One Sword Reigns Supreme

2442 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and twenty-nine chapters: I am invincible!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Cheating? Amo Ling blinks, "How to cheat?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why do you want me to play?"

Amo Ling got an eye of Ye Xuan, then said: "I saw you shot, I know, you have hidden big moves.

Moreover, we rarely have little swords this side, so I want to see you!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Then I will try it up!

Amo Ling said: "Yes!

Ye Xuan\'s heart, suddenly rushed to the sword, directly cultivated a sword light appeared on the gods.

At this time, all the people in the field were falling on Ye Xuan, and I had to say that Ye Xuan was strucking the sword, or some Sao bag was pulled.

Ye Xuan sweared a bit of everyone, then hold boxing, smiled: "Fortunately, you will be lucky!"

Crowd; "

At this time, Amo Ling suddenly sounded in the Xuanxuan brain. "Who do you want to challenge, you have to give the opponent.


Ye Xuan first is a rumor, then shook his head smiles. It turns out that this challenge is also a way to make money. However, this is normal, name is important, but if there is not enough money, these genius enchanting may not be so active.

Recovered his thoughts, Ye Xuan turned his head to see the thirty-six stone pillars, he looked at the last, there were two big characters above: Chen Wei!

And below this line, there is also a line of words: challenge it once, 100,000 fears!

Challenge a hundred thousand people!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, he is the least money now, he is the palm of your palm, and a quite is slowly floating to the stone pillar.

After a while, Shi Zhu was slightly trembled, followed by a man, is the man who has worked with the trick.

Chen Wei!

Chen Yu looked at the quenteen, seeing the arch of the arch, when she collapsed, he looked at Ye Xuan, I was about to talk, and Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in the original place, directly sword to Chen Wei!

See this scene, a piece of field is in a field!

How is this? The Chen Hao is also a stunned. He didn\'t think that the other party actually did it. This guy did not come. This guy is a bit unlike!

When Chen Wei went back to God, the Sword of Ye Xuan had already went to his head.

Although I was already in a can\'t be defeated, Chen Wei\'s reaction was very fast, and her hands were in front of it. This, hard-born, hitting the sword of Ye Xuan, while Ye Xuan grazing Qing Xuanjian Handsmanship.

Chen Hao\'s eyes suddenly shrunk, because he found this sharp sharpness in front of him, his flesh and strength couldn\'t stop, and then quickly let go, but it is late, his pair is directly cut, blood Sputter!

After the palm was cut, Chen Yu\'s heart was a horror, and the right foot was gently, and the forth floated, and the Sword of Ye Xuan was once again, it is like a thunder, and there is no chance to breathe.

In the face of this horrible sword, Chen Wei knows that he can\'t just, because Ye Xuan\'s sword is too sharp, but he lost his first machine, he can\'t escape, only to choose hard.

Chen Hao\'s eyes flashed a piece, his right foot was slammed, and a vivid shadow rushed from his body, and he directly hit the sword of Ye Xuan!


Ye Xuan Yi Jian, the vain is directly to be drifted, but at this time, Chen Hao has retired to dozens of feet, he looked at Ye Xuan, his hands slowly lifted, moment The space in front of him is dramatic, and at the same time, the space is a little deeper.

In the distance, Ye Xuan brows is slightly wrinkled, and there is a little uneasy in my heart. I will take a first release.

At this time, Chen Yu\'s body disappeared directly.

In the distance, Ye Xi\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, he slammed the sword, but when he was a sword, he found an empty, at the same time, he found that he was not on the gods, Instead, in a unknown world.

This world, a chaotic, can\'t see the sky, not seeing, and it is very unhappy.

Under the gods, someone exclaimed, "I am world!

Really really my strength, means that I cultivated a true world in the world, in this world, he is dominated, all-round pressures.

Therefore, it is absolutely suppressed by the strong people in my real.

Obviously, Chen Yu discovered that Ye Xuan is not true, so it is directly to show the real world.

Just then, Chen Wei suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan was in the face.


Time and space!

At this time, then Chen Yu has disappeared, and the Ye Xuan double eyes slightly smashed, and he slammed it. When the sword stab, he was shocked and found that his sword It turned out to be a lot!

At this time, a boxing was published in him.


A sword was broken, and the Ye Xuanlian took a sword to retreat to thousands of feet, and he just stopped, he found that there were no number of residuals around around!

It\'s all Chen Wei!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuanhuang bluntly slowed down.

