunxiao brows, "Are you a woman? Let you call you, what do you?"

Ye Xuan is no longer nonsense, the palm is spread, the Qing Xuanjian slowly floating in front of the cloud, "My girl wants to talk to you, you can talk to you!

At this time, the three ladies in the distance have become a sudden change, and the horror: "Don\'t induce the sword!"

You will die!

Yunxiao turned to look at Miss San, his eyes slightly, "Is there any misunderstanding for my strength?"
