One Sword Reigns Supreme

2434 Swords in the second thousand three hundred and sixty-one chapter: When you are wronged!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Tian people!

Ye Xuan looked at the egg golden seal, gold seal inside, more than 100 million five hundred full-chou veins, in addition, there are two hundred million yuan universe veins!

Moreover, there are also various articles.

More rich than people!

Looking at the golden print in front of you, Ye Xuan couldn\'t help but laugh!

Now, he is really a person, it is necessary to have money. He is now fully capable of expanding the scale of the college, is not right, he wants to create an alias in countless universe, to establish a weak Ximen Pavilion and Yang. Super force.

What seems to think, that leaves mysterious look to the front of the two soldiers shining armor, "called all the days of strong family still alive!

The man holding Jianjinjia hesitated, then said: "Just we have two!

Wen said, Ye Xuan stunned, "Just you?"

The sword is nod, the look is frustrated, "Yes!

Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, then some incredible, "all the people of all the people are two?"

The man nodded, and it was full of bitterness.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "How can it be so small?"

The sword man shook his head, "The battle, my Tian family rushed to the forefront, so the loss is the most serious, and behind my Tianzi has been retaliated by the other.

Said, he shakes his head slightly, and the look is full, and the eyes are full of painful colors. I don\'t want to say more.

Tian people, can be said to be killed!

After the Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "At this moment, you will follow me!"

Two people are busy with respecting!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You will go to the gods of the gods, there will be someone to arrange you!

The two once again, then got up.

At this time, the middle-aged man who hid in the dark suddenly came out, he gave a slight gift in Ye Xuan, "Ye Shao, can I follow you?"

He is understood!

This is a big man in front of you, so thick thighs must have a good!

Ye Xuan played a man in an eye, then smiled: "Yes!

You also go to Xuanxuan!

Middle-aged men quickly went deeply and then turned around.

In the field, only left leaves and young!

The green suddenly said: "Brother, I have to go!"

Ye Xuan looked into a young, stunned, "Go?

Young noddes.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Youth, where are you going?"

Qingyue smiled slightly, "To do something, finish, I will come to you again!

Ye Xuan grabbed the hands of Qingmen and whispered: "How long?"

Qing smiled: "No need for too long.

After the Xuan Shen silent, nod, "Good!

Qing gerive gently care about the cheek of the leaves, "brother, take care!

After finishing, her body suddenly became illusively.

Ye Xuanlian is busy asking, "Jindier, when will you appear again?"

Qing smiled slightly, "When you are wronged!

After finishing, she did not disappear.

When it is wronged? Ye Xuan is in the original place.

After a long time, Ye Xuan took back his thoughts and shook his head.

Qingren gone!

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the heart was somewhat empty.

At this time, the small tower suddenly said: "Little Lord, what do you plan?"

After the Xuanxuan silently took a moment, he said: "Create a Xuanzi, I want Xuan Yi to become the first family of Zhitian Wanjie!

Xuan Yi!

Small tower Shen Sheng: "Is it strong than Yang?"

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "That is a must!

The small tower whispered.

It knows that Ye Xuan will not return to Yang family!

Ye Xuan\'s temper, many times, the same as the owner, or the same as a cow.

Just then, a horrible breath suddenly appeared in the distance.

Ye Xuan looked up to the sky, where there was slightly vibrating.

Ye Xuan laughed, "He Lan Lan is small, dare to be in front of me.

The avenue pen suddenly said: "Your sister has gone!

Ye Xuan first was a stunned, next moment, he turned and ran, and the blink of an eye disappeared in the end of the starry.

Shortly after Ye Xuan disappeared, a vivid shadow suddenly appeared in the field, and the vain gradually condensed. It is a middle-aged man, and there is a corner of his head.

The vivid shadow looked at a verse, his look gradually gotten, "Who is.

It is actually able to kill a foreign king of our family!

After a while, the vain body was slightly fed, then disappeared in the field.


Ye Xuan returned to the Chinese world, just returned to the world, a woman appeared in front of him, it is Qingqiu!

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "brother!

Ye Xuan smiled, then pulled the hands of Qingqiu, "Go!

After finishing, he took Qingqiu to a palace.

Qingqiu looked at the Ye Xuan, a sweet smile.

In the big temple, Ye Xuan called chapter.

Now the main person in charge of the whole world is not Qingqiu, but the chapter is made, because the world that Qingqiu to be responsible is too much too much.

Nowadays, under the management of charm, the world\'s large matter is also a bar well.

Ye Xuan see chapter, laughing: "I have already quit Yang people, do you know?"

