One Sword Reigns Supreme

2372 The second thousand three hundred and forty-nine chapters of the fairy in the sword: destroy its nationality!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Looking at the shy Xian Guzhen, Ye Xuanhaha smiled, see Xian Guzhen to be angry, Ye Xuanlian is busy stopping, then Zheng Tao: "Xiaoyu, you go back to practice, this clan, I will deal with it. Don\'t worry about me!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan and whispered: "You are too honest, and how can I not worry?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Xian Guzhen said again: "In short, wait for people to leave a heart, don\'t be to everyone \'sincerity, this world, the most complicated is the heart, don\'t easily believe others, know?"

Ye Xuan slight smile, "understand!

Xian Guzhen looked at Ye Xuan, "Promise me, don\'t be so honest in the future!"

Ye Xuan: ".

In the end, Ye Xuan promised to leave the ancient times of Xian Gu, Xian Guzhen.

After Xian Gu went, the avenue voice suddenly sounded, "Are you honest?"

Ye Xuan said: "Guan you fart!"

The avenue lady said: "You are polite, you.

Ye Xuan brows micro-wrinkled, "Well?"

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "You are free!"

Ye Xuan shrugged and turned away.


Ye Xuan returned to his own hall, and Qingqiu has left, as for where, he didn\'t know, he also didn\'t worry about Qingqiu, do not say others, now he didn\'t grasp this gimmick!

This gimmick is very mysterious, even if he is, I am afraid that I can\'t have this gimmick!

In particular, when this girl took the sword, she took the feeling, Mo said that the avenue pen is a little heart.

What is the top of this? Isn\'t a sword repair? Ye Xuan shake his head, recovered his thoughts, and continued to practice the invincible!

This sword is still the strongest sword skill in his current, and now he has not shown, what is the bottom card? Nothing is the top card!

This trick, must be used in critical moments, the only thing that makes him feel is relatively depressed is that this sword is too much money!

Although he now has a lot of money, but every time it consumes, it still makes him very distressed!

What makes him more speechless is that this Qin Guan has no news now!

If this rich woman is, then you can be much easier!

Although that is very fierce, he is convinced that the opponent can\'t stop the Qin Guan\'s \'not to talk about Wude\' and what Star Shi.

I think of those messy stuff, he is scalp.

Moreover, this woman is really very rich!

It belongs to that, I really can use money to kill your existence.

And now, this woman doesn\'t have a half message!

This makes Ye Xuan very speechless.


Ye Xixiang is sigh, recover his thoughts, and continue to cultivate.


The first beautiful woman came to find the trouble of Xuan Xuan, soon spread throughout the entire gods, so many forces of the gods founded the existence of the clan.

All forces feel the crisis!

This is a threat from the outside world!

The majesty is decisive to choose the group, and then to Ye Xuan, because the whole of the whole gods, only Ye Xuan is able to compete with the mysterious clan.

Of course, there is one reason, that is, they have not yet been able to watch the Xuan Academy, and the Xuan Academy is too fast!

They want to get rapid improvement, only to follow the Xuan Academy.

For the closer forces of the universe of the gods, Ye Xuan naturally did not refuse. He has made the gods as a temporary capital of the Western Academy. It is because he is really awesome!

The universe named by Qin Guan name!

Moreover, Qingqiu has sent people to develop!

In the room.

Ye Xuan is watching an ancient book written by Qin Guan, which is a book description in the realm is that he is from Fuzie.

In this ancient book, a detailed description of the realm on the ancient gods.

The realm of the ancient gods is: ancestral spirit!

Previously, he always thought that the beautiful woman is a ancestral spirit. It is not, the beautiful woman is still in the ancient gods. However, their family forces are too powerful, so, they have a lot of skill, so they are more The general ancient appearance is much more powerful!

And to achieve the ancestors, it is difficult as it is, this is no longer a few days!

There must be countless beliefs!

In the words of Qin Guan, that is, this ancestral situation has to have ten senses of the middle universe to condense the true God god, and this is not necessarily becoming a ancestral god, but also to see itself.

It can be said that this ancestors are different from the ancient gods.

It is also because of this, countless forces compete for the universe, in order to compete for the power of this universe.

In addition, the inside of those eras is very in the position of the ecstasy, because who can be a family, you can get the most beliefs.


