One Sword Reigns Supreme

2472 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and fifty-nine chapters: Friends!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

And the hoist is not stopped, directly stabbed to Qin Guan on the side!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of Qin Guan, and he tatched it directly.

I am invincible!

Long guns.


Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrinks because he found that his flesh actually cracks directly, blood sputtering!

I am not invincible!

Ye Xixin is a horror, and the people in the body swept in the body.


The hoist was trembled, but he did not retreat and still stab his chest.

At this time, Qin Guan suddenly appeared next to Ye Xuan, and her right hand took directly to the long gun, her palm, a golden controversy suddenly burned, next moment, she fierce.


The long gun was hard and student was pulled out, but the next moment, her right hand cracked directly, the long gun flew out!

Qin Guan and Ye Xuan looked up at the distance, not far away, where a man came!

The man wears a single long coat, long hair shawl, noodles, and hit a long gun in the right hand, the left waist, but also a broken knife.

Qin Guan looked at the man in front of him. "I can\'t put bomb here!

Ye Xuan silent, if Qin Guan is here to put bombs, people who want to watch the books of Xuan have died!

Without any hesitation, he directly rushed to the sword, turned around to disappear.

In the field, Qin Guanwei looked at the man, "change a place?"

Men shake his head, "Although I also want to fight with Qin Pachel, but I have a concert, I can\'t despise Qin Pavilion, so.

Said, he suddenly walked forward.

The gun is like a thunder, a little cold is new.

This shot is coming, the heavens and the earth are dramatic!

Qin Guan double-eyed, her palm built, a delicate small gun appeared in her hand, she directly bucking the trigger!


A golden light is over!

In the distance, the man holds a gun.


Golden is broken, but the man stopped!

Qin Guan once again bucking the trigger!

In the distance, the man suddenly jumped, and a shot!


Jin Guang is broken!

At this time, more than a dozen golden lights ended.

The man suddenly slowed down, the next moment, his body became ill vicked, suddenly, his soul directly came out, and a shot of a gun.


In an instant, a gun was torn in the scene, and more than a dozen golden light shredded. At this time, Qin Guan has already retired outside, and the man has a shot!

At this time, a man suddenly turned and soul, hand guns suddenly threw toward the distant Guan is!


The throw, directly between heaven and earth burst open, like a giant spider web in general, extremely frightening!

Distance, Guan eyes slightly narrowed, spread her palm, side of the palm of her gold fly from a small shield, then at block her eyebrows.


Dangxia guns, but face a small golden shield has a direct split, this time, the distance that the soul of man suddenly back into the flesh, he suddenly opened his eyes, pointing out a "break!

Lance severe shocked.


Small gold shield direct split, rifles marched, we must Guan piercing eyebrows, but this time, a golden net directly in Guan brow, the tools and try to guns blocked again!

To see this scene, far from the man frowned up.

But this time, the sudden appearance of mysterious leaves the farm, he looked Guan, "people have been evacuated!

Guan nodded, she looked to the distant gunman, palms spread out, a bullet flying directly to collections of stars.

Distance, armed men again brow wrinkled up!

Just at this time, mutation processes, and saw that the shuttle dolphin star shells suddenly becomes illusory up, no, that piece of the space in which they are directly becomes illusory up, the next moment, all stars playing directly in situ Disappear!

To see this scene, and Qin Xuan Ye are all shocked!

At this time, a Meifu appear in the side, Mei Fu wearing large black robe, long hair, hands holding a golden wand.

Guan looked Mei Fu, Dai Mei Wei Cu.

At this time, a voice suddenly from the brain and Qin Xuan Ye sounded, "gunman name-day name, from age unknown, of unknown age evildoer is the second list of people have already been taken, and this woman, the name of God priest, also from anonymous age, versed in the ancient road law, divine law, art law, divine law as well as space.

Hao first two unnamed era and that this first list of the most brilliant people evildoer, the entire boundless universe in history can the row number of the evildoer!

This channel sound is dark, quiet intelligence chief\'s voice!

Ye Xuan looked at the two in front of him, then said: "The neverhere to be called people from the ancient times!

Qin Guan turned his head and looked at Ye Xuan. "You help me drag the gods!

May I? "

Ye Xuan nod, "Y!

Qin Guan looked at Ye Xuan, "Determine?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Reassure, I will never let her intervene!

Qin Guan slightly, "Be careful!

After that, she looked at the name of the distance, "Come!

The day name suddenly disappears directly in the same place!


I have torn in the field!

On the other hand, Ye Xuan directly appeared in front of the god sacrifice, and the gods gavel looked at Ye Xuan, and the look was calm.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then the palm is spread, the avenue pen appears in his hand, he looked at the avenue pen, "brother, you have never expressed, can you give strength today? Please!

