One Sword Reigns Supreme

2490 The second thousand four hundred and seventy-seventh chapter of the Sword of the Sword: Stealing the home!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

US? Everyone turned around, not far away, there were ten women!

The woman headed, dressed in a white dress, long hair fluttering!

Seeing this ten, Ye Xuan stunned!

He met two women, one is the woman riding a pig, there is a woman wearing a hemaker, bare feet!

The temple!

He knows that this ten women are from the Qi Temple!

Because of a long time ago, he has been to the temple, but only statues are there, there is no such thing!

He didn\'t think of it, this temple is actually coming!

At this moment, the women in the Nether Temple are also watching Ye Xuan!

For Ye Xuan, they are actually not very familiar, but this is not important. It is important that this is one of them!

It is not a general friend relationship with the swords of the Temple of Temple.

Seeing a woman in the temple, the sky is over, because he feels that the little breath in front of him is very strong, it is obvious, not average person!

But very quickly, he disdain!

ten people!

What can ten people have to be strong? They are there!

Tiantang looks at the temple of Nether, and the tender, "Ten women, you.

At this moment, the distant starry sky suddenly came from the sound of the owner, "Do you fight, is it very much nonsense? If you don\'t talk nonsense, is it?"

Have to say, the boundless owner is very annoyed!

Whether it is this different gods or this gods, you have to have nonsense for half a day before fighting!

What is this mentally disabled? Don\'t you do it directly? When I heard the never, I turned to the sky, and he didn\'t dare to reverse the owner. At the moment, he went to Ye Xuan and others, and he wedned!


The sound is falling, and the monk of the gods behind him will rush down the next Leaf Xuan and others!

See this scene, Ye Xuan face silen down.

Because even if the temple has appeared, they are still in a disadvantage because they are too few!

This era is the era of group!

Qin Guan and the boundless land are now in a state of mutual treatment, if the people of Qin Guan do, if the neighboring guards, the strong people who are recruiting with him will also have fun!

Moreover, Qin Guan\'s weapon killing is too strong, not suitable for this place, because if she puts that little boy, don\'t say it, they can\'t help this.

After the monsters launched the attack, the strong people of the qi nationality were also shot.

Seeing so many people, I lost a touch in the Ye Xi\'s eyes, and he was very open, and the Qing Xuanjian suddenly rushed to the sky. When I came to the air, the Qing Xuan sword was trembled, followed by, 100 million swords pour!


There are no number of swords, suddenly the earthquake star!

And the gods of the gods suddenly screamed, "Blocking his flying sword!

The sound is falling, and the ten huge monster behind him suddenly dive, and the flesh of the flesh is hard to hit the plane!

Boom rumbling.

For a time, there are countless flying swords throughout the sky!

After all, this ten monster is not a general monster, all of which are unbearable peak super strong, Ye Xuan has removed Qingxuan swords to hurt them, other flying swords are hard to cause fatal injuries!

At this time, the Tianwu Suddenly the Temple of the Temple is suddenly said: "Been!

The sound fell, she floated directly, the next moment, a huge mouth directly appeared directly in the sky, which followed, this huge mouth bite directly!


Thousands of Shenmonians are directly killed!

The riding pig girl suddenly drunk, and then rodehed her little fat pig directly, this rushing, she slammed, a knife.


A knife is like a waterfall, and the sky!

However, the ten women shot together, and they can\'t resist all the monk strongrs and the powerful people!

The most important thing is that the endless paint black hole, there is still a continuous monster!

Below, Qingqiu is silent!

The sky, that day, laughing, but smiled and smiled, he seems to get what news, the face is instant, "Not good!



Get the order of Tianmang, in the field, all the monsters stopped, and then they turned to see the flames.

Tiantang looks up and look at the black whirlpool, and it is full of horror, "how it is possible.

And the distant endless starry is deep, there is no obstacle between the neverhere to disappear!

Watching the mysterious college, Ye Xuan brows, "What happened?"

At this time, the secret sound suddenly sounded in the Xuanxuan brain, "Hui Hui, the main owner has taken people to steal the god of the demon!

Ye Xuan: ".



The Shenmontery is the old nest of the gods. For the boundless universe and the existing universe, this place is undoubtedly very strange, and it is also very terrible!

The boundless universe starts from the Age of God to defend against God monsters and the odds, and when they have worked with the Shenmun nationality, the boundless universe has been adopted!

Therefore, the strong people who are boundless universe have never been a god world, and they don\'t dare to come!

And this day, a woman came quietly to God!

Qin Guan!

She did not choose to stay in Xuanxuan, because she knew that she would be carefully taken by the owner of the owner!