Ye Xuan silent.

He is also developing this road now, but intuition tells him that if it is a strong sense of belief, then this belief is not true.

In Qin Guan Shu, he can feel that Qin Guan is a nose of many so-called ancestors, because many theories of the ancestors are not pure.

Between the ancient gods and the ancestors, there is a realm. This realm is not included in this book by Qin Guan. This realm is a half-step ancestral.

For this realm, Qin Guan is very disdainful. In her opinion, the ancestors are a ancestral world. The ancient gods are in the ancient gods. The whole half-step the ancestors come out, it is a joke.

For the ancestrality, Qin Guan is also a nose, because she has almost have seen a few so-called real gods!

This kind of true God is basically a real saint, not the kind of hypocritical saint, but a real saints.

This existence, less heaven and less.

In fact, there is a one, it should be half a!

That is the scene of the scene!

She is sincerely paying for the five-dimensional universe. The spirit of the five-dimensional universe is respectful to her, but from the heart!

In addition to the scene, there is one, then Xiaobai.

This spirit!

Those beliefs in this spirit of the ancestors are true than the real gold!

This spirit is extremely horrible!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts. He suddenly be a little vigilant at this moment, be alert to himself, he can\'t make the college as a tool, slavery, the original intention of the book, can not be for the so-called faith, but true If you want to change this universe, if you have one day, this column is a tool, a kind of slavery tool, then you are in violation of the original intention, violating your heart!

Thinking of this, Yaxuan couldn\'t help but smile.

Even if you do something well, you have to reflect on itself, otherwise, when this good thing brings yourself a lot, you may lose, turn a good thing into a bad thing.

Help all beings and slavery, this is completely different!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and continued to cultivate.


A unison universe, in this universe, there is a powerful race, which is a clan.

Nowadays, it is as good as the day, because the main owner has a strong in the two ancestors in thousands of years, and the clan is a one-class universe, as well as the sixteen medium universe, and there is a hundred There are many.

It can be said that the clan is really a day.


This is the main hall of the principal, at this moment, there are many strong people in the main hall.

The first person is the Zong Shou, the Zong family, is also the peak of the ancestors.

Both sides under the lower side, is the old man, the lowest is the strong in the ancient gods, many of which are half-step the ancestors!

At this time, Zong Shou suddenly said: "Xiaojiu is killed, how do you see?"

Below, a old man is calm: "Destroy his tenth, the low level of the universe!"

The rest of them nodded and agreed.

Kill Jiu Shaoye, this is equal to those who despise!

Although there is a dispute between the primary, it is a matter of the inside of the clan. If there are outsiders to bully, the entire clan is naturally united.

Zong Shou looked at everyone and then looked at a man who closed his eyes down, "Boss, what do you think?"

Wen said, everyone looked at this man, this man is the grand master of the clan today!

After the moment of silence, he said: "As far as I know, when the nine brothers went to the universe, she took the Yuzi fan and chaotic black fire, however, he is still killing.

In addition, the second sentence has brought nine to the strong, but it is still reactive.

When he said this, he suddenly said: "This person is afraid that it is not so simple!"

Wen said, many strong people in the temple frowned!

At this time, another man suddenly laughed: "Big Brother, why, are you afraid?"

The man who talks, is the seven young grandfather, and is also one of the people.

Zongzheng looked at the words of the words, swallowed: "Just analyze it reasonably, this is not!

Like the words, "Big Brother, you know, the nine brothers are dead!

Moreover, the other party also has fewer strong people, this is no longer hitting the face, but put the face of our clan is at the foot!

Can you bear this? "

Zong Zhengyou wrinkled, it is about to talk, there is a good saying: "Big Brother, this hammer is not reported, how do people look at our clan? And this person is also intertwined with Xianbaoge, and this Xianbao Pavilion is me. A force current to conquer!

To be said, he smiled slightly. "If you have a long time, I suggest that not only the whole family, but also the universe of the torch, give the world alert, let the world know, not what A cat, Dogs, can reverse my main !

This language sets down, and everyone is attached.

Now the clan, such as the day, and at this time, some people actually dare to kill the people, but also a young master of the clan!

This is equivalent to being the dignity of the people!

How can I bear it? .