One Sword Reigns Supreme

2471 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and forty-eight chapters: mutation!

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Auction venue, Qian looked around, then smiled and said: "Gentlemen, this is to be auctioned this artifact called Haotian armor can withstand very undesirable environment strong quanliyiji!

Weak play, and can be A by virtue of the order of challenge, no pressure, weak to strong play, that is, my father beat his son, completely rolling.

Versus the same order, it can be said, wearing this armor, the equivalent of more than the others you countless Mania!

Then he looked around the crowd and smiled, "strength is not enough, God installed to scrape together, away from home, there are pieces of equipment in the hands of God, we are walking with the wind!

Sound down, handsome looks of a beautiful woman holding a black lacquer box onto the auction stage.

Woman hands of the box into the top of the pillars in front of plenty of money, and then facing four weeks slightly ceremony, turned back down!

Qianlao looking around the crowd and then opened the box, the box was opened, a painted black armor slowly floating up.

Whole body armor painted black, to create a block of the unknown from scales, on which streamer flashing, was remarkable at a glance.

This was a field in a stir together suddenly.

Obviously, some of these pieces of armor Haotian tempted!

At this time, Qian suddenly smiled and said; "Gentlemen, this was now the auction, fifty billion universe veins!

Each increase of not less than ten billion!

Fifty billion universe veins!

Heard, field some face suddenly sank down, for the boundless universe, the universe fifty billion vein, the true count large sum of money!

Only a handful of super-powers able to get out!

Just at this time, a shadow suddenly leaps from the audience, directly Qianlao Hong Xiang beat up on stage!

Sudden changes in all fields so that was simply shot the lights scared!

Has anyone do it? On the stage, the money is calm, let the palm of the palm.

Just when the palm was in the old body, a cold suddenly turned over.


Everyone has not reacted, and the remaining shadow is directly divided!

God\'s hobby!

The people in the field were shocked, and they looked at the auction table not far away, there was a old man in the black robe!

Seeing this black robe, the face of the palace is a slight change.

In the box, Ye Xuan is also a bit shocking, "Qin Guan girl, this god hobby is you cultivated?"

Qin Guan shook his head, "No!

It is a hand that I spend money!

Ye Xuan speaking.

If you spend money, this money is really a good thing!

In the auction venue, the money old looked at the four weeks, then laughed: "You are panic!"

Said, he walked to the mystery of the mystery, the mysterious strong body was destroyed, but it didn\'t die, because the gods of the robbery did not erase it, but in prisoned his soul !

Qian Lao looked at the mystery of the eyes and smiled: "Who sent you!"

The mysterious stronger does not speak.

Qian Yong shook his head and sighed, "Don\'t say it, definitely is an boundless chamber of commerce, right?"

The mystery is still not talking!

Money old turned to look at the gods of the gods, the old people nodded slightly, the right hand started, soon, the mysterious power of the mysterious stronge was a little lost.

See this scene, the mysterious strong face is changing!

He just wanted to say anything, and the gods of the old man watched.


The mysterious strong soul is directly erased!

Everyone looked at the old man of the gods, and the eyes were full of jealous!

At this time, the money of the money suddenly spread, a crystal ball floated into the air, and the crystal ball suddenly appeared!

When seeing the woman in crystal ball, everyone gotten becomes an old, because the woman is not someone else, it is now the long-elder of the business meeting!

In the crystal ball, the Ya Ya is talking to a whisper, and that person is the mysterious killer!

Money suddenly looked down in a corner, where a black robe was sitting, and the money smiled: "Is Ya Ya Long, still hidden?"

Everyone turned to look at the black robe. Under the eyes of everyone, the black robe reveals his head cover, and a beautiful face appeared in the eyes!

This person is the long-elder Ya Ya, which is the boundless chamber!

Yi Ya smiled slightly, "all, Xian Baoge is the existing universe!

Existing universe!

Everyone is silent. In fact, everyone knows that Xianbaoge is the existing universe, but what is it? No one dares to do it here!

You know, the Moros is all the super majors, don\'t you do it? These forces have no hands, the rest of those people, who dare to do? Moreover, the reputation of the Xianbaoge Pavilion Qin Guan is in the boundless universe, but it is very loud!

What happened? Can it be that Qin Guan is bombed? In the field, the Yazai slowed down, she went to the old, laughed: "Qin Pavilion should be here, let her come out!

Qian Yong shook his head, "Yong Ya is old, the owner is not interested in you!

Wen Yan, Yong Ya\'s eyes got up, "Yes?"

Said, she waved, "Hand!

The sound is falling, the hall is all slightly changed, but it has been alert, but very fast, everyone discovered that there was no movement in the field!

Yi Ya Yaji wrinkled.

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the field, he wedned, and more than a dozen heads appeared in front of Ya Ya!

See these heads, Yan Ya\'s face is changing!

Because these are her people!

What seems to be, Yong Ya looked up to the middle-aged man, "gods!

Wen said, everyone in the field is surprising!

Another gods? In the box, Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at Qin Guan. Qin Guan smiled. "I don\'t have anything else, it is much money, and they are missing!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do they not be a heart?"

Qin Guan look calmly: "It is all fried!

Ye Xuan: ".

During the auction site, Yan Yas started tremble!

She didn\'t think that her people were killed!

What seems to be, she turned her head, "Moro is long!

Don\'t you shoot? "

"Don\'t be talking!

In the corner, the Moros is a long standing. He looked at Yong Ya, "Yong Yong is old, my Moro is never gains to Xianbaoge, you don\'t talk!

Wen Yan, Yong Ya\'s face is gentle.

She knows that the Moro is betrayed!

Yong Ya turned to look at the old, the next moment, she was shaped, and the middle-aged man in the middle of the gods suddenly grabbed.


In the distance, the Yazai is directly covered by a mysterious power, and then can\'t move!

Yi Ya is dead and staring at the middle-aged man, "God hobs!

Middle-aged man turned to look at the old, Qian Lao Road: "Under the head, send it to the boundless chamber of commerce, three days, if they don\'t give us Xianbaoge, this is the universe will no longer have no business meeting!

Middle-aged man refers to a shake, and the heads of Yong Ya is directly smashed, then he will disappear in the temple.

Everyone looks uneven!

Money suddenly smiled: "All, the auction continues!"

After finishing, he returned to the stage.

On the side, the Moro family is silent. He didn\'t dare to go, because the gods of the gods of the gods have been locked him, he knows, if he dares, the other party will not hesitate!

The Morr nationality is sigh.