One Sword Reigns Supreme

2435 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and sixty-two chapters: Ding peony medicine!

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After the Ye Xuan voice fell, a woman was slow into the hall.

Come, is Ding Yam!

See Ding Yam, Ye Xuan, "Ding Yi!

Although he didn\'t feel a good sense of Yang family, he still had a good feeling, because he had helped him.

Yang is a Yang family, Ding Yi is Ding Yi, his Ye Xuan En complained.

See Ye Xuan, Ding Yami smiled slightly, "Little guy, I haven\'t seen you for a long time!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Ding Yi is good.

Ding peony laughed: "Can we talk alone?"

I heard the words, Ye Xuan looked at the chapter of a look, the latter deeply a gift, and then quietly returned.

There is only the .

Ding peony laughed: "Do you know my purpose?"

Ye Xuan nod, "guess some.

Ding peony has thought about it, then: "I originally advised you, but I feel that there is no need!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Ding peony laughed: "First, you will never go back.

Second, you don\'t have to go back!

Ye Xuan silent.

Ding peony has continued to say: "The green poems have been mistaken. She is not malicious to you, but she treats you in the way!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "I don\'t want to manage others!

Ding peony is low.

As she said, Su Qingshi did not malicious to Ye Xuan did not malicious, but it was wrong to Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan did not grow up in Yang, plus the sword sword swords and stocked, so Ye Xuan\'s no belonging to the Yang family.

And the people in the Yang family said that Ye Xuan is a illegitimate child, how can Ye Xuan\'s character? Illegitimate child!

This is not only insulting the black, and it is also insulting Dongli South.

This should be the reason why Ye Xuan is really angry and exits Yang people!

Ding peony medicine once again sigh again, then said: "Little guy, now all of the Yang people are responsible!

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Ding Yi, congratulations!

If you are to persuade me to return to the Yang family, I don\'t have to, I.

Ding Yam smiled: "I don\'t want to come back to Yang, this time!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "That\'s this time?"

Ding peony has suddenly turned into the big temple, on the Qingshi Square outside the hall, there are more than 10,000 people.

Ye Xuan Yue is surprised, "What are they?"

Ding peony has a smile: "These are some talents I have cultivated, and there are people with management, and there are also scholars, and some masterpartse reasoning strategies.

In short, each of them is a top character in their own field!

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "I know, you create a college, do a lot of talents, right?"

Ye Xuan silent.

Ding peony medicine is also said; "You don\'t think too much. These are my own cultivation. Although they are the people of Yang, they are all cultivated. So, you don\'t have to think so much, just as I People will do it!

Ye Xuan speaking.

Ding peony medicine suddenly paused, a map slowly drifted to Ye Xuan face, "This is the classmap of my Yang family, with 36 million universe, I came before, ordered these thirty six thousand universe Open the book, now the college has been built, you can send someone to take over, talent, you don\'t have to worry, I will have a decree before, such as the secularity, open a scientific, selection talent.

How long does it take? Join your college in a constant talent.

As for funding, you don\'t need to worry, Yang people have been accumulated in these years.

Ye Xuan bitter, "Ding, you.

Ding Yam continues to say: "What is the most important thing? Do you know?"

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Money is talent?"

Ding peony is shaking his head, "This is not the most important!

The most important thing is to get people.

The road you walk is different from Yang\'s road. You have to build a new order, and you have to build a new order, you must get people!

Not only getting people, but also need to be recognized by 10,000 things in the world.

Said, she smiled slightly, "I have come before, I have contacted Xiaobai, Xiaobai has agreed to join your views, and serve as the Lingyuan courtyard!

Speaking of this, her palm is booming, a paper slowly floating into the white face, on the paper, there is a small claw print.

Ye Xuan looked at the paper, "Is this?"

Ding peony has a smile: "I have written books, Xiaobai has signed claws, you have this hiring book, you can get the existing universe and the universe of all Ling also recognized.

Not only that, you can also get their help.

Ye Xuan is silent, the right hand can not disvert.

Ding peony has a smile: "Do you know how many universers have existing universe?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Ding peony has a slight smile, "the universe of the existing universe, at least billion, this tens of thousands of universe, big and small forces, more than a burden, do you want to make your own college all the universe, except Everything is going to help, you need a family to help!

Said, she pauses, a piece of paper slowly floating into the Ye Xuan face, on the paper, there is a god.

Ye Xuan has some intake, "Is this?"