Therefore, she came directly to the gods of God!

War, just like playing the game, as long as I steal your home!

How can your strength before? Today, her Qin Guan is coming to stealing the family!

Qin Guan looked at the huge god ancient city in the distance, his mouth was slight.

At this time, nearly 100 shadows suddenly appeared in the four surrounding Qin Guan, all of which were quiet, just like air, there is no breath!

Qin Guan said: "Are you doing it?"

Everyone nodded again!

Qin Guan smiled: "Withdraw!

After finishing, a huge transfer array appeared at the foot of everyone.

In the transfer, Qin Guan looked at the sky, and the mouth was slightly picked up, laughing like a small fox, "killing you!

The sound falls, she is directly disappearing!

At this time, in the entire god world, nearly 100 great sounds sounded, followed by hundreds of mushrooms, from all places in the gods.


In an instant, the whole god kimoni has a split!

One hundred little boys!

Every mushroom cloud has thousands of miles of width, it is simply covering the sky!

And when these little boys exploded together, all God of Monster is awkward!

what happened? At this time, a residue suddenly rushed to the sky, the next moment, this residual shadow right hand fiercely forward, "town!


In an instant, a horrible force was swept from the sky, and then spread to the whole god world.

These power crazy crack down on the power of the boy after explosion!

In front of this residue, it is the god demon family!

In the air, the clouds flashed in the eyes, and the right hand once again slammed down, "the town!


The sound falls, the power of countless horrible is once again spread to all the demon world, and the power of the little boy suddenly got to be curbed, and no longer spread over four weeks!

However, those strengths have not disappeared, but they are temporarily suppressed by the clouds!

In the air, the clouds suddenly became somewhat, suddenly, he jumped, and then stepped on, "town!


In an instant, I suddenly had a horrible force in all walks of life. Under these strengths of the madness, the power of those little boys gradually dissipated!

After about one hour, all the power after the boy broke out completely!

However, Yunxiao face is incapacitated!

Because the gods are none!

Now the gem community, the earth collapsed, the aura is directly destroyed, it can be said, it is really a human purgatory!

This place is not suitable for survival!

The monk of gods survived hundreds of millions of years, it was so gone!

Not only that, the explosion is too sudden, so he has not crackdown in the first time, which caused many Shenmontery strong to die!

Dead monster, at least tens of millions!

Tens of thousands!

The heart of the cloud is in the blood!

At this time, a vain suddenly appeared opposite the cloud.

Come, is the owner!

Yunxiao looked at the boundless master, "Are you got to give me a confession?"

After the side of the silent silence, he said: "I have never thought of she will come directly to sneak your God god!

Yunxiao said; "My monk is destroyed and killed tens of millions of monsters!

There is no side calm. "Yunxiao, it is not anger!"

The clouds are holding hands, and the face is incomparable, "I have to eat the woman!

No side suddenly suddenly said: "Go to the existing universe!

Yunxiao looks to the boundless master, the boundless main road: "Now, you are not suitable for survival, why not directly go to the existing universe? As long as you destroy the Xuan Academy and Xianbao Pavilion, get the wealth of Xianbaoge, then, Why is the world of God? "

Yunxiao is silent.

The boundless main road: "This is the time you revenge, you can\'t go, follow you!"

Yunxiao Shen Sheng: "The Master of the Avenue.

Headmanship: "Reassured, this time, he will not interceach it again!"

Yunxiao looks to the boundless master, "When?"

Head, "Well!

Yunxiao is still a bit hesitant, and the family will go to the existing universe, that is really a battle, I\'m still throwing!

At this time, there is no need to say anything more, turn around to disappear in the deep situation.

Originally, the cloud is silent, after a while, he suddenly said: "The command, the family to the existing universe!"


The sound falls, he disappears directly in the original place!

Soon, the top of the whole godmadman has tried, and go to the existing universe!


Watching an institution.

Ye Xuan looked at the meaningless day, the look is quirky, very clear, this goddess is definitely a big thing, otherwise, this monster face will not be so ugly!

Tianmang suddenly fell into Xuan, roared, "actually sneak attack, despicable, shameless, dirty!

Ye Xuan stalls the boat, then turn to see the school students to see the school students. "He wants to come, is there anyone to show it?"

At this time, a young man suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, he gave a deep gift in Ye Xuan, respectfully said; "Dean, I am coming!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Good!

The young man turned his head to the sky. He took out an ancient book. After looked at it, he looked at Tianmang and he said: "You are stupid!

Ye Xuan expressive stiff, then turned to look at the book.

The old face of the book is suddenly black.

Everyone: ".