After that, he suddenly waited!



A pen is out of the road, one instant, the space is boiling directly!

A pen is able to break 10 star fields!

In the distance, the god sacrifice suddenly wandered.


That ahead instantly crushed, and the blade was directly cracking.

See this scene, Ye Xuan silently.

Avenue pen: ".

After a while, Ye Xuan said: "Brother, really, my mentality has collapsed!"

Our friend!

After finishing, he directly forwarded, and a sword went out!

I am invincible!


Ye Xuan directly entered the mysterious time and space, and when he was sword, the gods suddenly paused, and then gently grabbed.


Ye Xuanjie was scratched from the mysterious space. At the same time, the gods swept away from the front, and the surrounding space appeared in a thin light screen.

Rugged space!

God gavel looked at Ye Xuan, and she lifted his right hand and gently pressed down.


Suddenly, the surrounding space suddenly became ill, it followed, the surrounding space turned into a small rope, and Ye Xuan had not responded that it was generally packaged by these ropes like a package!

Ye Xixiang is shocked, the palm is spread, and Qing Xuanjian suddenly flying out.


Qing Xuan Jian is cut out, dozens of space ropes are directly broken, but the next moment, countless new space ropes are immediately added, blinking, Qing Xuanjian directly is wrapped in countless space rope!

Ye Xuan also wanted to make a clear sword, God\'s sacrifice suddenly referred to a lead, Qing Xuanjian was directly transferred to another time and space, although Ye Xuan also felt Qing Xuanjian, but he found that Qing Xuanjian is very Very far, and he can\'t recall!

God\'s sacrifice returned to the eyes, looked at the Qin Guan in the distance, she wants to shoot, Ye Xuan suddenly roars.


A horrible madness blood is swept in his body!

In an instant, the space rope around him became a blood!

Ye Xi\'s heart is spread, in an instant, countless blood red people swords from him, these blood red swords will make a shank roof.


One of the tears continued to sound, and those space rope appeared after break, but this time, Ye Xuan\'s people\'s swords were inseparable, and a hand handled the sword, very Fast, those space ropes disappeared at a point!

God\'s sacrifice looked at the Ye Xuan, and her right hand gently and then lifted the online.


Under the foot of Ye Xuan, a dark hole suddenly appeared, turned in an instant, and Ye Xuan people disappeared directly!

Was away!

In the unknown starry sky in a certain, Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, a face!

Where is this? What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly roars, "The little soul!


In front of Ye Xuan, the time and space suddenly broke, the little soul appeared in his hands!

The little soul is free to shuttle any time and space, and he is a coordinate!

Ye Xuan glared with Qing Xuanjian, a turned, this turned, he appeared in front of the gods, and was about to suddenly wrinkle the gods of Qin Guan, she looked up, a blood red sword light pen Down.

God sacrifice, a mysterious force, rushing up!


A bloody sword is shocked, and Ye Xuan is directly shocked. At this time, God\'s sacrifice step forward, she is in the distance of Hui Xuan, who is shocked by the distance, is a little!


This leaves space directly behind the mysterious crack, crack a space, leaves mysterious instantly swallowed crack that space, and the next moment, leaves mysterious yet strangely appear behind the priest in that God, God priest scowled and turned a , right down to a pressure!


A thrill of horror at the white light emission from her palm, the leaves are mysterious Zhentui again!

God priest this time no further hands, she looked at the hands of the mysterious green leaves mysterious sword, frowned up.

She knows that every time she leaves mysterious transfer can go back, all because Zhebing Jian!

Distant, mysterious leaf waving hands of the mysterious green sword, he saw priests unto God, "again!

God priest suddenly meditation mantra, the next moment and space, leaves mysterious head of the direct split, the moment, there are numerous black lacquer God of Thunder split within that time and space!

Suddenly, the earth trembled directly.


Endless terror coercion swept down like a wave of general, this world have begun to bear quickly.

Distant, mysterious leaf became very dignified look up, his eyes slowly closed up, after a moment, he saw priests unto God, earnestly said: "I know that this blow, I am going for it, but as a sword repair I last time a sword, I want to die by the sword, you meet me this request? "

Then he sword erect in eyebrows, facing a deep ritual priest of God, "Dear God priest sir, please!

God priest slightly pondered, then said: "But!

Sound down, and suddenly she refers to a lead, within the clouds, God of Thunder suddenly melt into numerous mine-edged sword, the next moment, lightning sword straight tattooed.


At this moment, the entire boundless city was violently excited chatter up, and then little by little become unreal!
