One Sword Reigns Supreme

2373 Swords in the first two thousand three hundred and sixty chapters: I call you!

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Inside the temple, Zong Shou looked at the people who were filled with indignation.

What seems to be, he swept a look, but he didn\'t see what he visited!

Two hoes!

Before, anything, he is looking for this two girls, and now, this girl has left!

For this elderly, there is still a less embarrassment!

Of course, more is still a pity!

If this girl is a man, then she is a clan, without anyone can fight with her.

Unfortunately, she is a daughter.

Millennium-year-old base, he naturally did not dare to go to the woman\'s hand, you must know, an inadvertent, the entire clan may give people a dowry.

Therefore, although there are a lot of money owed, he still can\'t choose to let this two girls inherit family.

Zong Gu closed his thoughts, he turned his head to see a long elder, "the old old, what do you think?"

When I heard the words, the people in the temple suddenly became quiet, and they looked at the old age.

After the moment, the old and old silence, said: "Our family plan is to swallow the Xianbaoge, and now, the halfway has killed a Ye Xuan. This person is not only in the Xianbaoge, but also kills the young master, this is a contempt of our clan. , I suggest that first kill this person, let\'s go, then swallow the Xianbao Pavilion!

After the moment, Zong Shou silent, said: "If the old man said, this person can kill a small nine of the two gods, and there is a general person, and we have a little about it, but it is unpredictable.

The big elders nodded, "There are a few of the gods. It can be said that even if several half-step the ancestors are difficult to kill him, but the Ye Xuan can kill him, it is clear, this person also has extremely powerful God, and it is good to fight.

In that place, this kind of person can have a powerful force behind it.

However, we can only investigate, there is only one green shirt behind him, and this person has appeared before.

This person is the key!

Green shirt man!

Zong Shou brows, "Can you find this person?"

The old man shook his head, "I can\'t find it, I only know that he is Ye Xuan father!

Zong Guheng got up, he was silent after a moment, said: "First kill Ye Xuan!

Director is old, "Don\'t figure out this green shirt man identity?"

Zong Shou shook his head, "10,000 years ago, Zong Yue\'s ancestors have left the clan history, do not provoke a family named Yang people. If it encounters the people of Yang, it is necessary to settle the good.

To be, he laughed, "This Ye Xuan surnamed Ye, obviously not the people of Yang, neither the Yang people, why do the people who have a fear of the first happening? It is despising my clan, Oil!

Wen said, everyone in the temple nodded and agreed.

Below, I will hesitate to hesitate, then said: "It is destroyed, just, we should still be cautious.

Speaking of this, he suddenly said, and he said; "If you don\'t, let the Erita will go to the competent, she works, I am waiting for all!

I heard the words, and the many bigmen in the temple were looking at the old and old, and they were very unpleasant.

Because this big elders have always been Miss Second, this big old old old man puts forward that Miss is coming to do this, the purpose is not pure!

Zong Shou looked at the old age, then said: "Erheng Hou has traveled to the fairy, just don\'t bother her!

Said, he looked at the seven young masters under his eyes, "You will do it!

I heard the words, and I am sighed in my heart, no longer say.

The seven young masters are slightly smashed, and they immediately deeply a gift, "I don\'t want to pay!

Zong Shou looked at the seven young people, "Shenge Wei, you can transfer!

I heard the words, the seven young masters were slightly smashed, and they were busy: "Never bear!

He knows that this is a family in giving him a chance.

Before, the family had a big event, they were handed over to Miss to do, and now, Miss Second, it is obvious that this is a family to cultivate him!


The seven young people are exciting, he knows, he knows, this is his a big chance.

On the one side, Ma Grand Executive looked at the seven young masters, did not speak.

At this time, Zong Shou suddenly said; "scatter!

After finishing, he got up.

In the temple, the seven young masters hit a slightly, he looked at the young master and smiled: "Big Brother, do you want to go together?"

The grandfather looked at the seven young masters, "Don\'t undeverate each other!

After finishing, he turned and left.

The seven young masters looked at the back of the grandfather left, and smiled, "Only Ino!

After finishing, he turned and left.


The universe of the gods.

The door of the book, the Ye Xijing is lying, the people of the college have evacuated, so the present college is extremely cold.

Ye Xuan is holding an ancient book, looking at the god.

Breeze, reading book, comfortable.

Ye Xuan really likes this quiet feeling, no killing, only quiet, only books.