He knows that he is now in a similar spiritual juncture. In this field, his strength is suppressed, but the strength of Chen Wei has grown!

To defeat each other, you must first break this junior!

Thought to this, Ye Hyun suddenly opened his eyes, spread out his palm, green mysterious sword in the hands of violent shocked, and then took countless human sword intended sky.

Sword breaks the sky!


Qing Xuan Jian rushed to the sky, all the way to tear, in an instant, Ye Xuantou is a huge mouth of the torn, and from this mouth, he saw the outside of the gods!

Real world!

And at this time, there are no number of residuals that have been brushed to the Ye Xuan face.

The strongest blow!

Chen Wei also knows that there is a goddess of Ye Xuan, this is really hard to stop, so he is decisive to all hit.

Ye Xuan looked at the Qing Xuanjian, this time, he has not been here, he has not planned to collect swords, no Qing Xuan Jian, his Ye Xuan is still a powerful sword!

Ye Xuan\'s right foot is a full, double-handed, "start!

One moment, countless people swords like to make a handle sword.

Hard hard!


Suddenly, the whole tribute is trembled, and there is a rumor that the sound is constantly resounding. After a while, the whole thing I really started to be broken. Not long, Ye Xuan and the Chen Yan appeared on the Shenwucai.

Ye Xuan holds the sword, the clothes are floating, very chic.

And the Chen Yu is all swords, and the mouth is also blood, quite a few wolves!

Ye Xuan slightly smiled, "contracted!

Containment? In this case, a piece of field is in a field.

Everyone is completely ignorant.

Have you lost? This Chen Yu dares to defeat? The Amo Ling is also stunned, is this defeated? No, you shouldn\'t!

Before she fed, she fate!

And her strength is better than that of Chen Wei.

This is not normal!

Opposite Ye Xuan, Chen Yu is also a face, "I.

Did I lose? "

Of course, he did not lose, he just looks like a wolf.

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Chen Xiong, then play, you can be born to die!"

I think you are good, so I will get my hand today!

We fight again another day!

Then he spread out palm, bottle of immortality slowly drifted in front of Chen Ke, "Chen Xiong, this bottle has a superb healing Dan, you hurt so heavy, they must their teeth, quick dose!

We meet again!

Then he turned to the sky Sword, blink of an eye disappeared in the distance.

Chen Ke looked immortality in front of the face of senseless force.

What the hell? Field, those who look to Chen Ke, look strange.

Chen Ke in the end did not lose or lose? At this time, Chen Ke sudden loss: "Who is he how can this be?.


Hyun leaves before I first came back to the patch of Yanwu field, he lay on the ground, his eyes slowly closed again.

Recall that before the battle!

He found that he still has many deficiencies, particularly within the community that I really, he was wounded, but his recovery speed is too fast!

And, before it, he changed a robe!

Chen Ke natural that not so much mind.

Ye look to the hands of the mysterious blue mysterious sword, he found, did the two Ah armor after his combat power is still a lot of weak, can not just brute force hard.

If there is no green mysterious sword, he was a little difficult to break each other\'s true of my profession!

Hyun leaves whispered Yi Tan, it seems, have their own before the time had a very comfortable!

At this time, that leaves Mo Ling suddenly appeared in mysterious side, she leaned over and looked at the mysterious leaf, smiled and said: "It seems that you can play!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Anyway beat you!

Mo Ling shook his head, "You\'re even stronger than I thought, you are lying down with me!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Mo Ling, ask you a thing, can you?"

Amo is nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan Shen said; "The aura of this world is so exhausted, but why do you have such a strong thing?"

Amo is shaking his head, "There are a lot of top-level strong, but the strong in the middle and lower layers is not much!

Wen said, Ye Xuan Ming.

The boundless universe is on those excellent people in those excellent people.

Amo Ling suddenly asked, "Are you there? Is it still more than the strong?"

Ye Xuan silent.

The strong people in the existing universe are certainly weaker than the universe.

The most direct reasons are that after the thousands of people, civilized faults appeared.

Now, the strongest forces of the entire existing universe should be his views and Yang people, plus a Xianbao Pavilion.

Amo Ling suddenly said: "What level is you in your side?"

Ye Xi Xi thought, then said: "Under the three swords, I am invincible!"

Amo Lingzi Wei Wei, "That is, you belong to the top four in the swords in your side."

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Amo Ling smiled slightly, "said that, okay!

This shows that the sword civilization on your side seems to be too high!

Ha ha.

Ye Xuan: ".
