One Sword Reigns Supreme

2443 Swords in the first two thousand four hundred and three chapters: even me is not!

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Ye Xuan did not chat with Amo, and his eyes were slow.


After coming to this place, he found that he became a brother.

Must enhance strength!

On the side, Amo Ling looked at the Ye Xuan, with a curious in his eyes.

After a long time, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, he was calm, and a sword was poured from him.

Human swords!

This is a lot of swords again.

It\'s not a moment!

Just then, the Amo Ling suddenly said: "Your sword is very good!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is it good?"

Amo is nodded, "it is!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

At this moment, a old man dressed in white robe suddenly appeared in the field, and the old man looked at Amo Ling, then said: "Amo Ling, Wu Jun wants him!

Amo Ling is busy: "Good!

The old man is old, you take him!

White robe people hesitated, then said: "Wu Jun let you take him!

Wen said, Amo Ling god suddenly.

White robe is slightly smile, "Wu Jun is very important to you!

Amo Ling is sighful, "" can\'t play happy!

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then nod, "Good!

Wu Jun!

Amo Ling took Ye Xuan to walk towards the distance, on the road, Ye Xuan suddenly took out a sugar greery to give Amo Ling, "Give!

Amo Ling looked at the Ye Xuan, nor refused, and took a sugar gourd.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Amo Ling, do you have a temper?"

Amo is shaking his head, "Not very good!

Ye Xuan silent.

Amo Ling said: "You don\'t don\'t spend the flowers in front of her, Wu Jun, people, people are not much, I may not give you a punch!

Ye Xuan nod, "I am an old man!

Amo Lingha smiled, "You can not be honest, you are very good.

Ye Xuan: ".

After a while, Amo Ling took Ye Xuan to a huge stone door, this stone door was tens of thousands of feet, and there was a hundred feet in front of the stone, and someone stood in front of Shimen, and a small feeling was born.

At this time, Amo Ling suddenly gave a slight gift in Shimen, and his look was devout.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Amo Ling, here is it?"

Amo Lingzheng: "The military, I lived in Wujun.


Amo Ling walked into Shimen with Ye Xuan. Just entering Shimen, the two were directly appeared on a lonely mountain. This lonely mountain is up to 10,000, like a huge sword stands in the world, very spectacular!

In the top of the lonely mountain, a woman in a purple ball is sitting, she is in the same way, and the whole person is integrated with the heavens and the earth, and there is no breath!

Wu Jun!

Amo Ling is deeply averaged in the Purple Robe, "I saw Wu Jun!

Wujun nodded slightly, did not speak.

Amo Ling stood in a look and didn\'t dare to speak.

Ye Xuan looked at Wu Jun, then slowed down to Wu Jun, see this scene, Amo Ling face suddenly changed, she quickly pulled Ye Xuan and shook her head.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "If Wu Jun wants to kill me, it will not bring me here.

Said, he slowly walked to the front of Wujun, at this moment, he directly visited Wu Jun, have to say that this woman is also beautiful, and there is no silky flaw.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly smiled slightly, "Wu Junsheng is really beautiful!

I heard the words, and the Amo Ling face suddenly changed. She is unbelievable to look at Ye Xuan. Is this guy not want to live? Do you dare to spend a lot in front of Wujun? Wu Jun slowly opened his eyes, she looked up and looked up to Ye Xuan, did not speak.

Ye Xuan smiled: "Wu Jun personally went to the existing universe to bring me here, why?"

Wu Jun suddenly slammed out, Ye Xuan has not responded to it directly by a boxing in the abdomen.


Ye Xuan\'s body bent into a bow, a new round, the whole body seems to be branched by people, the pain is extreme, and he is not flying out, but is in the same place.

Wu Jun looked at Ye Xuan, "Can\'t kill you, hit you, you can still!

Ye Xuan: ".

After finishing, she suddenly got up, then grabbed the black spot, turned into the moment, she was a cemetery with Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan had some , what is this woman who came here? This cemetery is great, there are hundreds of thousands of tomb.

Wu Jun looked at Ye Xuan, "Kneeling!

Ye Xuan first was a stunned, and then laughed: "Kneeling? My Ye Xuan, even I don\'t kneel, I.

Wu Jun\'s right hand suddenly pressed against the hunter.


In a flash, Ye Xuan\'s legs were soft, almost kneelted directly, and in this moment, Ye Xuan gave a roaring, and a sword was in the body, however, this sword is just a presence, Direct annihilation!

Ye Xuan roar, madness in the body, but the next moment, a terrible force directly infiltrated into his body, his madness blood is instantly suppressed!

Ye Xuanqiao is a bend, and it is a bit!

