One Sword Reigns Supreme

2489 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and seventy-six chapters: We haven't come late?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Seeing the gods directly erased, the Gu Shenjun\'s face suddenly changed!

He didn\'t think this is so terrible, and kill the great helper directly!


You know, this big helper is no hijacker, but also a monster, its flesh is strong, can\'t imagine, but it is so biliated!

Horror Rys!

Gu Shen Jun looked at the owner, and it was also a jealous, I didn\'t dare to say anything!

Ye Xuan in the side is also a bit shock. He and his great have been handing together, knowing the strong opponent, however, he did not think that the other party was so biliated!

This is a strong strength, much better than he imagined!

In the distance, there is a black whirlpool, a middle-aged man is slowly coming out!


After the middle-aged man came out, he oppressed his lord, "Tian Mang met the owner!

The boundless look at the sky, "Don\'t repeat anything!

After finishing, he turned and looked at the Ye Xuan and then disappeared in the same place.

Tiantang looks to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, who knows that Tianmang is actually a long, then a boxing of the leaves!


This punch, countless space and space in the world!

Seeing this, Ye Xuan face sinking, and the other side, the Que Shen Jun did not repeat, directly toward Ye Xuan!

Two hits!

Ye Xuanqi, anger, "Don\'t talk about Wu De!

Everyone: ".

At this moment, a woman suddenly appeared in front of the gods, and people were not someone else, it was Anzhen show!

After the war, she has been following Qingqiu, personally guided by Qingqiu.

See Anzhen Xiu, Gu Shen Jun\'s brow, and shot directly.

In the distance, there is no expression in Anzhen, a shot.


As a fried sound, Anzhen show is directly repelled, but the next moment, she is pulling, and once again, she will rush to Gu Shenjun.!

On the other hand, Ye Xuan looked at that day, a boxing, the look was stunned!

This kind of monster, the most disgusting place is the flesh, he is playing on you, you have to live, you play on him, no reaction!

Of course, he is not afraid, because he Ye Xuan is also a body repair!

Ye Xuan\'s heart is moving, the whole person disappears!


Tiantang\'s punch is directly blamed, and the space is collapsed.

After a boxing, he looked up, at this time, a sword is directly lying on his head!

Without me!

It is not flashing in the sky, and the handsome, scream, "I top!


A horrible force directly from him, and the Ye Xuanlian people have swords directly to be shocked, and the next moment, that day, the sky jumped, and directly squatted to Ye Xuan.

This feet are out, and the time and space is directly torn by his hard studies.

In the distance, the shocked leaf Xuan double eyes suddenly slowly closed, the next moment, others disappeared directly!


Tianmang this foot is once again!

At this time, there was a sword light suddenly appeared under the sky.

This sword is extremely fast, that day is not reacted, it is directly related to this sword thorn!


A sword is light from that day, and the body is dramatic, and the face is suddenly trembled. The face suddenly changed, but the next moment, he is so furious, as if it suffers from the shame, the legs are sharp, " Shameless!


A sword is directly shattered, and at this time, Ye Xuan has appeared in front of him. At the same time, a sword directly from his eyes!

The sky has a big change, and it is busy to close your eyes!


A sword was flashing over the eyes of the sky, and the next moment, a sword was wiped away from his throat.


Tiantang is directly cracking!

At this time, Tianmang suddenly slammed in front of him!


A moment of time and space, the world in front of him suddenly broke, and a very terrible stranded force suddenly moved to the sky!

But the next moment, praying that the sky is directly torn to the power of the strand, but at this time, the remaining shadow suddenly danced forward, "will then open!

Open again!

As this voice falls, the time and space of the original fission suddenly broke again, and a white light emerged.


In the world, a fried sound is like a thunder, it is, followed by, praying directly outside the earth!

Below, Qingqiu looks at this scene in front of him, and the brow is slightly frowned.

Sky, I stopped the sky, she looked at the remaining shadows in front of the face, the residual shadow gradually condensed, a man wearing a mask!

The man wore a black robes, and the hands were behind, wearing iron masks, not seeing the true capacity, he stood there, the body is really true, so there is no such time and space!

At this time, praying that the sound of the Tiando suddenly sounded secretly, "Praying the sky, this person is the first person in the era, just called unnamed, is the first person in the universe", before the never encounterless Life never failed!


Praying, laughing, next moment, she suddenly walked forward, this rushing, she has already arrived in front of it, next moment, she fierce!

The unknown hands suddenly lifted, and then pulled it towards both sides, "Open!


Numerous time and space is once again opened, a horror white light is over!

Praying in the sky, there is a shot, and the right foot is slap.


In an instant, the whole sky is dark!

The endless time and space of the unnamed, at this moment, at the same time, there is no name to be shocked!

After a boxing, I will pray for the sky, rush again!

But at this time, she suddenly appeared two vain, and at the same time, there was no name to disappear!

Three hits!

Obviously, in order to contain her!

See this scene, the other side of the black Xuan face, sinking, he suddenly rose a disturbed!

Sure enough, the distance, that day, suddenly roaring, "play!


Suddenly, there were countless swirls trembled, the next moment, the huge huge monster of Ten-headed body suddenly came out!

All without robbery!

The most terrible thing is that after this ten huge monster, there is also a dense numbness to be a strong monster!

On the other side, the transfer of the qi nationality is also three old people, and the three are not robbery!

Three gods!

Next to these three, there are six people, six people are wearing gold robe!

Six holy monarch!

After this nine-year-old, there are more than 100,000 cavalry, these cavalhers hold a long gun, and the huge red horse!

The army is crushing!

At this moment, the scenery of the mysterious college is sinking!

The lineup is crushed!

Finished full crush!

Opposite Ye Xuan, that day, he suddenly looked up to Ye Xuan. He also had a throat and his mouth is still bleeding!

The violent Tianmang is dead to the Ye Xuan, and the sound: "Are you thinking about the king, your relying on the mountain? Call it out!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then the palm is spread, "I have a sword, you can\'t feel it?"

Said, Qing Xuanjian slowly floated to the beginning of the day!

Tianmang angered: "Sensing is induced!

After that, he would take the sword. At this time, the boundless voice suddenly sounded. "You dare to touch the sword, I will send you now!

I heard the words, and the color of Tianmang\'s face changed, and he stopped.

Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking.

Tiantang looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you not relying on the King King? Calling people!

Ye Xuan silent.


At this moment, a laughter suddenly came from the time, "We haven\'t come late?"

US? Below, the mouth of Dinghao\'s mouth is slightly slight.