Ding peony laughed: "The Tiandao family has signed an agreement with me. Tiandao has agreed to help us in this countless universe.

The secular person, fear the heavens, if the Tiandao family is willing to enter the Xuan Academy.

Speaking of this, her mouth is slight, no longer saying.

Ye Xuan silent.

Ding Yam has continued: "What is the most needed? It is a law!

A set of laws that manage the entire universe, before I came, I have called countless scholars to make them to form a complete set of law!

Said, her palm is booming, and a quite is slowly floating to the Xuan\'s face, and there is a thousand thick ancient books.

Ye Xuan is shocked, "What is these?"

Ding peony has a smile: "The law!

Ye Xuan Zhen is surprised: "So many?"

Ding peony is shaking, "You have to know, the universe is so much, the customs of all localities are different, so we must consider the customs of all places, especially some special races, our human moral concepts are not suitable for them Therefore, it is possible to develop exclusive laws.

Ye Xuan silent.

Ding Yam continued: "After the law of law, we need to maintain the strength of these law. I know that your college has just built, and the human hand is definitely not enough, so I will help you build a law enforcement team!

All of this law enforcement team is all I personally selected, and there is no problem in terms of character.

A total of thirty-six people, all of them are the peak of the peak, they can freely shuttle each universe.

Of course, thirty-six people are definitely less, so I will let them pick some people in the family, forget it, about one hundred and nine people are topballs.

Ye Xuan looked at the psychic medicine, did not speak.

Ding peony smiled, then said; "Do not look at me, I will not ask you back to the Yang family, as I said, you do not need to back Young family, build a career out of young people, this is a good thing, I We support you.

Ye mysterious smile, "Ding aunt.

I do not know whether to reject you!

Ding peony suddenly asked, "What is the purpose of your creation academy is?"

Xuan Ye Chen Sheng said: "establish a new order!

Ding peony nodded, "not only to the creation of order and change the universe, that your heart should be larger, to accommodate some of you think I said to you?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes!

Ding peony laughed: "I know your character and your father, as sometimes a little extreme, but now, you\'re a Dean College, a lot of time to deal with things, does not come with patience, you think Aunt Ding You say to you? "

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes!

Ding peony nodded, "So, now you have to let me down?"

Ye Xuan:. "

Ding peony laughed: "I know, you do not blame Yang family, do not blame the Green poetry, you complain that the phrase bastard.

You asked Green poetry, you are not a bastard, I know your heart is wronged, but I think you do not need to prove to anyone, you bastard is not the problem, you are you, you do not value the family of the little master Yang of the place, is not it? "

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes!

Ding peony Light smiled, then spread out palm, one in front of the sodium ring slowly drifted leaves mysterious, "While this satisfied in the ring, there are two hundred billion universe veins, in addition, there are a variety of practice law and supernatural powers of the surgery, a College, it would be necessary to develop the armed forces, which should be useful to you.

Then, she smiled, "No matter what, we are a family, do you think I am talking to you?"

Ye Xuan looked at the egg ring is satisfied, hesitated, then nodded, "Yes!

Ding peony smiles: "I will not bother you!

do your stuff.

Then she turned away.

When she walked to the door, she suddenly stopped, and then said: "There is also a gift to send you, so wait!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Ding, you are too polite!"

Ding peony has a smile: "A family, what do you say?"

After that, she turned and left the hall.

Inside the temple, Ye Xuan is silent, he looked at the quenteen of his eyes, is it really a little stunned? .

After Ding Yuxi left the hall, I came to the cloud, where, standing with a woman with a longjian.

This person is the company listened to the cloud.

Situ listened to the cloud and then said: "How?"

Ding peony has a slight smile, "The child is some grievances, he will not really hate us!

Situ listened to the clouds: "He is willing to return to Yang?"

Ding peony chop shook his head, "I didn\'t let him return to Yang people!

Situ listened to the clouds, "Why?"

Ding Yam is lightly said: "Because, he will never return to Yang.

Therefore, we have to change a way, such as.

Let Yang family slowly integrate his views in Xuan.

Situ listened to the cloud and hesitated, then: "Is there a difference?"

Ding peony medicine smiled slightly, "said the difference, let him take the initiative to go back to Yang, he will definitely, but if I let Yang people integrate into his scholar, he cannot refuse.

Said, her mouth slightly, "this little guy, still a little tender!

Situ listened to the cloud: ".