Ye Xuan hands were gripped, and the whole five senses were distorted. He biting his teeth. At this moment, his body bones were even a little cleared.

Wu Jun looked at Ye Xuan, there is no expression, and the right hand suddenly slammed down!


A extremely horrible power directly pressed on Ye Xuan, and at that moment, he suddenly roared, a boxing in his chest.


The flesh is broken!

Self-destroyed flesh!

After self-destruction, the power of the horrible power still has no disappearance, his soul still maintains the posture to be kneeling, and at this time, there is no hesitation of Ye Xuan directly select the burning soul!


Ye Xuan\'s soul burned and lost it with an extremely horrible speed.

Seeing this scene, the Wu Jun brows got slightly, but she didn\'t stop, she wants to see if Ye Xuan is really dare to choose God\'s soul!

Ye Xuan did not stop stop, the soul crazy burble, in just a short time, his soul is a burning is like a small smoke.

Just when Ye Xuan had to pass through, Wu Jun suddenly returned to the right hand. The shares on the Sinawa\'s soul were so uncomfortable as the tide, and the Ye Xuan spirit was soft.

Wu Jun looked at Ye Xuan, "There is still a bit of bone!

Ye Xuan looked to Wu Jun, double eyes blood, he didn\'t let me play, but others still put it, he felt an incompetent manifestation.

But today\'s insults, his Ye Xuan did not forget.

Wu Jun turned and looked at those cemetery, "these are all people who have gone in the existing universe that year, they.

"Guan Yaozi fart!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "You invades the existing universe, is it only allowed to kill people, don\'t allow others to kill you? Further, even if you are killed, why?"

Wu Jun turned to look into Ye Xuan, brow micron wrinkles, Ye Xuan Xiao: "For the first time, you want to kill me, just now, you want to kill me, but you don\'t!"

Why? You don\'t want to kill, you can\'t kill.

Maybe? "

Wu Jun directly looks in Ye Xuan, "So you are so unspeakable?"

Ye Xuan slowly slowed down, he directly visited Wu Jun, "I don\'t care if you have a big man and the existing universe, I only know, you have a grievance with Laozi!

Woman, I tell you, either you kill me now, otherwise, I will slaughter your Tainger in the next day.

? Can you save life? Do not!

If this woman is going to kill him, he will not kill him again, and the woman wants to kill him but did not kill him. When he is useful, the second is not to kill him!

And he deliberately angered this woman, just want to see the other party because of what reason does not kill him.

Wu Jun looked at Ye Xuan, and it was like a substance in his eyes, but she still didn\'t work, but his right hand has slowed down.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I am joking, you don\'t really!"

After finishing, he lied down, then his eyes slowly slowed down, and he began to heal.

Wu Jun looked at the Ye Xuan, recovered his eyes, turned to walk towards the distance.

Originally, Ye Xuan double-eyed closed, hands holding hands.


Ye Xuan does not hate each other, he only hates yourself, hate yourself is not strong enough, hate yourself.

All unfortunate and shame are caused by insufficient self-capacity!


Wu Jun came to the depths of the cemetery. In the depths of this cemetery, there is a huge grave. Before the grave, there is a stone monument: boundless owner!

The owner in this tomb is the last boundless master!

And in this year, this boundless master was dying for the boundless universe and won time for the boundless universe.

In front of this tomb, I still stand a thin old man.

The old man whispered: "Wu Jun!

You also come to the worship!

Wu Jun looked at the stone monument in front of him, silence.

The old man turned his head and looked at it, then said: "The teenager is now the people of life?"

Wu Jun nodded.

The old man flashed in the eyes, "" This person died, the owner of the avenue pen will no longer control everything.

Wu Jun is shook his head, "I can\'t kill temporary!

The old man brows, after a while, his eyes flashed a doubt, "there is a big cause of this person!

Wu Jun nodded.

The old man is silent.

Wu Jun double his eyes slowly, "" When the sacrifice came back, he could have a way to except this cause.

After that, she turned to look at the old, "the tomb owner, I have to turn off for a while. During this time, I will be killed!

The tomb is suddenly highlighting: "The two women.

Wu Jun shook his head, "they have two people, and the Juni and Cang Saica will solve!

After that, she turned and left.


After the treatment of Ye Xuan, he was got up and left the cemetery. He didn\'t choose to escape, because he knew that he couldn\'t escape, he came to the godwatch again, without any nonsense, he jumped directly to God Wartate, then start Challenge the Chen Wei!

Chen Hao appeared on the Shenwucai. He looked at Ye Xuan, without any nonsense, decisively directly blended to Ye Xuan.

Obviously, after ate the last loss, he learned smart!