After a long time, Ye Xuan took a breath, he will cover his face on his face, meditation.

Read every day, you are quiet!

And he also found a little, when he was studying, the heart will naturally, and it is different from before, he used to be static to him, and now, his heart is very natural.

Precipitation, slim, cultivation, and cultivation.

He found that this is a great help to his sword.

Just then, the foot of the foot was quickly, very fast, a fragrant strike!

A woman squatted next to Ye Xuan!

It is Yansheng!

Yanbei took the book on Ye Xuan face, she looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan opened his eyes, and a beautiful face was seen.

Have to say, Yanbei is really beautiful, even if it is close, Ye Xuan also can\'t find anything on her face, delicate to perfect.

Yanbei blinks, "Good look?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Good look!

Yanbei suddenly reached out of the hand of Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan\'s consciousness broke away, Yan Nei glanced over Ye Xuan, "Don\'t you touch it?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Yanbei was inch, and she suddenly stroked the cheeks of Ye Xuan, whispered: "I became the family of the Hiku!

Ye Xuan is slightly, then said: "Congratulations!

Yanbei looked at Ye Xuan, "Do you want me to go back?"

Ye Xuan said: "Do you want to go back?

Yan Bei stood in Ye Xuan, "I ask you first!"

Don\'t give me a good question, answer my question!

Ye Xuan looked at Yanbei, suddenly, he reached out and gently put it on the face of Yanbei, Yanbei slightly, and immediately smashed.

Ye Xuan smiled: "If I say hurt you, you will be very sad, right?"

Yanbei bowed down, silent.

Ye Xuan also said: "If I say it is good, you will be very happy."

Yanbei looked up to Ye Xuan, "Then tell the truth!

After the Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "I am afraid!

Yan Bei\'s squatted, then said: "What are you afraid?"

Ye Xuan light channel: "I came all the way, I met some women, but now they are far from me.

I am afraid that you have the same day, you have gradually become passers-by, and then be forgotten by the world.

Said, he looked at the avenue pen of the waist. "I have doubt that it is a big road pen, but I found that this guy doesn\'t seem to have such a big strength!

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan looked at Yanbei and whispered: "I am really afraid.

After Yanbei silence, he said: "Can\'t keep up with you, so will it be forgotten, right?"

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk. At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "Ye Shao, this does not have any relationship with me, which will cause this because you never seriously accountable.

You talk about how many women do you have? Of course, in your opinion, you are just working hard, but you haven\'t thought about it, some of your behavior will let them like you.

Ye Xuan brows, "What behavior?"

Avenue pit: "Benefits!

Ye Xuan: ".

The avenue pen is also said: "If it is just a force, it is a shallow, the problem is, you are not only forced, you are really a cow!

Moreover, you are still very generous.

I have been thinking, if you hang it is to come to the Milky Way, a woman who is in the Milky Way is definitely a disaster.

Said, it suddenly took a meal, and said: "Ye Shao, is there interest to come to the Milky Way?"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Why?"

The avenue pen: "No why, just ask, if you want to come to the Milky Way, I can give you a convenient door, let you come over!

When Ye Xuantilton, I felt a little wrong, "Brother, why do you want me to go to the Milky Way? You are not right!

The avenue pen is silent.

Seeing the avenue pen silence, Ye Xuan didn\'t feel right, and the moment: "You don\'t expect my money!"

Is there anything directly? "

The avenue pen is sigh, "Ye Shao, you still come to the Milky Way to persuade your sister!

Your sister is in the Galaxy, it is too dangerous!


I heard the words, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, "What happened to you? Don\'t scare me!

Avenue pit: "Big Brother, how can she? You said, how can she be? It is dangerous to the Milky Way!

She is now not particularly stable now, she stands on the beach every day, and I don\'t know what I am thinking.

In order not to let others recruise her, I will collapse!

Now, she is a hundred miles, as long as it is a bad person, I will kill each other. The purpose is to do not want someone to provoke her, then let her find a reason and excuse to destroy the silver river.

The problem is, this is not a way!

Because I can feel that she is getting more and more unstable, in this way, I feel that I have to collapse.

unstable emotion!

Ye Xuanbei is wrinking, "Why is you emotional unstable? Is you bullying her?"


Avenue Pentair: "Hey, I call you, I know your brothers and sisters, but can you pass your mind? Bullying her? You said, who can bully her? Who dares her? Lead, you can Can\'t you take her away? If you take her away, how can I do it!

Ye Xuan: ".