Chapter Congratulations, "Know!

Ye Xi Xiao: "Then you are willing to follow me?"

Zhang made a slight smile, "of course, the dean!


Not the Lord!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Old chapter, you are now primarily to enhance your strength.

Zhang makes nod, "understand!

He knows that it is only strong enough to help Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, and one of the neconsive movements, the chapter, the chapter has seen it, and the eyes suddenly shrink, and then slowly squatted, "Dean.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It\'s all you deserved!

Chapter has made deep gifts, "Thank you for the dean!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let\'s get up!

The chapter has stood up, and the heart is excited.

The things in the quie are enough to change his destiny again.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the Qingqiu, "Shantou, the people of the emperor went to see Xuan Academy, how?"

Qingqiu wants to think, then said: "Brother, I opened a faction alone in the college. Similar to the joining of them, let them integrate into the college, not realistic, I have given them a separate look. Delivery, use the names of their family to take, emperor.

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "In the future.

Qingqiu nod, "I know, this kind of go, once the faction is more, the case is not good to manage, but there is no way, we can only be so moving!"

Of course, in the future, we will be carefully choosing at the insists in the college!

Leaf Xuan nod.

Now he is in the town of Qingqiu, the book is definitely will not be chaotic, but if the master of the college is not enough, then the Xuan Academy will definitely be chaos. Once the mystery of the book is chaos, it may be the disaster of countless universe!

Qingqiu continued: "There is another question, that is, we need money now!


The chapter on the side has made it busy: "Dean, the Chinese world needs money!"

It is too fast to develop in the development of Xuan Academy!

And so fast, that is to fire.


If you hear two people, Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Isn\'t it money? Little things, small things, haha.

Now he, the expansion does not have, in his opinion, in terms of money, Qin Guan does not necessarily have more!

Qin Guan: "???"

After Ye Xuan said, he was very open, and the two quarters slowed down to Qingqiu and chapters.

The chapter made a look at the quenteen, and there is a hundred billion feet.

Zhang made a horror, "Dean.

Ye Xuan smiled: "It should be able to solve the urgent!

Zhang makes nod, "complete enough!

On the side, Qingqiu is shaking his head, "brother, not enough!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How much?"

Qingqiu wants to think, then said: "At least 5 billion!

Five billion!

Ye Xuan stunned.

Qingqiu smiled slightly, "We now watch the school branch of Xuan Academy has a total of more than one thousand!

Wen said, Ye Xi Xin is shocked, "more than a thousand two hundred?"

Qingqiu nod, "Yes!

And this is less, if it is not a human hand, I should open more branch!

Now, our most lack of people!

Human hand!

Xuan Ye thought, and then said; "We not only want to attract more talent, but also their own culture.

Green hill laughed: "Of course!

Hyun leaves after a moment of silence, said: "girl, I need you to help me do one thing!

Green hill nod, "Brother but wanted to form a force troops?"

Ye Xuan laughed, "Girl, you\'re my stomach worms do?"

Cheonggu smiled and said: "In fact, do not say brother, I would say that the matter!

Although our military academy hospital, but we have a lack of their own troops!

Ye Xuan nodded, "This is something you have to do, all the talent in college, you either provocation!

Question of money, I have to solve!

Cheonggu blinked, "Brother, in addition to money, I need something!

Ye Xuan laughed: "What?"

Cheonggu seriously: "The small tower!

Small tower!

Ye Xuan thought, then smiled and said: "You can!

A small tower cultivate strong, it is simply more effective.

If anyone else, he would naturally do not trust to pay out a small tower, but not others Qingqiu!

Hyun gave the green hill leaves small tower, but still give a green hill one hundred billion and one hundred million chou chou clock pulse yuan, not only that, he will come treasure of all ethnic groups there gave a green hill.

Money, we have the time, equipment!

Green hill and said: "Brother, in addition to a small tower, I want your Boulevard pen!

Ye Xuan laughed: "? Why"

Qingqiu smiles slightly, "I have a very good!

Ye Xi wants to think, then the palm is spread, the avenue pen appears in front of the Qingqiu.

Qingqiu looks at the small tower and the avenue pen, the mouth is slight, "brother, you can rest assured, how long, I will give you a big surprise.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am looking forward to!"

Qingqiu nodded, then turn it away!

At this time, an old man walked into the main hall, the old man slightly, "the dean, Yang people come!

Yang people? Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, "I don\'t see!

After finishing, he got up.

At this time, a laughter came from outside the temple, "I will not see it?"

I heard this voice, Ye Xuan first was a stunned, then smirked, stopped, "I have it!
